The First Order

Chapter 82: Tobacco and alcohol


Ren Xiaosu had seen suits before, and the big shots in the fort always had to pass through the market town when they left the fort, so Ren Xiaosu once saw a big shot in a suit sitting in a car from a distance.

At that time, Ren Xiaosu was thinking, the big shots in the fortress are really magnificent.

But if someone wants to wear a suit or even a white suit to roam the wilderness, Ren Xiaosu will definitely curse him for being mentally retarded!

Things like a suit are too much of a hindrance to fighting, and your arms and legs will be restrained by the clothes. If you encounter a beast that you can't beat, you may not even be able to run away.

However, when Ren Xiaosu saw the young man standing on the top of the building at this moment, he didn't feel how unsuitable and incompatible his clothes were with the wilderness, because the other party didn't need to fight.

This is probably the leader of the Qing Consortium's operation this time. Ren Xiaosu said in his heart that the big shots in this consortium really look a little different.

He shrank his head for fear of being discovered by the combat troops of the Qing Consortium. Knowing that there were thousands of fighters in charge of martial law near the construction site, Ren Xiaosu felt that he and Xu Xianchu still underestimated the determination of the Qing Consortium to blockade this place.

Ren Xiaosu glanced around curiously, not knowing where Xu Xianchu and Yang Xiaojin were lying around.

Although he couldn't see them, Ren Xiaosu knew they must be there.

"Preparing to withdraw," Ren Xiaosu didn't intend to care about other people's plans, and when he knew that he could not seize the secrets in this mountain, he felt like retreating.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to stay here. As for the secret of Jingshan Mountain, maybe Yang Xiaojin and Xu Xianchu are more interested.

Ren Xiaosu felt that there was really no need for him to take risks for this secret. If there was a player with high-level skills here, and he held dozens of basic-level and master-level learning maps, then maybe Ren Xiaosu would still be willing to give it a try...

Such a person is a real treasure to Ren Xiaosu...

In fact, the most important thing was that Ren Xiaosu watched more and more underground buildings being excavated, and some buildings even collapsed with a slight touch of the excavator.

Before they were still standing, it was only because no one "touched" them.

He can vaguely recognize some of the buildings that were originally exposed on the ground, but still retain relatively intact storefront signs, such as beauty salons, blind massages, etc...

Ren Xiaosu couldn't believe that there could be something so precious here!

This is the main reason why he wants to leave, okay

When Ren Xiaosu saw those signs, he felt that his trust had been cheated and his IQ was insulted. Now think back to the QR codes, Xiaolongkan, and plastic dolls before, obviously they are not particularly unusual!

I don't know how Xu Xianchu and Yang Xiaojin felt when they saw this scene? Anyway, Ren Xiaosu is enough.

After running so far and going through so many dangers, you just show me this

Ren Xiaosu retracted his head and quietly made a detour towards the side of the mountain. At this time, he could still hear gunshots in the woods behind him, indicating that the combat troops of the Qing Consortium hadn't successfully dealt with that monster.

The gunshot reassured Ren Xiaosu a lot. At least at this time, the Qing Consortium definitely had no time to take care of him.

Although there are many soldiers under martial law under the hillside, the problem is that these people are concentrated near the construction site that is being excavated. The other places abandoned by them seem to have lost their value, and they don't even look at them.

However, those places abandoned by the consortium are precisely the loopholes that Ren Xiaosu can use to break through.

The Qing Consortium cut down all the trees along the road to use as roadbeds. It has to be said that Ren Xiaosu has indeed learned the power of the consortium.

As far as this wild place is concerned, people say that if you open a road, you will open a road, and there is no need to discuss with the wild beasts in the mountains.

This made Ren Xiaosu re-evaluate the power of the consortium. You must know that this is only a combat force of a barrier. According to Yang Xiaojin, a consortium may control ten or twenty refuge barriers!

So if Ren Xiaosu fled in the direction of barrier 112, the beasts and other creatures along the way must have been frightened away.

Although it would be a bit strenuous to go back to refuge barrier No. 113 in this way, and it would take a long, long detour, but there was no way, this was Ren Xiaosu's best choice.

Ren Xiaosu quietly walked towards other directions of this "city". The natural ravines and dilapidated buildings on the surface were his best cover.

He saw the ruins of a high-rise building that had collapsed, and the high-rise building was broken into two pieces. Ren Xiaosu had no doubt that people could stand on this high-rise building and overlook the entire city before the catastrophe.

When Ren Xiaosu lived in the market town before, he often imagined with Yan Liuyuan what the fort would look like, but now it seems that the area of the fort may be wider than this city, but the level of refinement and prosperity is far from that of this place.

Of course, delicacy and prosperity are in the past tense, and now there are only ruins and desolation here.

Ren Xiaosu slid down the hillside under the shadow of the forest. He saw some dusty signboards scattered among the ruins and muttered, "Why are there so many signboards for foot baths and health in this city... Did people in the past like to wash their feet?"

Walking between the abandoned city and the dirt, Ren Xiaosu carefully avoided everyone's sight. He was about 500 meters away from the combat troops of the Qing Consortium. As long as he was careful and made good use of the blind spots and buildings The bunker will definitely not be discovered.

But as he was walking, Ren Xiaosu was a little bit at a loss. He saw a well-preserved tobacco shop on his left...

Most of the buildings have long been crushed to powder in the earthquake caused by the movement of the earth's crust, but 30% of the buildings in this city still remain.

Tobacco shop, Ren Xiaosu's eyes are bright.

You must know that tobacco and alcohol are scarce supplies in market towns, otherwise Zhang Jinglin, as a school teacher, would not be without cigarettes every day...

The goods in this tobacco shop are probably more than the things in Lao Wang Lao Li's shop combined. If I take this back, I will become the richest man in the market town in minutes!

Ren Xiaosu took a peek at the Qing Consortium, and when he confirmed that no one was paying attention, he walked into the store excitedly.

He reached for the cigarettes on the counter, the outside of the cigarette case was wrapped in transparent plastic, Ren Xiaosu wondered if it was protected by the plastic, could it be preserved better

But the moment he touched the cigarette case, the cigarette case in the plastic also shattered into paper powder.

Ren Xiaosu felt a little heartbroken. How long have these things been kept here

In fact, what Ren Xiaosu didn't know was that cigarettes also have a shelf life. Although tobacco factories never say how long their cigarettes can last, in fact, the shredded tobacco will lose its taste after being stored for more than three years.

After all, the airtightness of those plastic packaging is also very general.