The First Spring

Chapter 74: Cover up the truth


Yu Lao only saw it when she came in, and she didn't know if Zhou Jinran was too tired, or if she passed out with a high fever, that person actually fell asleep in her own sex.

Thinking of not disturbing him for the time being, Yu Lao took out Jinchuang medicine and sprinkled some on Zhou Jinran’s wound...

The pain from the wound caused Zhou Jinran to wake up very quickly. He was awakened suddenly. His instinct was to take action at the people around him. However, the gusty hand suddenly stopped after seeing Yu Lao, and he was originally given medicine. Yu Lao was also taken aback by this sudden change. After thinking about it, people who practice martial arts will have habits that they don’t know about, and they must be unwilling to let people approach them at will. Thinking about it this way, to him just now He was relieved of his behavior, so he passed the medicine in his hand and said: "Since you are awake, just apply it yourself."

Zhou Jinran saw the medicine in Yu Lao's hand for a moment, moved her body, and struggled to sit up.

Originally, he was besieged on the way to the visit, the other party did not say anything, and used some despicable means to kill him. After he was injured, he hid in a family in a hurry. At that time, he was in a hurry and did not look at the plaque for a while. I don't know if I am familiar with the road or broke into Yu Lao's boudoir.

When Yu Lao saw that he applied the medicine himself, he turned around, but Zhou Jinran saw the gauze wrapped around Yu Lao's fingers with sharp eyes. He stretched out his hand, drew her over, and took her hand and asked: "This what's going on?"

Yu Lao panicked, and took his hand back from his hand and said, "It's okay, it's just a little skin trauma."

"To heal my injury? Did you do it yourself?" Zhou Jinran asked suspiciously.

"No, I just accidentally made it. I would hurt myself to change the medicine for you? You are passionate, right." Yu Lao said with a fan like a fan, but it's not summer, winter and twelfth lunar month. The wind suddenly got goose bumps.

Although Yu Lao denied it, Zhou Jinran believed her guess, thinking that she had always been stubborn and refused to accept it. Naturally, she would not admit that she had hurt herself just to change the golden medicine. Her daughter regards the appearance damage as the biggest misfortune. But he didn't hesitate to hurt himself to save him. How could such a dedication not be touching

"I owe you once." Zhou Jinran said silently.

Hearing Zhou Jinran's words, he was taken aback.

"You saved my life before, but now I pay you back once, we are even tied."

Yu Lao’s words were sincere, and Zhou Jinran was even more confused. The two stared at each other for a moment. Zhou Jinran’s eyes were burning, making people unbearable. Yu Lao hurriedly said: "Your wound seems very serious, I just I've bandaged you, if you have a chance, you'd better go see the doctor."

Zhou Jinran was taken aback by Yu Lao's words. How could this woman pay back? Does this mean you don't want to have any trouble with him? Just like what she had said when we first met. It's just that she said at the time that we don't need to know each other tomorrow, and we have never seen it tonight.

While Zhou Jinran was still immersed in his memories, Yu Lao had already looked at the dawn outside the window, and said to Zhou Jinran: "While it is still early, you should leave quickly, otherwise it's too late, I can't tell."

Zhou Jinran was dumb, nodded silently, and left along the window.

Yu Lao watched Zhou Jinran's footprints on the snow left under the window after he left, and his mind moved slightly.

Early the next morning, Yu Lao asked people to build a snowman in the yard.

Suxue was young and playful, and she was very happy to play with a few girls.

"Tell me, why does our lady think of a snowman today?" Looking at the fun of people playing, Xia He held the hand warmer and followed Suxue who was pressing the snowman's nose and eyes in front of him.

Suxue was young, and the snowman was happy. Hearing Xia He's words, he answered impatiently, "What's wrong with the snowman? There is so much snow in this yard, so let’s just play for a while. Right? It's just like you are still doing something."

"No, I just think our young lady is weird now, there are new tricks at every turn, Chunqiao is also weird, and I'm lazy all day."

"Chunqiao is lazy, I think you are lazy."

"Hey, how do you talk, do you know, I am older than you."

"Yes, you are older than me, so it will be done."

"Huh? Suxue, you said that Chunqiao called the doctor to come in silently last night. This morning, the aunt and the others didn't even know."

"Weird? What's weird about that, you tell me that you don’t serve the lady well all day long. This is a lot of observing lady's thoughts. The doctor is not because the lady’s arm hurts, you tell me, I don’t know who it is. After cutting the fruit knife, she put it on the table. The lady was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night, but she was scratched by the knife? If you let me know who was so careless, I can't spare her."

When Xia He heard Suxue's words, she was taken aback. Yesterday she indeed used a fruit knife to cut an apple. She didn't seem to put it away when she used it up. Unexpectedly, she would have caused such a big deal.

Suxue watched Xia He not speaking, and asked suspiciously, "Why don't you speak?"

"I'm also thinking about who the hell is so careless."

"Yes, let me know, I have to hit her with flowers all over her face, so that she can't get out of bed." Suxue said harder and harder, scared Xia He dare not speak again.

The two were chatting in the yard, and Yu Lao read through the light of the paper under the window, and finally got some free time in this winter, but Wanyue Pavilion welcomed another visitor.

Suddenly, Aunt Li heard that, Yu Lao invited the doctor in overnight, who was still a doctor for skin trauma, and she was puzzled, so she rushed to check.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Yu Lao's peaceful appearance, and she was disdainful, but said: "Y Lao, I heard that you were injured last night. Let auntie see if it is serious?"

Rarely, after Yu Rou was injured, Aunt Li could still pretend to be distressed, which made Yu Lao contemptuous.

Yu Lao stretched out her injured finger and said, "It was accidentally scratched while peeling the apple, so don't worry about it."

Aunt Li looked at Yulao and looked around in the room, trying to find some clues, but unfortunately, there was nothing. Looking at Yulao, she had a wound on her hand, so she said, "Nonsense, why don't you worry about it? , You are a girl's house, and you have been injured. How can you not worry about it? What if these white fingers are scarred?"

Yu Lao knew that Aunt Li was not at ease. After entering the door, her eyes rolled around. If she hadn't been wary of Xia He, I'm afraid there is a disturbance, then Aunt Li will have the news, but now she has Beware, they are blindfolded even if they want to find an error.

Yu Lao didn't want to let Aunt Li stay for a long time, so he said, "Thank you for worrying about it. It's just a skin trauma. Then, just use some medicine to relieve scars. My sister's face is so badly injured. Eight or eight?"

Sure enough, Aunt Li's face couldn't be stretched when she heard Yu Lao talk about Yu Rou's injury.

"If that's the case, then you will have a good life, but don't go to the old lady to worry her elderly, and be optimistic about the girl next to you, don't chew your tongue indiscriminately."

"Auntie, don't worry, Yu Lao accidentally injured herself and won't rely on others."

Aunt Li's face turned red and white, embarrassing after hearing the thorny sentences. "Then you raise it, I'll go first." (End of this chapter)