The First Match

Chapter 75: So rich~


Wei Nian was really impressed by Chen Xuan. He could not have imagined that Chen Xuan would print a dozen business cards for him as a birthday gift, and she even used her brain to think of a very foreign name for him. However, Wei Nian also knew that Chen Xuan must have prepared it carefully. Otherwise, given Chen Xuan's meticulousness, she would not have spent money to print business cards for her if she had not thought it through. I guess this girl really thought the business cards given by Mr. Rong were very high-end, so she learned from him.

Wei Nian should encourage Chen Xuan's spirit of wanting to learn new things from time to time.

Because, not only was Chen Xuan very proud of the birthday gift she gave herself, she also broke her usual shyness and asked Wei Nian, "Brother Anian, is this birthday gift of mine okay?"

"It's done. It's done." Wei Nian couldn't discourage Chen Xuan. This was printed with real money. Could he say that Chen Xuan was not sincere

Chen Xuan thought, Brother Anian was so smart before, why did he become stupid today? So, she glanced at the business card in Wei Nian's hand again and almost said, "Then, Brother Anian, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Didn't I just say thank you for the birthday present?"

Chen Xuan glanced at the business card again and said, "I just heard this."

"What else can we do?" Wei Nian pretended to be stupid and asked even though he knew the answer.

"Shouldn't you give me a business card?" Chen Xuan looked at Wei Nian shyly, "Brother Nian, please give me a business card."

So, Wei Nian really believed how much Chen Xuan liked things like "business cards". Wei Nian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he had to solemnly hold up a business card with both hands and said seriously, "This is my business card, please accept it, Mrs. Wei."

"Just call me A Xuan." Chen Xuan happily took the business card Wei Nian gave her, wiped it carefully, and then put it together with the business card Mr. Rong gave her into a small card holder she had sewn. Then, she put the small card holder at the bottom of the box, together with Chen Xuan's green silk purse.

Chen Xuan made the longevity noodles that night with extra care. She kneaded the noodles early, cooked Wei Nian's favorite three-flavor stew, and fried several home-cooked dishes. Chen Xuan didn't ask her family to pay for the dishes, but paid for them herself. When Mrs. Wei saw the table full of fried eggs with tomatoes, fried meatballs, and stewed yellow croaker, she asked, "What do you mean, it's not worth it?" She looked directly at Li, who was in charge of shopping at home, and asked why she was so extravagant!

Chen Xuan quickly said, "Madam, I bought this with my own money. I didn't spend any money from the public treasury."

Old Mrs. Wei was even more puzzled. "Isn't your business almost going bankrupt?"

"It's just that I haven't made any money yet, but it's okay." Even though Chen Xuan didn't like to brag, after hearing what Old Lady Wei said, she had to defend her business.

Wei Jin was young and his brain was quicker than old lady Wei. Wei Jin helped his mother to sit down, and then he sat down too, and said, "Mom, how come you can't remember this? Today is my second brother's birthday. Look, there are noodles and a table full of delicious dishes. They must have been prepared by my second brother's wife for him." Wei Jin picked up the chopsticks with a smile, and said to Chen Xuan, "I am just taking advantage of this. By the way, my second brother's wife, you have to pay me the money for the hat this month. It's not easy for me to weave hats." He was afraid that Chen Xuan would go wrong and her money for the labor would be wasted.

Wei Jin's words made Wei Yin roll her eyes, "Sister, our business is still good, okay."

"I know, I just keep losing money." Wei Jin took the longevity noodles from Li Shisheng and handed it to the old man first, then said to Wei Yin casually, "Second brother's wife, I'll cover for her. You don't have any private money to compensate, so I advise you to quit now."

Wei Yin, "If everyone is as dishonest as you, who would want to do business with you?"

"I'm not doing business." Wei Jin gave the second bowl of noodles to the old lady, and the third bowl was his.

Chen Xuan followed and served the noodles. The last bowl was hers. She sat next to Wei Nian and thought about An Nian's birthday. Why did the elder sister-in-law keep talking about their shop losing money? It would really spoil the fun. Chen Xuan smiled and said, "We are just getting started. Sister, just rest assured. We will definitely make money in the future."

"Yeah, is Dad's business always smooth sailing? Who doesn't have setbacks in business?" Wei Yin said, "When you encounter problems, just think of a solution. Today is my second brother's birthday, I wish him a happy birthday and good health."

The younger generations all congratulated Wei Nian on his birthday. Wei Nian smiled and said, "Let's eat noodles."

The noodles rolled by Chen Xuan were chewy and tasty, and everyone in the family liked them. Although it was a table of home-cooked dishes that were more sumptuous than usual, everyone was happy to eat them. Old Mrs. Wei and Old Master Wei were also relieved, not because of the food, but because of what Old Mrs. Wei had said to Old Master in private, "Don't say that the second daughter-in-law looks silly, but she is not silly at all. You see, such a large table of dishes in the evening was prepared with A-Nian's money. A-Nian, this silly boy, ate three bowls of noodles with gravy in the evening. He doesn't have such a large appetite on weekdays. Don't overeat."

Old Master Wei smiled and said, "Isn't it good for the young couple to get along? This is what it means to be considerate of others."

"Where did I say something bad? I mean, they are such a good couple, so why is the second daughter-in-law's belly not moving? It really makes me anxious to death." Old Mrs. Wei muttered.

Old Master Wei thought for a moment and said, "This is not something that can be rushed. If we have to talk about urgency, who wouldn't be anxious? Ah Nian and his wife are definitely more anxious than us. Let them be. They are not very old. They are only 20 this year. Some give birth to children early, and some late. Good things take time. Don't worry too much."

"Why should I worry? We have two grandsons, one granddaughter, and two grandsons-in-law. But I think that I will be relieved only if A-nian has a successor." Old Mrs. Wei pondered, "Do you think that the second son's family is too busy reading books all day and delayed this important matter?"

"Where did you get this perverse logic from? According to you, people who study don't have children? Didn't Brother Xu's family have fewer children later?" Old Master Wei said to his wife, "Times are different now. Didn't you see that I let Sister Yun go to school? You don't know that there are many foreigners in the city. People nowadays like to follow foreign fashions. Knowing foreign languages is not just a matter of multiple ways." Although Old Master Wei is an old-fashioned person, he is still very proud of his sons and daughters-in-law who can speak foreign languages. Especially when the hat shop opened last time, Chen Xuan talked to Mr. Rong and Smith in foreign languages. Old Master Wei still thinks about it and feels very proud. Otherwise, last year Old Master Wei asked Wei Nian and Chen Xuan about having children, but this year he persuaded his wife. It's not that Old Master Wei is open-minded. It's that Old Master Wei has a vague feeling that this old-fashioned businessman who started from scratch seems to think that it's not necessary to rush Chen Xuan to have children.

Putting aside the matter of the child for the time being, Mrs. Wei asked her husband, "Is Ah Yin's shop about to lose all its value?"

"What are you thinking?" Old Master Wei stroked the sparse beard on his chin and laughed, "They are women, how can they know how to run a shop? They used to sell on consignment in our shop, and I didn't ask them for a penny, so they thought it was easy to make money. Is it the same as running a shop of their own? Rent, water, electricity, wages for the shop assistants, and all the expenses. Now their income and expenditure are not balanced, so of course they are losing money. If they lose money, it's not too much, and they can still hold on."

Although Mrs. Wei seemed like a queen at home, she was actually a timid person. Now she heard that her daughter's shop couldn't even make back the rent, water and electricity, so she said quickly, "If it doesn't work out, let them close the shop. Closing the shop is better than losing money."

"Not really. It hasn't come to that." Old Master Wei has been a businessman for many years and he doesn't care about these little things at all.

In fact, it’s not that there is no business.

However, it was unrealistic to expect the shop to be popular just after it opened. The location of Dongdan was no worse than Wangfujing Street, so the rent was imaginable. However, Wei Yin and Chen Xuan didn't understand this. The Wei family had two shops, one in Wangfujing and one in Dongdan. They thought that it would be easier to look after the shop if it was closer to their own shop.

As a result, the rent money is a huge sum of money.

Chen Xuan and Wei Yin are not without ideas. Chen Xuan's idea is this: "Brother Anian often brings me old newspapers to practice calligraphy. They are not too old, just three or five days old. Yin, I saw news about selling medicine and vanishing cream in the newspaper. I asked Brother Anian and he said that's called advertising. Yin, our shop has just opened, so I thought, why don't we spend some money to put up an advertisement so that people who buy newspapers can see it."

Wei Yin had also read the newspaper. She thought about it and said, "This idea can be tried, but there is one thing I want to discuss with my second sister-in-law."

"You say." Chen Xuan said.

"Sister-in-law, can you make an extra portion for me and Ah Shu when you make supper for my second brother and Mr. Zhao tonight?" Wei Yin felt a little embarrassed.

"Didn't I say I would do it for you two?"

Wei Yin sighed, "This is the second thing I want to discuss with my second sister-in-law. In the past few months, Ah Shu has been teaching me French very hard and has come every day. I see that she doesn't seem to be well off and has lost a lot of weight. I think everyone has troubles. I want to give her the wages for the past two months. I offered to pay her before, but she refused. I didn't have any money at that time, and now I owe my second brother a large sum of money. But I think we are a family, and Ah Shu and Mr. Zhao are out there, and everything from renting a house to food and clothing is an expense. She is very concerned about her reputation, so it's hard for her to ask me, but I can't pretend not to see it."

"You are right about this. Everyone has difficulties. Hey, Miss Qin is a little bit stupid, but she is also a sincere person. I think they are both educated. With hands and feet, they will not be afraid of not finding jobs in the future. You can first take two months' wages from our turnover to give to Miss Qin, the same as Mr. Zhao. We can only help in limited ways. But since we know each other, it is fate." Chen Xuan is very meticulous, but she is not stingy to others. From the clarity of her and Wei Nian's accounts, it can be seen that Chen Xuan is not a greedy person. Even if the shop business is not good now, Chen Xuan will not save this money. Because this money should be given to Miss Qin, and it may be very important to Miss Qin now.

Seeing that his second sister-in-law agreed, Wei Yin said to Miss Qin during their supper, "It's too hot now. I always have no appetite during the day. I have to eat something at night. Ah Shu, let's eat together."

Compared to his round face before, Qin Shu is now much thinner, and even his bright eyes are much dimmer. Qin Shu smiled, knowing Wei Yin's good intentions, but he didn't say it out loud. He still felt sad in his heart, but he smiled on his face and said, "Then I'll take advantage of you."

The next day, Wei Yin gave Qin Shu the wages for the first two months. Wei Yin said, "We have known each other for a short time, but I feel as if we have known each other for a long time. Ah Shu, I didn't have money before and couldn't afford it. Now that my shop is open, you don't have to be polite to me."

Qin Shu almost cried. Her face was haggard, but there was still a little light in her tired eyes. She tightly grasped the cloth handkerchief that held the ocean in her hand, choking a little, "Ah Yin, I will always remember your kindness to me."

Wei Yin told Chen Xuan about Qin Shu's situation in private. Chen Xuan said, "This is all because she doesn't study hard. Miss Qin's brain is not very good to begin with, and she doesn't want to study hard, so this is the case." Finally, Chen Xuan added seriously, "This is the consequence of not studying hard. Ah Yin, we must learn from this."

Well, Chen Xuan’s knowledge has greatly improved recently, and I will say anything that can be used as a lesson for reference.

Chen Xuan was still somewhat puzzled, and said to Wei Nian, "Miss Qin didn't finish her studies, so she can't make money. This Mr. Zhao is too incompetent. Didn't he say he was studying in Japan? How come he can't even support his wife?"

Wei Nian sneered, leaning against the quilt and flipping through a page of a book, "From what you said, all the international students are rich?"

"I'm not talking about rich people, but at least they should have no problem supporting their families. Professor Wu, he never went to college, but he is a professor at Peking University. How come this guy who studied in Japan can't even support his wife?" Chen Xuan couldn't understand, so she asked Wei Nian.

Wei Nian put down the book in his hand, half straightened up and said to Chen Xuan, "You don't know the market outside. International students are also divided into levels. The rich ones go to Europe and the United States, and the poor ones go to Japan. Besides, the current college students are graduated and unemployed. They can't do hard work. But those decent jobs are not for everyone. Therefore, the best job for these international students is to find a school to be a teacher. Teachers have high salaries and are suitable for them. As for Mr. Zhao, if it were me, of course I would find a job first, and then take on some other duties on weekdays. I can't starve. However, seeing that he thinks highly of himself, he is only willing to work in a university even if he wants to be a teacher. If I am right, I will run into obstacles again and again."

"Now that I can't even fill my stomach, I still have the time to be picky? Of course, eating a full meal comes first."

"If he had your mind, he wouldn't have done this." Wei Nian smiled, "Nerds like them always have to hit a wall a few times before they can learn their lesson. Besides, his affair with Miss Qin was criticized. There are still more sensible people in this world. He has no reputation."

Thinking of something, Wei Nian said to Chen Xuan, "Professor Wu's birthday is coming soon. Let's go prepare a gift tomorrow. You can go with me."

Chen Xuan was curious, "When did you become so close to Professor Wu?"

Wei Nian laughed, "You don't know, Professor Wu is my big client. Now the volume of business I do with Professor Wu has exceeded that with Smith." Since meeting Professor Wu, those lacquerware, wooden items, old clothes and shoes that no one wanted before have been bought by people. Wei Nian couldn't help but proudly said to Chen Xuan, "The rent for the shop you borrowed is Professor Wu's salary for the past few months. I really like these professors, they are so rich."

The author has something to say: ps: I'm finally home, sweating all over, the weather in Hangzhou can be used to make a sentence: Wei Nian's feelings for Chen Xuan are as hot as the weather in Hangzhou in July~

Good morning everyone~~~~Thank you all for your mines~~

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