The First Match

Chapter 81: Fill the rich household


What is home

Many times, home is a house, a room.

But if you think about it seriously, it is not the case.

At least, that’s not what Chen Xuan thinks of home.

Wei Nian knew better than ever that even if he really gave Chen Xuan a house now, Chen Xuan would not think of it as "her home".

Chen Xuan's life was full of difficulties, so when she woke up, she understood what was most important. Compared with Chen Xuan's rationality, Wei Nian, who had always been rational, became the emotional one. Facing Chen Xuan's rapid-fire words, Wei Nian was silent for a long time and only said one sentence, "Okay, I understand. I'll wait for you. When you see the truth about me, we can be together again."

Chen Xuan burst into tears again.

Wei Nian did not try to persuade her, but suddenly asked, "Have you really thought it through and not want to ruin me anymore?" This made Chen Xuan laugh.

Chen Xuan was sobbing and wiping her eyes. Wei Nian couldn't bear to see her like that, so he handed her his checkered handkerchief. Chen Xuan used Wei Nian's handkerchief to wipe her tears, saying, "Brother Nian, don't keep saying weird things. I know you're a good person."

Wei Nian said quickly, "Don't say that. I'm afraid you'll give me a twist."

"What's the turning point?"

Wei Nian smiled, "I'm worried that you'll praise me first and then say that we're not suitable."

"Why am I saying that? If it's not suitable, there must be something wrong with you. You're so good, how can you be unsuitable?" Chen Xuan didn't expect Wei Nian to be so good. Chen Xuan is a person who, if you are not nice to her, she will probably label you as a "bad person" and ignore you. If you are nice to her, even if it's just a little bit, she will keep it in her heart. What's more, Wei Nian has been not just a little bit nice to her in his life, but very good. Chen Xuan also felt that she was unfair to Wei Nian, she said, "Brother Nian, I just don't feel at ease."

"I know." Wei Nian sighed and touched her head. "I like you so much that I like you."

The two talked about their inner thoughts for a long time. The next day, Chen Xuan remembered something and felt very lucky. She said to Wei Nian, "Fortunately, I learned the lessons for two days in advance yesterday. But you, Brother Nian, haven't read for two nights. You can't do that tonight. The ancients said that if you don't read for three days, you will feel ugly. Today is the third day, and you have to read tonight."

"Tsk, I look ugly, have you ever seen anyone as handsome as me?" Wei Nian took the towel handed over by Chen Xuan, wiped his face, and went to the restaurant to eat with Chen Xuan.

It's a funny thing, actually.

Old Master Wei suddenly asked his servant to call Wei Nian back home and gave him a severe scolding. The main idea was, "In our Wei family, there has never been a case of beating daughters-in-law! In the two years since the second daughter-in-law married into the family, she has always treated you like God! What do you mean? Or are you dissatisfied with something?"

Wei Nian was confused by his father's scolding, "Dad, what are you talking about? What's wrong with me and my wife? We are fine."

"Don't think I don't know just because you moved to the house over there!" Old Master Wei was not happy with Wei Nian's suit and tie, and slapped the jujube wood ruler on the table beside him, which made Wei Nian stand up straighter even though he was innocent. He listened to Old Master Wei scolding him in a low voice, "Don't you just dislike your wife for not being one of those flashy, modern girls out there? But now your wife can speak foreign languages fluently and is diligent and responsible. An Nian, you can't be like this. As a couple, she should respect you and you should respect her to live your life. How can you beat someone up and make her cry for most of the night?"

Wei Nian roughly understood what his father was talking about, and he also understood why his father called him back to lecture him. Wei Nian was helpless, "Dad, this is a misunderstanding by my third uncle. Am I the kind of person who would beat my wife? We were talking in the house, and when we talked about how it was not easy for my wife to live in the countryside, she started crying, and we didn't quarrel."

"Then why did I hear from my third uncle that your wife cried for two nights in a row and even I, who lives in the west room, could hear it?" asked Old Master Wei.

"Dad, don't worry about it. It's hard to tell you about our relationship."

Old Master Wei coughed lightly, "Anyway, I'm just telling you that you know your wife had a hard time in the past, so you should love her more. You ignorant boys, just because you listen to the 'new trends' outside, you think you are modern people and look down on old-fashioned women. Do you think I don't know?"

"I know. How can I not love my own wife? We are good enough." Wei Nian muttered, "My wife is an old-fashioned woman? Modern women are not even one ten-thousandth as good as her!"

Old Master Wei didn't seem to be in trouble, so he scolded Wei Nian for a few words and then let it go.

Wei Nian turned around and said to Chen Xuan, "Don't cry anymore. Third uncle secretly complained to dad and asked me to bully you."

Chen Xuan was very embarrassed, "Then I'll tell my third uncle tomorrow."

"Okay, how can I explain this? What are you going to say? You said you moved me to tears? I cried for two nights? Can Third Uncle believe it?" Wei Nian said to Chen Xuan, "Buy a chicken tomorrow and stew some chicken with mushrooms, and I will forgive you."

Chen Xuan smiled, "I'm going to buy a hen tomorrow morning. I'll come back early in the afternoon to stew it, and we'll eat it in the evening."


Chen Xuan had something else to discuss with Wei Nian, "Brother Anian, I've thought of a way to advertise our hat shop." Taking out the star-signed poster she got when she watched a movie that day, Chen Xuan showed it to Wei Nian, "Brother Anian, look how beautiful this poster is. Advertisements in newspapers don't work, no one reads them. This poster is different. I didn't know where to put it when I got it, it's so beautiful. I'll take it out and have a look whenever I have time. Advertisements have to be like the posters."

Wei Nian pointed at the female star in the magazine and said, "You can't just print a star's portrait casually. You have to get her consent. Otherwise, it's against the rules and the film company will investigate."

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and said, "It's okay if I don't draw celebrities, right?"

"No problem." Wei Nian asked Chen Xuan, "You want to print a pictorial."

"Just a picture magazine is not enough." Chen Xuan thought, "This star picture magazine is so good. On the first day, I looked at it five times. On the second day, I only looked at it three times. Today I looked at it once. Such beautiful star pictures only last for three to five days, and people don't look at them often. I think we have to make something that is not only beautiful, but also worth looking at every day. Brother Anian, I can't think of this. Can you help me think about it?"

Wei Nian smiled and said, "Don't mention it, it really is possible."

Chen Xuan's eyes sparkled, "What we need to do is not just a pictorial, it has to be beautiful as a pictorial, and also practical."

After all, Wei Nian has been out doing business for many years, and he is more knowledgeable than Chen Xuan. Wei Nian smiled, "You reminded me, but there is a way. Let me tell you, in the newspaper company, they will print calendars every Chinese New Year and give them to the advertisers of the newspaper for free. Even the people who subscribe to the newspaper will also receive a copy. I think these calendars are commonly used. Otherwise, you can also print some calendars. This is a common thing for people. If they are frugal, they will definitely use them if they get them for free."

"The calendar is so thick, with hundreds of sheets of paper. How much does it cost? It's too expensive."

"Listen to me, this is not the kind we use at home. This is the kind that comes in twelve months, one sheet per month, a total of twelve sheets." Wei Nian has always been quick-witted. "Well, let me see if Cheng Su still has the ones that their newspaper printed last year. I'll find one for you so you can take a look."

"Okay!" Thinking of Cheng Su, Chen Xuan added, "Speaking of which, although the advertisement in the newspaper last time was of little use, it also troubled Brother Cheng. Brother Anian, when did you invite Brother Cheng to your house for a drink? Last time, Brother Cheng said that he would bring his wife over to talk after getting married, but they never came. Why don't you ask Brother Cheng when he is free? I will prepare some wine and food in advance to entertain him and his wife, which is also our intention."

Wei Nian smiled, "I don't have any free time this year. Let me make an appointment with him."


Wei Nian brought back this year's calendar for Chen Xuan within two days. Chen Xuan saw that the calendar was larger than the Wei family's calendar, and there were advertisements on it. The cover was a colorful portrait of a beautiful woman, with Hardman cigarettes printed on the top line, and the name of the newspaper on the next two lines. Turning it over, there was one per month, and including the cover, there were thirteen in total. Chen Xuan looked at it and felt that she was still not satisfied, but she couldn't put it into words, so she simply put it aside for the time being. Chen Xuan asked Wei Nian, "Brother Nian, have you told him about inviting Brother Cheng and his wife to dinner?"

"I told you, let's put this matter aside for now."

"What's wrong?"

Wei Nian lit a cigarette and glanced at Chen Xuan, "I told you, don't be unhappy."

"What's the matter? Why am I unhappy?"

"It's about Cheng Su's wife." Wei Nian took a puff of cigarette and then told Chen Xuan, "Cheng Su's marriage was decided a long time ago. The one he decided to marry was his cousin from his aunt's family. When I asked him for the calendar, he asked me what I wanted this useless thing for, so I told him what you wanted to compare with. He has been unhappy for a long time, and when he was drinking with me, he talked about some things in his family. His cousin can't read a single word. I don't look down on illiterate people. You were illiterate before, but at least you knew how to study, work hard, and be reasonable. You don't know, Cheng Su's cousin is a shrew. If you say something wrong, she will say that Cheng Su looks down on her and she will be angry. Cheng Su is so miserable now." Wei Nian said, feeling sorry for his friend, and said to Chen Xuan, "Tell me, how can there be such a woman in the world."

Chen Xuan said, "No one is born with the ability to read. I learned how to read because of you, Anian. I saw that Brother Cheng was quite happy when he got married. Well, since they are husband and wife, it's not good to persuade them to divorce if they can live together. Anian, if Brother Cheng is unhappy, please be more tolerant of him."

"Do you think I haven't advised him?" Wei Nian flicked the ash into the ashtray. "This is not a matter for just one person."

Chen Xuan was naturally sympathetic to Cheng Su's wife, but she was a reasonable person after all, and Wei Nian's words were not unreasonable. Chen Xuan said, "You two should sit down and have a calm chat. If you have any shortcomings, try to correct them and think more about the good points of each other. At least don't make each other hate each other."

"I'll try to forgive him sometime." Seeing Chen Xuan take out the books she was going to study that night, Wei Nian put out his cigarette and said one more thing to Chen Xuan, "I want to stop taking the course with Mr. Zhao."

Chen Xuan was a little surprised, "Why? Didn't you say Japanese is hard to learn?"

"It's hard to get started, but it's not hard once you get started. Mr. Zhao has been a little off lately, and the course isn't as good as before. I want to change to a Japanese teacher." Wei Nian had obviously made up his mind. "Aren't you and Miss Qin getting along well? Let me tell you."

Chen Xuan hesitated. "I heard from Ah Yin a few days ago that they are having a hard time financially. If they fire Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid their lives will be even harder."

"It's two different things. Our family is not a charity. I originally invited him to teach me Japanese, not to help him make a living." Wei Nian was not as hesitant as Chen Xuan. Wei Nian said, "I would rather pay him two more months' salary. It's our intention. But he can't waste my time. He can't speak well for two hours every night. Why don't I invite someone who can speak well? Am I going to waste my time for him?"

"Brother Anian, what you said makes sense. Let's do it this way." Chen Xuan didn't dwell on Zhao Cheng anymore. Chen Xuan didn't like Zhao Cheng that much. Chen Xuan said, "There's no need to pay him more money. He's not alone, old or weak."

As soon as Wei Nian smiled, he liked Chen Xuan's reasonableness.

Chen Xuan had a vague understanding of Wei Nian. Wei Nian was the kind of person who dealt with things on a case-by-case basis. His moral values might not be mixed with too many female emotions like Chen Xuan's. Wei Nian always dealt with things on a case-by-case basis. He always required people to have decent character and do things well. But if you couldn't meet his requirements, he wouldn't show any mercy. Wei Nian was an outstanding person, and he would have the same requirements for the people around him.

At this time, Chen Xuan hadn't realized that her eyes had gradually moved away from the poor man, and she was more inclined to agree with Wei Nian's way of doing things. She felt that Wei Nian was indeed a smart man, and he got straight to the point. That was the truth. Other things could be delayed, so how could studying be delayed

Even so, Wei Nian still gave Zhao Cheng two months' salary more, which made the frugal Chen Xuan complain privately. Wei Nian smiled, "Leave some room for error so that we can meet again in the future. Okay, stop pouting. It's getting cold. We haven't been to Zhengyanglou to eat crabs this year. I'll treat you to crabs at noon tomorrow."

"Aren't crabs a southern thing?"

"Nonsense, don't crabs grow in the north? They can be found wherever there is water, and they come from Tianjin. The Double Ninth Festival is the season for eating crabs, but we're too busy during that time, so if we don't eat them now, we won't be able to eat them."

Chen Xuan said to Wei Nian, "Brother Nian, you take me to eat delicious food, I really want to go. But, you always pay for it, and I feel like I am taking advantage of you. If I pay you, you will definitely be unhappy."

Wei Nian laughed, "Relax a little, I'm just pursuing you. It's normal for a man to spend some money on a woman."

Chen Xuan came up with a great idea and said to Wei Nian, "I have to work hard to make money. If we are together in the future, I won't mention you treating me to a meal. If we can't be together in the future, I have to make more money and give you a big red envelope as compensation."

Wei Nian was angry, "Oh, you are just thinking about paying me for the breakup fee now. I am really touched by your thoughtfulness."

Chen Xuan didn't see that Wei Nian was angry at all. She even smiled and said, "Brother Anian, you are good to me. I want to be good to you, too."

Wei Nian laughed at her until he lost his temper and patted her on the forehead, "Silly girl, you are such a fool." She is in debt and the hat shop is losing money every month, yet she still dares to pretend to be rich.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good morning everyone~~~~~~~~~ Thank you all for your mines, rocket launchers, and grenades~~~~~

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