The First Order

Chapter 103: The wall really came down


The refugees in the north of the market town were already in a state of disarray. Ren Xiaosu took Wang Fugui and the others before they left and jumped onto a roof to look north. He suddenly saw the black insect swarm sweeping across the entire market town.

In that scene, the market town seemed to be suddenly dyed by a pot of ink, and the originally colorful market town was gradually covered by black insect swarms.

The wild beasts were galloping farther away, Ren Xiaosu didn't see the wolves and the experimental subjects, and the man-faced worms were probably the first creatures to arrive in the market town.

However, Ren Xiaosu felt that it would not take too long for a bigger crisis to come.

The refugees fled to the gates of the ramparts, crying and begging the ramparts to open the gates to save them.

"Open the door!"

"Please open the door and save us! Don't you see those bugs!?"

"I beg you, just let my child in!"

The refugees under the city wall all knelt down, but the private army guards on the city wall just symbolically used automatic rifles to shoot at places where the insects were densely populated, but they never opened the door to let people go.

Moreover, their bullets are just a drop in the bucket for the bug swarm.

Seeing that the insect swarm was coming soon, and the gate of the barrier was always closed, some refugees began to curse, but they had to leave quickly before they could curse, otherwise the insects would arrive!

Ren Xiaosu had never had any expectations of other people, so his first reaction was not to negotiate with the barrier, but to leave immediately.

He can't control other people's lives so much, he can only take care of Yan Liuyuan and the others first.

At first Ren Xiaosu was worried that Wang Fugui was carrying a lot of cumbersome items, but he found that Wang Fugui and Wang Dalong were just carrying a backpack each.

Even at a certain moment, Ren Xiaosu felt that Wang Dalong was some kind of powerful superhuman. Ren Xiaosu opened the backpack on Wang Dalong's back and saw that it was full of compressed biscuits from the barrier, while Wang Fugui himself was carrying some medicines. .

The packaging boxes of those medicines have been removed and stored in some plastic bottles, which is convenient to carry.

Ren Xiaosu led them along the barrier to escape to the southwest, and asked Wang Fugui curiously, "I thought you would carry some gold or something."

"I want to recite it too, but I can't recite it. If I lose my strength, I will die." Wang Fugui said with a bitter face, "I still have a lot of money in my bag, but it's all from Qing Bank. Issued, if you want to exchange it for Li's banknotes at the 109th barrier, I am afraid that it will be scraped into oil and water."

Wang Fugui was panting when he ran. He usually lacked exercise, so he was the one who was the most tired when he ran for his life.

Ren Xiaosu glanced at him: "Don't cry miserably, the medicines you memorized are all valuables. These thousands of anti-inflammatory medicines cost 200 yuan each."

And there is another point, money is often useless on the way to escape, but medicine will not be useless.

Zhang Jinglin once said that gold is a hard currency, but he missed one hard currency, which is medicine.

In fact, Wang Fugui made the smartest choice now.

Not all the refugees in the market towns foolishly went under the city wall to call for help. Some people knew from the very beginning that the big shots in the fort didn't care about the life and death of the refugees, so they simply fled directly to the wilderness.

When Ren Xiaosu and the others left, their ears were filled with the wailing of the refugees behind them and the gunshots on the city wall. It didn't take long before a more intense roar sounded. Ren Xiaosu looked back and saw the private troops on the city wall from a distance. The soldiers actually started throwing grenades and bombs down the wall!

There are still many living people down there!

Relatively smarter refugees were running crazily into the wilderness. Some accidentally fell down, and even those who rolled and crawled didn't dare to stay on the ground for a second.

Ren Xiaosu and the others were not the only ones who fled to the southwest, there were hundreds of people "accompanied".

Because Yan Liuyuan and Miss Xiaoyu couldn't run too fast, Ren Xiaosu could only lead them to mix with the large army of hundreds of people.

Fortunately, all the luggage was carried by Ren Xiaosu, Yan Liuyuan and Sister Xiaoyu were relatively relaxed.

After running for a while, everyone found that the man-faced bug was not chasing them, so they gradually slowed down. At this time, everyone except Ren Xiaosu was exhausted from running.

Someone looked back, and the original market town seemed to have become a purgatory, and all the shacks were burning.

"Home is gone," someone murmured.

Someone who had just lost a loved one couldn't help crying. Ren Xiaosu saw with his own eyes just now that someone abandoned even a young child in order to run faster.

But there were also people who tightly protected the children before they died, and finally both died in the mouth of the human-faced insects. The patterns on the carapaces of those human face worms seem to be brighter and whiter, and the chewing sound they make when eating is probably an unforgettable nightmare for many people in the future.

At this time, the group of them had already walked to a relatively safe area because they left early. Those human-faced insects seemed to be more interested in the barrier, so they did not chase after the humans who fled to the wilderness.

Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt that the barrier should attract a lot of attention to the fleeing humans. After all, for beasts and human-faced insects, there is more "food" there.

When the time comes for the army of the Qing Consortium to join the battle, using the munitions and heavy weapons they have stored in the barrier, it should not be a problem to rely on the barrier to block those beasts and monsters.

If it wasn't for avoiding the Qing's consortium, Ren Xiaosu would most likely decide to stay in the wilderness for a while, and bring Yan Liuyuan and Miss Xiaoyu back after the Qing's consortium cleaned up these monsters.

But now, he must stay away from the area controlled by the Qing Consortium.

However, at this moment, Ren Xiaosu frowned and looked down at the ground. Everyone felt it: "Another earthquake!"

This time the earthquake was more violent than ever before, and some people were caught off guard and fell to the ground!

"Look what that is!" Someone pointed to the north.

I saw that there was a huge black line spreading rapidly towards the south. That black line came from the direction of Jingshan, and then it pierced straight into the barrier like a knife!

The round and towering wall made a sound like an iceberg disintegrating, and even the solid wall began to appear fine cracks from bottom to top.

Ren Xiaosu was too shocked to speak when he saw this scene. The crack did not form an abyss, but forcibly divided the barrier into two semicircles, and the ground on the west side suddenly rose by more than ten meters!

It's as if someone suddenly pulled up a step on the whole plain!

The two crustal plates squeezed and collided here, destroying more than half of the wall of the barrier in just an instant!

The wall has really come down!