The First Match

Chapter 64: Uncle Wang is here


Old Master Wei said one sentence and directly sent Wei Jin back to her husband's family. I don't know what method Wei Jin used, but half a month later, when she happily returned to her parents' home, her five fat fingers held the elementary school admission fee receipt. With this receipt, Wei Jin received 60 yuan in cash from her mother, Old Lady Wei. While counting the cash, Old Lady Wei asked her daughter, "Oh, your husband's family is bleeding a lot this time. Your mother-in-law must be very stingy."

"My mother-in-law has no say in this matter. It was my father-in-law who came up with the idea. He asked Feng'er's father to pay the tuition fees directly." Wei Jin happily put away the money her mother gave her. Then, after lunch, she called Chen Xuan, Li Shi, and Wei Yin to her side. She held a pair of scissors in her hand and cut out two pairs of shoes. She was almost hinting, "You three, two are the child's aunts and one is the aunt. This is the first time the child goes to school. You can do whatever you want." She asked the three to prepare things for the child. Of course, if they were to cash in directly, Wei Jin would not mind. Wei Yin hated her elder sister's money-grubbing nature the most. She raised her eyes and glared at her, "Originally, I had already cut clothes for Feng'er and Yu'er, and they were almost done. Seeing how money-grubbing your elder sister is, if it weren't for the face of my nephews, I wouldn't do it."

"Okay, okay, I know you are my aunt, let me see what kind of clothes you made for Feng and Yu." She asked Wei Yin to take out the pieces of clothes for her to see. In fact, Chen Xuan said that even Wei Jin, who claimed to have been doing needlework for many years, was still far behind Wei Yin in cutting clothes. Wei Jin was also very convinced of Wei Yin's aesthetic taste. She mainly took a look at the material and was relieved to see that Wei Yin used high-quality foreign cloth. As for Li and Chen Xuan, no one dared to offend Wei Jin, so after the two discussed, each of them made a schoolbag. Wei Jin saw that the needlework of the two schoolbags was quite fine, thinking that after all, she was an aunt, and her heart was not as sincere as that of an aunt, and this could not be forced. However, it was inevitable that he would mutter a few untrue words of his brothers and sisters in the ears of Mrs. Wei.

Wei Jin is such a gossiper. Old Mrs. Wei is not tolerant, but she is not mean either. In short, she doesn't care about too many things in her daily family life.

In mid-February, Li's third uncle, Old Wang, arrived, along with Li's eldest uncle, Wang Feng. Wang Feng was a handsome northern man with a square face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a tall stature. Although his hair was gray, his voice was very bright and he was in very good spirits. The third uncle was just older in seniority, and he looked about the same age as Wang Feng. Wang Feng and the third uncle cleaned up outside before entering the house. Wei Jin smiled and kept letting them in, "Where did these rules come from? Uncle and third uncle, please don't be like this. Come in and talk."

Wang Feng patted himself with the towel he brought, then stood up and said with a smile, "It's the same at home. We go to the fields every day and come home covered in dirt. We don't clean up outside, but bring the dirt on our bodies into the house."

"What's the matter? My family is not a foreign family." Wei Jin ordered Li, who was standing stupidly on the side, "Look at your eldest sister-in-law, she is so happy, why don't you invite your eldest and third uncles to come in. Oh, go get the Jiangnan Biluochun that dad has, and make a pot of it for your eldest and third uncles to taste."

Li came back to her senses and shouted happily, "Uncle, Third Uncle, let's go into the house quickly." After helping Third Uncle into the house, Li quickly ran to make tea.

Wei Jin asked Chen Xuan to go to the shop and call back the men in the family, saying that the relatives were coming. Wei Jin was worried when he saw these two stupid brothers and sisters. They were so stupid that they couldn't even greet their relatives. They were not smart at all, so he had to ask them to do some rough work and run errands to help them.

Chen Xuan first put the snacks and fruits on the table, asked Li to discuss lunch outside, and then went to the shop in Wangfujing to deliver the letter. When Old Master Wei heard that Wang Feng and the third uncle were coming, he smiled. He knocked the pipe in his hand against the corner of the table, knocked out the half-burned tobacco in the pipe, stepped on it, stood up and said to Wei Shi, "Let's go home and take a look. My uncle was busy last year and hasn't come for a year." He glanced at Chen Xuan and said, "Xuan, you go back first. I'll send the clerk to inform the second brother." Wei Nian was the manager of the shop in Dongdan.

Chen Xuan saw that there were many customers coming in and out of the shop. After Old Master Wei Nian left, there were two more people short of hands. Chen Xuan simply said, "Now is the busy time, let the shop assistants work, don't delay the business, I will go to Dongdan again, it's not far away. Grandpa, big brother, I will go to Dongdan first." After saying that, Chen Xuan walked out. Old Master Wei stopped her and asked the shop to take a dollar to Chen Xuan, "Dongdan is far, you can call a rickshaw to go there."

Chen Xuan waved her hands quickly, as if the cash handed to her by the shopkeeper would bite her. Chen Xuan smiled honestly and simply, "It's such a short distance, it's not worth spending money. I'll just walk faster. Grandpa, I'm leaving." She walked away in a hurry. Grandpa Wei saw that Chen Xuan quickly turned into the crowd and thought that this daughter-in-law knew how to live and was frugal, and she was a good complement to the second son.

When Chen Xuan found Wei Nian at the Dongdan shop, Wei Nian was wearing a dusty robe and busy in the warehouse with his employees. After hearing what Chen Xuan said about Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang San coming over, he asked the employees to continue putting the goods into the warehouse and went out to talk to Chen Xuan. "I would like to go back, but a new batch of goods has arrived today and I have to watch them being put into the warehouse."

Chen Xuan immediately said, "The eldest and third uncles of the Wang family are not outsiders. Brother Anian, since you have something to do, just do it first. I just happened to go to the East Vegetable Market to buy some vegetables. Brother Anian, can you go home for lunch at noon?"

"I'm afraid it's too late. We have to check each of these horses. Besides, they came all the way here, and I have to treat them to a drink at noon. Go home and tell your parents, and then tell your eldest and third uncles of the Wang family, and apologize for me and tell them that I can go back in the afternoon." Wei Nian saw that Chen Xuan's face was sweating, so he took her out and pointed to his pocket. Chen Xuan asked, "What?"

"Take it out."

Wei Nian's hands were stained with dust, so it was inconvenient for him to take things. Chen Xuan had to half-lower her head and put her hand into the pocket of Wei Nian's robe. She took out a handkerchief that Wei Nian often used. All the needlework on Wei Nian's body was made by Chen Xuan, so she naturally recognized this handkerchief. Then, Wei Nian naturally washed his hands in the basin by the well. Chen Xuan quickly handed him the handkerchief. Wei Nian took it and saw that her face was slightly red. He didn't know if it was because of the heat from the journey or because she was shy. Wei Nian took the handkerchief, wiped the sweat off Chen Xuan's face first, then wiped his own hands, and took Chen Xuan to the tea room to talk. Wei Nian said, "Why did you come here in such a hurry?"

"I went to the shop in Wangfujing first. Grandpa and eldest brother had gone back, so I wanted to come over quickly to tell you, Brother Anian. I left in a hurry." Chen Xuan smiled with a naive look in her eyes.

"It's still cold now, don't be in such a hurry to go. If you sweat all over and then get blown by the cold wind, you'll easily catch a cold." Wei Nian wanted to talk to Chen Xuan for a while, but he had to personally supervise the goods entering the warehouse, so he had to remind Chen Xuan in detail, "Don't walk when you go home, can you call a car?"

"That will cost a lot of money, and it's not far from home." Chen Xuan has always been frugal, and she would not waste a penny wherever she could save money. Wei Nian knew that she was a bit stubborn about this, so he simply put on a serious face, took out two dollars from his pocket and put them in Chen Xuan's hand, "Consider it as a loan from you. Call a car when you go home. If you dare to walk back or take that rickshaw, don't even think about me teaching you math in the future."

Chen Xuan didn't dare to say anything. Wei Nian's words simply hit Chen Xuan's sore spot. Although Chen Xuan was very familiar with using an abacus, her math grades had always been less than ideal, and she needed Wei Nian's tutoring since the elementary math textbook. It's not that she can't study on her own, but with Wei Nian's tutoring, it's obviously more efficient. Wei Nian was very willing to tutor Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan followed Wei Nian to learn math. Seeing that Wei Nian threatened her with tutoring, Chen Xuan didn't dare to argue at all, and said tactfully, "I'll listen to Brother Nian in everything." However, Chen Xuan still emphasized, "These two dollars are considered a loan from Brother Nian, and I'll record it in the account book."

Wei Nian raised the corner of his lips, looked at Chen Xuan with his eyes narrowed slightly, curved like the moon at the beginning of the month, and nodded to remind Chen Xuan, "Okay, don't forget to calculate the interest when you keep the accounts."

"Ah? Interest?"

"Yes, I'll tell you how the interest rate is calculated in the market when I get home tonight."

In the past, if Wei Nian wanted to charge her interest, Chen Xuan would have been worried about the money. This time, Chen Xuan's heart moved, she became mischievous, and sighed, "The interest is not difficult, but the interest is easy to pay back. I can never repay the kindness that Brother An Nian has shown me."

Wei Nian was almost upset when he heard her sweet words, and tried to maintain his composure as Brother Nian. Chen Xuan also imitated Wei Nian's smiling face, tilted her head and looked at Wei Nian, "I know Brother Nian gave me money because he felt sorry for me and I had to walk back. Brother Nian, I'm going to the East Vegetable Market to buy vegetables now, don't worry about me, I'll call a car to take me back after buying the vegetables. You should go and check the goods quickly, you have to be careful, don't eat too much at noon when you drink with others, eating too much is not good for your health." After saying that, Chen Xuan stood up, imitated the way outsiders said goodbye, waved to Wei Nian, and went out to buy vegetables. Wei Nian did not go out to see her off, but looked from the half-open copper coin flower lattice fan, Chen Xuan had already walked into the yard, seemed to feel Wei Nian's gaze, Chen Xuan turned around, waved to Wei Nian again, and went to buy vegetables with a silly smile.

The early spring sunshine shines into the room through the lattice fan, dyeing Wei Nian's black feather-like hair a layer of light gold. Even in this chilly spring season, it already makes people feel warm.

A bunch of forsythia in the corner of the wall has quietly sprouted new buds and formed flower buds without anyone noticing, and in the blink of an eye it is already a spring season.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good morning everyone, the second update will still be at 4 pm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~