The First Match

Chapter 172: Passed away


Miss Shao was not sure whether it was because of the popularity of the "Siqing" brand or because Chen Xuan had an amazing mother, or both. Mr. Shao, for example, appreciated the character of the Wei couple. In recent years, Mr. Shao stayed in Beijing a lot, and Mr. Shao had met the Wen couple several times. The relationship between Chen Xuan and Mrs. Wen was naturally surprising, but Chen Xuan and Wei Nian had been working hard in their careers in recent years, and they were the type of people who were low-key and introverted even in the social circle. I heard that the mayor's daughter invited Chen Xuan to join a charity organization, but Chen Xuan declined, and she was wholeheartedly doing her own cosmetics business.

Chen Xuan and his wife's low-key and down-to-earth attitude actually won them the favor of many people. When they got to know each other better, they found that although the young couple was not rich, they knew how to live and were honest and progressive. Many elders actually liked them.

Now that "Siqing" has become a big hit, the two have also gained more attention in the social scene.

If there are some good social occasions, they will go to them. Of course, they will also bring Wei Yin and Qin Shu along. Old Madam Wei has always failed to arrange a marriage for her daughter, and she secretly discusses with the old man whether it is because Wei Yin always goes out with her brother and sister-in-law to attend dances. Old Madam Wei muttered, "If this is a good family, will they misunderstand our Yin when they hear that Yin always goes to dances?"

"It's just a formal dance, there's nothing to misunderstand." Old Master Wei coughed twice and waved his hand, "Don't go looking for those low-class families to match Ah Yin with. I don't think they are a good match. The young master of a fur shop, the owner of a sauce shop, what kind of family are they."

Mrs. Wei poured the old man a cup of warm water to moisten his throat, and said, "What's the matter? We are all decent people."

"Think about it, our Ah Yin now speaks two foreign languages and can draw. She can earn hundreds of dollars every autumn and winter by drawing calendar cards for people. She also has her own business and is good-looking. How can those fur shops and sauce shops be worthy of our Ah Yin?" Old Master Wei said to the end with a bit of pride.

"Old man, you really think your own children are your own." Old Mrs. Wei lowered her voice, "Ah Yin is in debt. She owes the bank so much money, how can she pay it back? The matchmaker doesn't know yet. If people knew that Ah Yin owed the bank so much money, who would dare to marry her? Even families like the fur shop and the sauce shop wouldn't be able to afford it! This matter must be kept secret, understand? You can't tell anyone about Ah Yin's debt. Wait until the marriage is done, then tell the man."

"Okay, stop worrying about this. Their business is good this year, so they will probably be able to pay off the debt to the bank by the end of the year." Old Master Wei told the old woman, "Don't always arrange a low-class in-law for Ah Yin. Ah Yin is a girl who has a house in Dongjiaomin Lane as her dowry."

Old Mrs. Wei couldn't believe it. "Can they pay off the debt this year? Is their business so booming?"

"Very hot-tempered." Old Master Wei coughed twice and drank some water to calm himself down. "You know what, Ah Yin is really a good businessman."

Old Mrs. Wei said, "I've taken several doses of Chinese medicine but it doesn't seem to be getting better. Why don't we listen to Anian and go to a foreign hospital for a checkup? Why do you keep coughing?"

"Are foreign hospitals better than Tong Ren Tang?" Old Master Wei said, "I don't feel anything, just coughing twice at night."

Old Master Wei's illness was a rare one. He had a cough since the beginning of autumn. Wei Nian asked an old doctor from Tong Ren Tang to prescribe medicine, which relieved the cough but never made him better. After Wei Nian rented a car and took the old man to a German hospital for a checkup, they didn't find any serious illness. They prescribed some Western medicine to relieve cough, but he still seemed to be neither better nor worse.

When winter came, the disease became more serious.

But after one or two months, he was unable to get up. Old Master Wei had been a wise man all his life, and his mind was not confused at all. When he felt that he was not feeling well, he first invited the shopkeepers of two shops, as well as Zhao and He Dongjia, who were his good friends, to act as middlemen to divide the family property. Wei Shi and Wei Nian were more worried about their father's health, and Old Lady Wei also said, "Why rush to divide the family property? You should calm down and recuperate first."

"The children are all grown up, and they will be separated sooner or later. Let's do it now while we have nothing to do. It's clear." Old Master Wei leaned against the quilt. The daughters and daughters-in-law were not allowed to be in the room. There were only Old Lady Wei, two sons, two shopkeepers, and two middle-aged people in the room. Old Master Wei coughed lightly for a while, took the water handed by the old lady and drank a few sips, and then said, "You are also grown up. You have been learning to do business in the shop since you were young. In the past few years, I have always thought that after the family is divided, your mother and I can enjoy a few days of peace and happiness. Ah Shi is the eldest son, and your mother and I will live with you in the future. Ah Nian, you are the second son, and now I am still here, so naturally we will live together. If you want to live separately in the future, it will be after I die."

Wei Nian hurriedly said, "Dad, don't say that."

"I have to say this sooner or later, and I've made it clear to you earlier." Old Master Wei looked at the two shopkeepers and the two middlemen, "Old Li and Old Zhao, we have been friends for many years. Brother He, the relative of Zhao, we have also been friends for decades. Today, you can help to be witnesses. I and my wife, this is the old house, we have one share. Ah Shi is the eldest son, his house has one share. Ah Nian is the second son, I treat the two sons equally, his house also has one share. In addition to the shop, the income of the family over the years is the strawberry garden. I want to bring up the matter of the strawberry garden separately. said. At first, it was Ah Yin who bought the seeds, and the second daughter-in-law planted them. At that time, the family had not yet been divided, so this should be counted as public, so the public should take a share of the silver money every year. Ah Yin bought the seeds, so in the past few years, Ah Yin has always had a share of the dividend. At the beginning, I decided that after she got married, the dividend would be gone. Now that she has not yet married, she must have a share of the dividend. Now that the family is going to be divided, the old house has taken advantage of them for the past few years. I have an idea, Ah Shi and Ah Nian, listen to it and see if it is appropriate. "

"Dad, you say and we will listen to you." Wei Shi and Wei Nian responded.

Old Master Wei first looked at Wei Nian, "Your wife is not a small person. She was too busy in those years, so she passed on the skill of growing strawberries to your eldest sister. Your eldest sister-in-law was busy and had no time to learn how to grow strawberries. Today, when we are dividing the family and living together, the strawberry garden is considered public. Since we are dividing the family, it was your wife who grew it in the first place, and the skill was also passed down from her. This strawberry garden will still be divided among you. But the skill of growing strawberries has only been passed down to you four brothers and sisters in my and my lifetime. Your eldest sister was passed on to you. If your sister-in-law wants to learn it in the future, you can also teach your eldest sister-in-law, okay?"

Wei Nian immediately agreed on behalf of his wife, and said, "Don't worry, Dad. Even if Ah Yin wants to learn, my wife will teach her. She and my sister-in-law are like sisters, so there is no doubt about it. All of us brothers and sisters can learn. But it can only be passed down to our own children and grandchildren. Otherwise, if everyone is taught, this skill will be worthless."

Old Master Wei nodded, "That's right." Then, Old Master Wei talked about other businesses, "The two shops are still divided into three shares. The shop in Wangfujing is older, the location is better, and the shop is larger. A few years ago, we bought the shop next door, which is a large shop with four rooms. The shop in Dongdan is a two-room shop. Both shops have no outstanding debts. The materials in the warehouse and the money on the books are naturally more in Wangfujing. The shop in Wangfujing is counted as two shares. The one in Dongdan is counted as one. In addition, there is money in the family. When Ah Jin got married, the dowry was 500 yuan. Ah Yin also I didn't say that. This money should be kept for your mother. Another two hundred dollars should be set aside. This is the money for your mother's funeral after I and she pass away. Just spend this money accordingly. Don't waste it. When a person dies, everything is gone. There's no point in making a big fuss and wasting money. The rest, which is the family savings over the years, should be divided into three parts: one for the old house, one for Ah Shi's room, and one for Ah Nian's room. The shop is yours, and this money should be kept for your wives. I arranged the marriages for both of them, and now it seems that they are both good wives. You are grown up now, so live a good life and don't worry me."

The two sons had no objection to the division of the family, mainly because, in the current division of the family, the eldest son would take the largest share because he had to provide for his parents in their old age, so Wei Shi naturally had no objection. As for Wei Nian, this gentleman knew how to save his own private money before he got married, and he has secretly developed his side business in recent years. Chen Xuan also has a store, so Wei Shi is not short of money, and his father's division method can be considered fair.

Two shopkeepers watched as the contract was drafted, a middleman acted as a witness, and the two sons put their fingerprints on it, and the family was divided.

Old Master Wei was such a wise man that he even asked the two shopkeepers to draw up a contract for the strawberry technology in triplicate, and asked the two daughters and the eldest daughter-in-law to put their fingerprints on it, telling them that the technology could only be passed on to their own children and not to outsiders. Then, Old Madam Wei gave two savings certificates to the two daughters-in-law, asking them to keep them and save them well for their daily lives, and not to spend them recklessly.

After the family was divided, Old Master Wei asked his two sons to prepare wine and entertain the shopkeeper and the middleman, while his daughters and daughters-in-law cooked, served the elderly, and looked after the children. When Wei Shi and Wei Nian were drinking with the two shopkeepers, Zhao's relatives, and He Dongjia, they talked about Old Master Wei's illness and were all very worried. Wei Nian said, "The Western doctor said that he needed surgery, but my father refused to agree. The Chinese doctor still used Tongren Zhang medicine."

Old Master Wei is a man of the old school, and all the people he knows are also old school. When Zhao heard that the Western doctor was going to perform surgery, he was shocked. "That Western hospital, is it okay to operate on the patient? I said, the patient was already sick, and operating on the patient would only hurt his vitality. I also heard that someone made a mistake when operating on the patient, and directly killed the patient. I always feel that this is not very reliable. Which doctor did Tong Ren Tang hire?"

Wei Shi said, "Ask someone to ask for the prescription from Director Kong of the National Hospital."

"President Kong's medical skills are well-known throughout Beijing." Ho Tung-ka thought of an idea and whispered to the two brothers, "Your father is a very smart man who always thinks ahead of time. Do you want to buy something to rinse him?" Ho Tung-ka meant to prepare the coffin and shroud and rinse them. This is a folk custom. If some elderly people are seriously ill, they can get better by using this to rinse them.

The two brothers thought about it, and Wei Shi said, "If it doesn't get better, we have to rush."

Old Master Wei passed away in the twelfth lunar month and did not stay bedridden for too long. His grandchildren and nieces were all by his side before he died. When he was conscious, Old Master Wei had already said everything he needed to say and had nothing to worry about. He stared at the old lady's face for a moment and then closed his eyes.

The author has something to say: ps: I have something to do today, so this is the only update. Good night everyone!!