The First Order

Chapter 112: Seventy-two changes (the tenth change asks for a monthly pass!)


A team of thousands of people walked forward, most of them were hungry, especially in this early winter, those who didn't eat would feel that the weather was extremely cold.

The wild vegetables are a little wilted in this season, and even the tenacious shepherd's purse is withering.

The fleeing crowd searched for edible things on the side of the road while walking, plants, bark, roots...

At the beginning, the barrier people still had their own reserve, but they were so hungry that they lost all face and dignity.

On the contrary, Ren Xiaosu and the others didn't have any psychological pressure at all, and they ate these things on weekdays anyway.

Eating raw wild vegetables is bitter, and after eating, the mouth feels astringent. Some people vomit after eating, and they can't bear this kind of food at all.

However, some people were even more unlucky. After eating something, they foamed at the mouth and lay down on the road.

No one will care about these fallen people on the road, everyone just passed them indifferently, and then moved on, like a group of walking dead.

Only Ren Xiaosu would stop when he passed by. He looked at the man and said to Yan Liuyuan: "This is a symptom of eating Pulsatilla, which is what we often call wild celery or poisonous ginseng. The leaves of this thing look very much like celery. Once Ingestion may lead to nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feet, numbness of limbs, and even death in severe cases.”

Jiang Wubian, who followed silently behind him, wrote down this sentence, and then warned the students not to pick the plants whose leaves resembled celery leaves. As a result, the students were at a loss: What does a celery leaf look like

These students live in the barrier on weekdays, and naturally their parents help them prepare for basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. Who cares what celery leaves look like

After these thousands of refugees passed by, the road they walked on was as dilapidated as if it had been crossed by locusts. At this moment, Ren Xiaosu suddenly saw an off-road vehicle in front of him. Wasn't that the vehicle Luo Lan was riding in? Why do you stop here alone

Everyone walked over to take a look, and suddenly found that the main beam of the off-road vehicle was broken, so that it could not be repaired at all.

The dirt road in this wilderness is bumpy. Although the off-road vehicle is powerful, it cannot withstand such a toss.

I'm afraid Luo Lan didn't expect that he would encounter such a mess, so he had to abandon the car in the end.

A group of refugees frantically opened the car door to search for food in the car, but to their disappointment, the car was so clean that even the leather covers of the seats had been removed...

Not only that, but some parts that were convenient to carry were also removed. Ren Xiaosu reckoned that the removed parts were used as spare parts in case other vehicles malfunctioned, but this car was completely scrapped.

Ren Xiaosu thought in his heart that Luo Lan was rushing to Barrier 109 with all his strength, right? It stands to reason that Luo Lan may have reached barrier 109 by now.

Many refugees today are discussing whether they can still enter the barrier. Some people say that why barrier 109 does not allow them to enter? They are legal residents of the barrier!

Although the various barriers are now divided severely, and basically the consortiums that are actually in control have the final say, but in name all the barriers are a united front.

Some people also said that they might not be able to get in. The 113th barrier they were in before was managed by the Qing Consortium, but now the 109th barrier they are going to is managed by the Li's Consortium. If they say they won't let you in, you really have no temper.

Ren Xiaosu thought to himself, such as Luo Lan, a consortium bigwig usually doesn't have to think about whether he can enter the barrier, after all, the Li family wants to give the Qing family some face.

But others, may really hang.

They continued to move forward, but not long after, Ren Xiaosu saw another troop transport truck parked alone on the road...

Is this another broken one? Everyone came closer and saw that it was a flat tire!

Isn't there a spare tire or something, Ren Xiaosu was curious.

When the troop transport truck passed by Ren Xiaosu, he saw that it was full of soldiers, obviously overloaded.

If this car continues to break down a few more, Ren Xiaosu reckons that it will be difficult for Luo Lan to reach barrier 109...

However, everyone was very happy to see these damaged vehicles. When Luo Lan and the others were driving by at lightning speed, the refugees were wondering why everyone was walking, but you were able to drive.

It's all right now, everyone's mentally balanced.

Everyone rested next to the troop truck that night. At this time, it can't be called "bivouac", it's just a large group of people sleeping on the ground in the wilderness.

The ground is very cold. Lying on the ground will feel the cool air permeating the body.

Many people wanted to start a bonfire, but the problem was that they didn't bring anything to make a fire!

After Ren Xiaosu settled Yan Liuyuan and the others, he went to collect firewood. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the firewood must be enough to burn all night, otherwise everyone will easily catch a cold and have a fever when they wake up the next morning.

Although Wang Fugui has medicine there, who wants to get sick when they are free

In this season, dry firewood is quite easy to find. When Ren Xiaosu came back with a large pile of dry firewood, he happened to see Jiang Wuzheng lying on the ground drilling wood for fire.

The female teacher organized the students to collect a lot of firewood and came back, and then planned to rub the sticks with her hands to light the fire...

Ren Xiaosu shook his head secretly. This female teacher looked like she was skinny and tender and hadn't done much work. Normal people want to use their hands to drill wood to make fire, but I'm afraid it won't work if the palms are blistered.

Jiang Wu knelt on the ground and stubbornly continued digging for fire. A boy said, "Teacher, let me do it?"

Jiang Wu shook his head: "You are students, you don't need to do this kind of hard work, go and rest."

She subconsciously glanced at Ren Xiaosu, wanting to see how Ren Xiaosu made fire by drilling wood, so she could learn it.

In the end, she saw Ren Xiaosu take out a box of matches...

Why is this person prepared for everything? Jiang Wu pursed her lips. Obviously, everyone escaped, but she always felt that Ren Xiaosu's team was much more relaxed than the others!

When the first bonfire was lit on Ren Xiaosu's side, the night in the entire camp seemed to have a touch of warmth, and the originally cold moonlight seemed to have a tinge of warmth.

Of course, Ren Xiaosu and the others were not the only ones who lit the bonfire in the entire camp. In fact, some smokers also brought matches. However, a few women went to those smokers to borrow a fire, but all of them were made very unreasonable demands. How long has it been since he escaped, who would betray himself because of a fire

Jiang Wu hesitated for a long time and suddenly walked towards Ren Xiaosu. Sister Xiaoyu and the others were chatting, but when they saw Jiang Wu coming, they all stopped and looked at her.

"Can you..." Jiang Wu said with a deliberate tone: "Can I borrow a fire, and I can exchange some of our dry firewood with you."

"Okay," Sister Xiaoyu said with a smile, "You don't need to give us dry firewood, we have enough."

"Thank you," Jiang Wu was a little excited: "Thank you so much!"

She ran back to her side to bring some dry firewood, and lit it with Ren Xiaosu's bonfire. The students next to her looked on expectantly, like a flock of chicks waiting to be fed.