The First Order

Chapter 121: robbery


Maybe it was the sincerity when he thanked himself at the beginning, and maybe it was because the palace didn't want Ren Xiaosu to die, so all the seven thanks were given to thank you coins, but now there is no one to thank him for.

Ren Xiaosu felt a little regretful, if he had known about it, he would have used that moment to thank him a few times!

It's just that Ren Xiaosu didn't notice, Yan Liuyuan next to him was lost at the moment, and the others didn't hear what Ren Xiaosu said, but he heard it.

In the past, he was asked by Ren Xiaosu to thank him for the fact that the shadow of the whole night hadn't completely passed away. Brother, you are starting to thank yourself now? And what the hell is that person thanking himself for eating grapes without spitting out the grape skins? Can he not be distracted

Suddenly there was commotion in front of the crowd again. It turned out that Wang Yiheng ordered the refugees to start searching everyone present one by one, as if to collect everyone's food.

Wait, it's not just food.

Ren Xiaosu saw that the refugees had taken all the watches off other people's wrists, as well as some gold and silver jewellery, none of which was spared!

Those who escaped from these barriers were unlucky enough. Their homes were destroyed in the morning, and they had to be searched and wiped out in the evening. If this reached the 109th barrier, they might not even have a sellable item on them.

Wang Fugui was a little nervous: "Xiao Su, will they take away all our things?"

You must know that the things Wang Fugui carried on his body were all his life savings, medicines, gold, and banknotes, these things were very precious, and those refugees could not let them go.

But Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "Don't worry, no one can take it away."

Originally, Ren Xiaosu didn't want to deal with Wang Yiheng and the others, he just wanted to reach barrier 109 safely, but the problem is that you don't want trouble, and trouble comes to you.

At this moment, the fleeing crowd behaved like a flock of sheep. More than 600 refugees searched for things from more than 3,000 people. No one dared to resist, dared not say a word, and even stood there and dared not even run away.

This made it difficult for Ren Xiaosu to understand. If one of the more than 3,000 of you can raise your arms to resist, how far are the more than 600 people

It is true that the refugees are more fierce than the barrier people, but two fists are no match for four hands, so I am afraid of a fart.

Ren Xiaosu saw that among the crowd, only the female teacher was secretly moving back with dozens of students, trying to avoid being searched.

Those refugees were quite timid when they first searched. After all, what they were facing was a barrier person, a high-ranking existence in their minds before.

But gradually they found that the barrier people did not dare to resist, so they became more and more unscrupulous, and even deliberately used their hands and feet when searching some women!

At this moment, the female teacher led the students past Ren Xiaosu and the others, and stopped behind Ren Xiaosu and the others, as if she wanted to wait and see before considering whether to continue to retreat.

However, refugees have come here.

Ren Xiaosu looked at those refugees and wondered if his identity would be recognized by them? To say that they changed their clothes and mixed in the crowd, their characteristics should not be so obvious.

More than a dozen refugees came over with big bags and small bags, and all of them had watches on their hands, which were all just searched.

Watches are very valuable items in market towns and fortresses. Originally, only Lao Li from the grocery store had one in the market town, and Wang Fugui did not have one!

It seems that among the fleeing crowd, there are quite a few rich and powerful people, but their power and status have all disappeared.

Ren Xiaosu watched the dozen or so refugees approaching in silence, but when those refugees saw Ren Xiaosu, they suddenly froze. Ren Xiaosu sighed in his heart, he recognized them at a glance, the disguise failed...

Just when Ren Xiaosu was thinking about how to deal with these refugees, these refugees who were in charge of searching for property decisively took a detour to search for others...

Ren Xiaosu and the people around them looked over in amazement, what happened, those vicious refugees took the initiative to bypass this young man

Why? Isn't this just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old child

Those people actually saw it all. When the refugees saw Ren Xiaosu, their expressions showed deep fear, as if they were a little afraid of Ren Xiaosu.

They wondered why these refugees should be afraid

However, what they didn't know was that, let alone running away, even when the market town was still intact, no one would dare to provoke Xiaosu. This is a famous ruthless person, and now he still has a gun!

Although the refugees knew very well that there must be a lot of valuables in the bags carried by Wang Fugui and Wang Dalong, but the life of a dog is very important!

The group of students and the female teacher behind Ren Xiaosu watched all this silently. The female teacher looked at Ren Xiaosu's back thoughtfully, and gradually pursed her lips.

Just when the refugees turned to search for others, Ren Xiaosu suddenly said, "Ahem, come here."

The figures of the refugees suddenly froze, they turned their heads to look at Ren Xiaosu, and said stiffly: "What's wrong..."

"The watch is good," Ren Xiaosu said.

The refugees looked at each other in blank dismay. They had robbed thousands of people, but they were robbed by Ren Xiaosu instead! How can this be reasonable!

At this time, the people next to him were even more speechless, so there was a more ruthless person hiding beside him? !

One of the refugees honestly tore off a watch from his wrist and handed it to Ren Xiaosu, tears of humiliation shed in his heart...

It was also a coincidence that he happened to see Ren Xiaosu killing people outside the school...

The refugees were about to turn around and leave. They wanted to stay away from Ren Xiaosu, but Ren Xiaosu's voice sounded again: "You! You! You! You! Your watches are also good."

Ren Xiaosu pointed at four people, and the faces of those four people turned black. Why is this not over yet

But what can they say, they can only honestly take off the watches on their respective wrists and hand them to Ren Xiaosu. At this time, everyone around them is shocked, this young man is too ruthless!

Ren Xiaosu didn't continue to rob, after all, he didn't want to really have a positive confrontation with these refugees, just to make money with peace.

He waved his hand: "Go."

The refugees slipped away immediately as if they had received an amnesty, and the swelling feeling that had just accumulated in their hearts disappeared.

Ren Xiaosu handed the four watches he had just snatched to Xiaoyu and the others, and said happily, "Here, we can check the time from now on."

It was the first time in Wang Fugui's life that he was wearing a watch. He helped Wang Dalong take the watch and said with a smile, "Thank you, Uncle Xiaosu!"

Wang Dalong was about to cry, why was he downgraded for no reason? !

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu had endless daydreams in his mind. He would not usually do such a thing as robbing others, but it should be fine to cheat...