The First Match

Chapter 4: Tweed material


After the relationship with Wei Nian eased, Chen Xuan's life in the Wei family remained the same as before. In addition to preparing three meals a day with her sister-in-law Li and doing housework, she also did needlework for the old lady and grandfather at home, as well as for her uncles Wei Shi and Wei Nian.

Old Madam Wei also specifically instructed Li, "Teach your brother's wife that in Beijing, we have to make shoes and socks in the Beijing style, which is different from the country."

Chen Xuan understood that people in the capital were particular about everything, and besides, the men in the family had to work outside to support the business, so they had to dress meticulously. Fortunately, they only made inner clothes and shoes and socks, and the outer clothes of the men in the Wei family were mostly made in tailor shops.

Chen Xuan had done this for more than ten years in her previous life, day and night, so how could she not know this? Seeing how quickly she got the hang of it, Li even said, "Your sister-in-law is really skillful."

Old Mrs. Wei was sitting on the kang in front of the window, basking in the sun, squinting her eyes and feeling sleepy. After hearing what Li said, she said, "Your brother and sister-in-law are used to working in the countryside. Do you think they are as delicate as you?"

Li was choked up by this remark for no reason, and it was not easy for her to say anything else.

Chen Xuan knew that her mother-in-law had always been this cunning, but most mothers-in-law these days were like this, so she had no choice but to keep silent.

Chen Xuan and Li were sewing shoe soles together, while Wei Jin was packing things for her husband's family in the compartment. As Wei Nian said, a daughter-in-law cannot live past the 23rd, which means that before the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, the daughter-in-law must go back to her husband's family to make preparations for the New Year. Wei Jin always went back to her parents' home with nothing, and to her husband's family with a big car or a small car. Now she still had something to pack. However, after a while, Wei Jin's voice came from the compartment, "Second brother's wife, you are strong, come and help me move the boxes."

Wei Yin was making a cheongsam, embroidering the lace on the embroidery stand. Hearing this, she replied, "Big sister, you still have to move our Wei family's boxes to Zhao's house."

"There are so many things here. It's easier to put them in boxes and keep them neat. I'll bring them back after the New Year." Wei Jin called out in a shrill voice, "Second brother's wife, come and help me carry them."

Chen Xuan had no choice but to put down the soles of her shoes and go over to help Wei Jin lift the box. The compartment was rummaged through by Wei Jin as if bandits had just passed by. Wei Jin stood at one side with his empty hands and pointed at a black wooden box placed against the wall. His fat round fingertips with a gold ring drew a line in the air and pointed to the outside room, "Move it outside."

Chen Xuan was used to doing farm work in the countryside, so she could move things. However, seeing Wei Jin's hands-off attitude, she was unwilling to move. Chen Xuan didn't say anything, but leaned over and pretended to lift it twice, then let it go as if she couldn't lift it. "This box is too heavy, how can I lift it? Why don't we wait for Brother Anian to come back and let him carry it for me?"

Wei Jin casually pushed Chen Xuan away, displeasure written on his face, "You can even use an ox cart at home, you must be very strong, but now you can't lift it, you are really a delicate lady."

Wei Yin talked to the old lady in her room, "If you don't want to be spoiled, you can do it yourself. Why do you order your second sister-in-law around?"

Seeing that his sister was actually on Chen Xuan's side, Wei Jin yelled angrily, "Who are you close to?"

"I follow the one who is right. I will be close to whoever is right." Wei Yin snorted, poked the embroidery needle in her hand on the embroidery shed, and shouted to the compartment, "Second sister-in-law, come out. You can't help the eldest sister, and she doesn't know your feelings."

Chen Xuan went out. Wei Jin was furious and stamped his feet in the room, cursing, "You stupid girl, you are so mean."

Chen Xuan continued to go back to the old lady's room to mend the soles of shoes. Wei Yin said to her, "Don't pay attention to the elder sister, she is just like that."

Chen Xuan smiled. It was true that different people are born with different kinds of rice. They were sisters from the same parents, but Wei Jin was so mean, while Wei Yin was fair in everything. Chen Xuan had always liked and envied Wei Yin. Seeing that Wei Yin's lace was almost finished, she said, "Sister, your needlework is really good."

"This is a new popular cheongsam style. When I finish it, I will wear it for my second sister-in-law to see." Wei Yinren was beautiful, skillful, and knew how to dress up. Chen Xuan nodded, "That's great."

Upon hearing this, Old Lady Wei curled her lips and showed a look of disdain, "What cheongsam or not, it's all messed up by people in Beijing. In my opinion, this gown is more beautiful and comfortable to wear. Why do you have to wear such a skinny one? Is it tight? The waist is so thin, isn't it uncomfortable to wear?" Although the Wei family is rich, Old Lady Wei is a fan of gowns. Chen Xuan has heard that Old Lady Wei did not live with Old Master Wei in Beijing at the beginning. It was later that the Wei family became rich. Old Lady Wei was kidnapped by bandits twice in the countryside. Since then, she was frightened and hurriedly brought her family to Beijing. The gown that Old Lady Wei mentioned is the one that Chen Xuan is wearing now. It is big and fat with no style. It is long below the knees, and then the trouser legs are exposed below the knees. This is often worn by women in the countryside, but in Beijing, it is worn by servants and old women in wealthy families.

Sure enough, Wei Yin said, "Mom, look at whose family still wears gowns all the time? The wife of Shopkeeper Li wears cheongsam, and the wife and concubine of our landlord all wear cheongsam. You still ask us to wear gowns all the time, which is so unfashionable. Second sister-in-law, when my clothes are ready, if you think they are good, you can make one too. You should wear cheongsam when you go out."

Chen Xuan smiled, "Okay."

Old Madam Wei glanced at Chen Xuan and asked, "Your second sister-in-law didn't send any fabrics, so what are you going to make?"

Chen Xuan immediately stopped talking. The betrothal silver given by the Wei family was not small, as much as 20 yuan, but her aunt had always told her that the family was not easy, and the dowry was prepared by her uncle and aunt, so as to how much, she could only take more if more was prepared, or less if less. Chen Xuan was not picky about food and clothing, but she did not expect that within a week after she entered the family, the old lady had already found out everything about her dowry.

Wei Yin said casually, "Marry a man, and you will have clothes and food. Since my second sister-in-law has married into our Wei family, won't she have a share in making clothes in the future?"

Mrs. Wei was an old-fashioned person. When she heard her little girl even say "marry a man", she was so angry that she stood up and yelled, "You are a virgin girl, how dare you say anything! You learned that from those crazy girls outside!"

Wei Yin snorted and stopped talking.

Wei Jin came in after lifting the curtain, leaning against the door frame and asked, "Mother, where is the piece of English tweed material from the other day?"

"Why? I said to keep it for your father to make a gown. The material is very good. I heard it is cashmere, which is crisp and thick." said Old Mrs. Wei.

"Oh, what kind of tweed clothes does my father wear? Isn't the Hu silk I brought from our shop good? It's just as thick and smooth. It would be honest to use that silk to make two thick coats for my father." Wei Jin smiled and sat on the edge of the kang. He leaned beside the old lady and shook her arm, showing a flattering look. "Mother, give me the tweed material. I will make a new coat for your son-in-law. He will wear it when he kowtows to you after the New Year. It will be glorious."

Old Mrs. Wei shook her head and sighed, "You are such a thief. You only know how to take things from your mother's house. I have never seen you give money to your mother's family."

Seeing that the old lady did not object, Wei Jin went to the old lady's cabinet to look for fabrics, saying, "Does our family still need me to subsidize it? It is my mother-in-law's shop that is getting worse day by day. You don't know that my mother-in-law is biased towards my brother-in-law, making your son-in-law have no idea what to eat or what to wear." After finding the fabrics, Wei Jin patted them, feeling happy, and smiled with his eyes flying, "Mom, I will take it away?"

"Let's go." Old Mrs. Wei waved her hand. Wei Jin tucked the fabric under his armpits and walked out. Before leaving, he said to Li, "By the way, I want to eat mutton patties tonight. Sister-in-law, don't forget to buy some mutton this afternoon."

Li said softly, "I know."

Wei Jin then went to the compartment to pack the gifts to take back to her husband's house.

Because Wei Jin ordered the dishes, I made mutton pie in the evening. The Wei family’s mutton pie is authentic, with pure mutton and green onion filling. Even if Chen Xuan looks at this pie again in two lifetimes, she still feels that it is quite luxurious.

Li had many children, and because it was the twelfth lunar month, there was a lot to do. For example, the outerwear of the men in the Wei family was made in a tailor shop, and the clothes of the women and children were all made by the women themselves. Li had two sons and one daughter, and they had to have new clothes for the New Year. When Li bought the mutton, Chen Xuan took the initiative to take on the work of kneading the dough and chopping the meat. "I don't know how to make the stuffing, let my sister-in-law teach me later." In fact, she was used to making the stuffing in her previous life, but she said this because she was afraid that Li would be embarrassed.

Li also felt that this sister-in-law was easy to get along with, so she smiled and replied, "Okay."

At dinner, Chen Xuan did not eat the mutton pie. She wanted to eat it, but she had just come from the countryside, and she felt that the food at the Wei family was too oily. The first time she ate mutton pie in her previous life, she felt uncomfortable all night. Later, she realized that it was because she had just come to the Wei family and the food was not suitable for her. So, she ate the vegetarian pie today. When Mrs. Wei saw that Chen Xuan did not touch the meat pie and only ate the vegetarian pie, she was very satisfied, thinking that country girls were frugal.

Biting into the greasy mutton pie, Wei Jin said, "Dad, I have packed my things. Ask Ah Nian to take me back tomorrow."

Wei Nian was the one who had the most problems with his eldest sister, so he said, "I have a lot of things to do, and I'm very busy in the shop during the New Year. You're not a shy new bride, so what do you need to send back to your in-laws' house? Go to the entrance of the alley and call a rickshaw, take Ah Feng and Ah Yu with you, and take the rickshaw back. At most, I'll pay for the rickshaw."

Wei Jin immediately raised his eyebrows, "I have brothers and my parents' home, why should I go back alone! Dad, why don't you talk to An Nian! I have brothers in my parents' home, why should I go back to my husband's home alone!"

Old Master Wei took a sip of the porridge and said, "Anian, send your eldest sister back to her husband's house early in the morning, and then go to the shop."

Wei Nian was reluctant, but he had always been a little afraid of his father, so he had to hum and agree.

After dinner, Chen Xuan and Li cleaned up the dishes. The Wei brothers went back to their rooms, and the children also went to their own places. Old Master Wei leaned on the kang in his old room and asked Old Lady Wei, "A Nian, do you still want to live in the west wing?" Because Wei Nian didn't want to get married, his old house was cleaned up and turned into a new house. When Wei Nian came home, he only wanted to sleep in the west wing.

Mrs. Wei just remembered, "Yes, didn't he say he was fine with his wife? Hey, this kid, let Ah Shi go talk to him."

Old Master Wei nodded.

So, after Chen Xuan finished cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, she unexpectedly saw Wei Nian when she returned to the house. Chen Xuan was a little surprised, her eyes widened, and she stopped without moving forward. Wei Nian was also a little embarrassed when he saw her, scratching his head, "Well, my parents insisted that I come here. It's okay, don't be afraid, I can handle it on the floor all night."

Chen Xuan took a look at the cool blue brick floor and sighed, "Don't worry, this kang is long. I'll sleep on the east end and you can sleep on the west end. It's already the twelfth lunar month, and sleeping on the floor will keep you cold even if you spread three quilts, and we don't have three quilts to spread on the floor."

Wei Nian scratched his head again, "That's good too." He put a small table in the middle of the kang. Even though many years had passed, Chen Xuan felt both sad and funny when she saw this scene. The sadness was because of the past life, and the funny thing was that Wei Nian didn't need to be so cautious about her. After all, she was a woman, and she couldn't force herself on Wei Nian.

After collecting her thoughts, Chen Xuan took some water to wash up. Wei Nian probably felt that he was being a little petty, so he leaned on the small table with his right elbow, and said to Chen Xuan, "You haven't made your clothes yet. I brought back a piece of British tweed material. Now it's popular to use this kind of tweed material to make Western-style coats. They look so stylish when worn. How about we make two sets, one for me and one for you?"

Chen Xuan wiped her face with a towel and said, "Isn't that kind of coat worn by men?"

"There are also styles for women, which are beautiful and warm. You don't even need to wear a cotton-padded jacket inside. Nowadays, people wear woolen coats like that in winter. Who would still wear such bulky cotton-padded jackets and trousers?" Wei Nian is a modern person and he is handsome. He talks endlessly about the fashion trends outside.

If it were Chen Xuan’s personality in her previous life, she would definitely not say that Wei Jinming was going to take the tweed material to her husband’s house early in the morning. Chen Xuan was honest by nature, and she was not such a talkative person, but she didn’t know what happened today, or maybe she had endured it for too long in the Wei family. In her previous life, she had endured it until death. This time, she refused to endure it. Chen Xuan went out and took the water for washing her face and poured it under the roots of the old Chinese toon tree in the yard. Then she turned around and said to Wei Nian, "Your idea is not bad, but you don’t have to think about it. Today, I saw my eldest sister-in-law took a piece of tweed material from the old lady’s room and put it in a box. She said she was going back to make clothes for my eldest brother-in-law."

When Chen Xuan said this, Wei Nian was so angry that he jumped up from the kang. Wei Nian said angrily, "How ridiculous! I got that from an American!" He immediately went to get the fabric back.

Chen Xuan hurriedly held him back and advised him, "If you go down now and Dad finds out, he will definitely scold you. It's late at night, why bother to cause trouble?"

Sure enough, Old Man Wei was Wei Nian's nemesis. Wei Nian sat back on the kang and continued to breathe, "From now on, don't leave anything with mom, otherwise, I'll ask her to sneak it back to her husband's house!"

Although the fabric was not returned, Wei Nian left home early the next morning without even having breakfast, not to mention sending Wei Jin back to her husband's house. Wei Jin was so angry that he not only complained about Wei Nian in front of Mrs. Wei, but also implicated Chen Xuan, because Wei Jin said, "Yesterday I told my second brother to send me back to my husband's house, and my second brother and sister-in-law listened to me. Why didn't my second brother and sister-in-law stop him when he was leaving?"

Chen Xuan looked honest and dutiful. "My aunt said that men should say what they want to do. If they don't want to say anything, they won't ask me to ask more questions, for fear of making Brother An Nian unhappy."

Wei Jin was choked and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence, "You are really an obedient person!" He slammed the curtain, walked out of the door, and went outside to call a rickshaw.