The First Order

Chapter 30: That sick Ren Xiaosu


The band is back? Ren Xiaosu was a little puzzled. From here to Fort 112, it would take more than two months to go back and forth.

Now counting the time when the band left, I am afraid that the band's departure period is only about a week, so... the other party failed to reach barrier 112 at all, and even failed to reach the foot of Jingshan Mountain.

Logically speaking, there is no danger along the way, the only danger is the wolves, but the time for the wolves to come here is staggered from that of the band, and the band may not be able to come back if they really meet the wolves up.

After all, wolves are not afraid of gunshots now!

When he thought of the wolves, Ren Xiaosu felt a little worried. He talked about the wolves with Wang Fugui yesterday. Wang Fugui revealed the information he got from Chen Haidong, the manager of the market town. He hid in Yangshan directly to the No. 111 barrier, probably not daring to come to them again.

However, Ren Xiaosu didn't think so. The wolves had left before, but now they came back as usual, and became even more ferocious.

What caused these wolf packs to evolve again? Ren Xiaosu didn't know.

Ren Xiaosu looked out through the window of the clinic. He saw the refugees in the market town walking out of their residences to watch silently. They were already curious about the band, and now that they realized what might have happened to the band, it was even more so. Curious.

The band drove four off-road vehicles when they left, and now only one of the off-road vehicles is still driving slowly. The star Luo Xinyu and three private soldiers were sitting in the car, while the others followed on foot. Behind, the clothes were in tatters.

Yan Liuyuan said curiously: "When they left, they were all innocent, but when they came back, they became like us."

Although Ren Xiaosu's life is better now, the water source is still not enough. The refugees have always been equal in terms of water resources, and the asylum barriers are very strict.

So if there is extra water in the house, Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan basically let Miss Xiaoyu wash up, and they only use a little water to brush their teeth.

The so-called tooth brushing is to take a wicker dipped in coarse salt and scrape the teeth for a long time, and then gargle.

Now the tanned Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan are quite happy to see that the members of those bands have become like them...

The girl in the peaked cap with perfect gun skills was also walking behind the off-road vehicle. There were holes in the other party's clothes, but Ren Xiaosu observed carefully that although the girl looked as embarrassed as the other band members, her steps were still walking. Light and steady.

From this point of view alone, this peaked cap girl is much stronger than those accompanying private soldiers.

Of course, this is also within Ren Xiaosu's expectations. After all, how can someone who can possess perfect firearm skills be compared to those private soldiers

Luo Xinyu, the star in the off-road vehicle, ordered: "Report quickly and enter the barrier, and don't let these refugees look at us like monkeys."

After receiving the order, the private army raised the black muzzle of its automatic rifle to the onlookers, and one of them said viciously, "Go back to your pigsty."

When the refugees saw that these private soldiers were ready to get serious after being ashamed, they immediately hid back.

"Also," Luo Xinyu said coldly, "Find that Wang Fugui!"

The noisy and boiling voices in the market town gradually subsided, and everyone only dared to whisper in their own huts, or if the family chat was not enough, they could chat with the neighbors through the hut cloth, anyway, there is no sound insulation...

Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan lay on the window and looked outside, only to see that the band members were divided into two groups, one group went to the refuge barrier to enter the customs process, and the other group went straight to Wang Fugui's grocery store.

"Brother, why are they looking for Old Wang?" Yan Liuyuan asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because of Lao Wang's settlement. Lao Wang recommended a guide, but the hunter who became a guide didn't come back with him, so maybe it was the hunter who made some trouble, which caused them to return early in such a mess," Ren Xiaosu roughly judged.

Ren Xiaosu smashed, smashed, and felt a little regretful. When the guide left the market town, he gave Ren Xiaosu a flamboyant look, but unexpectedly, this look was a farewell...

Ren Xiaosu saw this group of people going to take pictures of the door of Wang Fugui's grocery store, and Wang Fugui slowly opened it from the inside, seeming very calm.

Originally, Ren Xiaosu was worried about Wang Fugui, but seeing that the other party was so calm, he felt that he didn't have to worry about him.

The people on the off-road vehicle also got off. Luo Xinyu was wearing white casual clothes...or it was white casual clothes. She stared at Wang Fugui and asked, "What kind of guide did you find for us?"

Wang Fugui asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

He was really curious. He should be an old hunter. He shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake. Why are these people so angry

"What's the matter?" Luo Xinyu's voice was indifferent: "He took the wrong direction before entering the Jingshan area. It took us three days to find the correct location."

It is possible to drive into Jingshan Mountain, and many people know about it, because there is a canyon paved with gravel, which should have been a river bed, but it has dried up for some reason.

Of course, ordinary cars can't get through this road, but it's not difficult for off-road vehicles to get over it.

So, the guide wasn't able to lead the band directly down that road...

"And then? What about others?" Old Wang asked in a daze.

"He's gone before he finds his way," a private soldier said coldly, "As a hunter nearby, he doesn't know that there is danger in the water, and when he went to wash his face by the river in the morning, he didn't know what happened to his face. The bites were so bad that he was already cold when we found him! And there were so many vicious monkeys on the road he took us, we almost couldn't come back!"

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment, no, this is very wrong, he had never heard that the fish in the nearby river bit people... Is it a fish

Wang Fugui leaned against the door frame of the grocery store: "Oh, so that's what happened, but I may not have time to help you find a new guide recently, I have to help Boss Luo Lanluo with something."

In fact, Boss Luo didn't arrange anything for him at all, he just wanted to tell the other party that he belongs to Boss Luo!

The private army frowned, and even Luo Xinyu was stunned. They didn't expect that behind the person they wanted to deal with was Luo Lan.

Wang Fugui said leisurely: "I told you a long time ago that if you want to go there, you must find Ren Xiaosu."

"The one with a sick mind?" A private soldier frowned into a word: "The kid who fantasized that he was a doctor?"

Wang Fugui suddenly had a toothache. He pointed to the opposite clinic window: "Maybe none of you would have imagined that he is really a doctor now..."

Luo Xinyu: "???"

Private Army: "???"

Everyone looked at Wang Fugui's fingers and saw two swarthy faces lying on the window of the clinic, looking at them curiously...

To be honest, Wang Fugui was also a little emotional at this moment, yes, why did this kid become a doctor by accident...