The First Match

Chapter 62: Think about it carefully


It was the first time that Chen Xuan ate chocolate candy. The sweet aroma of cocoa beans, milk, and sugar was something she had never experienced before in her life.

Then, Chen Xuan did something very stingy. She locked the chocolate candy that Wei Nian gave her at the bottom of a box. Then, every morning after getting up, Chen Xuan would secretly open the box, take out a chocolate candy from the red lacquered box at the bottom of the box, and eat it secretly.

She didn't give these candies to anyone else, she ate them all by herself.

After finishing the candies, Chen Xuan carefully sandwiched the candy wrappers between the pages of the book, pressing them very flat.

Later, whenever Chen Xuan thought about this incident, she always felt ashamed and thought she was too stingy.

After Chen Xuan had dug up the dirt in the house in Wangfucang Hutong, she went to the Peking University Library with Wei Nian and Wei Yin. It was the first time Chen Xuan came to the university hall. She changed three sets of clothes in the morning. The half-worn cheongsam at home was a little unrespectable. The lotus-colored cheongsam that was newly made in spring seemed a little bright to Chen Xuan. Finally, Chen Xuan took the initiative to ask Wei Nian for advice on dressing for the first time, asking Wei Nian to help her see which clothes would look dignified when she went to the university.

Wei Nian's slender hands pulled down a few of Chen Xuan's clothes from the closet, pointed to a light blue cheongsam, and then asked Chen Xuan to wear the shawl Rong Yang gave her last year. "It's just the beginning of spring, the weather is sometimes cold and sometimes hot, put on the shawl to keep warm."

Chen Xuan cherishes things. She looked at the off-white shawl hanging on the wooden hanger in the closet and hesitated, "Is it too grand?"

"What's so solemn about it? A shawl is meant to be used. It would be a waste of the garment if it weren't used and just hung in the closet." As he said this, he took out both the cheongsam and the shawl and handed them to Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan trusted Wei Nian's judgment, so she changed into this set of clothes, and of course, her own clacking little leather shoes. Wei Nian took Chen Xuan and Wei Yin to Peking University by car. When they arrived at the library, Chen Xuan was stunned. In Wei Nian's words, her mouth was so wide open that a duck egg could fit in it. Chen Xuan didn't even care whether her appearance of Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden was a little rustic. Chen Xuan was stunned as soon as she entered the library. Oh my God, she originally thought that the thousands of books on the large bookshelf that took up an entire wall in Mr. Wen's house were very impressive, but now the library of this university, a whole three-story western-style building, was filled with books.

Moreover, the books here can be borrowed for free.

Oh my god!

If Chen Xuan hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that everything she saw was real!

Chen Xuan was stunned in the library for half a minute, and only came back to her senses when Wei Nian took her hand to choose a book. Then, when she came back to her senses, she found that Wei Yin was gone. Chen Xuan asked with concern, "Where is Ah Yin?"

"Ayin has gone to pick out art books." Wei Nian pulled Chen Xuan, "Let's go pick out the books we want to borrow first."

Chen Xuan followed Wei Nian to the foreign language bookshelf, only to find that Wei Nian was holding her hand! How could this be possible! Chen Xuan was such a conservative person, she immediately slapped Wei Nian's hand away and whispered seriously, "Brother Nian, you haven't been very stable lately."

"I'm just worried that you'd get lost. Didn't you see how stupid I was just now?" Wei Nian naturally let go of Chen Xuan's hand and asked her, "If I didn't bring you here, would you know where to find the foreign language book?"

Chen Xuan was honest, and was stumped by Wei Nian's question. Wei Nian changed the subject and said, "Hurry up and find it."

Chen Xuan was so serious about studying that after Wei Nian reminded her, she immediately put the matter of holding hands behind her and started looking for books on the bookshelf. As a result, there were so many books on the bookshelf that her neck was sore, but she still couldn't find the book she wanted to borrow. However, Chen Xuan discovered a pattern. The books were arranged in alphabetical order. She stood up and said to Wei Nian, "This is not the right way to look. Brother Nian, didn't you notice that the books are arranged in order? The ones here start with the letter h, and we should look for the area that starts with e."

"Oh, so that's how it is. I was wondering why I couldn't find it." Wei Nian wanted to laugh when he saw Chen Xuan looking like she had discovered some incomparable secret. Chen Xuan was honest and it was rare for her to show such a smug look. Chen Xuan's whole person exuded a happy look of "You didn't expect it, but I did." She said to Wei Nian, "Then come with me, Brother Anian. I'll take you there."

"Okay." Wei Nian answered obediently, and Chen Xuan held her head high and followed the alphabetical order of the bookshelves to find the bookshelf starting with "e". Then, Chen Xuan, who had figured out the pattern, found the foreign language reading book in a few seconds. She happily pulled it out from the bookshelf, walked over to Wei Nian in two steps, and showed it to him happily, "Found it, found it!"

Wei Nian touched the top of Chen Xuan's head and took the book with a smile, "Really." He held it in his hand and asked Chen Xuan, "What book do you want to borrow?"

Chen Xuan had been thinking about this for a while, and immediately answered crisply, "A book about farming."

Wei Nian corrected the honest man, "It's a farming book."

"Yes, agricultural books." Chen Xuan stretched out her hand and said to Wei Nian, "Brother Anian, please give me the foreign books." She added cunningly, "I will do the hard work of getting the books. I can't let you, Brother Anian, get tired."

Wei Nian wanted to laugh when he saw her narrow-mindedness, and mercilessly pierced Chen Xuan's expectations, "No need for you, I'll take it."

"Brother Anian, please give it to me. I want to hold it for you."

"You want it so badly?"

"Yeah." Chen Xuan nodded honestly. She really wanted to hold the book. She felt that holding a book in her hand gave her a special scholarly air.

Wei Nian stopped teasing her and handed the book to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan glanced around and immediately imitated the students who were borrowing books around her, holding the book upright in her palm. In this way, whether her forearms were casually placed in front of her or at her side, she looked particularly bookish. Chen Xuan held the book in her hand, and without Wei Nian's reminder, her confident aura seemed to radiate seven meters and three meters. Even without Wei Nian's reminder, Chen Xuan went to the librarian and asked, "Excuse me, teacher, where are the books on agriculture?" After the librarian answered, Chen Xuan held her head high and went to find the books on agriculture.

Chen Xuan walked a few steps and found that Wei Nian had not followed, so Chen Xuan turned around, raised her chin and pointed at Wei Nian, waving her hand, meaning to come over quickly. Wei Nian was very dissatisfied with Chen Xuan's behavior of just waving at him, and went over to whisper to Chen Xuan, "You are not doing this, how can you not respect Brother Nian at all? What does waving mean, are you calling a dog?"

Chen Xuan did not answer this, but continued to raise her chin to point at the words on the wall, and Wei Nian saw a line of red words on the white wall: Please do not make noise. What made Wei Nian speechless was that Chen Xuan's round eyes showed a look of blame, as if she thought Wei Nian spoke too loudly. Seeing Wei Nian following, Chen Xuan continued to lead the way with her head raised.

Wei Nian really couldn't believe that just because of a book in Chen Xuan's hand, her whole person could change like this.

Wei Nian felt both amused and emotional, and followed Chen Xuan with his long legs.

Chen Xuan hadn't decided which specific book to borrow. She wandered around the agricultural subjects for a long time, but couldn't find a book specifically about growing strawberries. Finally, Chen Xuan picked a modern agricultural book. After Chen Xuan picked the book, the two went to find Wei Yin, who was talking to Xu Run. Xu Run was the eldest son of Mr. Xu and Mrs. Xu, and the eldest brother of Xu's second and third sisters. He was about the same age as Wei Nian. Because the Wei family had been renting the Xu family's house, the two children knew each other since childhood.

Xu Run was admitted to Peking University last year. Chen Xuan didn’t see him very often, but Wei Nian was quite familiar with Xu Run.

After everyone borrowed the books, it was almost noon, and Xu Run invited everyone to the cafeteria for lunch. Xu's family was not well off, so Wei Nian was not willing to let Xu Run pay for the meal, so he went with Xu Run, ordered a few dishes in the cafeteria, and then paid first.

Chen Xuan and Wei Yin arranged the dishes. Chen Xuan broke open a steamed bun and handed half of it to Wei Yin. Wei Nian mentioned Cheng Su's marriage, and Xu Run smiled, "A Su also told me that I must go when he gets married."

Chen Xuan then realized that Cheng Su, Xu Run, and Wei Nian were all classmates, but Wei Nian went to the family shop to learn business after studying for a few years. Cheng Su went to work at a newspaper after graduating from high school, but Xu Run was admitted to university to continue his studies.

Xu Run is a college student, and even knows about painting. Xu Run gave Wei Yin a brief introduction, "Nowadays, most people learn to paint in the Western way. To learn painting, you must first learn sketching. Sketching is difficult to get started without a teacher. Although Sister Yin has borrowed a book, it is better to ask a teacher for guidance."

Wei Yin wanted to learn painting. She could draw embroidery patterns, but that was different from painting. However, Wei Yin didn't know if her family was willing to pay for her to learn painting. Chen Xuan asked Xu Run naturally, "Where can I find a good teacher, brother Xu? Do you know?"

Xu Run thought about it, "Actually, hiring a teacher alone is expensive, and it would be lonely without classmates. A teacher from the art department of our school has set up a painting class outside. It costs one dollar a month, and you can take eight classes, and each class is three hours."

Wei Yin agreed as soon as he heard it and asked, "Which teacher?"

"There's an assistant teacher Lin from the Art Department. Although he's not a lecturer yet, he is the favorite student of the head of the Art Department and has good basic skills. Yin, you also want to learn some basics of sketching, I think it's possible." Xu Run suggested.

"I think it's okay." Wei Yin picked up a piece of scrambled eggs for Wei Nian with chopsticks, "But I still have to listen to my parents and see what they think."

Wei Nian smiled and gave Wei Yin a soothing look, "I'll talk to my parents about this. It's the same thing, where is the class? Is it far?"

Xu Run stirred the carrot soup in the bowl and said, "It's not far, it's near our school."

Peking University is located on the back street of Dongshatan on Jingshan East Street. It is not too close to Ganyu Hutong, but not too far either. Wei Nian said, "This is not bad."

Chen Xuan asked Xu Run, "Brother Xu, does your school still have classes that teach French and Japanese?"

"I have this too. Do you want to learn it, sister-in-law?" Xu Run knew that Chen Xuan loved studying because she often went to his house to borrow books.

Chen Xuan tilted her head to look at Wei Nian, "It's not me, it's Brother Anian. Brother Anian wants to learn some Japanese."

"I'll go to the Japanese Department to ask about it today." The Xu and Wei families had a very good relationship, so Xu Run agreed to the task right away. Chen Xuan thanked him repeatedly and advised Xu Run to eat more vegetables, saying that Xu Run was too thin and that going to college would strain his brain, so he needed to eat more nourishing food.

Chen Xuan's attentiveness made Wei Nian very jealous. Wei Nian finally understood that Chen Xuan was a snob and would only treat those who were useful to her well. Perhaps because Wei Nian's expression was too obvious, Chen Xuan could sense Wei Nian's displeasure with an honest intuition. She immediately gave Wei Nian the stewed fish that she was going to give to Wei Yin, and reminded him with a low head and a good look, "Brother Nian, be careful with the fish bones."

Wei Nian's mood improved slightly, but his expression and tone were indifferent. He glanced at the stewed fish and said, "I have never been good at picking fish bones when eating fish."

Chen Xuan didn't know about this, but Wei Nian did eat less fish at home. The one who liked to eat fish in the Wei family was Wei Yin. Chen Xuan picked out the fish bones for Wei Nian very neatly, "It should be picked out clean, Brother Nian, try it, and be careful not to get stuck."

Wei Nian then picked up the fish meat and ate it. Seeing him eating, Chen Xuan immediately picked up the fish belly and put it in Wei Nian's bowl, picked out the fish bones and let Wei Nian eat it. Wei Yin saw that his favorite fish belly went into his second brother's bowl, so he could only silently pick a piece of fish meat. He thought, the second sister-in-law spoiled the second brother too much. It's okay if he can't pick out the bones. He will learn it if he picks more. After Chen Xuan picked out the bones from the fish belly, Wei Nian picked it into Chen Xuan's bowl, "One piece is enough for me, you eat this."

Chen Xuan was shy, it was okay in front of Wei Yin, but Xu Run was an outsider. However, it was not a good idea to talk about picking up food at this time, so she could only lower her head and eat silently.

After dinner, Xu Run had class in the afternoon, so he went to class first.

The Wei family went to the bookstore again to buy all the elementary textbooks. As a result, when they got home, they saw Lu San hanging out against the blue brick wall in front of the Wei family's door. Wei Yin's face immediately turned cold. Wei Nian said to Chen Xuan, "Take Ah Yin home first. I have something to say to Lao San."

Wei Nian directly called Lu San into the car, and the two of them went somewhere unknown.

In the minds of the Wei family, the verbal marriage between the Wei and Lu families had already been cancelled by Old Master Zhao. What was the meaning of Lu San coming over again

Anyway, even with Wei Nian's tactfulness, he couldn't understand Lu San's behavior.

After Wei Nian returned home, he told Old Master Wei, "He is really a psychopath and doesn't understand what people say. I told him that there is no marriage between our two families, and he kept nagging me. I didn't mean to be harsh, but Lu San's personality is such that even if there is no such thing as a dancer, I can't marry Yin to him." How can two families break off an engagement and still be so shameless? The reason why Lu San was lingering outside the door was because he was sent out by Old Lady Wei after he came over and didn't say a few words. He didn't give up, so he waited at the door.

Wei Shi said, "Please ask Uncle Zhao to tell the Lu family to take good care of their own family."

Wei Nian took the initiative to take the responsibility, "I'll go talk to my eldest brother-in-law about this. Dad, please don't show up. It's not good for Uncle Zhao to talk about this all the time."

"Okay, you can handle this matter."

After Wei Nian returned to the house, Chen Xuan also asked around, and when she heard that Wei Nian had taken charge of the matter, Chen Xuan felt relieved. Because in Chen Xuan's eyes, Brother An Nian was a very capable person, and there was nothing in the world that Brother An Nian could not do.

Chen Xuan discussed with Wei Nian the important matter of learning Japanese. Chen Xuan gave Wei Nian an idea, "If there is a Japanese language class near the university, it costs one dollar a month, and there are eight classes, each lasting three hours, which is not short. Brother Nian, you can save more money by going to the class."

Wei Nian found the elementary textbooks he bought today, and took a math book to read first. He said to Chen Xuan, "I am learning Japanese, not like Ah Yin is learning painting. Ah Yin is a girl, and painting is not something that can be achieved overnight. It doesn't matter if she learns faster or slower. My Japanese learning is different. I can use it immediately after learning it. I don't have the spare time to go to class, so it's better to hire a teacher to go home. We can decide when to study. Two hours a night is faster."

Chen Xuan felt that it was not cost-effective to hire a teacher individually, and couldn't help but say, "Then wouldn't the study class save money?"

"Saving these few dollars is actually a waste of time. Is the money for the course more valuable, or is the time more valuable?" Wei Nian asked.

Chen Xuan, "Uh..."

At present, Chen Xuan cannot give the answer that Wei Nian wants for this question.

Wei Nian just took off his thin spring coat and gave it to Chen Xuan to put in the closet, then said to her, "Think about this problem carefully when you have time."

"Yeah." Chen Xuan responded seriously.

This question was not something Chen Xuan could figure out in a short time, but what was going on with the bunch of chocolate candies wrapped in cellophane that suddenly appeared at the bottom of her box? Oh, Brother Anian must have known that she had hidden the chocolate candies at the bottom of the box and then ate them all by herself without giving any to anyone else!

The author has something to say: ps: This chapter is a bit long, and it was delayed due to correcting typos. Good morning, everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~The second update will be at 4pm! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !