The First Match

Chapter 201: Extra story The little girl’s war of independence


The little girl's war of independence was caused by an ice cream.

To be honest, ice cream has become the little girl's favorite thing since she arrived in the United States. Well, to be exact, it was on the ship that the little girl discovered that there was such a wonderful thing as ice cream in the world, and she developed an extremely passionate love for ice cream.

Chen Xuan has always been rough but meticulous in raising children, because Chen Xuan had to take care of the business of the store when she gave birth to the little girl, and she also had to study courses every day, so the little girl was basically taken care of by the old lady since she was born. However, Chen Xuan taught the little girl every day. Since the little girl could speak, Chen Xuan taught her daughter to recite poems and count every day. Anyway, no matter whether she could learn or not, Chen Xuan would read to the little girl for an hour every day. Old Mrs. Wei used to say that Chen Xuan was too early, but the little girl was able to recite and count from a young age, and she was faster than other children of the same age. In addition, Chen Xuan was very careful about her daughter. The little girl was young, and no matter how much she liked to eat ice cream, Chen Xuan would only give her one a week.

You said that the little girl was so greedy that she wrote her first poem at the age of six. The title of the poem was "The Happiest Moment in Life".

The little girl wrote:

The dew on the grass tips sparkled in the sun

In the morning, birds are already singing outside my window

I get up, wash my face, comb my hair, and go out

The little squirrel jumped in front of me and waved its big tail to congratulate me.

The happiest moment of my life is coming

Mommy wants to take me out for ice cream

I don't know why the teachers in the US love to praise children. The little girl was a show-off. She showed off her poems to the teacher. Anyway, according to her teacher, this child has the talent to become a great poet in the future. Oh, the old lady was so happy when she found out that she asked her little girl to write her first poem in Chinese and English on paper and posted it on the most conspicuous place on the wall of the living room. From then on, everyone who came to her would say, "This is the poem written by my little girl."

Moreover, the old lady also said that she would pay for the little girl's ice cream next week.

As for this child, she is getting harder to take care of as she grows older. The little girl is willing to use her brain to think about her ice cream business. She first pestered her grandmother and said, "Grandma, you praised the poem I wrote, why don't you reward me with another ice cream?"

Old Mrs. Wei first said, "No, you are a child, you can't always eat this kind of cold food, it will upset your stomach."

But the little girl has rarely been sick since she was born. She only catches a cold occasionally, but she can get better after resting for two days and drinking more hot water. The little girl patted her belly and said, "My belly is fine. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Old Mrs. Wei said again, "No, I don't have any money. I still need to get money from your father."

The little girl was depressed, "My dad's money is managed by my mom."

"That's right." When Mrs. Wei thought about this, she felt that her son was incompetent and was caught by his wife.

The little girl grew up with her grandmother and had the best relationship with her grandmother. She also liked her eldest aunt very much. Of course, she also had a good relationship with her parents. However, I don’t know if it was because her mother taught her most of her homework since she was a child, but the little girl was more afraid of her mother. She was not afraid of her father, but what was the use? Her father could not make any decisions at all and had to listen to her mother in everything.

A small stick of ice cream per week is totally not enough to satisfy the little girl's love for ice cream!

The little girl was inspired by ice cream to unleash her infinite potential. She began to think, and she thought that the reason why she could only eat a small stick of ice cream once a week was because she had no money. She had no money, but her grandma, dad, and aunt had money, but without her mother's consent, the three of them dared not buy ice cream for her. However, if she had money, it would be different. Wouldn't she be able to eat as many sticks as she wanted

The little girl's war for freedom begins here.

She muttered to herself for most of the night and finally came up with a good idea.

This child who does what she says, went home from school on the first day. On other days, the little girl loved to work after school, such as helping to pick vegetables and wipe the table. In the words of Old Mrs. Wei, this child is naturally hardworking and is very popular.

But when she got home that day, the little girl just sat on the sofa with her arms and legs spread out, and refused to do anything. When everyone came back, the little girl said at the dinner table that she would work for the family in the future and the family would pay her.

Old Mrs. Wei didn't understand this logic. "Why give money? It's for your family, not for outsiders."

"No, grandma. The kids in our class get paid for doing housework. Picking vegetables gets one cent, cleaning the table gets one cent, and taking out the trash gets one cent. The teacher also said that labor must be paid. I want to save money and buy myself ice cream." Humph! No need to beg anyone anymore!

Seeing that she had already marked a price for her work, Chen Xuan thought about it and realized that the children of Mrs. White, the neighbor, also got paid for their work. Chen Xuan followed the local customs and quickly agreed, saying, "Since you want to work to earn money, then it's a deal. In the future, we won't buy you toys. You can earn money to buy whatever you like. The same goes for ice cream. You can earn money to buy it yourself."

The little girl thought about it, and her desire for ice cream overwhelmed everything else. She nodded, "Okay!"

Chen Xuan said, "From now on, you have to keep a record of what you did every day, and I will keep it for you. Come to my room every night to check the accounts, and settle the accounts once a month, how about that?"

"It takes so long, Mom, can't you just do it once a day?"

"No, Dad's company only pays you once a month, and we pay rent for our apartment once a year. It's very generous of him not to pay you annually." Chen Xuan gave her an example, "This is also good. If you pay once a month, it will definitely be a large sum of money. You can buy whatever you like then."

The little girl thought about it for a moment and agreed.

Chen Xuan asked Wen Yin if she wanted to make money on her own. Wen Yin thought it was interesting and agreed.

So, after dinner that night, Chen Xuan called the whole family together for a meeting and set prices for each household labor. For example, Wen Yin was older and could do tasks such as mowing the lawn, sweeping the yard, washing clothes, and tidying the vegetable garden, which were more expensive. The little girl was young, so she could only do easier tasks such as picking vegetables, wiping the table, and folding quilts, which were cheaper.

Because of the monetary incentive, the little girl worked harder and came home very diligently every day. The old lady felt a little uncomfortable and thought that she was just ordering the child around. Of course, after being treated to ice cream by her little girl, the old lady no longer thought so.

Yes, the little girl received her labor income in the second month, and the first thing she did was to treat her grandma to ice cream. I don't know if it was because the money didn't come easily, but the little girl inherited her grandma's quality of living. In Wei Nian's words, it can be described in one word - stingy!

This girl is really stingy. When she has money, she doesn't invite anyone at home, but only invites grandma to eat ice cream. The old lady is so happy. Old Mrs. Wei likes to eat this sweet ice bowl. Yes, Old Mrs. Wei still calls it ice bowl. The girl made money and invited grandma to eat first. What does this mean? It means that the girl is close to grandma!

Old Mrs. Wei was so happy that she felt that the girl was just like her sweetheart and a close friend!

However, Old Mrs. Wei is old and doesn't dare to eat too much. But the little girl is different. She ate three in a row. If Old Mrs. Wei hadn't persuaded her, she would have continued to eat.

Old Mrs. Wei said, "Don't eat like this, it will upset your stomach."

Anyway, now that she had money, the little girl was no longer a little girl. Like all the nouveau riche, she was full of the extravagant temperament of a local tycoon. It was as if her belly had become rounder, because since she had money, she didn't walk properly anymore. The way she looked with her chest and belly protruding was so annoying.

At least, Chen Xuan doesn't want to see her face!

Wei Yin was quite surprised. Just one look at the little girl's explosive look would make him happy for the whole day.

No matter what others think, the little girl never cares about other people's eyes and opinions. She wrote the second poem in her life. This poem praises her deep feelings with her grandmother and ice cream. The name of the poem is "I Treat Grandma to Ice Cream". The content of the poem is as follows -

When I get up in the morning, I fold the quilt, sweep the floor, and wipe the table.

When I get home in the evening, I pick vegetables, clean and wipe the table.

A month later, my mother finally gave me my salary.

I treated my grandma to ice cream

This poem really moved grandma so much, and the little girl did something that almost made grandma cry. The little girl earned one US dollar a month, and not only did she treat grandma to ice cream, she also gave her grandma fifty cents as pocket money.

Old Mrs. Wei hugged her little girl and kept saying, "Oh, grandma is enjoying the blessing of our little girl. Grandma is enjoying the blessing of our little girl."

The little girl patted her bulging belly and boasted loudly, "Grandma, just wait, I will make a lot of money in the future. When I make money, I will buy you a big house and a big car, and let you wear gold beads and bracelets and live a good life every day." I don't know if it's because she often writes poems, but the little girl is particularly good at rhyming when she speaks.

Old Mrs. Wei was so happy that she kept praising the little girl for having her own style and being a good girl who knew how to live.

The little girl wrote poems, treated her grandmother to ice cream, and gave her pocket money. Others didn't mind, but Chen Xuan found it funny. Only one person was almost jealous. This person was none other than the little girl's father, Wei Nian, also known as Frank Wei.

Frank Wei was so jealous that he kept nagging Chen Xuan in her ear for two days in a row, "Eating ice cream, giving pocket money, writing poetry, there's no share for us." He even dragged Chen Xuan into it.

Chen Xuan was not jealous at all. She could not stand Wei Nian's nagging. After school that day, she asked Wei Yin to pick up the little girl. Chen Xuan drove Wei Nian to eat a big chocolate ice cream. Then, Chen Xuan gave Wei Nian some pocket money. Chen Xuan got a part-time job as an assistant in the professor's laboratory and had just received her salary. This was the first money Chen Xuan had earned in the United States.

Wei Nian reluctantly accepted, and Mathematics reminded Chen Xuan well, "I want a poem praising love."


This really makes it difficult for Chen Xuan.

She, she really doesn't have her daughter's ability to write poetry.

After the little girl learned about her mother's difficulties, she was very considerate and shook her chubby hands to make a gesture of counting money, saying, "I can write poems, and I can write poems for my mother as long as she pays me."

Chen Xuan looked down on the little girl's money-grubbing look. She thought to herself, you can earn this cheap money from your mother.

Chen Xuan is so frugal. Chen Xuan said:

Even if it's painful, she won't spend the money!

Chen Xuan did something that was a hundred times more sincere than writing poetry. She wrote a letter to Brother Anian.

The author has something to say: ps: Good afternoon everyone~~~~~~~~~ Chen Xuan's extra chapter basically ended in the last chapter, and then it will be everyone's extra chapter. I will write something interesting, and also something heavy. I will mark the theme of the extra chapter in the title and content, and you can buy it according to your own interests~~~ Today is still one update~~~~