The First Match

Chapter 183: Before departure three


Wei Nian has always been good at doing things. If you are nice to him, he is not unreasonable. But if you provoke him and make him unhappy, he will be completely merciless.

Uncle Wang also said privately, "The Chen family is also ungentlemanly. I heard that when Anian's wife was a child, she was treated badly." It was no secret to the Wang family that Chen Xuan was treated badly in her uncle's house. Just because Wei Nian and Chen Xuan's family became rich, they had many opportunities to go out and work. People in Wangjia Village wanted to flatten the door of Uncle Wang's house for the opportunity to work in Beijing. Chen Xuan never mentioned Chenjia Village. If the uncle and aunt of the Chen family were kind people, they would definitely not let the people of Wangjia Village take advantage of such benefits.

Uncle Wang sighed, "If you don't do good deeds in normal times, and then come to others when they are doing well, who is a fool?" Wei Nian is not stupid, but very smart. He specially asked people to keep an eye on the Chen family. Sure enough, the Chen family was almost driven crazy by Wei Nian's trick, and they even wanted to find bandits to intercept the Wei family!

Wei Nian was much kinder than the bandits. He only told the people in the surrounding area what the Chen family had done, and didn't do anything to them. However, as a result, the villagers were still a little hesitant about the fifty acres of land. After all, no matter what the laws outside were, the village had its own rules. For example, in a family without a son, the daughter could only inherit half of the family property at most. In other words, even if the eldest branch of the Chen family should have fifty acres of land, Chen Xuan could only inherit twenty-five acres at most. In this way, the village was still hesitant about whether to ask the Chen family for twenty-five acres or fifty acres of land. As a result, Chen Laoer actually asked the bandits to rob the Wei family. The villagers immediately took advantage of the situation. After all, it was not easy to get twenty-five acres of land from Chen Laoer. Now that they had this shortcoming in their hands, it was not just the price of twenty-five acres of land, but fifty acres of land. Even so, the village chief of Chenjia Village went to ask Wei Nian whether he should hand over Chen Laoer to the government for prosecution. Wei Nian sighed, "My second uncle was ruthless to me, and I cannot be unfaithful to him. My second uncle has children to raise at home, so let's just forget about it."

In this way, Wei Nian also gained a reputation for benevolence and righteousness.

Wei Nian also used this opportunity to teach his two nephews, "This is what it means to not have the intention to harm others, but to be on guard against others. We must be on guard against these villains, and they will become desperate!"

Wei Nian returned to Beijing and told Chen Xuan about this. Chen Xuan was furious and criticized Wei Nian, "You should send them all to prison. If you end up being the good guy, they will only hate you more!" She also said, "How can people be so vicious that they actually ask bandits to harm you!"

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and she emphasized again, "This is to kill you!"

"How could I let them harm me? I should have been on guard against them." Wei Nian put one arm around her shoulders and touched her belly with the other, "Is our son okay?"

Chen Xuan said, "Don't be so kind in the future. People like them won't appreciate our kindness." Seeing Wei Nian nodded in agreement, she said, "I'm fine. I don't feel anything and I don't want to vomit."

"He's a good son."

Chen Xuan said, "You always talk about having a son. If it turns out to be a girl, wouldn't you be very disappointed, Brother Nian?"

"Why should you be disappointed? Our little girl is so smart. Didn't I say this because I saw that you wanted a son?" Wei Nian exposed Chen Xuan's past. Chen Xuan asked Wei Nian, "Is it that obvious?"

“It’s very obvious.”

Chen Xuan smiled shyly, "I still have old-fashioned ideas. I always want to give you a son. We already have a daughter, and I want a son myself. These days, it's easier for men to make a living outside."

"Sons and daughters are the same. Our daughter is one year younger than Cheng Su's son, and she is more than a hundred times smarter than Cheng Dagen. That boy always follows our daughter's lead and listens to her orders." This is referring to Cheng Su's son Cheng Dagen.

Chen Xuan thought about it and couldn't help but laugh. Chen Xuan asked, "Have you settled down with your elder brother and sister-in-law?" Before Wei Nian left, he took back the house that he had rented out to Li in Dongsi. Chen Xuan took Sister Liu to clean it up and asked Wei Jin to help look at it. It seemed that all the things that needed to be bought were bought. It didn't cost much to buy things. There were already furniture in the yard. Besides, there were also furniture in the old house. What was needed was nothing more than some rice, flour, oil and grain for daily use. Chen Xuan asked Sister Liu to move some of them from home, and buy the remaining things from the market.

Wei Nian saw a book on the bedside, picked it up and flipped through it, then put it down again, "I came back after I saw that everyone was settled. Sister Yun is living with my eldest brother and his wife."

"I guess so." Chen Xuan said, "I think my sister-in-law will be busy today. I will go to see her tomorrow. I haven't seen her for half a year. Are you and her doing well in the countryside?"

"It's pretty good. The Wang family takes care of him, so he hasn't suffered much. Ajie and Aming even worked as teachers in the village primary school for a while. Before we came, the villagers sent him a long way and gave him a lot of food and fruits for us to take along on the way." Wei Nian said, "Big brother's spirit has changed a lot, and he is very energetic now. He has also realized what happened in the past and knows that he was fooled by the Fu man."

"It seems that this trip back to the village was not in vain." Chen Xuan asked about the old man's burial again, and Wei Nian said, "It went smoothly. With the help of several uncles from the Wang family and the villagers in our village, the sun was very good on the day of the burial. We asked an old relative in the clan to help take care of the grave every year."

"That's good." Chen Xuan touched Wei Nian's face, "I'll run you some water so you can take a nice bath. You didn't get a tan after going out, but you did get a red tan."

"Don't mention it. It was just a pain on the road." Wei Nian followed Chen Xuan into the bathroom. Chen Xuan was using the toilet, and he spoke from behind her, "Oh, was the road like that when you first came to Beijing? It was very bumpy."

"I didn't ride in the sedan you guys did. It was just an ordinary horse-drawn carriage without a canopy. It wasn't that bumpy, so if it was bumpy, I'd get off and walk for a while. If it wasn't bumpy, I'd sit back down again." Chen Xuan didn't feel the bumpiness of the carriage. There was water in the bathtub. Chen Xuan went out to get pajamas for Wei Nian. Wei Nian followed her out. "When will our little girl come back? Let Sister Liu pick her up." The eldest sister stayed at her eldest brother's house to help clean up. As soon as the old lady Wei Yin came back, she went to her room to rest. Wei Nian talked to his wife and thought of his little girl. The little girl was not at home. Wei Jin took her to Wangfu Cang Hutong to play early in the morning. The little girl had a good relationship with her eldest aunt and loved to play with her. Wei Jin also liked the little girl. She came to see Chen Xuan every day and took the little girl to play. According to the little girl herself, she would also help her eldest aunt pick strawberries and weeds, which was very useful. Once she went out, she would stay out all day and eat with her eldest aunt at noon.

Wei Nian had been away for more than half a month, and the thing he missed most was his wife and daughter. When his daughter didn't come back, he couldn't help but complain. Chen Xuan said, "Take a shower first. I'll see what to cook in the evening. Ask Sister Liu to go to the mutton bed and buy two pounds of braised mutton. Ask the eldest sister-in-law to come over for dinner in the evening, and bring the little girl back."

Sister Liu was sent by Chen Xuan to pick up the little girl, but in the end, the little girl was sent back by Wei Jin. When Wei Jin heard that the old lady was back, she told Sister Liu to just go buy the braised lamb, and she brought the little girl and a basket of freshly picked strawberries. Chen Xuan was picking vegetables in the kitchen, and heard the little girl shouting for her grandma, so she hurriedly took the strawberries first and whispered, "The old lady and Ah Yin are resting in the room."

The little girl tiptoed to her grandmother's room to see her, and came out and whispered, "Grandma is asleep." Then she asked, "Mom, where is my dad?"

"I'm taking a shower upstairs. I'll be down in a minute."

The little girl ran upstairs to find her father. When Wei Jin saw Chen Xuan washing strawberries, he continued to pick the vegetables that Chen Xuan had not finished picking and asked Chen Xuan, "Did Ah Nian say anything when he came back? How was Dad's funeral? Did it go smoothly?"

"Brother Anian said that everything is going well. There is also a piece of good news that I need to tell my elder sister. My elder brother, his wife and the children are back and have settled down in the house in Dongsi!"

"What? Ah Shi and his family are back!" Wei Jin was shocked. She was originally worried that Wei Nian's family would not have her mother's family to rely on when they went abroad to Beijing. Now that she heard that Wei Shi's family was back, she was extremely happy and asked, "Where do they live?"

"Dongsi Sisi Street, not far from Longfu Temple, it's the third one from west to east."

Wei Jin immediately stopped choosing dishes and ran upstairs to call the little girl, and took her to Wei Shi's house in a hurry. Chen Xuan did not forget to remind him, "Sister-in-law, tell my brother and sister-in-law to come over when they are ready, and we will have dinner together tonight."

"I know, I know." Wei Jinfeng hurried out to call a rickshaw.

So, Wei Nian had just said a few words to his daughter, and in the end, his daughter asked his elder sister to snatch her away. When Wei Nian finished his bath and came downstairs in his pajamas, his face was filled with resentment, and he said, "Eldest sister is the same. If you like your daughter, you should have two children yourself. You take care of our little girl all day long and won't let go!"

Chen Xuan soaked the beans she had picked in water, and continued to wash the cucumbers, eggplants, and tomatoes. She asked Wei Nian to pick the celery. Wei Nian first fed Chen Xuan a strawberry, and ate one himself. Fang picked celery beside Chen Xuan and asked, "Does my elder sister come to see you often?"

"Yes, my elder sister-in-law comes over every day. We discuss together how to clean up the house for my elder sister-in-law." Chen Xuan's eyebrows were gentle, "My elder sister-in-law often sends me strawberries to eat."

"If I hadn't seen this basket of strawberries, I wouldn't have believed it." Wei Nian thought about his elder sister's temper and wanted to laugh, "Eldest sister has changed her personality and is much more generous."

"My eldest sister-in-law is not too stingy. In fact, she is stingy mainly because she has few sources of money. I used to be stingy too. When we first moved to Wangfucang Hutong, I felt sorry for you every time you went to the entrance of the hutong to buy sesame seed cakes and fried dough sticks for breakfast. Later, I gradually became better." Chen Xuan washed the vegetables and put them in a bamboo basket to drain. She began to cut cucumbers vigorously, saying, "My eldest sister-in-law is a good person now. She doesn't want us to leave."

"This is just studying abroad." Wei Nian had lofty ambitions. He said, "In these years, our Wei family has been doing business to make a living, and no one has ever been abroad. I thought, let's take this opportunity to go out and have a look. On the one hand, we can improve our skills and see the world, which will be of great benefit to our business. On the other hand, if we go abroad, if the younger children want to go abroad in the future, we will be familiar with it after going through this route once, which will also be beneficial to future generations. Even Feng Ge'er and Yu Ge'er, if they have the ability and want to go abroad in the future, they can also go abroad. If several generations of a family are crowded in Beijing, and the world is like this now, what great prospects can they have."

Chen Xuan looked at Wei Nian with eyes as soft as water, "Brother Anian is right."

As the two talked, Wei Nian picked and peeled celery, leeks, shallots, and peanuts, and put them neatly in plates and bowls. Wei Nian looked at the pile of work he had never done before, and he always felt that something was wrong!

The author has something to say: ps: The first update and the second update will be at 6 pm!