The First Match

Chapter 191: Extra story Alice Wei


Mr. Lin's family went to New York to do business, because the Wei family is also a business family. Of course, the Wei family's business cannot be compared with Mr. Lin's business. However, the Wei family's business is not without reputation. As for the domestic cosmetics brand, "Siqing" is now a first-class brand. Mr. Lin said, "I used to know nothing about women's cosmetics. I don't admire anything. I admire the advertisements for your cosmetics. Oh, I went to see several movies and the stars in them all used your cosmetics. Even I, a layman, know your brand."

Wei Nian is very modest, "We are just agents for the boss."

Mr. Lin said, "It shows Mr. Wei's talent that he can be the agent of such a big brand of cosmetics."

After getting to know each other, Mrs. Lin and Wei Yin got along well, mainly because Wei Yin had a keen sense of dressing up. She had opened a cosmetics store, and also made clothes and hats. This time she was going to the United States to study art. Mrs. Lin said, "If you want to study art, why don't you go to France?"

Wei Yin felt a little regretful. "Originally, I wanted to go to France, but many elders said that the situation in France is not good and not as safe as the United States. Now there is chaos and my brother and sister-in-law are going to the United States, so I went to the United States too."

Mrs. Lin said, "That's right. The United States is much safer than France."

In fact, the Wei family is still very strange in the eyes of many people. For example, the business was doing well, but suddenly the whole family went abroad to study. Fortunately, the Wei family members are all studying in top-notch schools, and they are very familiar with the big names in the domestic cultural circle, after all, they are from Beijing. In fact, except for Mrs. Wei who likes to show off her children, the Wei family really doesn't like to show off. Otherwise, let's talk about Madam Wen, because Chen Xuan never mentions her biological mother outside, so even if the Wei family knew that the Lin family was from Jiangnan, they didn't mention it.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin both have a good impression of the Wei family, except that Wei Nian wants his son to be the nanny of the Wei family's daughter. What makes Mr. Lin unhappy is that his son, because Wei Nian is better at chess, turns to imitate Wei Nian's hair style that is always covered with hairspray. My son, your aesthetic taste is worrying!

Mr. Lin wanted to win back the game, but his chess skills were average. Mr. Lin was very good at Go and wanted to play a game with Wei Nian. Wei Nian was not interested in Go, but Chen Xuan was. In order to play Go with his wife, Wei Nian borrowed a chess manual from Mr. Lin. Seeing that the couple would set up a chess board and play from time to time, Mr. Lin had no soulmate, so he finally found Mr. Cui. As a result, he played a game with Mr. Cui, and Mr. Lin didn't want to play with him for the rest of his life. Mr. Cui was a person with high IQ. Not to mention Mr. Lin's Go, even Wei Nian's chess could not resist him.

Chen Xuan got along well with Mrs. Cui, but Mrs. Lin felt the opposite, always felt that Mrs. Cui had too much of a literary air. The reason why Chen Xuan got along well with Mrs. Cui was because Mrs. Cui was very familiar with Spanish. There was nothing to do on the boat, so Chen Xuan asked for Spanish lessons. Mrs. Cui was a good teacher and was enthusiastic. She taught Chen Xuan from the most basic pronunciation. Mrs. Cui also had a good impression of Chen Xuan. She privately told her husband, "The Wei family is said to be a business family, but they went to the United States to study. The Lin family claims to be a scholarly family, but they went to the United States to do business. These two families are actually the opposite."

Mr. Cui laughed, "That's what makes it fun."

It was really fun, especially the games the kids played. The little girl not only made friends with Brother Lin, she basically got to know all the kids in the stateroom and even in the first-class cabin. They were Chinese or foreign, and there were two French kids. The little girl didn't know a word of French, so she didn't know how the kids communicated, but they could still play together.

Wei Nian especially likes to watch a bunch of children playing games. In fact, when playing games, there is no difference between Chinese children and foreign children. Girls like to play house, and boys like to imitate heroes.

The days on the boat passed at a leisurely pace, and I was able to make new friends, which added a lot of fun.

After arriving in Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Cui went directly to the university, while the Wei family took two taxis to the villa address given by Mrs. Wen. Mrs. Wen had already given the key to Chen Xuan, so they could move in directly.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still shocked by Mrs. Wen's hand. Fortunately, there were similar villas in this area. However, the front and back yards alone must be two or three acres, especially with the green lawn outside, the flowers blooming in front of the house, and the tall trees beside the lawn. It was too spacious. Mrs. Wei said, "My mother-in-law's house is really big."

The little girl asked, "Dad, is this our home from now on?"

Wei Nian nodded, "Yes."

The little girl ran around the lawn and touched the tree. When Wei Nian opened the door, she picked a bunch of flowers and held them in her hand. She stopped running around the yard and came into the house. She immediately said, "It's more spacious than our home in Beijing!" Indeed, there are so many people in Beijing. Unless they are very rich, like the Wei family, they will not rent a house that is too big, because they have to consider the cost of renting a house.

We drove all the way from the port, especially in this villa area, where the villas and yards are all about the same size, which is really spacious. When we opened the door, the house was clean and tidy, and it must have been cleaned. The Wei family could just move in directly. Even though Mrs. Wei actually felt that she was not the same kind of person as Madam Wen, she had to say that Madam Wen, her mother-in-law, was open-minded and this really helped her family a lot.

The arrival of the Wei family really shocked the whole neighborhood, because there are very few black-haired Chinese in this neighborhood, and the Wei family is the first one. Don't think that foreigners value privacy, they are still gossipy. The family looked up and down the villa and turned on the main power switch. The old lady still lived downstairs because of her age. Chen Xuan was pregnant, so the bedroom downstairs was for the old lady, the little girl, Wei Nian and Chen Xuan. There were three rooms downstairs, but Wei Yin liked upstairs, so he also lived downstairs. There were two rooms upstairs, one was a guest room and the other was a study. Everyone was packing up their things, and they didn't see the little girl at a glance. Chen Xuan hurried out to look for her, fearing that she was unfamiliar with the place and had lost her daughter when she first arrived. As a result, when they went out, they saw that the daughter was talking to a little boy with blond hair in the yard.

The little boy was not very old, about seven or eight years old. Caucasian children are the most beautiful when they are young, and they are white and tender like angels. Chen Xuan asked and found out that this was the neighbor's child, William. Chen Xuan let the two play outside and told the little girl to stay in her yard and not go to other people's homes. How could a child be stable? She just came to her yard and wanted to visit other people's homes. Chen Xuan knew Smith in Beijing. This person was an American and knew some foreign habits. She also made some preparations before coming. Now there was no need for her to clean up the house. Chen Xuan went back to the house, took a bag of beautifully packaged old Beijing crispy candy, and followed the two children to William's house. Mrs. White saw that it was a new neighbor visiting, and warmly received Chen Xuan and her daughter, and thanked Chen Xuan for her gift, which was a traditional and precious candy from a distant and mysterious oriental country. Seeing that Chen Xuan was pregnant, Mrs. White also carefully asked her if she wanted milk or coffee.

When Chen Xuan came over, she found that William was not the only child in Mrs. White's family. William also had a younger brother and a younger sister. The two children were surprised to see the little girl and gathered around her. They took out a small toy from their pockets and gave it to William. It turned out that the children were very surprised to see that the neighbors were a family of black-haired people moving in. They were even more surprised to see that there was a black-haired child. However, they did not dare to come over to say hello. William was the oldest child. He asked his younger brothers and sisters to give him two toys, and he said that he could invite the black-haired child to his home to play. So, when Chen Xuan saw William inviting the little girl to his home, it was for this reason.

The child was already talking. In fact, children have a limited vocabulary. The little girl, who didn't know French at all, could play with two French children on the boat. Moreover, she had learned English for a few days and chattered every day on the boat. Although her accent was inevitably a bit Beijing-flavored, it was already very good for a child. She stood up and showed her little skirt and the peony flowers embroidered on her shoes to the three White brothers and sisters. She was very proud.

Chen Xuan came over to say hello to Mrs. White and asked where the market was. The family was going to buy some daily necessities after settling down. Mrs. White enthusiastically told Chen Xuan how far it was and in which direction. Chen Xuan thought, this is bad, as her family doesn't have a car, so she asked if she could call a taxi, as her family hasn't bought a car yet.

Mrs. White knew that Chen Xuan and her husband came to Boston to study at such an outstanding university, and that this house belonged to Chen Xuan's mother. Mrs. White's family rarely used taxis, so she even enthusiastically called to ask for the taxi company's number and wrote it on a small card for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan thanked them very politely and invited Mrs. White to come to her house for a party the day after tomorrow.

Mrs. White also gladly accepted the invitation.

After that, Chen Xuan wanted to take the little girl away, as the little girl wanted to play for a while longer. Mrs. White told Chen Xuan not to worry, she would send Alice Wei back later. Yes, Alice, probably because she heard Brother Lin Lin tell her the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on the boat, the little girl gave herself a foreign name, Alice.

Therefore, the Wei family did not find it difficult to integrate into foreign society. The neighbors were not difficult to get along with. Besides, they came here to study, not to participate in politics. Chen Xuan was worried about whether the little girl would be bullied or discriminated against after entering school. After the little girl entered school, Chen Xuan asked her if anyone in her class looked down on her. The little girl felt very strange, "They are a bunch of little foreign devils, and they look down on me! I am a Beijinger!"

Yes, in the little girl’s mind, Beijingers are the noblest race in the world, and she is lucky enough that she doesn’t look down on them.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, the second update will be at 6 pm~~~~