The First Match

Chapter 219


This time when I went home, in addition to worshipping ancestors, I also wanted to interact with the academic community. Moreover, friends also need to get together. In addition, there are the accounts of the business in the past few years. Shopkeeper Xiao Li and Sun Yan sent the dividends of the past few years early in the morning. They are both kind people. At the beginning, it was agreed that the two sisters-in-law would only take 10%, but looking at the dividends they gave, it is obvious that it is more than 10%. Sun Yan said very clearly and sincerely, "Big boss and second boss, there has never been a precedent in Beijing where the boss takes 10% of the dividends. I discussed with the head of the family. Although you were away for those few years, we will take 40% and 60%, we take 60% and the two bosses take 40%, which is already a great benefit. Although you have not been in charge of the business of the shop abroad in the past few years, to be honest, the signboard of our shop alone is worth a lot of money. Moreover, how much rent has been saved in these years. The two bosses should not be polite to us, otherwise, we will feel uneasy."

They really knew each other too well, and there was no need to refuse for the money. Shopkeeper Sun Yan and Xiao Li were so good at dealing with people. Chen Xuan thought about it and said to them, "We are returning to China this time. As you know, in addition to paying homage to our ancestors, we also want to send our children to study abroad. I am afraid that you will not be able to leave the business in Beijing. Now it is very popular for many wealthy families to send their children abroad early to receive education in the West. I see that you have saved some money over the years. Your eldest son is ten years old this year, about the same age as Ayu. If you are willing, you might as well let your children go abroad with us. After all, the education abroad is better than that in China, and it will be convenient for them to continue their studies in the future."

The couple was surprised and happy at the same time. They were surprised because they had never thought about this before, but they were happy because since Chen Xuan had brought it up, it was feasible. Chen Xuan was a serious person and always kept her word. Sun Yan didn't know what to say. She was happy but a little uncertain. "Is this okay? I have discussed this with the head of the family. The two bosses are abroad. When the child grows up and goes to college, we will have to trouble the two bosses. We are willing to do this, but we are afraid that it will cause trouble to the two bosses if the child is too young."

Chen Xuan said, "My third half brother was this age when he went abroad. He lived in my house at the time and has now been admitted to university. However, you also know my temper. I am a bit strict with my children in terms of study and character."

Shopkeeper Li said hurriedly, "We are not afraid of being strict, we are only afraid of not being strict enough. Children should be disciplined strictly, this is also for their own good."

Both he and his wife were very smart people. They had already considered the feasibility of this matter while talking. Not to mention that the Wei family was all outstanding people, just like what the eldest master said, many wealthy families now send their children abroad to study in boarding schools at an early age. There are many such cases in Beijing, and they are still without their parents. The couple now have a small savings, and they naturally want their children to have a bright future. To be honest, there are many rich people in Beijing, but not every child has such an opportunity. What's more, the eldest master is now doing academic research in a famous university, which is so great. It is much more respectable than doing business.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have put official career first, and the Chinese have an in-the-bones respect for studying.

The two immediately agreed to the matter and let their eldest son go abroad to study with the two employers. However, they had never thought of this before, and now they had to make some preparations for their eldest son. The school had to go through the withdrawal procedures first. The child was also attending a good church elementary school, and the child's school transcripts had to be kept. The guardianship had to be transferred to Chen Xuan and Wei Nian, and there were also preparations for going abroad. Chen Xuan talked to the two in detail.

Moreover, all the business matters were made clear this time. From now on, the store will belong to the couple, and there is no need to share profits. Because Wei Yin also has his own business in the United States, it is probably difficult for him to take care of the domestic store. Shopkeeper Xiao Li and Sun Yan are doing well in the business, so let them continue to run it. Therefore, some of the transaction procedures for the store were handled together. In addition, Shopkeeper Xiao Li and Sun Yan asked about all the expenses for the Li family boy to go abroad, and they also had to go home to prepare money for their son to study abroad. With their current wealth, this is not a big problem.

However, Chen Xuan repeatedly reminded the couple, "You should also ask your eldest son's opinion. If he really doesn't want to go, don't force him."

Both husband and wife said, "We won't force it, we won't force it." How could such a good thing be forced


After returning home, Chen Xuan first told Anian about this matter. Chen Xuan said, "I think that Ayan and Xiaoli are both people worth making friends with. Over the years, I have seen many people who forget their principles for the sake of profit. It is very rare to find people with their personalities. Moreover, two generations of our family have had friendships with the Li family. Now we don't have to worry too much about Xinxin's studies. She has developed good study habits over the years. Ayu and Ahong are also on the right track. In the morning, they have homework to recite poems. The eldest son of the Li family is about the same age as Ayu, so they can study together. Checking the children's homework in the evening is nothing more than one more child, and I can still take care of it."

Wei Nian thought his wife was really kind-hearted, but these days, it was common for friends' children to stay at home and receive education, and there were also cases of friends raising children. However, the friendship with the Li family was indeed a two-generation friendship. Shopkeeper Li had been with the old man all his life and was still working hard at the counter. This was not an ordinary friendship, and Wei Nian was willing to continue the third-generation friendship.

Wei Nian nodded, "That's fine. Anyway, Xiao Li and A Yan are doing well now, and can afford to send a child to study abroad. If the child is good, this child will change the Xiao Li family's status."

Chen Xuan said, "Of course I hope that the children can have a bright future."

Wei Nian didn't know what he was thinking of, and he smiled again and said, "Usually, I mostly see women who are petty. Most of them are women who think that if the boss takes a bushel of rice from me, I will take two bushels of wheat from him. But you are not such a person." His wife wants to help everyone she meets.

Chen Xuan said seriously, "Although foreign culture is very popular now, I still believe that we Han people have more cultural heritage than them. It's just that our country has not made any progress in the past hundred years, and the foreigners have caught up with us, so we are lagging behind. In terms of national wisdom, we are not worse than foreigners. However, in the United States over the years, I have gradually realized that foreigners are more advanced than us, not just in technology. I have read a book written by American steel tycoon Carnegie. Carnegie has a very famous saying, which is that it is a shame for a person to die in great wealth."

"If our life was not easy, I would not think about these things, after all, we have to take care of ourselves first. Now, although we are not super rich, we have no worries about food and clothing, and our assets are stable. Now American society is beginning to popularize something called foundations. I am not a finance major, so I don't really understand it. However, we also donate some money to the school every year. Although it is not much, we also have our own selfish reasons, that is, we want to make it easier for our children to enter school and go to higher education in the future. I see that the school's accounts are very clear, and the money we donated is used in the right way, and I am also happy in my heart." Chen Xuan said, " Brother Anian, you know that I am used to being frugal, and you are not extravagant. We live in a good house now, and we don't have to worry about food and clothing. In addition to buying books and studying, we continue to invest in some properties. I always think that we should do something else. It is not easy for us to make money, so we can't waste it. It is a good thing to help the children study abroad. We are a big family, and if only our family is good, it can't be considered really good. The children are in their youth, and I hope they can gain knowledge in the best time. Mr. and Mrs. Li are also our friends. "

"In fact, to really do good things, I think one should be the kind of person who can help many people, not just one's relatives and friends." Chen Xuan said, "But we don't have that much money. If we are really rich in the future, I would be willing to help even strangers. Now we are not that rich, and people are also related to each other, so let's help relatives and friends first."

Chen Xuan always had her own thoughts on how to deal with people and things. Wei Nian thought about it and realized that this was also true.

In fact, in an era that values clans, the Wei family is not a large family, but a family with a small population. If you want to survive better in this world, as our ancestors said, a single tree cannot make a forest, and a single thread cannot make a line. Therefore, Wei Nian really hopes that the younger generation of his family will be motivated and successful, and it is not too much to help a family like the Li family, which is considered a long-standing friend.

The couple discussed the matter and decided that it was easier for the shopkeeper Sun Yan and Chen Xuan and Wei Yin to split the accounts. Li had to give the income from the shop she had managed for more than ten years to the second wife. In Li's words, this was discussed ten years ago. Although Li said at the beginning that she helped manage the shop over the years, whatever she earned belonged to the second wife, and she would not take a penny. But things can't be done like this. For ten years, although the shop belonged to the second wife, she was abroad for these years and never managed it at all. She and Li are a family, how can they settle accounts like this

It was useless for Wei Nian to talk to his sister-in-law in person. Wei Nian said to Chen Xuan, "My sister-in-law is still thinking about the favor we gave to my brother when he came back from the countryside."

Chen Xuan thought about it and said to Anian, "Why not take the money from my sister-in-law? When Ajie and Ayun are abroad, if they want to start a business, this money can be used as start-up capital for them. Even if they don't want to start a business, this money can be given to the children in the future."

Wei Nian had always thought that his eldest sister-in-law, Li, was a docile person, but now it seemed that he had really misjudged his eldest sister-in-law. It seemed that in his eldest brother's family, the one who made the decisions might not necessarily be his eldest brother, as could be seen from the fact that Wei Jie's family went abroad to study. If it were his eldest brother's personality, he would probably not want Wei Jie to go abroad at this time.

The couple discussed it and decided that this was the only option.

After taking care of these things, Chen Xuan and Wei Nian also found time to take the children to the Forbidden City, the park, and their uncle's shop, and took the children to eat Beijing snacks and famous dishes in famous restaurants.

Whether it was wontons cooked in pork bone soup or the most famous roast duck in old Beijing, the children enjoyed the food. Even Wei Hong, who has never been picky about food, said, "There are more delicious foods in my hometown."

Especially when eating roast duck at Bian Yi Fang in Xianyukou, the children ate until their bellies were round. Wei Xin, the girl, looked thin with arms and legs like bamboo poles. I don’t know if it was because she was growing taller, but her stomach was like a bottomless pit. She ate half of the roast duck by herself. The family of six didn’t order any dishes, but ordered three roast ducks. They ate it with great pleasure. Even Wei Nian, who was always very particular about his appearance, didn’t care about his image this time. Wei Nian smelled the food and said, "I haven’t eaten such authentic roast duck in more than ten years! It smells good! It smells really good!" He first took a lotus cake, put it on a round plate, and showed the children how to eat it. Dad put a few slices of duck meat, green onion strips, and radish strips into the cake, and the tip of the chopsticks was flexible enough to wrap a duck meat cake, and then Dad handed it to Mom.

Chen Xuan took it with a smile, took a bite, and praised it for being delicious. She said to Brother Anian, "Brother Anian, do you remember that in the second winter after we got married, we went out to buy wool together. My elder sister-in-law asked you to treat us, and we came to this restaurant. That was my first time eating in a restaurant, and we had roast duck. At that time, I thought, how can there be such delicious food in the world? If I hadn't actually eaten it, I would never have imagined that there is such a delicacy."

Wei Nian smiled, "Of course I don't remember. We ate two roast ducks that time. I was very concerned about my reputation at that time, and I felt that it was shameful for my elder sister to only order roast duck and no other dishes. Now I am the same age as my elder sister back then, and I am relieved about the issue of reputation."

"After dinner, take the duck bones back and add shiitake mushrooms to make the stew. I will roll the noodles myself and make the stewed noodles." Chen Xuan also made a duck roll for Brother Anian, who ate it with a smile.

The couple would take care of the children, but still let them do as much as possible. Only Sibao was too young to eat roast duck, so Wei Nian asked the waiter for a bowl of duck oil steamed egg. Even though his mother fed him, Sibao ate so much that he wanted to poke his chubby face into the bowl.

Wei Hong was worried when he saw his younger brother's appearance, and kept saying, "I wonder when Sibao will be more particular." Well, just when dad Wei Nian got over the fact that he wanted to save face when he was young, some people have begun to inherit dad's particular (fussy) genes.

Wei Yu shouted again, "Oh my, oh my, mom, Sibao is licking the bowl!"

The little friend Sibao was probably really satisfied with the meal. He picked up the small bowl of steamed egg and put half of his face into it. He licked it with his little tongue and arched his head. He was eating happily.

Wei Nian laughed and hurriedly asked the waiter to bring another bowl of steamed eggs. Chen Xuan touched her youngest son's fat belly, estimated his appetite, and gave him another half bowl of duck fat steamed eggs. She didn't let him eat too much, for fear that he would feel full.

Watching the children grow up, there are always many worries and many joys. Wei Nian and Chen Xuan cherish the time when they return home. After lunch, they take the children to visit Dong'an Market. Jiqingfang is still bustling, but Miss Chen's prosperity is gone. After the Japanese army entered the city, Miss Chen's father and brother both took up fake positions. It is said that they intended to marry her to a Japanese officer, but Miss Chen refused and died. Her behavior and ambition are much stronger than most men.

I heard that Mr. Rong is interested in selling his business in the north, and Jiqingfang and "Siqing" are both on the list for sale.

Thinking of the story of "Thinking of You", Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Miss Chen likes the role of "Nara" so much that she thinks divorce is like "Nara" escaping from a cage. Perhaps Miss Chen's previous marriage was a cage. However, the family that allowed her to become the commander's mistress for the sake of profit was also another cage for Miss Chen.

Otherwise, with Ms. Chen's talents, why would she need to commit herself to being someone's mistress if she only wanted to make a living

Chen Xuan thought that Miss Chen's sorrow was probably the sorrow of most women in the world. A woman has only two homes in her life, one is her parents' home and the other is her husband's home. In the end, she has no home of her own. In the traditional education of women, they obey their fathers at home, their husbands after marriage, and their sons after their husbands' death. Although new education is now advocated and old traditions are abandoned, how many women can live out their true selves

Men's efforts and sacrifices for their families are always rewarded. Women are different. Women's sacrifices for men and their families are often betrayed. Therefore, women should not make sacrifices easily. For example, Miss Chen's life, her character and ambition, how pitiful and sad.

The author has something to say: ps: Good night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~