The First Match

Chapter 176: It's not the life of an oil lamp!


Li said that she was taking her husband and son back to the countryside and could not leave for the time being. The accounts of the old shop were easy to deal with, as Manager Li had been an old man for many years and had always kept clear accounts. It was just that the bad debts of the tobacco shop were more troublesome. Fortunately, there was Wei Nian, and it was Wei Nian who settled the accounts of the tobacco shop.

But it's not like someone will take over the shop immediately just because you say so. At the old shop, Shopkeeper Li persuaded Wei Nian to take over the shop, not only because it was the business left by the old man, but Shopkeeper Li said honestly, "All the guys in the shop are from our hometown. Once the shop is sold, it will be good for me. I will have some savings over the years, but they will have to go back to their hometown to farm."

Li also wanted Wei Nian to take over the shop. Li said, "We are not outsiders. I would rather my second uncle take over the shop than anyone else. This is the foundation passed down by our great grandfather. Even if your eldest brother is immoral, it is fine for my second uncle to run it."

Although Wei Nian was a bit cold-blooded, he fulfilled his brotherly duties. His elder brother went out to find women, and he tried to persuade him. As a younger brother, they all got married, had children, and became adults with careers. As a younger brother, he couldn't tell his elder brother again and again to stop whoring and live a good life. Wei Nian was not that kind of person. Wei Nian was always like that. An intelligent person would understand without persuasion, and a foolish person would still be foolish no matter how much persuasion he did. His elder brother was like this, and Wei Nian had no choice. However, Wei Nian had done what he could do. As for the shop, Wei Nian thought about it and said, "Since my sister-in-law said so, let's sign the contract now. If my brother quits smoking and wants to come back, you can buy back the shop at the original price I pay now." He still wanted to speak for his brother, "A prodigal son who returns is more valuable than gold. There are many things I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would be upset. Shopkeeper Fu came to Beijing a few days ago to find a job. My brother was not stupid enough to not bring Shopkeeper Fu to the shop. Just look after Brother Jie and Brother Ming, sister-in-law."

Li said, "Second uncle is right."

In this case, Wei Nian paid to buy the shop. After deducting the money owed by the shop and the money from the tobacco shop, there was a thousand dollars left. Wei Shi was too embarrassed to ask for the money, saying that it was for the old lady's retirement. Wei Nian discussed it with Li privately and helped to buy a house. Li said ashamedly, "If it weren't for the help of you, my second uncle, we really don't know how we would live."

Wei Nian said, "Brother has quit smoking. If he understands, sister-in-law will come back with him. Our family will always have someone to take care of us in Beijing."

"I know." Although Li was gentle, she understood in her heart that the Second House really helped her in a critical moment, but Li was not the type to accept these benefits from the Second House with a clear conscience. Li said, "Second uncle and aunt have taken care of these two houses. The rent of the houses is used to pay Yun Jie'er's tuition and daily expenses. Second uncle does not need to keep it for me, I would be too ashamed if I did so."

"I will listen to you, sister-in-law." Wei Nian was not polite. There was still two hundred dollars left from the house, which Wei Nian intended to give to his sister-in-law. Li said, "I still have five dollars here, and you don't have to give me money, because it's not good to have too much money now. Keep this money for Yun Jie'er's expenses, and for the old lady. I'm afraid we won't be able to fulfill our filial duties once we return to the countryside."

After dealing with these matters, Li returned to her hometown with her husband and son.

Old Mrs. Wei shed some tears for her eldest son's room. Fortunately, Chen Xuan persuaded Old Mrs. Wei and discussed with her to clean up the room for Yun Jie'er. According to the old lady's wishes, both granddaughters should live with her. But now living in a foreign-style house is not as good as the big kang in the past. How big is the kang? That big kang can sleep five or six people. Now the bed in Old Mrs. Wei's room was originally a mattress. Old Mrs. Wei was not used to sleeping on it. It was too soft, so she changed the mattress to a hard board bed and put a mattress on it. Only then did she feel comfortable. In fact, she wanted her son to build a kang for her, but Wei Nian refused, saying that this was someone else's house and he couldn't build a kang casually, so the old lady had to sleep on the bed. This bed is also a big bed of 1.8 meters, enough for Old Mrs. Wei and the little girl to sleep, but it would be too crowded if Yun Jie'er was added.

Actually, there was an empty room in the house, and Wei Nian was planning to give his niece a separate room. Yun Jie'er was twelve years old, a grown-up girl. But it was Wei Yin who suggested that Yun Jie'er live with her. First, Yun Jie'er had always had a good relationship with Wei Yin, and second, after something like this happened at home, her parents and brothers all went back to their hometown in the countryside, and Yun Jie'er was worried. Living with Wei Yin would comfort Yun Jie'er.

In that case, let Yun Jie'er live with Wei Yin.

Before the New Year, I was so busy that I didn't have time to think about Wei Shi. The shop in Wangfujing was bought by Wei Nian. Manager Li and the guys in the shop were relieved. There were no red envelopes for the New Year, but the wages for the month had to be paid. In order to appease people, the New Year gifts were the same as those in the Dongdan shop. There were also discounts and promotions in Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's shop, red envelopes and gifts for the New Year, shipments at the cosmetics factory for the New Year, and matters related to the New Year. The same was true for the lace factory. Especially after Li left, the three of them discussed the affairs of the lace factory and promoted Niu Ersao to manage it. In addition to the things in the factory, there were also matters of filial piety this year, giving New Year gifts and New Year's greetings to relatives and friends during the New Year. In recent years, the more social contacts Wei Nian and Chen Xuan have, the more people they have to visit. Even Wei Yin had some friends of his own to visit during the New Year, and the three of them were very busy.

The food for the New Year at home was prepared by the old lady under the supervision of my eldest sister, Sister Liu.

When Wang Erjiu came to Beijing a few years ago, my eldest sister wanted to go home with Wang Erjiu to celebrate the New Year. Sister Liu was not going to go back, saying that she was afraid that no one would take care of the little girl. Of course, Mrs. Wei said that what Sister Liu said was false. Nowadays, women who work outside the village are not easy to live. Sister Liu is a widow. Both her parents' and her husband's families are average. She is now in the Wei family. She eats the same meals as the Wei family, lives in a clean and elegant house, and receives monthly wages. In the first year she came out, Sister Liu was reluctant to go back. She was timid at that time and was afraid that her husband's family would say something if she didn't go back. Now, after a few years away from home, Sister Liu has gained some experience and courage. She simply does not go home for the New Year, but stays at the host's house for the New Year and helps the host with household chores.

Wei Nian was also quite happy about it, and even said that he would give Liu's wife a red envelope during the New Year. After all, there were many things to do during the New Year, and when he went out for social events, Wei Nian liked to take his wife and daughter with him. In this way, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin would still have to do the housework. Wei Nian was a person who was very willing to use money to save time on these chores.

Wei Nian also entrusted some advice to his second uncle Wang. His eldest brother said that he went back to the countryside to live. Although he was born in the countryside, he came to Beijing with his family when he was young. When did he ever farm? He didn't know how to live now. The Wang family was really kind. Second uncle Wang smiled, "Don't worry, Nian. My eldest brother and I have discussed it. We will ask my niece and nephew-in-law to go home for the New Year. They may not have bought some farm tools when they go back to their hometown this time. It's okay. We have everything. Don't worry. We are here for you."

What else could Wei Nian say? He had to entrust his eldest brother's family to the Wang family. Fortunately, the Wang family was not a stranger, but Li's uncle's family. Later, she found out that the Wang family really helped a lot. Li did not go to her uncle's house this year, but spent it in the old courtyard of a farm in her hometown. Although the things were old, the Wang family sent some dishes and other things to use, and they still spent the New Year together. When the spring planting and autumn harvest came the next year, although Li grew up in the countryside and her uncle loved her niece, she had never worked in the fields since she was a child. Needless to say, Wei Shi, this gentleman who had just quit his opium addiction, managed to save half of his life and is still recovering. Having said that, even if he was fine, he didn't know how to farm. Needless to say, Wei Jie and Wei Ming, it was the Wang family who came with their tools to take care of sowing and autumn harvest.

Later, when Wei Nian learned about this, he said that this was truly his uncle's family.

Chen Xuan said more honestly, "Even at my uncle's house, it's rare to see such a good family."

Of course, this is a later story and we won’t mention it for now.

Ordinary people observe mourning for a year.

After the first year of mourning, visiting relatives and getting married are no longer taboos.

Wei Nian was going to have a good New Year. By the way, he had to settle the strawberry bill with Wei Jin before the New Year. This is how Wei Nian discussed the strawberry business with Wei Jin's brother-in-law Zhao. When Old Master Wei was around, Old Master Wei had the final say. Now that the family has split up, Wei Nian asked Wei Yin to discuss it together. Wei Yin didn't care. She invested a large sum of money at the beginning, and she got a lot of money over the years. What's more, the cosmetics business has been booming recently, and Wei Yin has even paid off the bank loan a long time ago. Now that Chen Xuan is in charge of the strawberry business every day, Wei Jin is in charge of everything else. The only thing is that when selling, Wei Nian signs a contract with the Six Nations Hotel. He is also an old customer of the Six Nations Hotel.

Wei Nian thought that it was not a good idea to continue to divide the shares according to the old man's method, so he told Wei Jin that since Wei Jin was the one who was planting the crops, it would be 70% to 30% in the future, with Wei Jin taking 70% and Wei Nian and Wei Yin taking 30%. The 70% to 30% share would only be divided over three years, and after three years, the technology would belong to Wei Jin.

Wei Jin was extremely happy.

However, Wei Jin had her own plans. She secretly told Wei Nian and Wei Yin not to tell anyone about this, and to tell brother-in-law Zhao that according to the old rules, Wei Jin would take second place. Wei Jin said, "It's not that I have ulterior motives. Ever since our father passed away, the old woman in my family has been restless. She didn't pay for Feng'er and Yu'er's tuition before, and the old man scolded her. She dared not to deduct money again. But for other things, she didn't pay a penny. Recently, she has been asking me about growing strawberries. Your brother-in-law is useless. He lost his mind after crying to the old woman. I have to save some money myself, in case it will be of great use in the future. Nian, please change this money into gold for me. I don't need US dollars. I don't understand that thing. Gold is safer."

Wei Nian was still very optimistic about Wei Jin's ability to hide his private property, so he asked Wei Jin, "Do you want to buy another house?" Wei Jin also had two sons, and Wei Jin had previously asked Wei Nian to secretly buy a small house.

Wei Jin asked, "Do you have a good house?" In the past two years, even if he got second place, Wei Jin also got a lot of money. Wei Jin was still very enthusiastic about buying property.

Wei Nian's mind moved, "How about the house in Wangfucang Hutong where you and your brother-in-law live? The market price is 1,200 yuan. I'll buy it for 1,000 yuan. Do you want it?"

Of course Wei Jin wanted it. Wei Nian asked Wei Jin for some money and helped Wei Jin get the land deed. After that, he changed the money into US dollars and put it in his own account. Wei Nian said to Chen Xuan, "It's a good thing that my elder sister didn't know that the house was ours, otherwise she wouldn't have paid a penny. At least we have sold the house."

Chen Xuan smiled, "Only you can take advantage of your elder sister-in-law."

"How can this be called taking advantage of her? I gave her a discount of more than 200 yuan, otherwise she would not be so happy." Wei Nian was very happy after completing this deal before the New Year. The house in Dongjiaomin Lane is easy to sell, but Wei Nian wants to cash out the house in Wangfucang Hutong before going abroad, after all, the cost abroad is high. Besides, Wei Nian is not the type to just study and do his job. If there is a business abroad, Wei Nian would also like to try it. Rong Yang and Madam Wen both started their families abroad. Wei Nian thought he was no worse than others, so before going abroad, Wei Nian would slowly cash out his domestic business.

Wei Nian had just sold his house to his elder sister, and the next day he saw his elder sister, her husband and children, coming to his house. Wei Nian thought that Wei Jin knew about the house and came to settle accounts with him, but he didn't expect that Wei Jin had something else to do. Wei Jin said, "It's not convenient to take a bath at home, and you have to boil water. You have hot and cold water equipment here, and the bathtub is big, so it's convenient to take a bath, so I came to your place to take a bath."

Wei Nian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I was just saying that it's almost the New Year, why haven't you come yet, elder sister? Have you eaten? I have some Shanxi Fenjiu here, just right for you to drink a few cups with your brother-in-law." Ever since Wei Nian moved into the small Western-style building, he had gotten used to his elder sister and her family coming over from time to time to take a bath.

"No, it's just right for us to eat together." Wei Jin would never be polite at his brother's house. Wei Nian asked Sister Liu to add a few dishes. When the little girl saw her aunt coming, she rushed over and hugged her and started talking. The little girl also volunteered, "Aunt, I'll wipe your back later!"

Wei Jin kissed the little girl twice, "You are really my aunt's sweetheart!"

Wei Nian interjected, "Girl, your aunt has your uncle to rub her back, so you are not needed." As a result, Wei Jin spat at him and scolded him for being a father yet talking without restraint and being shameless.

When Wei Jin's family came, Mrs. Wei was also very happy and asked Wei Jin's mother-in-law how they were preparing for the New Year. Wei Jin said, "Just like in previous years, my sisters-in-law and I will roast chicken, stew duck and steam buns during the day. At night, my house hasn't been equipped with electric lights yet, so it's dark and we can't do any work. I will bring your son-in-law and his two brothers here to take a bath. It's the New Year, so we have to wash ourselves clean to celebrate the New Year."

Old Mrs. Wei was helpless when she thought of how stingy Zhao's mother was. She even said to her eldest son-in-law, "I used to think I was good at living, but I can't compare to your mother. It's already the 23rd year of the Republic of China, and you still don't have electricity in your house."

Brother-in-law Zhao was helpless too. "I tried to persuade my mother several times, but she always scolded me, saying that installing lights was easy but electricity was too expensive."

The little girl was startled and said, "Uncle, if there is no light, we won't be able to see at night!"

Brother-in-law Zhao also liked the little girl and said with a smile, "There is an oil lamp."

The little girl asked, "But electricity costs money, and the oil in the oil lamp also costs money!"

Brother-in-law Zhao laughed, "Electricity is expensive, kerosene is cheap."

Wei Jin touched the little girl's pigtail tied with a bow and said, "It's okay. Our little girl is not destined to be an oil lamp. At least she is destined to be an electric lamp!"

Wei Jingang said that his niece was not destined to be a shrew, so the old woman who lit the oil lamp had her eyes on her little girl. Although the Zhao family was reluctant to install electric lights, the eyes of the old lady Zhao, who had endured decades of working under the kerosene lamp, were really bright and good, and she was not blind at all. In recent years, the second branch of the Wei family has become more and more prosperous. As soon as the old man Wei passed away, the first branch of the Wei family was gone in an instant, but the second branch of the Wei family even moved into a small western-style building. Old lady Zhao was thinking about whether she should marry a little grandson in her second branch's room. He was eight years old this year, with a good-looking face, and he was almost the same as the ugly girl of Wei Nian's family.

The closer we are, the closer we are.

Mrs. Zhao's plan worked out quite well. Wei Jin loved the little girl and often brought her with her. She made a new skirt for the little girl to wear during the Chinese New Year and brought her home to try on the size. When she found it was a good fit, she asked the little girl to wear it for fun. Mrs. Zhao gave the little girl candy to eat. When she was at home, her grandson was there. Mrs. Zhao asked the little girl, "What do you think of your little brother?"

The little girl held a candy in her mouth, puffed up half of her cheek, and said incoherently, "It's OK."

Mrs. Zhao smiled happily and asked the little girl, "Would you like to be her wife in the future?"

The little girl tilted her head and asked with squinting eyes, "What is a wife?"

Mrs. Zhao is very good at using metaphors, "Just like your aunt and your uncle, they are a family."

"No!" The little girl said bluntly, "I'm not destined to be an oil lamp!"

The author has something to say: ps: The second update is here, good night everyone!!