The First Order

Chapter 45: What kind of doctor are you?


Compared to Yang Xiaojin's cautiousness, Ren Xiaosu looked at the rest of the team as if they were a little less vigilant. There are 12 private troops here, but there is not even a night watchman.

The snoring in the tents was loud, and it was obvious that they were all asleep. It is true that the large beasts were kept out of the barrier circle, but you are too ambitious.

Yang Xiaojin, on the other hand, breathed evenly and slenderly, obviously not in a deep sleep.

Ren Xiaosu felt that it was reasonable for him to be cautious, because he had seen many people who were stabbed to death at night, but what kind of living environment did Yang Xiaojin form the habit of now

He feels that a person's past experience determines his current thinking and habits, and Yang Xiaojin must have experienced an extremely dangerous situation.

At dawn, Ren Xiaosu went to check the place where he threw the fish bones before everyone got up. Last night, he specially left some fish meat, just to see if any beasts would be attracted to them.

Many people are afraid of wild beasts because they think that wild beasts are so ferocious that they won’t be afraid of humans. However, wild beasts are not that reckless. In fact, most of the wild beasts are very alert. Ordinary lone wild beasts will probably leave when they see so many tents here, but this fish The campsite in the bone fish meat is far away, so it should be able to leave some clues for the beast.

Ren Xiaosu cautiously approached the area where fish bones and fish meat were thrown, and was always on the lookout for signs of wild beasts, but he never found anything.

But when he came there, he suddenly found that all the fish meat and fish bones on the ground had disappeared, and there were no footprints of wild animals around!

Ren Xiaosu immediately drew out the bone knife in his sleeve to concentrate on his vigilance, and stepped back cautiously while being on guard. Did the ants take away the bones and fish meat? There is a possibility that the ants now are as big as the fingertips. If there is an ant nest nearby, it is normal to remove it overnight.

But Ren Xiaosu still had doubts in his heart. When he returned to the camp, everyone was ready to pack up and set off. Everyone was folding the tent and stuffing it back into the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

Liu Bu continued to complain to Luo Xinyu over there: "Xinyu, you shouldn't have traded chocolate with him, how can refugees deserve to eat such things?"

Luo Xinyu ignored him, and she didn't expect to get two pieces of chocolate!

The convoy set off, and they finally started to go deep into the woods following the path guided by Ren Xiaosu. The sunlight from the sky shone through the canopy of the trees, and the whole forest looked very pleasant.

At this time, everyone had long forgotten the fear brought about by the giant deer's footprints last night. Ren Xiaosu even heard the sound of singing from the car behind, and the sound of a group of soldiers from the private army telling dirty jokes and then laughing.

It seems that everyone is here for a picnic.

There was a short distance from the river, so Ren Xiaosu told the driver, "Stay away from the river as much as possible."

In fact, he didn't know what danger was in the river, but the scene last night left a deep impression on him.

But the driver didn't take it seriously: "We are still far away from that river, and isn't there only fish in the river, and the fish can jump on the bank to bite you? Just don't go in and swim."

Ren Xiaosu didn't speak anymore, he just made his own decision, if the crisis came, he must get rid of these idiots and get out of danger quickly.

At this moment, the pilot car that Ren Xiaosu was on braked suddenly, and the driver of the private army said hurriedly: "Front!"

Ren Xiaosu turned his head to look, and suddenly saw a huge red deer.

The red deer is a large deer second only to the moose. They are huge in size. They like to live in groups, feed on grass, leaves, twigs, bark and fruits, and like to lick salt and alkali.

And the red deer in front of him must be more than two meters tall. It was standing quietly on the road and looking at the convoy.

The convoy was in a tense state, and the group of private troops picked up their automatic rifles and pulled the bolts. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and two smaller red deer came out. The first child.

Xu Xianchu's voice came from the car intercom: "Don't shoot!"

The red deer didn't seem to be aggressive. It just looked at the convoy and asked something like "what the hell is this?", and then it was ready to leave. Everyone in the convoy let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little more relaxed.

The soldier in the private army smiled and said, "It's just herbivores. It scares you. There won't be any large carnivorous beasts here."

At this moment, everyone started teasing each other again, as if they were not the ones who were nervous just now.

However, at this moment, the red deer suddenly rushed towards the convoy. The opponent's head was already lowered, and the huge antlers were coming towards the leading car!

The driver of the pilot car yelled and hurriedly hit the accelerator and hid in the woods. At this time, he didn't care whether he would hit a tree and overturn the car.

Fortunately, when the giant deer arrived, the pilot vehicle turned in time and passed by the antlers, but the vehicles behind were not so lucky. The antlers were so strong that they were stabbed into the engine of the car like a forklift Gary, and with a shake of his head, the whole car was thrown out!

Immediately afterwards, the giant deer ran into the woods with its two children before the soldiers of the private army in other vehicles got out of the car. It felt like running away with one vote!

Someone fired wildly at the giant deer's back, but they couldn't hit at all, and their marksmanship was surprisingly poor.

The vehicle that Ren Xiaosu and the others were in crashed into a tree beside the dirt road due to its speed, the hood was deformed, and a lot of white smoke was coming out of it!

At this time, someone shouted from the direction of the convoy: "Come and save people!"

Liu Bu's voice sounded: "Isn't that refugee a doctor in the market town, let him come and save people!"

Ren Xiaosu got off the car and walked towards the convoy, but when he got there, he found that the driver of the second car had only a little bruise on his arm, so why make a fuss about it.

Death has been with every refugee since childhood, like a trivial matter in life, and such scratches are really not worth mentioning.

Ren Xiaosu frowned. He had no intention of treating this guy at all. Players in this kind of private army were not worth his waste of black medicine. It was just that he was surprised why this giant deer suddenly showed aggressiveness

Liu Bu pushed Ren Xiaosu and shouted, "Aren't you a doctor, hurry up and save her!"

"Oh," Ren Xiaosu said in agreement to the driver's wound, "heal quickly, heal quickly, heal quickly..."

Liu Bu was dumbfounded: "Is there anyone who treats injuries like you? What kind of doctor are you!?"

Ren Xiaosu pondered for a moment and asked tentatively, "Witch doctor?"