The First Match

Chapter 211: of the reunion


Wei Jin was not very satisfied with Luo Si'er Wei's foreign name. Old Mrs. Wei touched her daughter's chubby arms and said, "Why not call her Rou Si'er? The foreign word translated into Rou Si'er is the same. Look at you, you are full of flesh, so Rou Si'er is more suitable."

Wei Jinda refused and said with a smile, "Mom, you are really good at making fun of people. How can there be a girl called Rousi'er? It's better to call her Luosi'er."

Wei Xin giggled.

Wei Jin was mainly asking the old lady about what it was like abroad, and the old lady started talking. But old people are full of thoughts, and even a simple person like Old Lady Wei suppressed her pride and said to her daughter, "It's just like that. There's a yard of 20 to 30 acres, a house, more than 20 rooms, a swimming pool in front of the house, a tennis court behind the house, and seven or eight cars at home."

Wei Jintou almost exploded, "Oh my god! My second brother has made a fortune!" She couldn't lie still anymore, so she sat up cross-legged and asked, "Mom, did you buy such a big house yourself or rent it?"

"Of course I bought it myself." Old Mrs. Wei said in a falsely modest tone, "It's nothing. It's been more than ten years. With your second brother's ability, it's nothing to earn this family fortune. He is a doctor now. Do you know what a doctor is? It's a top-level diploma. There is only a postdoctoral fellow who is higher than him. He just doesn't want to study anymore. Otherwise, he could continue to study for a postdoctoral degree."

Wei Xin corrected, "Grandma, a postdoctoral degree is not a diploma, it means doing research."

"Yes, yes, yes." Then, Mrs. Wei said to her daughter, "Then your brother's diploma is a top-notch one."

Wei Jinzhi sighed, "A Nian has really made great progress. Mom, will A Nian go out again when he comes back this time?"

"I had to go out back then. I didn't have those properties abroad. You don't know that my family bought a large farm of more than 1,000 acres and became a landlord." Mrs. Wei said, "I had to go out and look after these properties."

Wei Xin said, "Aunt, I have discussed with grandma that when we go back to the United States, you, uncle, brother Afeng, brother Ayu, and your two sisters-in-law and nephew should all go together. The United States is not at war, and with your ability, you can't be worse than my father in the future!"

Wei Jin was really moved. He said, "If I were alone, I would have come to you guys a long time ago. You don't know that your uncle is the eldest son in the family. My old woman is getting more and more confused. She insisted on asking us to move back home a few years ago. If I hadn't given her ten dollars a year, she would have gone back home a long time ago. Even so, she always favors the second wife. I don't know how much she has supported the second wife privately."

"Then you should go out. It's much quieter out there. It's far away, and she can't blackmail you." Wei Xin might have received enlightenment education in China, even though she has been abroad for many years, she is very smart about these things between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in China. Of course, it might be her bloodline. She also gave advice to her eldest aunt.

Wei Jin said, "I have to discuss it with your uncle." He also asked his niece about housing and land prices abroad.

Wei Xin roughly told his aunt about this, and Wei Jin said, "With the money I have now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to live outside." You can't rely solely on your brother's family to take care of your children and grandchildren.

Wei Xin was not afraid of trouble. She said, "Aunt, this is not because you don't know how to make money. This is mainly because the United States is richer than our country. Think about it, my father didn't make much money when he was in China. After he went abroad, he worked for others first, and then slowly started his own business. When you go out, we can live together, and we don't have to buy a separate house. Even at work, you don't have to rush to do business. Practice in your own company first, so that you can get familiar with the language environment and the surrounding environment. Then you can see which industry is easy to do and do it. I don't believe that you can't make a fortune with your brain!"

I have to say that Wei Xin really has great confidence in her aunt!

The eldest aunt was also quite confident and nodded, "That's true. Apart from other things, I don't believe anyone is better than me at growing strawberries." Wei Jin asked his niece if there were any stores selling strawberries in the United States. Hearing that they were everywhere in the streets and alleys, Wei Jin was disappointed, "Ah, why are there so many strawberries in the United States!"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if we don't grow strawberries. My mom is doing research on flowers, and my dad is thinking about building a rose garden. Aunt, you grow strawberries so well, and the principle of growing flowers is similar!" Seeing that my aunt was disappointed, I found another job for her. Wei Jin was really interested and asked, "Is your dad going to grow flowers?"

"Well, a farm was converted to grow grapes, and the varieties were chosen by my mother. Now we have opened a winery, and the business is very good. Big aunt, there is nothing wrong with you going there. Younger aunt has opened several branches. How about you go there and help me manage the store? Big sister aunt is in charge of the fast food restaurant business. She is very careful in her work. I plan to let big sister aunt focus on the fast food restaurant. If I open a laundry shop, I will need someone to help me manage it when I go to school. We have a small family, and my father won't help me. My mother has to go to the university to do research every day, and my grandmother has to stay at home to take care of the four children. Little Radish, Ahong, Ahuai, and Ajia are all in school, and I have to go to school too, so there will be no one to help me manage the business in the store. I think you can do it, big aunt." Wei Xin wanted to form a partnership with big aunt.

Wei Xin was really persuaded by her niece, but Old Mrs. Wei objected, saying, "Washing clothes is the job of servants." She felt it was not decent.

"Mom, this dry cleaning shop is different. Do you know how much it costs to dry clean a suit in the city? Once I made a suit for your son-in-law. It was made of high-end materials and could not be washed at home. I had to take it to the dry cleaning shop. My God, it cost me a dollar just to wash the clothes. You can tell how sad I was." Wei Jin said, "This shop makes a lot of money!"

Wei Xin thought, “Grandma, it’s not like you’re asking your aunt to wash, it’s like you’re asking your aunt to supervise people doing the work.”

When she heard that it was a management position, Mrs. Wei no longer objected.

Wei Xin was also very concerned about her aunt and asked her, "Grandma Zhao is still the same!" She remembered that when she was a child, the old lady often bullied her aunt.

Wei Jin said, "Can a dog change its habit of eating shit?! I just don't bother with her!"

"Aunt, don't be angry with people like that. Grandma Zhao is also unreasonable. First, she is confused. Second, she doesn't know how to live a good life. Third, she is incompetent. Look at my grandma. In the whole city of Beijing, I dare say that there is absolutely no one of my grandma's age who can drive a car. Aunt, my grandma just passed the driving test before she came back. Do you think my grandma is capable?" Wei Xin said to her aunt.

"Oh my, Mom, you can drive a car!" Wei Jin couldn't believe it, "Mom, is this true?"

Old Mrs. Wei smiled and said, "How can this be false? Ah Nian bought me a new car, a famous brand, so where is that thing called?"

"BMW." Wei Xin reminded.

"Yes, yes, it's a BMW, bright red. My little girl even painted a big painting on the front of the car for me. It looks so nice!" Old Mrs. Wei said modestly, "It's nothing. In foreign countries, rich people live in remote areas, mainly because the houses take up a lot of space. Since we moved to a big house, we live farther away. It's not convenient to go out, and we can't always call a taxi. The little girl kept persuading me to take a driver's license, so I learned some foreign languages and got a driver's license. Every day when the weather is good, I drive my little sister out for a walk. Sometimes I drive my big sister when I go shopping for groceries."

Old Mrs. Wei said, "There are many cars abroad. If you want to go abroad, I will use my own money to buy you one."

Wei Jinle was delighted. "That's great. Mom, it's a deal. You can't go back on your word."

"It's settled, but you have to pass the driving test and get a license. Otherwise, they won't let you drive without a license." Old Mrs. Wei spoke to her daughter knowledgeably about the driving test.

Wei Jin nodded, "That's for sure, my mother will do it." Wei Jin thought, if her mother could learn to drive, then why couldn't she

Wei Jin was also full of confidence about going abroad, and she did not forget to care about her sister's marriage. Wei Jin was also curious and said, "I have wanted to ask for a long time, but I was afraid that something had happened. Why didn't Ah Yin's son-in-law come back with me?"

From this, we can see that Wei Jin has made considerable progress compared to before.

Old Mrs. Wei sighed and talked about Wei Yin's divorce. Wei Jin then knew that his sister was divorced. Wei Jin said, "Mom, you should persuade Ah Yin about this matter. How can you ask her to divorce? If she divorces, what will happen to the children? Ah Yin's life will not be easy in the future."

Old Mrs. Wei said, "How could I persuade her? I didn't even know that Ah Yin had completed the formalities."

Wei Xin obviously held a different view. She took the teapot from the chest next to the kang and poured three bowls of boiled water. She handed one bowl to her grandmother and aunt, took one bowl for herself and drank two sips. She changed her tone and said, "Aunt, divorce is not a big deal now. I was unhappy with my previous uncle-in-law, and I am much happier after the divorce. Do you know how many people are pursuing me? They are all successful single people with money. I receive flowers every day, so my family doesn't need to buy flowers for vases."

Wei Jin was so shocked that she couldn't speak. Her thoughts were the same as the old lady's. She was only worried that her sister's value would drop after the divorce, but she didn't expect that her sister would still be in such a good market. Speaking of this, the old lady Wei was also very proud. She said, "It's true. People give me gifts from time to time. You know, it's so embarrassing."

Wei Jin was puzzled. "Why would someone who is pursuing Ah Yin give you a gift?"

Wei Xin exposed her grandmother's proud thoughts and said, "Those who pursue my aunt want grandma to say good things for them."

Wei Jin laughed out loud when she heard this, and gave her mother some advice, "Mom, while Ah Yin's relationship is still good, quickly find someone rich and sensible to marry Ah Yin off."

"That's what I said. I think several of them are good. They are good-looking, have good personalities, and drive nice cars and wear nice clothes. I also asked Ah Nian, and he said that their financial conditions are generally acceptable. But Ah Yin herself is not happy about it. You don't know, there is one who is extremely rich. I heard that his family has a huge estate. She doesn't like him. Now she is dating a man named Shi. He said they want to go back to China together. Ah Yin is a little embarrassed and said that they are just dating and haven't reached that stage yet, so she didn't let the child come with her." Mrs. Wei said, "Let her be, she is not a child anymore. Free love is popular in foreign countries now. As long as she is dating a decent person, I don't care."

Wei Xin said smugly, "That's right, aunt, you don't know, there are people who write love letters to me."

Wei Jin was so anxious that he couldn't even drink the water anymore. He said, "How can that be possible? We are a respectable family. This won't do."

Wei Xin saw that her aunt was anxious and laughed. Wei Jin was anxious for a while, then laughed too, holding her niece's hand and saying, "What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at my old-fashioned aunt? I know that people out there are all about freedom. I heard that foreigners are even more open-minded, but we don't have that kind of family tradition. Girl, listen to your aunt, you're still young, even if we're talking about marriage, we have to wait two years. You're so young now, it's easy for you to be deceived by bad boys."

"Aunt, I'm not laughing at you. Grandma has read the love letters I received, and I didn't agree to any of them." Wei Xin smiled, "Aunt, you don't know, foreigners are different from people in our country. They have Valentine's Day, and I receive love letters every year. However, if I don't like someone, I will tell them directly and never keep them hanging with ambiguity. It's mainly for face." Wei Xin is also very vain.

Wei Jin asked, "What is Valentine's Day?"

The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren chatted so much that night that they didn't know when they fell asleep. The next morning, no one woke them up, but the children changed back into normal clothes. The little ones even got together for a meeting, mainly to discuss that in the future, they should not listen to their eldest sister's nonsense about how to dress, and not be fooled by that ghost, because their uncle, aunt, cousins and their wives all dressed normally.

Wei Yu and Xue Huai also asked their eldest cousin about the fashion in Beijing. Wei Jie smiled and said, "Older people like my dad, your uncle Yu and Huai, usually wear long gowns. The more fashionable ones wear suits. People my age usually wear Mao suits and suits, and occasionally long gowns. What you wore yesterday was not bad either."

Wei Yu said, "The clothes are fine, but the black melon-shaped hat is not worn by anyone."

Wei Jie couldn't help laughing, "That melon-shaped hat, no one wore it 20 years ago. Are there hats like that sold in the U.S.? I thought you all wore long gowns and jackets in the U.S.."

The children told their cousins one after another how their eldest sister had deceived them before, and everyone who heard it burst into laughter.

Wei Shi came out and looked into the old lady's room, but saw no movement. Wei Yin said, "I heard our mother giggling half the night before. I don't know what she was talking about, but she looked so happy."

"Let the old lady sleep. Have a good rest for two days. After sitting on the boat for more than half a month, everyone must be tired." Wei Shi straightened his collar.

Seeing that the children were all awake, Wei Shi smiled, "I heard that there is everything in the United States, including Chinese restaurants, but after all, our old Beijing food is authentic. It has been many years since you have eaten our old Beijing breakfast. Last night, Ajie's wife asked how to prepare breakfast, and I said we should go to the breakfast stall at the entrance of the alley. Let the children also taste the authentic taste of old Beijing."

The children were all very happy. Even Wei Nian, Wei Yin, Chen Xuan and the eldest sister all missed the food in their hometown. As Wei Nian said, there is everything in America, and there are places to eat fried pancakes, door nails and sesame cakes, but they don't taste the same. So the whole family went out to have breakfast.

So, when Mrs. Wei, Wei Jin, and Wei Xin woke up, they saw an empty house...

Where are the people? Where have all the people gone

The author has something to say: ps: Good night everyone~~~~~~~~~~~