The First Order

Chapter 114: catastrophe


In the early morning of the next day, as Ren Xiaosu expected, many people felt weak and sore when they got up from the ground.

The cost of being exposed to the wind and cold after a long journey exploded completely. Some people have better physical fitness and can withstand it, but a small half of them absolutely cannot bear it.

Ren Xiaosu found that the muscles of the barrier people were not very strong, at least not like the refugees in the market town, even women like Miss Xiaoyu were stronger than them.

At this time, the crowd who had a bonfire to keep warm yesterday showed a difference, and even Jiang Wudai's group of students were fine.

"Let's go quickly." Ren Xiaosu got up and looked around. "This has already formed an infected area. If you don't leave quickly, you may be infected."

These people are hopeless.

"Master, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!" Chen Wudi said, "We can't leave them alone!"

"Western Paradise is just ahead," Ren Xiaosu said as he walked, "I'm going to Western Paradise to learn scriptures, if you want to stay, you can stay."

Chen Wudi was stunned for a moment, he thought for a long time before finally following up, it seemed that escorting his master to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures should be a higher priority for him.

Seeing Chen Wudi following up, Ren Xiaosu heaved a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Chen Wudi would foolishly save those hundreds of people.

How to save

There are still some antibiotics in Wang Fugui's place, but the problem is that what is enough for one person to memorize the medicine, and it is the capital that Wang Fugui has saved all his life, how can he give it to these people selflessly

They got up and were about to leave, Jiang Wu immediately organized the students to follow up, anyway, Jiang Wu led the students to do whatever Ren Xiaosu was doing now.

When you look at the sick people around you, you will inevitably feel a little heavy, but what can they do

Some students are more kind, they said to Jiang Wu: "Teacher, let's stay and help everyone?"

Jiang Wu gritted her teeth and struggled for a long time, then she suddenly said firmly: "No, we must learn to protect ourselves first, maybe what the teacher is teaching you is not correct, but you must follow me now."

The world has pushed a gentle and kind female teacher to this point, but she has no regrets.

"Keep up, everyone, don't fall behind. Do you still remember what the wild vegetables we ate yesterday looked like? If you see them on the roadside, you must pick them," Jiang Wu said.

"But that wild vegetable is so unpalatable," a student murmured with his head bowed.

"No matter how unpalatable it is, you have to eat it," Jiang Wu said firmly.

As soon as Ren Xiaosu left, all the refugees who could still move followed, because they didn't have any goals now, they only knew that someone would take the lead and they would follow.

Eventually, only those who were sick were left lying on the ground.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu was a little puzzled. He already knew that the wolves had been following behind him all the time, but they never appeared to attack them. Why is this? This group of people is obviously no threat to them. Could it be that there are too many people so that they are discouraged

As for the experimental subjects, Ren Xiaosu hoped that those experimental subjects went north with the Qing Consortium in Jingshan, so that he would not have to worry too much about the threat from the experimental subjects.

Of course, it would be even better if the experimental subject could die in that volcanic eruption...

Until now, Ren Xiaosu has not been able to confirm how many experimental subjects there are, nor can he confirm who made them.

He just understands that this world is far from being as simple as he imagined.

Walking on the road at this time, the refugees basically avoided Ren Xiaosu and the others.

Ren Xiaosu deliberately never showed his extraordinaryness to the refugees, because they still had to go to Barrier 109. Who knows how Barrier 109 treats extraordinary people? What if, like the 113 barrier, they arrest the extraordinary when they see it

Now there is a hidden danger, Chen Wudi has exposed the fact that he is a transcendent, which makes Ren Xiaosu a little entangled, so he can only take a step forward.

Suddenly, Ren Xiaosu saw another off-road vehicle parked in front of him. He thought it was funny at the time. When the Qing Consortium passed by, it seemed that there were only three off-road vehicles and two troop trucks. It seemed that more than half of them were broken. ah.

Yesterday they saw an off-road vehicle and a truck on the road, and now they threw another one halfway. Ren Xiaosu suspected that if they rushed, they might be able to see people from the Qing Consortium ahead of them...

After all, if three cars broke down, there would be no room for so many people, so someone must be walking.

Maybe Luo Lan would let the soldiers walk slowly, and then he would drive an off-road vehicle and a truck to Fort 109 first.

When the evening sun was slanting, the front of the refugee line suddenly became chaotic, and someone shouted: "Look!"

"It's from the Qing Consortium!" Someone shouted, "Go to them for help!"

"Finally reunited with the army!"

They didn't even think about whether the combat brigade would join them, so they ran forward frantically, as if grasping at straws.

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu looked up when he heard the movement, and suddenly saw Luo Lan sitting under the orange-red sunset with hundreds of soldiers from the Qing Consortium...

Why did this fat man come here... Besides, Ren Xiaosu always felt that Luo Lan's pants were a bit weird. Looking carefully, they were just pants made of two car seat leather covers? !

At this time Luo Lan was directing the soldiers to camp, but when he looked back, he was almost taken aback. There were densely packed people not far behind him!

He hurriedly said to the fighters: "Hurry up, those who have guns, take out all the guns to prevent these refugees from rushing into our camp!"

The fighters of the Qing Consortium had a high level of fighting literacy. As soon as Luo Lan spoke, he heard the sound of pulling the bolt of a gun.

When the refugees saw that their guns were aimed at them, they stopped in their tracks, as if they were a little at a loss.

A middle-aged man shouted from the air: "Boss Luo, I am Xiao Zhang from the Planning Department! You have seen me!"

Luo Lan yelled loudly: "I don't feel ashamed to be called Xiao Zhang at such an advanced age. Back off, if we take another step forward, we'll shoot!"

Now the refugees didn't dare to move any of them. The Qing Consortium didn't care who they were when they came to this wilderness, and treated anyone who wasn't their own as an enemy.

Ren Xiaosu hid behind the crowd and looked at this scene. He really hoped that the Qing Consortium would not contact the refugees. After all, the Qing Consortium is likely to arrest him now. Of course, Ren Xiaosu feels that these people don’t have much energy to spare now. Bar.

Seeing that many soldiers in the Qing Consortium were wearing bandages, it seemed that they were injured when they escaped from the barrier.

It's just that Ren Xiaosu was a little curious. It surprised him that Luo Lan didn't leave the soldiers behind.