The First Match

Chapter 199: Extra Enrollment


This is the dividing line of IQ.

"How come you can't even hear what's said to the outsiders and insiders!" Not only can she not hear it, but she is so stupid that she takes what's said to the outsiders seriously. When she talks to the children at home, she always asks them to study hard! Mrs. Wen said to her daughter earnestly, "You should pay more attention to the children's studies. Every time you write to me, you never tell me how the children are doing. Do you think I don't know?"

Mrs. Wen immediately sent her daughter and her family back to New York, along with Wen Yaying. Mrs. Wen thought that her granddaughter was not very old, and it was a pity that she only finished half of her college education. Mrs. Wen said to her granddaughter, "I think the times are different now. Women who have studied can still find a good job outside. Yaying, you don't have much career to pursue now, why don't you pick up your books and read more."

Wen Yaying said that she was doing some business with her friends in New York. Madam Wen asked her what she wanted to do, and Wen Yaying said, "Maybe foreign business, or something else."

The children have all grown up, so Madam Wen didn't say anything more.

Wen Yaying asked, "Grandma, why don't you go to New York with me and my aunt?"

Madam Wen said, "Not now. I have to wait until Shao and the others are enrolled in school and settled down before I go over."

So, Aunt Wen and her group headed back to New York directly. However, before returning to New York, Uncle Wen hosted the Wei family for dinner at the hotel. First, to ease the relationship between them, and second, after all, they were the elders, and their mother-in-law and nephews were going to be in Boston, so this was justified.

Chen Xuan also agreed to the meal. She was not the type to hold grudges. Her schoolwork was not easy, and she had to raise her children, her younger brothers' schooling, and family matters. Chen Xuan really didn't worry about Wen Xiaogu. Anyway, Mrs. Wen had already warned her about Wen Xiaogu's stupidity. Chen Xuan just didn't expect that Wen Xiaogu, who looked smart, was really not a smart person.

However, Chen Xuan discussed with Wei Nian in advance, "Brother Anian, although I don't like the Wen family's aunt and wife, they came all the way here for Ah Shao and the others' matter. Logically, we are the host, so why don't we treat them? This is not for their sake, but mainly for Uncle Wen's sake."

Wei Nian had already made plans. "Uncle Wen has already booked a place. Don't worry, just go. We will pay the same bill when the time comes."

Chen Xuan saw that her husband knew what was going on, so she stopped thinking about it. During the meal, everyone just forgot about the past and had a great time. Chen Xuan wanted to invite Qin Shu to join them, but Qin Shu knew Aunt Wen's temperament and said he was busy with schoolwork, so he didn't come. Anyway, the Wei and Wen families were legitimate relatives, so she didn't join in the meal.

Wei Nian went out to pay for the dinner in advance. Uncle Wen said that Wei Nian was too polite. Wei Nian smiled and said, "We are in Boston. My aunt and uncle are all elders. We are just doing our best to be the host." They were so thorough that no one could find fault with them. Especially for a meticulous person like Mrs. Wen, she felt that the Wei family knew how to behave.

After Wen Xiaogu and his group left, Wen Shao and his friends had to prepare for school. Fortunately, they had a lawyer to help them. Chen Xuan had also done her homework. Moreover, the three brothers had excellent grades. Of course, there was another point. Mrs. Wen's company in Boston had the habit of regularly donating to primary and secondary schools. The amount donated each year was not huge, but some was donated every year to excellent schools. Chen Xuan said that foreign schools had more tricks than domestic schools. Especially since students had to fill in their parents' occupations and family assets for admission, Chen Xuan suspected that these schools were worried that students could not afford the tuition. Because the tuition for private middle schools was quite high.

After finishing these things, Chen Xuan asked Wen Shao and Wen Xin to pack clothes. Two sets of outerwear were enough. They all wore school uniforms at school, so they had to pack their own underwear and pajamas. Chen Xuan made a list and helped them organize a small medicine bag, including band-aids, cold medicine, throat lozenges, etc. There were also some snacks put separately. In addition, the school had a washing machine, and Chen Xuan remembered that she had not taught her brothers how to use it. In addition, they also needed training on hanging clothes.

Tell them to separate clothes by color when washing, dark colors with dark colors, light colors with light colors, otherwise, many dark-colored clothes will fade, this is something to pay attention to. In addition, silk clothes cannot be machine washed, only hand washed. Each washing machine has a load capacity, so pay attention to the weight when putting clothes.

After telling them these tips, Chen Xuan asked the brothers to wash the clothes they took off at night. After taking them out of the washing machine, she taught them to check the collars, cuffs, trouser legs, and trouser pockets. These are places that are easy to get dirty and difficult to wash. If they are not clean, they need to use detergent or soap to wash them again and scrub them by hand. After teaching the brothers step by step, Chen Xuan said, "On the day you enter school, the clothes at home will be yours to wash. Ah Yin, don't fight with your brothers, let them get familiar with them first."

Wen Yin said, "Well, big brother and second brother, you two go first."

In addition, Chen Xuan also gave them some pocket money. The boarding school would not be able to go home until the end of the year. Chen Xuan said, "If this money is not enough, call me. If there is no special expense, you have to calculate how to use it. Mrs. Johnson's son goes to the same middle school as you, and his son's monthly pocket money is this much. Have you ever kept accounts before?"

The two brothers really had never kept records. Chen Xuan showed her little account book to the two brothers, and they were really amazed. Chen Xuan said, "It's good to develop the habit of keeping accounts. If it's the expenses for school, joining clubs, and buying books, just keep the amount you want, and consider other things as appropriate."

Wen Xin asked, "Sister, what is the other matter?"

"All kinds of things. For example, buying records. Xin, you bought five records last time you went to the mall. Mrs. Johnson said that you can't let children spend money like that. You have to learn how to manage money."

Wen Xin asked, "Is she the foreign lady whose husband works in a bank?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen Xuan put down the notebook in her hand and said seriously, "There is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"Sister, you go ahead." Seeing that their elder sister was so serious, Wen Shao and Wen Xin sat up straight and stopped joking.

Chen Xuan said, "You have been in the United States for a few days now. You should be able to feel that not everyone here is very friendly, including white people and black people. I have also encountered such things in school. To this day, there are people in my class who don't want to talk to me because I am yellow."

Wen Shao looked a little angry, Chen Xuan waved her hand, "I'm not saying this to make you angry. Inequality exists in any era. The American Civil War was caused by the issue of black slaves. White people themselves are also full of discrimination. The United States was originally a land where the British exiled criminals. Boston was founded by British Puritans, and many British people looked down on Americans because of this. Before the British constitutional monarchy, the royal aristocracy always regarded businessmen as inferiors. Constitutional monarchy is actually the process of the bourgeoisie gaining ruling power and weakening the royal power. It was our country's Kang Shengren who recorded the first time he saw black people in his "Datong Book". He said, "However, the gods of black people are fishy and unbearable. Therefore, in the world of Datong, white people and yellow people are not far apart in terms of talent and appearance, and can be equal. The appearance of the black people is iron-faced and silver-toothed, with a slanted forehead like a pig, looking straight like a cow, with long hair on the chest, dark hands and feet, stupid like sheep and pigs, and frightening when looking at them. "Then, Kang Shengren also said, "The brown-black people have too bad temperaments, or those who are sick, and doctors use drugs to cut off their offspring to wipe out their species. "

"This is also discrimination. The view of Kang Sheng is to exterminate the race. In fact, no matter black, white or yellow, they are all human beings. There are excellent, inferior, ugly and noble people in any race. In a country, city people look down on country people, high officials look down on low officials, and rich people look down on poor people. In the world, strong countries despise weak countries, and even people in strong countries despise people in weak countries. What kind of logic is this? You are going to study now. In this matter, if there are people who look down on you, don't pay attention to them. If they provoke you, don't be afraid of them. We should be neither arrogant nor inferior in our conduct and work, and stand up our spirit and spirit, and study hard. Excellent people will never lack friends around us."

After Chen Xuan talked to her brothers, Wei Nian taught her brother-in-law some tricks to "not have the intention to harm others, but must be on guard against others". Wen Shao asked her brother-in-law, "Brother-in-law, my sister said that there are still people in the class who ignore her. Is that true?"

"That's true." Wei Nian didn't care. "Your eldest sister is too serious about her work. She always gets A in the test. She doesn't give people a chance to survive. Especially when she took a month off for confinement and went back to study, she still got A. Margaret was so mad at her that she threatened to ignore her for the rest of her life."

Wen Shao was very happy to hear this, so Wei Nian asked him, "Are you nervous about going to school?"

"Why should I be nervous? I have been studying in Nanjing."

Wei Nian said, "Remember, we are a family. If anything goes wrong at school, don't be patient and call home."

"I know. My sister has said it, and my grandmother has said it many times."

In fact, his grandmother had a miserable life in recent days. Because the eldest sister realized that they had not been trained to stay at home, they had to fold their own quilts in recent days, and also learned the skills of washing dishes and wiping tables, sorting clothes and putting them in the washing machine, and then hanging clothes, and folding them when they were dry. The grandmother also secretly went to their room to help clean the room and fold the quilts, but was caught by the eldest sister and criticized by her.

Old Madam Wen felt so distressed, especially when Chen Xuan said, "They are far worse than Uncle Wen was back then. The school they are studying in now has washing machines, but when Uncle Chen was studying, there were no washing machines in the world, and he had to wash his clothes by hand, but he still got a bachelor's and master's degree from a first-class university. You need to show the same spirit you had back then."

There was also an annoying little girl who followed suit and chirped, "That's right."

Well, the weather is hot, and the little girl really wants to eat an ice cream. She has been trying very hard to curry favor with her mother lately.

The author has something to say: ps: There is only one update today, good morning everyone!!!