The First Order

Chapter 50: Canyon Fright


Ren Xiaosu didn't need to go out to find food now, and Liu Bu even ignored Ren Xiaosu and food under the fear of death. Now they were thinking about how to survive tonight, or how to get out alive, instead of worrying about what to eat at night.

Some people didn't even set up tents tonight, for fear that they would delay their escape in the tents, but Xu Xianchu stopped them: "Everyone set up the tents, it's late autumn, if there are no tents to protect the wind, in case you If you're sick, you really can't leave the mountain!"

Everyone lit up the bonfire, and everyone sat around the huge bonfire in silence. Although they didn't dare to go far when collecting firewood, and they didn't dare to go into the woods again, but the amount they picked up with concerted efforts was really huge. Less, it seems that the bigger the flame, the more secure their hearts will be.

This time Ren Xiaosu did not light the fire alone, because Xu Xianchu asked him to participate in this discussion.

It was Xu Xianchu who insisted on going to Jingshan before, because he had to consider his own future and his situation in the fortress, but now he is also reluctant to retreat, and it seems that the persuasion from the suspected superhuman has played a big role.

Soldiers in the private army trust the cold guns in their hands, but when they find that what they are facing, the guns may not be able to solve it, they will have great fear.

Their greatest reliance can no longer provide them with a sense of security.

Seeing everyone quiet down, Xu Xianchu said, "Now we are faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, we must pass through the canyon, but there are unknown dangers in the canyon, and there may even be creatures that are difficult for extraordinary people to deal with. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to the end. Who came here single-handedly and left an inscription that no one can read."

"On the other hand," Xu Xianchu continued, "there are also hidden dangers in the woods. The mysterious death of Xu Xia and the mysterious disappearance of Xu Xia's body are unsolved mysteries, so we are not sure whether we will encounter them on the way back. What."

Luo Xinyu suddenly said: "Actually, although there has been danger in the woods, it will not wipe out our entire army. After all, there are still so many people alive after we come here, but the danger behind the canyon is hard to say. I think we still Better to face the woods."

When they crossed the woods, only one person died. Even if another person died on the way back, the unlucky one might not be themselves, so turning back was probably their best choice.

It's just that Xu Xianchu is still a little tangled, should he really go back? After he goes back, he doesn't know how he will face his boss in the barrier.

Everyone fell silent again, Ren Xiaosu looked at Yang Xiaojin, he found that the other party was still very calm, as if it didn't matter whether he would stay or not.

Wait, is Yang Xiaojin the legendary transcendent

Ren Xiaosu couldn't confirm it, but he didn't know why he suddenly felt that Yang Xiaojin's purpose here seemed to be different from everyone else's. When he was eating fish, Ren Xiaosu thought that Yang Xiaojin might be Luo Xinyu's friend, so he came to protect Luo Xinyu.

But the problem is that Luo Xinyu and Yang Xiaojin didn't show a particularly close relationship, just like an employer and an employee.

Ren Xiaosu had some yearning for the superhuman that Xu Xianchu and the others called, but he wasn't jealous, because he was also a so-called superhuman, but he hadn't grown up yet...

Luo Xinyu observed Xu Xianchu's expression and said: "Sir, are you worried about the situation when you return to the barrier? You don't have to worry about this. After returning, I will help you find someone to transfer from the private army. Even if you go to civilian work, you can do it."

Xu Xianchu was stunned for a moment: "You think I'm worried about not being able to complete the task?"

Luo Xinyu said seriously: "Isn't it? You don't have to be embarrassed. We are facing danger together. If we go back now, I will do my best to help you solve the impact of mission failure."

It's just that these words didn't reach Xu Xianchu's heart, he shook his head: "I didn't think about this, you won't understand, but I also agree with your decision, the front is too dangerous, everyone here tonight Take a rest and return to the barrier tomorrow."

At this moment, the wind in the canyon stopped, the huge noise suddenly disappeared, and the whole forest became quiet.

It's just that in the silence, everyone suddenly heard the sound of chewing from the pickup truck, and everyone's hair stood on their backs. Liu Bu tremblingly said, "What's the sound?"

"Looks like it's in the back of a pickup truck!"

Everyone looked over in horror. They couldn't figure it out, isn't there only supplies in the pickup truck, and Ren Xiaosu was beside everyone, so where did the sound in the pickup truck come from

After Xu Xianchu was frightened, his face darkened in an instant: "I really don't believe that anything can stop a bullet!"

As he spoke, he called the private army to slowly approach the pickup. The chewing sound should have lasted for a while, but the canyon was too windy just now, and they didn't hear it!

Ren Xiaosu also stood up. It seemed that his physical fitness had become stronger, which made it not too cold for him to wear only a thin coat in this late autumn season.

He kept holding the bone knife in his hand, and when he turned his head to look, Yang Xiaojin also put his hand on the pistol he was carrying.

Xu Xianchu and the others approached slowly, but suddenly a black figure jumped out from the back of the pickup truck. Xu Xianchu and the others were startled and shot before they had time to think about it.

The black figure suddenly encountered fierce gunfire in mid-air, and was hit by several bullets and flew backwards. This was another sound coming from the pickup truck bucket. Xu Xianchu and the others rushed into the pickup truck bucket without even thinking. Crazy strafing.


The sound of empty guns sounded, and this group of private troops actually fired all the bullets in the shuttle, and the entire pickup was riddled with holes and horrific. The fuel tank of the pickup truck began to leak oil. Someone shot the fuel tank, leaving a bullet hole in it.

However, Ren Xiaosu wasn't worried that the car would blow up, because he had relevant knowledge in his advanced firearms skills: unless he used incendiary bombs, it would be very difficult to blow up the fuel tank directly.

Xu Xianchu approached slowly, ready to check the black shadow that jumped out earlier, but he was a little annoyed when he saw it. The black shadow that scared them was just a mouse that came to steal food!

"How did this mouse grow so big?" Liu Bu was still in shock, "I'm afraid it must be the size of two human heads."

Xu Xianchu let go of the fear in his heart and looked inside the pickup truck. Inside was another mouse that had been beaten into a sieve.

It turned out to be a false alarm, everyone's nerves were too tense, and even a little trouble would make everyone suspicious.

It's time to go back, and no one can withstand the huge mental pressure if they don't go back.

But at this moment, Ren Xiaosu suddenly turned his head to look at the way they came from, and saw a silver wolf standing on the top of a mountain not far away, looking towards them from a distance, it was the wolf king!

It's over, why did they come back so soon!

Thanks to Chunjie Di Xiaolong and Changhe Jiuyou Xiabai for becoming the new leader of this book