The First Match

Chapter 59: What a bitch


Wei Nian thought that Chen Xuan was getting more and more courageous. She was always calling him "Brother Nian" and flattering him loudly, and she was quite good at making fun of people in her heart. Wei Nian was so conceited that he followed the trend closely, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan would laugh in her heart. He just used some hairspray every day. Nowadays, men of status outside all dress like this.

The next day, Wei Nian wanted to avoid using hairspray, but as someone who was used to using hairspray, he thought his fluffy short hair lacked some style when he looked in the mirror. In the end, Wei Nian still made his hair shiny and went out with a radiant look. He thought that Chen Xuan, the silly girl, had praised him for being so steady in his outfit.

After the Dragon Rises, the weather turns warmer, and Chen Xuan removes the straw mat covering the strawberries. Last winter, Chen Xuan was afraid that the strawberry seedlings would be frozen, so she covered them with a layer of straw mat. The remaining seedlings that were not covered with straw mats were frozen to death. Fortunately, the part covered with straw mats was just a little sluggish, and the seedlings were still good. Chen Xuan watered the strawberries, dug up the frozen strawberry seedlings, loosened the soil, and added some wood ash as base fertilizer. Then, she soaked the strawberry seeds left over from last year in water and put them in the house for breeding.

Wei Yin worked with Chen Xuan. Wei Yin was not good at farm work, but when Chen Xuan gave her tasks like soaking seeds, she did them quickly and well.

The aunt and sister-in-law were busy, and the Xu sisters came to play with Wei Yin. Chen Xuan invited the sisters to sit inside, and asked in surprise, "Didn't you start school on the 16th of the first lunar month? How come you are free today and not in class?"

Xu Sanmei said quickly, "Second sister-in-law, today is Sunday, you forgot."

Chen Xuan glanced at the calendar on the table and brought two cups of warm water and a plate of fried peanuts to the two sisters. "Really? You're all confused." Seeing that Xu Ermei was holding a book, Chen Xuan asked, "What book is it?"

"A collection of poems by the great poet Yun." Xu Sanmei took the tray from Chen Xuan's hand, and Wei Yin helped put the warm water and peanuts on the small kang table. Chen Xuan carefully looked at the book in Xu Ermei's hand. The cover had a pale blue leather cover with five ink characters printed on it: Selected Works of Yun Zhonghe.

Since attending several salons last year and reading newspapers, Chen Xuan has gained some understanding of the cultural world. Chen Xuan smiled, "I have seen the poems of the poet Yun University in newspapers several times. Last year, when I went to a bookstore with Brother Anian, the clerk in the bookstore recommended this book to me."

"The book by the great poet Yun is really good." Xu Sanmei handed the book to Chen Xuan. "If you buy this book outside, it costs fifty cents a copy, which is quite expensive. My eldest brother is studying at Peking University. My second sister and I asked him to borrow this book from the library of his school. My third sister and I have already read it. Bring it here, and have a look at it too, my second sister-in-law and Ah Yin. The poems by the great poet Yun are really very good."

Chen Xuan had no interest in this kind of modern poetry. In Chen Xuan's opinion, modern poetry was not as beautiful as ancient poetry. Chen Xuan was interested in the Peking University Library. She had originally agreed to go there after the Lantern Festival on the first day of the Chinese New Year. Later, she had a lot of things to do and forgot about it. Chen Xuan said, "Ah Yin, you read it first. I'll read it after you finish."

Wei Yin took the poem from Xu Ermei, invited the Xu sisters to drink tea and eat peanuts, talked and laughed, and played for the whole afternoon. Chen Xuan watered the strawberries in the yard thoroughly. In addition, Chen Xuan planned to plant strawberries on a large scale this year. Of course, the so-called large scale means planting strawberries in all places where strawberries can be planted. Therefore, whenever there was free time in the yard, Chen Xuan would carry a small hoe and loosen the soil to prepare for planting strawberries in the spring.

Wei Yin read very quickly. In just two days, he showed the collection of poems to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan was not very interested in this kind of vernacular poetry, but she still asked Wei Yin, "How is it?"

Wei Yin nodded, "Excellent."

Chen Xuan decided to take a serious look at it. After learning foreign languages at night, Chen Xuan took out the poetry collection and read it under the lamp. Wei Nian glanced at it and just saw the cover of the book, so he casually said, "Hey, why are you reading this collection of poems by Yun?"

"What's wrong? Is this poem bad?"

"Who knows? I don't read poetry." Wei Nian put down the novel in his hand, rubbed his brows, and raised his long eyebrows. "You don't know that this great poet Yun was a hot figure in the newspapers in Beijing. Do you know who his current wife is?"

Chen Xuan naturally didn't know, so Wei Nian answered his own question, "She was originally the wife of a friend of the great poet Yun. As the old saying goes, a friend's wife should not be cheated on. As for the great poet Yun, from this point of view, it's not very particular."

"So this is the person! I heard from Xu's sister that he is a famous poet. I have also seen his poems in the newspaper. How could a poet do such a shameless thing?"

"What does being a poet have to do with being shameless?" Wei Nian laughed. "You don't know anything else. This poet even published a divorce in the newspaper, making it known to everyone. I really don't know what these scholars are thinking. If he can't get along with his ex-wife, it's okay to get a divorce, but there's no need to make it known to everyone. How can his ex-wife save face? Even if they are getting divorced, they are not enemies. They were still husband and wife. Judging from his character, he is not worthy of the kind of woman who can cheat on her husband."

Wei Nian's words completely refreshed Chen Xuan's worldview. Chen Xuan sighed, "How can such a person be so famous and even teach at a university?"

"Whether a person is famous or not has nothing to do with his moral character. Besides, he doesn't have a good reputation. Anyone who knows a little bit about the truth would say that this is despicable. Even many young men and women who don't know much about the truth regard the poet Yun's act of stealing someone else's wife as a good deed to break away from the old family and pursue true love. This is simply absurd! For true love, he even gave up being a human being? What kind of poet does this to others? He must be a human being first. He actually stole his friend's wife. Do you think this is something a human being would do?"

Chen Xuan shook her head and said firmly, "No! This is not a human!"

"That's it. You should read less of the poems of people like him. With such a character, the poems he can write are limited."

Chen Xuan nodded, and immediately collected the poems of the great poet Yun and put them aside, saying, "I will return them to Miss Xu tomorrow, and I will never read his poems again."

Wei Nian nodded and said to Chen Xuan, "Bring the foreign books here. Let Mr. Wei check what you have learned."

Seeing him pretending, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile. It was rare that Wei Nian was in a good mood today. Chen Xuan hurried to the drawer to get a book, thinking that she would take the opportunity to learn a few more foreign words from Wei Nian. In particular, in the past two lives, Chen Xuan didn't think that Wei Nian was so sensible. If Wei Nian hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known that the great poet Yun was such a mean person.

Chen Xuan had always been good friends with Wei Yin. Now that she knew about the poet Yun, there was no reason for her not to tell Wei Yin.

Wei Yin didn't care, but said, "Ah, I already knew about Mr. Yun's matter."

Chen Xuan's eyes widened. "Sister, you know his character, why are you still reading his poems?! I heard from Brother Anian that he is not a very good person."

"Second sister-in-law, there are a lot of such things happening outside nowadays. Many men go out to study for a few years, learn some knowledge in the school, and then they think they are new youths and look down on their old wives. How can they be serious about it? There are other funny things you don't know. After Mr. Yun married the lady he loved, I heard that the tabloids said that the lady spent a lot of money, which made it difficult for Mr. Yun to support the family. He had to work part-time in several universities to earn some money for the family." Wei Yin knew a lot of interesting things.

Chen Xuan felt relieved. "He deserves it. It's his karma. He deserves to meet a spendthrift wife!"

After hearing what Chen Xuan said, Wei Yin couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Second sister-in-law, how can you put all the blame on women? Second sister-in-law, you don't know that the wife Mr. Yun married later was also a famous lady in Beijing. Her father was very influential. I heard that he was an important member of the Kuomintang and a senior official in the political circle. Now many people say that Mrs. Yun lives a luxurious life, but she has been living a life of slaves since she was a child. Why didn't anyone say she was luxurious before? Now Mr. Yun works hard for the family, and people say he is luxurious, but no one says that Mr. Yun is incompetent. This is just the prejudice of the world against us women."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but say, "I thought Brother Anian was a very knowledgeable person, but I didn't expect that you, Yin, are more knowledgeable than Brother Anian."

Wei Yin casually swept the collection of poems by the great poet Yun into the drawer and took the embroidery frame to embroider. "I am just being fair. What's your opinion?"

Chen Xuan said, "She is more knowledgeable than me. If it were me, I would say that the current Madam Yun is not living a good life. Oh, I don't think too much. Yes, she used to be the daughter of a rich family and is used to living this kind of life."

Feeling emotional about the chaos of poet Yun, Chen Xuan couldn't help but ask Wei Yin, "Ah Yin, is it so chaotic outside now?"

"I don't know. The girls in our family don't study and don't go out. I often hear the Xu family's sister talk about things outside. I heard that there are new schools and new ideas now. In the past, there were students parading in the streets with flags and banners. Oh, I don't understand that. But I heard that it's different now, and it's all about equality between men and women." Wei Yin raised her eyelids and looked at the Chinese toon tree that had just sprouted in the yard, and continued to embroider with her head down. "That's easy to say. Just look at our family and you will know. Where can we get equality? Even Uncle Xu's family, our neighbor behind us, the children in his family go to the new school, but Uncle Xu still has one wife and one concubine."

"Yeah, I really don't know what will happen to the world in the future."

"Who knows?"

The two sisters-in-law gossiped about the great poet Yun and prepared to return the book to the Xu sisters in the evening. Chen Xuan was going to go to the Xu family with Wei Nian to ask Mrs. Xu about growing vegetables in the spring and if there was anything she could do to help. Although the Wei family had switched to growing strawberries instead of vegetables this year, the Xu family had helped Chen Xuan a lot, so Chen Xuan had always kept the Xu family's vegetable growing matter in mind.

As a result, as soon as the aunt and sister-in-law went out, they heard a sudden brake sound. Chen Xuan pulled Wei Nian to her side and protected him behind her. Then they saw a black Chevrolet car stopped in front of Chen Xuan and Wei Yin. Wei Yin got angry at the time and pointed at the people in the car and asked loudly, "Why are you driving so fast in the alley! What if you hit someone?"

The person who jumped out of the car was a half-familiar person, Lu San. When Wei Yin saw the greasy 5:5 hair, he was filled with disgust and could not help but turn his face away. He held the poetry book with a pale blue cover in his hand and whispered, "Second sister-in-law, I'm going to return the book first."

Chen Xuan nodded and let Wei Yin go to Xu's house first. Lu San got out of the car, slammed the door, and ran to Wei Yin with two quick legs. Chen Xuan saw it and gently pushed Wei Yin forward, stepped forward to block Lu San, and said, "Mr. Lu San, you can't drive like this, it scares people."

Lu San was blocked by Chen Xuan, so he could only stretch his neck to look at Wei Yin's back again and again. He looked like that. I don't know if it was because Chen Xuan didn't like Lu San's oily hair with a middle part, but he was very unpleasant to the eye. Lu San was not very tall, half a head shorter than Wei Nian. Chen Xuan stood in front of him, blocking Lu San's sight, and raised her voice slightly, "Mr. Lu San, what's the matter with you coming here?"

The Xu and Wei families were neighbors. Wei Yin walked to Xu's house in two steps. When Wei Yin's back disappeared, Lu Sanfang turned back reluctantly and took out two boxes of snacks from the passenger seat of the car. He smiled and said, "I bought freshly baked cream cakes and a box of sachima. I thought Aunt Wei liked them, so I sent them here specially. I watched the snack chef make this cream cake, and the sachima was not long out of the pan. I thought that snacks should be delicious while they are fresh, so I rushed to send them to Aunt. I drove the car in a hurry and almost scared my second sister-in-law and... Second sister, is that my second sister?"

Chen Xuan was a very honest person. She was not as rich as the Lu family, but she looked down on people like Lu San. In Chen Xuan's opinion, he was frivolous. Chen Xuan ignored Lu San's words and said to him coldly, "Please come in. You should drive carefully next time. There are many old people and children in our alley. It's not good to scare anyone."

"Yes, yes." Lu San had never been so polite to Chen Xuan. When Lu San entered the room, he could not help but turn sideways to the north and take a deep look at Wei Yin's back as she disappeared. He said with a hint of melancholy in his tone, "What my second sister was holding just now was the collection of poems by the great poet Yun, right? The poems of the great poet Yun are my favorites as well."

Chen Xuan thought to herself, you are really expressing your feelings to the wrong person, Ah Yin doesn't like the great poet Yun.

What a bitch!

The author has something to say: ps: The high-speed train is really efficient, the code is out! ! ! ! ! Good afternoon everyone, the first update tomorrow will still be at 9 am~~~~~~ I really think that updating on time is a virtue! ! ! ! Well, there is one more thing I want to tell you, I forgot to put up the anti-theft, I will add it tomorrow, 70% genuine subscription rate, anti-theft time 72 hours~