The First Order

Chapter 1020: lack of food


"Sister Hu, I have to discuss this with him," Yang Xiaojin said with a smile. After all, Sister Hu introduced a job here. Whether Ren Xiaosu wants to go or not is another matter. She has to ask Ren Xiaosu himself.

Sister Hu was in a hurry: "What are you discussing with him? Just look at how lazy he is. It would be a ghost if he could go! So don't discuss anything with him, just kick him out. Let me tell you, men are like this. Virtue, wasting time when I was young, my family was not doing a job when I was young, and I knew how to hide in school to teach every day. After Zong's family was knocked out, I forced him to go to the Northwest Army and volunteered. You see, it's not doing it now. Is it good?"

"No, Miss Hu," Yang Xiaojin smiled and shook her head: "My family is very assertive, I can't persuade him, how about I tell him, you give me three days to think about it, can it work? But anyway, Thank you for being so helpful.”

"All right," Sister Hu sighed, "I'm just afraid that he will delay you."

After talking about Sister Hu and going home, Yang Xiaojin suddenly felt that this place was more homely. Not only did she have her own money-making business, but also all kinds of neighbors. sound.

There are briquettes piled up at the door of every household. If someone has stolen briquettes, they will scold the thief at the door in the early morning.

Of course, such things as throwing briquettes are relatively rare, otherwise everyone might have moved all the briquettes to the backyard.

In Yang Xiaojin's view, all of this is human touch.

Yang Xiaojin went back to the house and said to Ren Xiaosu: "Sister Hu introduced you to a temporary job in the administrative center, do you want to go?"

Ren Xiaosu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why should I go there? The administrative center is responsible for handling procedures for residents. I have never done such a thing."

"It's up to you. Anyway, I told her to think about it for three days. If you don't want to go, I'll just refuse her after three days." Yang Xiaojin smiled: "But I think it's not bad for you to work in the administrative center. In this way, I can be regarded as someone who has a backer in the barrier, and I will be decent when I talk to my aunt and sister."

"Okay, you can tease people now," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile, "But I think that after you came to Northwest, you smiled a lot more than before."

The two of them still got up early every day to go to the vegetable market to sell potatoes. At first, Yang Xiaojin's potatoes were cheaper than other vegetable stalls, and they only hoped that they would sell faster, but Ren Xiaosu told her not to.

Because this kind of business is a kind of experience life for them, but for other stall owners, it is a business of supporting their families.

The stall owners worked hard to transport the vegetables from the wholesale market. Just riding a tricycle is enough effort, and they don't make much money in a day.

There are still wives and children waiting to eat at home, and the children's tuition fees are all saved from this dime.

If Yang Xiaojin interferes with other people's normal business because of her hobbies and experience of life, it is actually not good.

Yang Xiaojin is not a person who does not listen to suggestions, so in the future, selling potatoes will cost a catty and a dime more than other stalls.

When Yang Xiaojin came home at night, she said with emotion: "Although I have also experienced very difficult days, it was all to hone my will, and now I am really slowly beginning to understand the ways of the world."

When selling vegetables during the day, Ren Xiaosu actually stopped reading and just wandered around in the vegetable market.

The stall owners looked at him inexplicably, not knowing what he was walking around.

Ren Xiaosu inquired about the prices of vegetables and meat in front of the various stalls, and even went to the grain and oil store to ask about the price of rice noodles. Anyway, he was just wandering around, as if he had nothing serious to do.

On the contrary, when Yang Xiaojin closes the stall, he will buy some vegetables and meat, but in the end he always buys the best ones, and the best ones are often the most expensive.

From Ren Xiaosu's point of view, there is no need for him to wrong himself now. When he marches and fights, he will have to eat and sleep in the open. If he doesn't eat good food now, when will he eat it

However, in the eyes of other stall owners, Ren Xiaosu is a complete prodigal. After all, you are a person who relies on his wife to sell potatoes to support his family. How can you eat so well.

I'm afraid I'm going to eat all the money from selling potatoes every day, right? ! Don't you save money? What if you have children in the future

On the third day, Ren Xiaosu frowned and went back to the stall and whispered to Yang Xiaojin, "Have you noticed that the price in this vegetable market varies from day to day, yesterday the beans were only 20 cents, today they are 20 cents. These are only vegetables, and the price of rice noodles is even more exaggerated. Yesterday it was 1 yuan a catty, but today it is 1 yuan. Although it is normal for the market price to fluctuate, but it has been rising for several days in a row, there may be a problem. I think the problem of food shortage is getting worse."

"Then you said that if there is a grain shortage in the Northwest, can you buy some grain from Mrs. Wang?" Yang Xiaojin asked.

"I don't think so. You also know how ruthless the Wang family is. During the war, the incident of changing hands and setting fire to them is vivid. They didn't do anything about the large number of refugees fleeing south. How could they disrupt their plans because of such a trivial matter," Ren Xiaosu Said: "But it's okay, I still have something to do when the time comes."

Although the method may not be the best, at least it can ensure that no one in the northwest will starve to death.

Seeing Ren Xiaosu's serious expression, Yang Xiaojin thought, maybe others thought Ren Xiaosu was just wandering aimlessly, but she knew that Ren Xiaosu had assumed the role of Northwest Marshal at this time, and began to think about how to solve the current problem.

"By the way," Yang Xiaojin said suddenly, "Today I should answer Sister Hu, are you going to work or not?"

"Go," Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said, "I'm just going to see how the Barrier Administration Center works."

In the past, Ren Xiaosu didn't have much contact with the so-called barrier administrative center, maybe once or twice, but he also accidentally bombed a certain barrier administrative center, or passed by the roof of a certain barrier administrative center...

He has lived in the barrier for a short time, and he still doesn't know much about the operating mechanism of the barrier. For example, the transfer of the house deed is done by word of mouth in the market town. Sometimes there will be ruthless people occupying other people's houses The thing is, there is no such thing as a house deed at all, and the barriers do not recognize the legality of property rights in market towns.

Also, Sister Hu recently asked when they got married. No one asked this question in the market town. A man and a woman live together as a couple, so there is no need to ask anyone for a certificate...

This made Ren Xiaosu feel that he still needs to get a better understanding of this place, because he may spend the rest of his life in the Northwest.

Moreover, he also wanted to see how the No. 144 barrier was going to solve the food shortage. Let's listen to it first. This could be regarded as a private visit on Weibo. Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu became interested.

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