The First Match

Chapter 78: Failed advertising attempt


In fact, Wei Nian really misunderstood Chen Xuan. Having her own savings book for the first time in her life was certainly something to be happy about. However, in addition to being happy, Chen Xuan became more worried.

She was happy because it was the first time in her life that she had earned so much money. She was worried that Chen Xuan owed Wei Nian money. With her current savings, she could barely pay it off with Wei Yin. Chen Xuan was not worried about not being able to pay Wei Nian back. With this year's bumper strawberry harvest, Chen Xuan was more confident about next year's strawberry business. Moreover, Chen Xuan believed that she could grow more strawberries and make more money next year.

What Chen Xuan is worried about is the hat shop that has been losing money.

I spent money to advertise in the Chengsu newspaper, but the effect didn't seem to be that great.

Since the matter involved their own money, even women like Chen Xuan and Wei Yin who seldom went out could not sit still at home. The two sisters-in-law made an appointment to go out on the street one day, especially in crowded places. In the morning, there were newsboys selling newspapers for two cents each. Since Chen Xuan and Wei Yin took out money to advertise in the newspaper where Cheng Su worked for a month, the newspaper gave them newspapers for free for a year, delivered to their home every morning. The two of them went out not to buy newspapers, but to find a teahouse to sit. Some people came and went, and some people bought a newspaper while waiting for the tram. At this time, many people threw away the advertising pages in the inserts. As for the large-page advertisements, because there were news contents, maybe some people would take a look at them. Chen Xuan and her friends could not afford large-page advertisements. Chen Xuan studied the place where they put the advertisements. Fortunately, it was not in the inserts of the advertisements, so it would not be thrown away directly. However, because of the price, there was no good location. Next to it is an old Chinese doctor on the top, next to health products on the bottom, and on the left is a blood drugstore. On the right at least it is not an advertisement but news, the Daqianmen corpse case.

Well, based on the Daqianmen corpse case, it is estimated that a few readers will take a quick glance at the advertisement of the hat shop opened by Chen Xuan and Wei Yin next to the corpse case - Juliet Hat Shop, the most fashionable hat shop in all of Peking.

Even if Chen Xuan and Wei Yin are deceiving themselves, they have to admit that this advertisement was a failed business attempt.

Failure means wasting money.

Chen Xuan went home and sighed for a long time. The third uncle thought she was worried about something and asked her about it. Chen Xuan was not the type to keep things to herself. She used to be very quiet, but she didn't want to be so depressed after living her life again. Moreover, Chen Xuan found that when she spoke out, sometimes it was really a double-edged sword. Chen Xuan told the third uncle about the unsatisfactory advertising, and the third uncle asked, "What is advertising?"

Chen Xuan didn't think that her third uncle was ignorant just because he came from the countryside. She herself was from the countryside. Chen Xuan took out a newspaper and explained it to her third uncle in detail, "This small piece of paper printed here introduces our hat shop. Alas, we spent money, but the business didn't increase."

The third uncle didn't understand this. He said, "Beijing is too big. If you open a shop, you have to spend money to print it on paper to let people know. If it's in our countryside, you can just shout it out and everyone will know it. Alas, it's impossible to shout it out in Beijing. Another thing is, how about finding someone who can write and paint a line of words on the wall? We have this in the countryside. Although most people can't read, there are still some who can. If you go to a place and ask people, they will know what the words are?"

Uncle San's words reminded Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt that if she could paint big characters on the wall, it would save money instead of printing them on newspapers. She had time, so she could paint the wall. She could even save on labor. It was just the cost of paint. Chen Xuan thought that Uncle San was indeed an old man with great knowledge. When Wei Nian came back, Chen Xuan discussed it with Wei Nian. Wei Nian said, "This wall is not yours. It has an owner. We can do this in our hometown because there are few people in our hometown village. There are only one or two thousand people in a village. We see each other every day. We are not relatives, but villagers. It's okay to do this. If you do this in Beijing, do you think people will agree?"

"That won't work?" Chen Xuan was a little disappointed.

"No." Wei Nian gave an affirmative answer and said to Chen Xuan, "Don't be too anxious. It's rare for a new shop to be crowded with customers right after opening. Aren't your hats also on consignment in our shop? I'll calculate it for you. You won't lose too much."

"It's not okay to lose money. This loss is a lot of money." Chen Xuan saw that Wei Nian had no good idea, so she patted the edge of the kang, got off the kang, and said, "Eat first, then read a book, and continue thinking about it tomorrow."

Wei Nian followed Chen Xuan to the kitchen to serve the meal and said to her, "Don't stay at home all day thinking about it. Go out for a walk when you have time. You can't find a solution if you stay at home and you will only get more depressed."

"Then I'll take a ride with you tomorrow morning. I want to just walk around the street. There are a lot of people in Dongdan. Then we'll go to the hat shop and have a look."


Wei Nian is definitely not a lazy man. Influenced by new ideas, although at home the man is the breadwinner and the woman is the homemaker, it is completely different when he arrives at Wangfucang Hutong. Wei Nian helps with things like serving food and arranging dishes. He is definitely not the type of person who stays away from the kitchen.

Three people ate at one table. Speaking of eating, since Chen Xuan and Wei Nian moved out, the old man told us to keep two accounts, one for strawberries and one for daily expenses. The old lady didn't care about the expenses for strawberries. She was very happy to pay for the renovation of the doors and windows of the house. After all, it was for the strawberry business next year. But for daily expenses, the old lady calculated it every month. The rice and flour were bought by the public and sent to Wangfu Cang Hutong. The money for other vegetables, meat and eggs was two yuan a month. If you spend more, you can make up for it yourself. If you save, the old lady won't ask.

If it were just Chen Xuan and the third uncle, how could they spend two dollars a month? Isn't this a crime? Two people can live on fifty cents a month, but adding Wei Nian is not enough. Wei Nian is picky. When he was at home, he would order dishes from time to time since Chen Xuan came in. Now that he has moved out and lives on his own, Wei Nian has the final say on what to eat and drink every day. Especially since they moved in in July, the weather turned cooler at that time. Wei Nian ate very little meat in the summer. According to him, it didn't whet his appetite. But in autumn and winter, Wei Nian demanded that every meal must have fish and meat, otherwise he would not be full.

Because of this, the two dollars a month for food was not enough, so Wei Nian took out ten dollars and asked Chen Xuan to buy more delicious food. Wei Nian said, "I eat and drink well, but I only earn these ten dollars? If I get sick, how much will the medical expenses cost? Those who know how to calculate and have a clear mind can't save money on food."

Chen Xuan suspected that Wei Nian was trying to say that she was not smart enough to count, but Chen Xuan herself felt that it was not necessary to have a big meal every time. However, Wei Nian said so, and he gave her money to subsidize the food expenses. Chen Xuan's temperament became more open-minded in this life, so she just let go and made whatever Wei Nian wanted. Even the third uncle felt very sorry, thinking that eating so well every day was really a sin.

The third uncle also privately advised Chen Xuan to live a more frugal life.

It's not that the third uncle is nosy. He always eats with us. If the food is good, what's the harm to him? First, it's his nature. He has lived in the countryside all his life and has a good living standard. He can eat white flour on weekdays. But, he doesn't want to have fish and meat every day. Second, the third uncle is actually thinking about Chen Xuan. Being a daughter-in-law is different from being a daughter at home. If the husband's family knows about the food he buys every day, they won't say that their son is greedy and wants to eat good food. They will only say that their daughter-in-law is picky and can't live like this.

However, Chen Xuan had her own plan for life in the Wei family. Chen Xuan told her third uncle, "If Anian doesn't eat well, he won't have the energy to work. I also want him to eat better. He suffers from summer heat and loses a lot of weight in summer. It's just right for him to gain some weight in autumn and winter."

My third uncle is not a talkative person, so he just said once.

Therefore, since Chen Xuan and Wei Nian moved to Wangfucang Hutong, the two of them have been eating much better than when they lived in the old house. Moreover, since she has been out on her own, no one will stare at Chen Xuan when she eats, complaining that she eats too much meat. Wei Nian always advises her to eat more meat. Chen Xuan is not like Wei Jin, who will eat three or two mutton patties just for the sake of being nice. Chen Xuan also likes to eat meat, but perhaps because of her stomach problems since she was a child, she has been used to being a vegetarian since she was a child. She likes meat, but she never eats much.

However, it is really nice to be able to eat whatever you want.

Chen Xuan was still thinking silently that when Wei Nian met the girl he loved in the future, after she and Wei Nian separated, she would buy a small yard like this, plant strawberries in the yard, and then eat and drink whatever she wanted every day, read books when she wanted, and work when she wanted.

What a beautiful day!

Chen Xuan imagined her future life, and the next day she and Wei Nian took a rickshaw to Dongdan. Wangfucang Hutong was a long way from Dongdan, and Wei Nian was unwilling to walk. Since moving to Wangfucang Hutong, Wei Nian started to hire a car to go to and from get off work. Of course, the money was not reimbursed by the government. Chen Xuan often went out with Wei Nian to take a ride.

Chen Xuan went to the hat shop instead of anywhere else. For five days in a row, she went to the hat shop every day. Although she didn't come up with a solution, she did have some ideas. Chen Xuan told Wei Nian at night, "Most of the people who buy hats are women. Shopkeeper Li is also very smart, but he is a grown man, so it's not very convenient. After all, hats need to be tried on. If it was a female clerk, it would be easier to communicate."

"Shopkeeper Xiao Li has other advantages. If you buy a hat for the man in your family, wouldn't it be better to let him try it on?" Wei Nian said, "Besides, Shopkeeper Xiao Li is one of our own, so we can use him with confidence."

"I'm not saying I want to replace Shopkeeper Xiao Li." Chen Xuan had her own plans. "I just thought that I don't have to worry about the strawberries at home, and my third uncle can help me look after them. If I have nothing to do, can I go to the shop to help out and take a look at the current market. Besides, the shop now also has a sweater business."

A modern person like Wei Nian did not object to Chen Xuan going out to work. Wei Nian casually said, "It's okay to go out for a walk. Besides, you have to go out every day now."

"There is one more thing, Brother Anian. Our store sells Western-style sweaters and hats, but Shopkeeper Li wears a long gown all day long. I want to change his clothes. I remember when we used to go to the Six Nations Hotel, the guys who greeted guests at the door were all wearing Western-style clothes, and they looked very smart."

Wei Nian corrected, "That's called a doorman."

"Can you tell me my idea first?" Chen Xuan asked Wei Nian.

"That's fine."

After listening to Wei Nian's opinion, Chen Xuan went home and discussed it with Wei Yin. Wei Yin did not object. Wei Yin discussed with Chen Xuan, "Second sister-in-law, how about we do the advertisement for another two months?"

"Let's not use advertising for now. I've seen advertisements in newspapers and not many people read them. We have to think of a way to create an advertisement that people can see every day without getting bored, and that costs less," said Chen Xuan.

Mrs. Wei listened and nodded, "That's a good idea." She taught the two sisters-in-law how to build a family, "You have to spend less money to save up a family business."

Wei Jin knitted knitting needles non-stop and said to Chen Xuan, "Did you hear what the old lady said? I heard that you guys are spending money like water on chicken, fish, elbows and meat all day long in your house over there."

Chen Xuan would not hide it for Wei Nian. She said, "If it's up to me, even though we didn't grow vegetables this year, we can buy half a cart of radishes and cabbages from the market, which is enough for the whole winter. Brother Anian said that he gets upset whenever he doesn't have meat for a meal. When he's upset, he gets angry. I dare not disobey him. Sister, how about you wait until he comes back and talk to him about it?"

Even though Wei Jin always keeps her mouth raised and talks about this and that, she really doesn't dare to say anything to Wei Nian, because she can't beat Wei Nian. Wei Jin rolled her eyes, "Being greedy is a terminal disease, it can't be cured. I want him to get better by talking to him? You can't control your own man, so you ask others to do it for you!"

In the past two years, Chen Xuan has summed up a set of methods to deal with Wei Jin. Chen Xuan said honestly, "Brother Anian told me that the husband is the leader of the wife, which means that women have to listen to men."

Old Mrs. Wei slapped her thigh and said, "That's right!"

However, in the end, Chen Xuan thought of a good way to promote it, which was the spiritual insight that Wei Nian brought her.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good morning everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you all for the mines and grenades~~~~~~

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