The First Order

Chapter 2: The world never believed in tears


Because of the robbers and the sudden coma, Ren Xiaosu returned late. He took a look at the sky that was about to be shrouded in darkness. It was extremely dangerous to bring prey through the market town at this time.

During the day, people from the refuge barrier came out to rule the order, and at night those people returned to the barrier.

Of course, the people in the asylum barrier are definitely not well-intentioned, but they are worried that too much chaos in the market town will affect the work of the refugees.

"Hey, Ren Xiaosu has gained a lot today!"

When Ren Xiaosu ran into the market town carrying an iron pan, someone greeted him. The man's face was dark, as if he hadn't washed his face since he was born.

Many people in the market town are like this. On weekdays, in exchange for food, they go to the nearby coal mines to dig coal. The coal is transported into the refuge barrier, and then the workers can get black bread or potatoes that are just enough to survive.

Not only coal digging, but also the dirty work needed in the fortress will be done by people outside the fortress.

There is a quota for well water in market towns, and no one can even think about pumping more than that amount every day. There are no clean water sources nearby, or clean water sources are too dangerous, and there are wild beasts gathering to drink water. So the people in the whole market town were so dirty that they couldn't see clearly, and Ren Xiaosu was no exception.

It's just that Ren Xiaosu never digs coal, he has his own way of survival.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu didn't respond when he saw someone greet him, he just wanted to go back to his shack quickly.

Just when Ren Xiaosu passed by the small road in the market town, he was not far away from the majestic fortress wall. When he looked up, he seemed to be full of oppression as if he couldn't see the end of the sky.

There are not many earth and stone buildings in the market town, and more of them are shack-like residences.

Ren Xiaosu, who was quite relaxed at first, suddenly became vigilant after entering the market town. He even drew a bone knife from his waist. The atmosphere on the street became serious, as if there was some danger hidden in those shacks, but when Ren Xiaosu pulled out the bone knife, those people who were about to move calmed down again.

The first thing Ren Xiaosu learned living here was not to trust anyone... except Yan Liuyuan.

There were whispers from the shack by the road: "Ren Xiaosu has caught prey again."

"What kind of prey is that, it's just a sparrow."

"This is different from the sparrows in the old textbooks. I guess the eagles before the cataclysm were only this big?"

"Don't mess with him," a voice ended the whispers, as if someone knew about Ren Xiaosu's past.

Ren Xiaosu lifted the curtain of his house, and the warmth inside made his body seem less stiff.

Yan Liuyuan, who was sitting in the shack doing his homework, looked up and saw Ren Xiaosu came back, he was pleasantly surprised: "Did you hit the sparrow?"

"Why don't you light the kerosene lamp?" Ren Xiaosu asked with a frown.

Yan Liuyuan is usually not well-behaved, at least not in front of people other than Ren Xiaosu, but when facing the "brother" Ren Xiaosu, he is always surprisingly docile: "I want to save some kerosene for the family. "

"What if I become short-sighted?" Ren Xiaosu put the sparrow down.

Yan Liuyuan's eyes lit up and said: "The master of the school said that before the catastrophe, there were such things as glasses, and he also said that there are actually glasses now, but in the refuge barrier, if you have this thing, you will not be afraid of myopia."

Ren Xiaosu dismissed this statement: "I've seen the thing that someone told you, it's just that entrusting your vision to an object that may fall at any time in this wilderness is tantamount to death. Don't listen to your gentleman's nonsense, you Some of what you said may not be right."

"Oh..." Yan Liuyuan nodded: "Then you still send me to school?"

Ren Xiaosu choked for a moment: "Why so much nonsense."

"When can I go hunting with you?" Yan Liuyuan asked.

"What do you learn to hunt when you are only 14 years old? You don't need to hunt after you go to school and learn it," Ren Xiaosu said, "Learn how to calculate accounts, learn physical chemistry and so on, won't it be better than hunting by then?"

"You're only 17 years old," Yan Liuyuan said unconvinced.

In this day and age, even the barbaric know the importance of knowledge.

This is also the reason why the teacher can survive in the market town. No matter what troubles happen in the market town, the teacher is always the safest one, and no one will think about the teacher.

It's just that the tuition is expensive, otherwise Ren Xiaosu himself would like to listen to it.

Ren Xiaosu skillfully dissected the sparrow while setting up the iron pot: "What did you talk about today? This sparrow can only give you some internal organs, and the rest will be sold tomorrow."

"Are you injured?" Yan Liuyuan frowned when he saw the wound on Ren Xiaosu's tiger's mouth. It was pecked out by sparrows, bleeding profusely.

The big iron pot was placed on a stick, and the firepit in the hut reflected Ren Xiaosu's cheeks flickeringly: "Small injury."

The room fell silent, after a while Ren Xiaosu fished out the sparrow viscera from the pot and handed it to Yan Liuyuan: "Eat."

Yan Liuyuan's eyes turned red suddenly: "I won't eat, you eat, you need to recuperate."

"I'll just have some soup," Ren Xiaosu said, "I still have black bread here."

"I won't take it. Your injury is not a minor injury at all. A few days ago, I saw someone in the market town died of infection due to a small wound. We don't have any medicine here," Yan Liuyuan said stubbornly, tears were about to flow. down.


Ren Xiaosu suddenly slapped Yan Liuyuan's face unexpectedly and said, "Remember, you and I can't cry if we live in this world. This world doesn't believe in tears."

Ren Xiaosu continued: "Look at the people around us. If you are not full, what should I do if someone rushed in at night and stabbed me to death? I asked you to go to school, but I didn't want you to go hunting like me. With special abilities, as long as you study hard, you don’t have to go to the wilderness like me to earn a living. I let you go to school because I don’t want you to become as barbaric as they are!”

Yan Liuyuan suddenly took the entrails of the sparrow that Ren Xiaosu handed over and started to gobble it up, tears did not fall after all, he had to learn to be as strong as Ren Xiaosu.

"Ahem, take a clean cloth to bandage my wound after eating," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Oh," Yan Liuyuan agreed.

"Usually he's quite eccentric outside, but he's like a doormat when he comes home," Ren Xiaosu sighed, "Did anything happen in the market town today?"

"By the way," Yan Liuyuan said while looking for a clean cloth, "A group of people came out of the refuge barrier and said they wanted to find a guide who could lead the way to refuge barrier No. 112. They wanted to go directly through Jingshan Mountain."

"Go to refuge barrier No. 112?" Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment and frowned: "Do you still have to go to Jingshan?"

"Do you think they will look for you? Everyone in the market town knows that you are familiar with outsiders." Yan Liuyuan blinked and said, "I heard that they are the band and singers in the No. 113 refuge barrier, and they were invited to 112 The Bulwark of Refuge is performing, and I haven't seen the singer yet."

"I won't go," Ren Xiaosu shook his head, "Whoever wants to go will go to Jingshan area. You should avoid them, these people are weird."

At this moment, Ren Xiaosu was in a complicated mood. What's wrong with this world, there are still people who specialize in singing and a band? What is it like inside the refuge barrier

Ren Xiaosu suddenly yearned for it.