The First Order

Chapter 49: No living person can enter


Now the convoy is driving very fast. On the one hand, this section of the road is indeed gentler. On the other hand, everyone feels that as long as they drive fast enough, they can leave the danger behind.

In the evening, when the setting sun slanted from the sky, the convoy finally passed through the woods and saw the majestic rock walls and canyons ahead.

The stone wall was like a step suddenly pulled from the earth. After getting off the car, they looked up and their necks were sore to see the end of the stone wall above, but the left and right sides could not see the edge at all.

This is the ladder of nature, as if stepping on this ladder can climb the sky.

The old wind mouth canyon looked as thin as a black line in the distance, but when they got closer, they realized that the canyon was so wide that five or six cars could pass through it at the same time.

A huge mountain wind passed through the canyon, making whistling and whimpering sounds. When someone stood at the mouth of the canyon, they were almost unable to stand and were almost pushed down by the wind.

The magic and magnificence of nature are fully reflected at this moment.

Suddenly Liu Bu shouted, "Come and see."

I saw Liu Bu standing beside Laofengkou Canyon, pointing to a spot on the stone wall and shouting: "There are words here!"

Everyone walked over to see that four characters the size of skulls were engraved on the stone wall by someone: living people are not allowed to enter.

Xu Xianchu looked at Ren Xiaosu: "Who carved this?"

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "I didn't have these four words when I came here last year."

"Why did you come here?" Liu Bu sharply said, "How far is this place from the market town? You shouldn't come to such a place even for hunting. Who are you? You must be hiding your identity!"

Ren Xiaosu nodded and said: "Yes, there is something I haven't told you all this time. I am actually... the descendant of the dragon."

Liu Bu: "..."

Xu Xianchu: "..."

Luo Xinyu: "..."

"There are too many doubts about you now," Xu Xianchu pointed his gun at Ren Xiaosu and said, "You have to explain why you came here last year. This place is rarely visited by people. Fortress 113 has not been sent to this place for many years. It is the road from barrier 112 to barrier 113, but no one from barrier 112 has been here this year, so it is very likely that only you have been here this year, is it you? Engraved?"

Ren Xiaosu thought for a while and said: "The position of this word is very high. With my height, I can't reach it if I don't move a stone to step on it. And I am really as surprised as you are why there are these four words here. I also wonder who did this."

Ren Xiaosu wasn't lying about this point, he really didn't engrave these four characters.

"You haven't said why you came here?" Liu Bu roared, "Have you calculated how far it is from the market town?"

Everyone looked at Ren Xiaosu. Although their driving speed was not as fast as anyone's running, the three-day journey was far enough. There was no reason for Ren Xiaosu to come to this place.

Ren Xiaosu was silent for a while and said: "Last year I encountered a pack of wolves in Yunling, and I was driven here by the pack of wolves."

This is also true.

"You're talking nonsense," Liu Bu retorted, "Can you survive the wolves as a child? Tell me, why should the wolves let you go?"

"At that time, the target of the wolves was not me. I just happened to be there. At that time, I ran away into the woods in a hurry. I thought that the wolves would ignore me, but I didn't expect them to catch up. As for me Those who survived... After I entered Laofengkou Canyon, they stopped chasing them. I hid in Laofengkou Canyon for two days, and I came out after they ran away. I don’t know the way to go inside. I haven't been there either."

Everyone was stunned. Didn't even the wolves chase after here? Is there really any great horror behind this canyon

And the words engraved on the stone wall of the canyon may be some kind-hearted person who discovered the secret of Jingshan after entering, and then warned others not to go any further.

Everyone believed what Ren Xiaosu said, but this time Ren Xiaosu did not tell the truth. He was indeed driven in by the wolves, but the wolves did not stop here, but continued to chase.

As for how Ren Xiaosu survived, he couldn't tell clearly, because he lost consciousness the moment he encountered the wolves, and when he woke up he was covered in scars, but the wolves were gone.

He was exhausted when he struggled back to the market town. It was this time that made him realize the horror of the wolves, but it was also after encountering the wolves this time that black mist appeared in his mind.

Ren Xiaosu has been thinking for a year, what is the relationship between the black fog in his mind and that coma, and what happened during that coma

Someone suddenly said: "Do you know about those extraordinary people? This word may have been left by some extraordinary person. Some of them have already surpassed the scope of normal human beings. It is not surprising that they can walk freely in the wilderness. "

The person who spoke was a soldier from a private army, but Xu Xianchu glared at him: "This is a military secret."

"What are you pretending? Everyone is pushed out. How long do you think you can serve as an officer?" The soldier sneered, "Even if this task is completed, you really think Ma Xin can let go of it when you go back." you?"

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment, the order of this private army is so chaotic, the soldiers dare to contradict the commander at will? Unknowingly, Ren Xiaosu's impression of this private army became worse. According to the description of Mr. Zhang in the school, the army before the catastrophe had strict discipline, which was like a collective will of steel.

Xu Xianchu looked at the soldier who spoke: "He won't let me go, and I will tell you to leave before I leave. You'd better shut up now, or I'll treat you as a deserter."

The soldier who spoke was silent, but Liu Bu and Luo Xinyu's curiosity was aroused: "What happened to those extraordinary people, I heard that you arrested three extraordinary people in our stronghold a while ago?"

Xu Xianchu thought for a while and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, and we are only following the orders of our superiors."

"Then should we go in?" Liu Bu suddenly begged, "Sir, let's go back, it's too dangerous inside!"

Xu Xianchu finally wavered, he glanced at the sky and sighed, "It's getting late anyway, we'll camp here tonight, let's discuss whether to stay or not, and then make a decision, how about it?"

Of course Liu Bu and the others agree, as long as they don't go forward, everything will be fine.

Ren Xiaosu looked into the depths of the canyon. The straight walls on both sides of the canyon were almost connected to the sky. There was a ray of light cast in the cracks in the canyon above, but the light seemed to be exhausted in the canyon. The deeper you looked, the darker it became.