The First Match

Chapter 48: It was Anian’s idea


Chen Xuan returned to the room and told Wei Nian about this.

Wei Nian was young and full of energy, and he looked down on people like the Chen family's uncle and aunt. However, Wei Nian's view was the same as that of Old Master Wei. "Hurry up and give them a few dollars and send them away."

Chen Xuan wiped the small table, poured half a enamel pot of hot water for Wei Nian, and put it down, advising Wei Nian, "Even if you give us two dollars this time, we will pay for the round trip fare. They come here for free, not only do they get two dollars in cash, but they also eat and drink well these days. They must come here more in the future. Brother Nian, please bear with me for a few more days. I always make them go back empty-handed, so they won't come next time."

Wei Nian saw her eyes were as dark as ink. Unlike the panic and cautiousness in the past, these eyes were full of determination and firmness, and also revealed a different spirit from the past. Wei Nian's eyes wandered from Chen Xuan's eyebrows to her nose, which was neither too high nor too short, and her slightly large lips. The lips were a clean and natural pink, which set off Chen Xuan's smooth cheeks. Somehow, it was as if a distracted little hand gently hooked Wei Nian's heart, and Wei Nian's mind swayed unsteadily. Until Chen Xuan asked in confusion, "Brother Nian, why are you pinching my face?"

Wei Nian just realized that his right hand had pinched Chen Xuan's face without him knowing it. Wei Nian wanted to give his right hand a slap, thinking, you are too unrestrained. However, Wei Nian is Wei Nian after all. Not only did he pinch, he also used two fingers to push it up, and said in a gentleman's tone, "Come on, you look listless." Then, he naturally let go of Chen Xuan's cheek.

Chen Xuan touched her face and said, "How can I be listless? I'm in good spirits." However, she didn't have time to argue with Wei Nian about this. Chen Xuan took out the key to open the drawer and took out the book. "I was delayed for a while today. Brother Nian, please teach me quickly."

"Don't rush to learn this. Let me ask you, how do you plan to get rid of those two guys?" Wei Nian said, gently pinching his fingertips, as if he was savoring the silky and delicate feeling on Chen Xuan's face, and he didn't forget about it in his mouth.

Chen Xuan did not hide it from Wei Nian. Chen Xuan said, "The old lady said that my parents should have half of the family land. Now that my parents are gone, it should be mine. I will tell them tomorrow that if they mention borrowing money again, I will take the land back."

"That's the right idea. But they came here to make a profit from you. If you ask for it without any reason, can they give it to you?" Wei Nian raised his eyebrows and said casually, "I'm not saying it harshly, but if they had any dignity, they wouldn't have come here to take advantage of you today, and they wouldn't have withheld all of your dowry in the first place."

Chen Xuan was also prepared for this question. "I read in the newspaper that there are people who specialize in handling lawsuits for others, called lawyers. I used lawyers to scare them and said, 'Brother Anian, you know a famous lawyer.'"

"You are just bluffing. Let's not talk about whether the cost and periodicity of hiring a lawyer is cost-effective. How would they know what a lawyer is? Your method is neither reliable nor direct enough. The chances of success are 50-50. How about I give you an idea?" Wei Nian asked, "Does your village have a village chief?"


"You have a big family, so there must be an elder who is senior enough to take care of the family affairs, right?"

"In a big family, the third grandfather is usually in charge. Whenever he has a wedding or funeral, he will be informed."

Wei Nian smiled evilly and whispered to Chen Xuan, "You can tell them tomorrow that if they force you to borrow money again, you want the land. If those two guys don't believe you, tell them that you don't want any of the 50 acres of land. As long as the village and Master Chen San decide for you, you can give half to the village as public property and the other half to Master Chen San as public property. See if the village and Master Chen San will decide for you. Once you say this, they will definitely be scared and afraid of you from now on."

"Oh my!" Chen Xuan slapped her thigh and praised, "Brother Anian, you are really smart and wise!"

"I just found out how good Brother Nian is?" Seeing her happy face, Wei Nian couldn't help but smile.

Chen Xuan was so good at sweet talk that she had no idea what to say. "I didn't just know that. I knew it a long time ago. Brother Anian, you are a hundred times smarter than me."

"This is just to subdue them, it's nothing." Brother Anian was still humble.

"That's really clever. Oh, I didn't think of this method." Chen Xuan praised Wei Nian again and again, and then said, "I have to remember this method. Brother Nian's method is fast and effective, and it hits the nail on the head. It's better than my bluffing method."

"Okay, stop flattering me and come study."

The two of them taught and learned together. Chen Xuan learned attentively, and Wei Nian also taught seriously, but occasionally, he would twist his fingertips unconsciously.

Chen Xuan continued to study until late at night, and got up early the next day to cook. Aunt Chen, who was worried about the fifty dollars, also got up very early. She didn't even empty the urinal or wash her face. She went to the kitchen in the backyard with a disheveled face and saw that the kitchen light was on. Sure enough, Chen Xuan was cooking. Even more fortunately, Li hadn't come yet. Aunt Chen was overjoyed and hurried into the house to help Chen Xuan watch the stove, asking, "Xuan'er, did you mention that?"

"Yes." Chen Xuan glanced at Aunt Chen Er, and continued to make breakfast. She scooped hot water from the big pot, put a steamer in it, and picked up two large cold steamed buns to heat them in the steamer. It was not until Aunt Chen Er urged her again that Chen Xuan said, "The old lady didn't say anything. She just told me that my parents got sick in Beijing and their funeral was handled in Beijing. She also said..." Chen Xuan paused, and Aunt Chen Er was a little anxious, "What else did she say? What did she say about the money?"

"The old lady also said that now is a new era, and sons and daughters are the same. She said that the hundred acres of land in our family were purchased with the old money from the Beijing shop. My parents died early, and although I don't have any brothers, I have half of it." When Chen Xuan said this, Aunt Chen's eyes immediately spit fire. She stood up from the stove angrily and asked, "What is yours! What do you have! Your parents spent all the family savings on medical treatment! They are still in debt! Do you know that?" She stretched out two pointed fingers to poke Chen Xuan's head desperately. However, before the fingertips of Second Aunt Chen touched Chen Xuan's head, she called Li, who was making breakfast, to stop her. Li hugged Second Aunt Chen's waist and dragged her back two steps. Li was slender by nature, so she really used all her strength to stop her, saying, "Oh, aunt-in-law, what are you doing? These days, Second Brother and Sister-in-law have been serving you from dawn to dusk, and you can't do this! Why are you hitting people?"

Aunt Chen turned around and sat down on the blue brick floor of the house, slapping her thighs and howling, "I don't want to live anymore—"

Li was very frightened at the time. She was gentle and delicate by nature, and had never seen anything like this.

Chen Xuan was used to it. Moreover, she was prepared. She said, "Second Aunt, if you don't believe me, why don't we talk to the old lady and the old man about what happened to my parents in the past. Let's see if they have a lot of debts from medical treatment and have spent all the wealth of the Chen family!"

As soon as Chen Xuan mentioned Old Master Wei and Old Madam Wei, Second Aunt Chen immediately became like a hen with its neck strangled. Her howling stopped abruptly. She wiped her tearless eyes, jumped up from the ground, pointed at Chen Xuan and yelled, "You don't get any share of that! You're just a little girl, and you still want to share the Chen family's property!"

Chen Xuan has been thinking about how to convince her uncle and aunt these days. She has rehearsed it in her mind more than a hundred times. She didn't get angry at the moment, and said calmly what Wei Nian taught her, "It doesn't matter whether I want it or not. What matters is, can I do it now? I didn't plan to take my parents' share. After all, my second uncle and second aunt raised me, but you are greedy and never satisfied. Anyway, my parents died early, I just want it, and the elders of Chenjia Village can't say no! I won't sue or hire a lawyer. I will tell the village chief and our third grandfather who is in charge of the Chen family that I want this land. I won't take even one acre. Twenty-five acres will be given to the village as public property, and twenty-five acres will be divided among the whole family. You see, will they make the decision for me or for you!"

Li was stunned after hearing this.

Second Aunt Chen was even more pale and trembling. She was angry at first. If she wasn't young, she would have fainted with the shaking. Then, thinking of the method in Chen Xuan's words, Second Aunt Chen was afraid. What Chen Xuan said was true. If Chen Xuan did this, even the whole family would be biased against her. Second Aunt Chen knew what kind of people were in the village, but she would rather lose the battle than the people. Second Aunt Chen was trembling all over, and even her voice was trembling with obvious guilt, "If you have the guts, just try it!"

"You don't have to ask me. Didn't Second Aunt also say that I'm in a lucky place? I'll ask Brother Anian to come forward and guarantee that everything will be done properly." Chen Xuan casually picked up a pickled radish from the pickle jar, and with a thud, he chopped the pickled radish into two pieces with the kitchen knife in his hand. Chen Xuan didn't even look at Second Aunt Chen, and stared at the chopping board and said, "I'm not afraid of anything. However, I advise Second Aunt to think about my elder sister and elder brother. If you want to break up the marriage, just do it. Fifty dollars, forget it! If you want to fight for it, just come and fight for it." As he spoke, Chen Xuan had already cut the pickled radish into shreds with a click, and then, he threw the kitchen knife casually, and the tip of the knife sank into the chopping board. Chen Xuan also picked up a few pickled eggs, and cut a plate of them in no time, ignoring Second Aunt Chen.

Seeing this, Li quickly pulled Aunt Chen out of the house and advised her, "We are all family, Aunt-in-law, please take it easy. There is nothing that cannot be discussed in a nice way."

Aunt Chen held Li and started to cry, "His elder sister-in-law, you see, now that she has risen to a high position, she no longer recognizes her country aunt."

There was a loud bang, and Aunt Chen Li turned around to see Wei Nian kicking the door open, his face was three times colder than the coldest days of winter. Wei Nian was wearing a fox fur coat, with the buttons unbuttoned, just twisted loosely, revealing his slender neck in the plaid pajamas collar. Wei Nian stood at the door with a big horse and a golden knife, and he immediately attacked her, "What's wrong? What's wrong? You're yelling so loudly in the morning! You won't let me sleep!"

Chen Xuan ran out of the kitchen in small steps, pointing at Aunt Chen and about to complain, "Brother Nian, this is what happened, Auntie..." Before Chen Xuan could finish, Aunt Chen pounced on her like a hungry tiger and hugged Chen Xuan, smiling apologetically to Wei Nian, "It's okay, it's okay, I told Xuan'er that she has been here for quite a while, and seeing that she is living a good life, we are relieved and plan to go back. Alas, I can't bear to leave her this time, and I feel bad. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep, nephew-in-law."

Wei Nian had a sullen face as he met Chen Xuan's eyes. Their gazes met and then separated in an instant. Both of them held back their laughter. Wei Nian turned around, slammed the door, and went back to his room to sleep.

The author has something to say: ps: The second update is here, good night everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~