The First Match

Chapter 203: Extra A virtuous wife brings prosperity to the family


Brother Anian saw the letter by his pillow in the morning. Little Luobo would wake up at five o'clock every morning, Wei Nian was used to sleeping until six o'clock, and Chen Xuan would get up, tidy up her son, and take the little guy to a walk in the nearby park.

Children like to go out, especially in the morning when they are in the best spirits. They want to stand up and look at the scenery in the stroller. Unfortunately, they can't stand yet, but this is enough for the little one to be happy and babbling in Martian language. Chen Xuan likes to take her child out for a walk in the morning because she is too busy with homework. The little girl has a problem of staying in bed. Chen Xuan takes the little girl for a walk while thinking about how to get her to wake up early.

When the early morning breeze couldn't take away the summer heat, Chen Xuan put down the stroller's awning and prepared to take the little one home.

Wei Nian saw the letter next to his pillow when he woke up in the morning. However, he did not open the letter immediately. Instead, he restrained himself and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After he was ready, he found a comfortable position under the shade of a tree in the yard and read the letter in the morning breeze.

Although this was the first time in Wei Nian's life that he had read a love letter from his lover, it was undeniably a wonderful feeling. Accompanied by Chen Xuan's simple words, Wei Nian seemed to have returned to the days when he and Chen Xuan were newly married.

Saying they were newly married was only accurate in terms of time. Although they were married at that time, they were not husband and wife. Wei Nian was sure that he did not have very high requirements for his lover's appearance. Of course, to be honest, Chen Xuan's appearance when she first arrived in Beijing did not meet Wei Nian's aesthetic standards. Wei Nian was thinking, when did he fall in love with Chen Xuan? At least when Chen Xuan agreed to cancel the engagement with him at the right time, Wei Nian felt relieved. At that time, it was really impossible for him to be husband and wife with Chen Xuan. The beginning of Wei Nian and Chen Xuan's relationship was due to Chen Xuan's understanding, and Chen Xuan took this step back.

So, Wei Nian felt sorry for Chen Xuan.

Yes, Wei Nian also knew that for a rural woman, once she divorced her husband's family, she would face what kind of difficult situation. Wei Nian knew that Chen Xuan's active decision was a favor to him, not something that should be taken for granted. Therefore, Wei Nian was willing to do everything he could to help Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan wanted to learn to read and learn foreign languages, Wei Nian would teach her whenever he was free. If Chen Xuan wanted to broaden her horizons, Wei Nian would also take her to a safe and decent place.

Wei Nian originally thought that this was a reward for Chen Xuan's willingness to take a step back.

Of course, it's not just a step back. Chen Xuan will also care about him and flatter him within her ability. This is also very important. Wei Nian still finds it funny when he thinks of Chen Xuan flattering him whenever she asks him for something. However, this girl is not always willing to flatter him. If you do what she wants, she will not only say a lot of nice things, but also cook his favorite food every day. If you offend her, you will be in trouble. She will cook whatever you don't like, and she will act like she doesn't care about you. She will especially make things difficult for you until you admit your mistake and say nice things to her.

Wei Nian had always been unwilling to offend Chen Xuan. When he and Chen Xuan privately dissolved their engagement, they were equals. By the way, Wei Nian also had to admire Chen Xuan's clear account. She would record the price of the vanishing cream, fountain pen, notebook, shampoo, hair oil, perfume, and all valuable things that were given to her with good intentions in her own account book. Wei Nian was very helpless at first. She treated three or five yuan as a huge sum of money, and her appearance of worrying about the debt was also very funny.

When did his affection for Chen Xuan turn into admiration

Wei Nian thought that it should be the breakfast that Chen Xuan treated him to after she paid off all the money she owed him.

Even though Chen Xuan would later treat him to a meal at places like the Six Nations Hotel and Beijing Hotel, in fact, the first time Chen Xuan treated him to a meal was not at this place, but at a breakfast stand at the entrance of Wangfu Cang Hutong. At that time, the business of the two sisters-in-law's shop was quite prosperous, and Chen Xuan paid back all the money she had borrowed from him. As the saying goes, debt-free is a relief, and she was already half a boss, so Chen Xuan was in high spirits, which was incomparable to the past. So much so that Chen Xuan, who usually didn't want Wei Nian to buy breakfast at the breakfast stand (for fear of wasting money), made an exception that morning and didn't make breakfast, but invited Wei Nian out to eat.

Wei Nian still remembers that it was a somewhat cold winter morning. Chen Xuan got up early and carefully picked a cotton cheongsam with a crimson background and dark floral patterns. After washing up, she told him that she would not make breakfast and would take him to the breakfast stand outside to eat. Chen Xuan's cheeks were a little rouge because of the weather that day, but she walked with her head held high and was very happy. When sitting at the breakfast stand, Chen Xuan said with great enthusiasm, "Brother Anian, order whatever you want!" At that time, Chen Xuan's domineering light could illuminate the entire Wangfu Cang Hutong.

Oh my God, for a moment Wei Nian had the illusion that they were not sitting in a breakfast stall at the entrance of Wangfucang Hutong, but in the Golden Palace of the Forbidden City.

That day, Chen Xuan drank two bowls of tofu pudding and ate half a pound of fried dough sticks. Wei Nian thought that she could not eat enough at home. In fact, Chen Xuan was full. On the way home, she burped and kept talking to him, "When I was a child, I went to the market to sell things. I envied the people who sold tofu pudding and fried dough sticks. At that time, I thought, when I have money, I must eat a full meal, and I must eat a lot." She also asked Wei Nian proudly, "Brother Nian, are these fried dough sticks fragrant? Is the tofu pudding delicious?"

Wei Nian nodded and said with certainty, "It's fragrant and delicious."

As a result, Chen Xuan became more and more proud.

On the same day, she also gave Wei Nian a dark blue tie as a gift. In Chen Xuan's words, "It's a high-end product! I bought it for you, An Nian, with my own money. You can wear it in the future!" After that, she also said in a very lavish way, "Well, in the future, An Nian, if you like something, just tell me and I'll buy it for you."

In the past, Chen Xuan always had some inferiority and lack of confidence when facing him, but after paying off the debt, Chen Xuan was in a different state. Moreover, she began to admire An Nian's beauty unscrupulously and did not allow An Nian to gain weight. As long as An Nian showed the slightest sign of gaining weight, she would whisper in his ear that keeping in shape was a virtue, and most importantly, this virtue was good for health. Or when she saw a fat man, Chen Xuan would clearly express her disapproval of the man's figure.

My god, Wei Nian didn't know that once these old-fashioned women became new-fashioned, they would be extremely bold. He would never be as bold as Chen Xuan to appreciate a woman's figure. The important thing was that Wei Nian felt that Chen Xuan's figure was very good, and he didn't need to appreciate other women.

Don't think that only men are lustful. Wei Nian has always believed that Chen Xuan is much more lustful than him. If it weren't for An Nian's good looks, An Nian would not have the confidence to win the heart of Xuan. Therefore, Wei Nian regretted countless times what he said to Chen Xuan when they got married, "You can't be husband and wife without feelings." He really wanted to turn back time and swallow back what he said. To be honest, love is a completely different kind of emotion from family affection. Love is not innate. It is a wonderful, indescribable, and wonderful emotion that you have no idea when it will happen and with whom it will happen.

Just like Wei Nian, he himself had to admit that Chen Xuan did not meet his expectations of a future wife from head to toe when she first came to Beijing. However, in just two short years, Chen Xuan was like a magnet attracting iron, and she had a strong attraction to him that was hard to look away.

To be precise, not only to her, but to all discerning opposite sex.

Every time he went to Mr. Wen's salon, those literati who never knew how to keep their distance from married women gave Wei Nian a headache, especially Chen Xuan who liked to listen to these people's nonsense with shining eyes. Anyway, Wei Nian was not very interested in it, but Chen Xuan always listened with relish.

Wei Nian had to admit what his father said. His father said that a tight wife would bring prosperity to the family.

Although Wei Nian had doubts about his father's words in the past, because, although he didn't say it, women like his mother and his elder sister were his relatives and there was no way to change them. If we judge objectively, his mother and his elder sister are the opposite of his father's words. As virtuous as his elder sister-in-law is, Wei Nian didn't find any good in bringing prosperity to the family. Of course, this should be discussed later. However, after pursuing Chen Xuan and forming a family with Chen Xuan, Wei Nian really agreed with his father's words.

Wei Nian was not a person who was in awe of knowledge at first. Compared with knowledge, Wei Nian was more in awe of money. He initially learned English just for the sake of doing business, but under Chen Xuan's urging, well, Wei Nian had to admit that he initially just wanted to enjoy the admiring look Chen Xuan gave him, the hope and admiration in her eyes every time she talked about how studious and motivated Brother Nian was, and in order to win Chen Xuan's heart, Wei Nian would accompany Chen Xuan all the way to learn. And the gains in the meantime, Wei Nian would feel shocked when he occasionally thought of it. At the beginning, it was indeed him who led Chen Xuan forward, but at some point, he had been accompanying Chen Xuan, but in fact, many times, the direction was determined by Chen Xuan. It was because Chen Xuan wanted to take the college entrance examination that he would go to the United States to study together.

An ignorant person will never be awed by knowledge.

After going to college, Wei Nian was not richer than before, but his perception of life was really different.

Until now, Wei Nian finally understood the meaning of his father's words "A virtuous wife brings prosperity to the family". It was true, but not all men were as lucky as him to marry such a good wife. They were already the parents of two children. From getting married, falling in love, to wearing wedding gowns and holding a real wedding in the church, until now, they still love each other so much.

Wei Nian didn't have much time to indulge in his love with Chen Xuan. When he read the letter for the fifteenth time, the little girl ran out of the house full of energy. Her skirt was lifted by the soft morning breeze, and then she threw herself into her father's arms, not minding that her newly combed braids were messed up. The little girl asked, "Dad, where are Mom and brother?"

"We went to the park."

She crawled onto her father's lap and kissed him twice, "Dad, let's go find mom and brother. I haven't seen them all night and I miss them so much."

This girl was born with the ability to sweet-talk. Wei Nian smiled, "Okay."

She stood up and held her daughter's hand, but just as she walked out of the house, she saw Chen Xuan pushing a stroller back home. The little girl ran over and took Little Radish out of the stroller. My God, every time Wei Nian saw his daughter holding his son, he was very worried about his son's safety. However, the little girl was used to holding him. The key was that Little Radish liked it and babbled happily when he saw his sister. Wei Nian took the stroller from his wife's hand and pushed it, and raised his arm to signal. Chen Xuan smiled and took his arm.

The author has something to say: ps: Good night~~~~~~~~~~~