The First Match

Chapter 79: Happy birthday


It was the end of September, and Wei Nian told Chen Xuan in the morning that he only needed to cook for his third uncle in the evening, and he took Chen Xuan out to eat.

Chen Xuan looked at Wei Nian's dark robe and asked, "Are you here for a social event?"

Wei Nian looked in the mirror and said, "You'll know when you get there."

Chen Xuan handed the woolen coat to Wei Nian. Wei Nian put it on, buttoned it up, and took the scarf. Before leaving, he said to Chen Xuan, "By the way, wear the new cheongsam tonight. I also need to iron my suit."

"Okay." Chen Xuan sent Wei Nian out the door and looked back at the strawberries planted on the kang in the north room. Unlike the people who planted strawberries in Guang'anmen, Chen Xuan built walls to separate the rooms, and the temperatures in the rooms were also different. After Chen Xuan sorted out the strawberries and made a record, the driver who sent Wei Nian back came back. Chen Xuan took a car to the hat shop to take care of the business. In the evening, Wei Nian called a car to take Chen Xuan home. The two of them went to the French bakery in Chongwenmen first. Wei Nian went in for a while and brought out a very delicate cake. Foreign things are packaged very delicately. Chen Xuan couldn't help but glance at the cake box. Not only was it beautifully printed, but it was also tied with ribbons and bows on the outside. Chen Xuan asked, "Why did you think of buying a cake?"

This French bakery is very expensive, and Wei Nian doesn't usually buy from it. Wei Nian smiled, "I'll tell you when I get home."

But when they got home, Wei Nian didn't tell Chen Xuan about the cake, but urged Chen Xuan to change her clothes. Wei Nian also changed into a suit coat. Chen Xuan was wearing a new cheongsam made of the fabric that Wei Nian brought back a few days ago. It was said to be velvet material imported from France. The luxurious Chen Xuan didn't dare to cut the fabric by herself, for fear of damaging it. She called Wei Yin to come, and the two of them discussed it before Chen Xuan cut the fabric. It was the first time she wore it today, and it was so luxurious.

Velvet is not as comfortable as silk because it is easy to go to extremes. It is noble but can easily become tacky. Fortunately, Chen Xuan is not well-read, but now she has a different kind of firm temperament. This cheongsam is very close-fitting. Chen Xuan has no free time from morning to night. In addition, the hat shop business is not improving, so Chen Xuan has to worry a lot. Therefore, although she eats better now, she is thinner than last year.

Chen Xuan is really thin in the way that her body is well-proportioned. Wearing this velvet cheongsam, she looks thin-waisted, long-legged, perky-buttocked, and plump-chested. Chen Xuan blushed in front of the mirror and said, "How can I wear this out?"

"Put on a shawl, put on a shawl." Wei Nian didn't realize how this silly girl had such a good figure! He couldn't help but take a few more glances at the parts that highlighted her figure. After being seriously glared at by Chen Xuan, Wei Nian reluctantly withdrew his gaze and handed the shawl to Chen Xuan, praising Chen Xuan again and again, "In the past, when going out, there were also modern girls wearing this kind of cheongsam that fits very well, right? If you don't wear it now while you are young and beautiful, it's impossible that it won't look the same when you are old and ugly. Wear it, it looks really good."

Chen Xuan put on her shawl and said to Wei Nian with a serious face, "You can tell at first glance that he's a lustful man. He was young and beautiful, but he's getting old and ugly? Humph!" After snorting at Wei Nian, Chen Xuan stepped on her clattering little leather shoes and went out with Wei Nian.

Wei Nian laughed softly, "Look, you get angry when I tell you the truth. I also had my fair share of wrinkled skin and gray hair. Everyone gets young and old. I just want to say that you look good in this outfit."

Chen Xuan whispered, "Don't say such things when you go out. It's not serious."

Wei Nian smiled and gestured to Chen Xuan with his arm. Chen Xuan took his arm in a well-trained manner. The two of them went out in a glamorous manner. The car was still waiting outside. Chen Xuan knew that Wei Nian must have booked it for several hours. The price of such a chartered car was not cheap. What kind of customer was it

As a result, after arriving at the Liuguo Hotel, the two sat down, and Wei Nian directly asked the waiter to serve the dishes, and said to Chen Xuan, "Here is a dish of baked pigeon in red wine, which tastes especially good. You can try it later."

Chen Xuan asked in a low voice, "Don't you have to wait for the guests?"

Wei Nian's slanted eyes revealed a meaningful smile as he looked at Chen Xuan, "You are the guest I want to invite."

Chen Xuan couldn't hide her surprise, "Then why did you come to such a nice place?"

Wei Nian just smiled and said, "I wanted to invite you here, so I came."

Chen Xuan was frugal by nature. In her opinion, if she could have a meal at Bianyifang or Donglaishun, it was a good time to celebrate the New Year. As for the Liuguo Restaurant, it was too high-end and definitely did not fit Chen Xuan's consumption concept. However, she also knew Wei Nian's feelings. Wei Nian knew that there were delicious foods here, so he specially invited her to eat. This was Wei Nian's good intention. She also enjoyed the meal. Although she ate little Western food, the food at the Liuguo Restaurant tasted pretty good. Especially the red wine baked pigeon that Wei Nian introduced, which was so tender and delicate.

Chen Xuan was eating happily. While she was wiping the oil stains from the corners of her lips with a corner of her napkin, she said something crazy, "Brother Anian, when I make money in the future, I will invite you to come here for dinner, too."

"Okay, I'll wait."

After the two of them had dinner, Wei Nian took Chen Xuan to the cinema again. Chen Xuan was really enlightened. It was quite scary at first, because when the movie was playing, all the lights were turned off except for the movie screen, and it was pitch black. Chen Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if a drum was beating. Almost as a conditioned reflex, Chen Xuan tightly grasped Wei Nian's arm with both hands. Wei Nian realized that Chen Xuan was a little scared, thinking that it was her first time to watch a movie. Wei Nian patted her hand, leaned close to Chen Xuan's ear, and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, let's hold hands." Wei Nian was too close, and the warm breath from his nose lingered in his ears, and Chen Xuan's heartbeat became faster. If it weren't for the poor light in the auditorium, Wei Nian would have seen that Chen Xuan's face was red, and her hands and feet were at a loss. Fortunately, the movie screen suddenly lit up, followed by the movie opening. Chen Xuan was quickly attracted by the plot. When the movie ended, Chen Xuan held the celebrity poster given to her when she entered the cinema in one hand, and excitedly told Wei Nian about the plot of the movie, "It's really good, Brother Nian, is this the movie?"

"If it's not a movie, what is it?"

Chen Xuan praised again and again, "It's so beautiful. When I saw Dabao suffering just now, I almost cried."

"This is all fake, made up by people."

"I know, but it was played out like it was real." Chen Xuan doesn't talk much on weekdays, but tonight was her first time watching a movie, and she chattered nonstop. Wei Nian just listened to her chatter all the way, and the two of them went home happily.

When they got home, Wei Nianxian said, "Take out the cake."

Chen Xuan washed her hands first before taking the cake. After putting the cake on the small table, Chen Xuan's face went numb for a moment, then she raised her face and said to Wei Nian in a serious tone, "Oh no, Brother Nian, we were so busy eating Western food and watching movies tonight that we forgot to study!"

Wei Nian smiled and untied the ribbon on the cake box. "Take today as a day off. There is still Sunday before school starts. Come and have some cake."

Chen Xuan slapped Wei Nian's hand away, "Wait, I'll go get some water. You haven't even washed your hands yet, and you're going to eat! Aren't you usually the most hygienic person?" She went out to get Wei Nian some water to wash his hands. After Wei Nian washed his hands, he continued to open the cake. Foreign things are very delicate in packaging, and the inside is also beautiful. It's a six-inch small cake with a circle of red strawberries neatly arranged on the snow-white cream flowers, and a line of English written in chocolate sauce in the middle, "Happy Birthday." Wei Nian lit two birthday candles neatly, stuck them on the cake, and said to Chen Xuan, "Today is your twentieth birthday, Xuan, I wish you a happy birthday and good health."

Chen Xuan was stunned.

She, she never remembered that she had a birthday in her two lives. No one remembered to celebrate it for her, and she would not remember to celebrate it for herself. Just like that, others forgot, and she forgot too. Now that Wei Nian mentioned it, Chen Xuan suddenly remembered that, wasn't it, her birthday was at the end of September.

So this is what it feels like to celebrate your birthday.

Chen Xuan's eyes were reddened by the ups and downs that suddenly surged into her heart. It turned out that being valued and cared for by others was like this. Wei Nian's gentle and dreamlike voice whispered in her ear, "Come on, blow out the candles."

Chen Xuan's tears flowed down.

It was not Chen Xuan who blew the candles that day, but Wei Nian. Because Chen Xuan was crying so hard that she could hardly breathe, how could she care about blowing out the candles. But she ate a lot of cream cake. After crying for a while, Chen Xuan would eat a few bites of cake. After eating a few bites, she would think of something and cry. Wei Nian was so sad because of her crying. He knew that Chen Xuan had a hard life in the countryside before, and she must have accumulated a lot of grievances in her heart. Wei Nian would rather Chen Xuan cry out all the grievances in her heart, so he didn't try to persuade her anymore and let her cry to her heart's content.

Chen Xuan cried so much that her face was swollen. When she woke up the next morning, her eyes were swollen like peaches. Wei Nian applied a hot towel to her face for a long time before she felt better. Wei Nian said, "Just stay at home and rest for a day today. Don't go out." Worried that she would not agree, he added, "Make up for the lessons you missed yesterday."

Chen Xuan nodded. She was a little tired and didn't feel like making breakfast. Wei Nian bought some tofu pudding and fried dough sticks, and they all ate together. Before leaving, Wei Nian hesitated for a while and said to Chen Xuan, "Xuan, I will treat you well in the future and won't let you suffer at all." After that, without waiting for Chen Xuan to answer, Wei Nian walked out to work with his long legs.

When he got home in the evening, Wei Nian discovered the "surprise" that Chen Xuan had given him - originally, there was only a small table between the two of them sleeping, and Wei Nian was thinking about how to remove the small table. As a result, the small table was not removed, but a beautiful green curtain was placed in the middle. When Wei Nian saw the curtain, he almost vomited blood. Without changing his clothes, he ran to the kitchen and asked Chen Xuan, "What do you mean by this? I celebrated your birthday yesterday with good intentions. What do you mean by this?"

Chen Xuan was busy cutting radish strips and pretending to be stupid. "What does that mean?"

"Curtain!" Wei Nian would not let her play dumb.

Chen Xuan put the radish strips on a plate and mixed them with sesame oil. The fragrance immediately filled the room. Chen Xuan didn't even look at Wei Nian. She turned away and said to Wei Nian, "Can't you see I'm cooking dinner? Why do you have to talk in the kitchen? Why can't you talk after dinner?"

Wei Nian snorted, because his third uncle heard the two of them arguing and coughed lightly outside the yard. Wei Nian did not expose Chen Xuan's guilty face. He took the plate of shredded radish with sesame oil and placed it on the dining table outside, and then served the dishes and porridge. He finished dinner in a few bites, placed his chopsticks horizontally on the bowl, got up and went back to the house to wait for Chen Xuan to explain. Chen Xuan lingered in the kitchen for an hour, wiped the kitchen floor three times, and wiped it so clean that you could almost see your reflection in it, and then went back to the house. Wei Nian sneered, "I thought you had to live in the kitchen."

"I'm doing this for your own good, Brother Nian." Chen Xuan was a sincere person, and she would never lie to anyone. And she couldn't even think of lying to Wei Nian. So she just told the truth.

Unexpectedly, this truth would never be understood by Wei Nian. Wei Nian crossed his legs, pointed at the ugly blue curtain between the two of them, and asked angrily, "Forgive my poor eyesight, I can't tell which part is for my good!"

Chen Xuan was also angry at Wei Nian's sarcasm. She said righteously, "I told you a long time ago that you would fall in love with someone else in the future! You still try every means to seduce me all day long. I am not a heartless person. When I think of you now, my heart is sour and sweet. I can't describe the feeling. I am a serious person. What if one day I can't help it and ruin you? What should I do?"

Wei Nian was shocked!

Even though Wei Nian considered himself a progressive young man, he was shocked by the declaration of Chen Xuan, an old-fashioned woman!

Wei Nian blinked his handsome eyes, blinked twice, and then suddenly jumped down, startling Chen Xuan. Wei Nian walked to Chen Xuan's half of the kang, sat on the edge of the kang, and fell straight onto the kang, stretched out his arms, spread his legs, and strongly asked Chen Xuan, "Please spoil me."

The author has something to say: ps: The second update is here~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, I feel too hardworking~~~~~~~~~~~