The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 11


To be honest, no one really likes exams, and so does Meng Shengnan. But at the end of that year, she was counting the days every day. Thinking about it, I wish I could fly to the examination room in the next second, and I can see him as soon as I look up.

On the morning of the exam, she deliberately wore the red down jacket newly bought by Shengdian.

When she met Xue Lin on the school road, the girl smiled and looked at her several times.

"Why are you dressed so nicely, Meng Shengnan?"

She pursed her lips and smiled shyly, worried that someone would find out what was on her mind, so she hurriedly left with an excuse. He walked very fast on the road, and he slowed down when he was almost at the door of the classroom, but he became nervous again.

She peeked inside a few times, but he hadn't come yet.

Meng Shengnan breathed a sigh of relief, went in and pretended to look for his seat and turned around a lot, only to find that he was sitting diagonally behind her. She suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and returned to her seat, then stared at the direction of the door from the corner of her eye, concealing her nervousness and turning the pen.

It's the same prologue.

There was a gag laugh at the door, and a few boys walked in with their shoulders crossed. All the candidates in this classroom are the bottom of the whole school, and it is almost time for the exam, so they rushed over one by one.

Meng Shengnan looked down at Aoki's desktop slightly.

In the aisle, he just lazily passed her seat with his hands in his pockets, and walked to the last row. The boy named Shi Jin followed and sat behind her. The teacher is already dismantling the test questions, and they are still talking nonsense. It's interesting, her nervousness didn't come from the upcoming exam, but from the person sitting diagonally behind her, who could make her face blush and heart beat just by a low laugh.

She lowered her head pretending to look at the table and listened to what they were saying.

Shi Jin reminded: "You can choose to write a larger inscription later, so I can see it."

"Don't blame me if you're wrong."

"Am I that person?"

The boy laughed: "I'm sorry brother, I really don't think you are."

"Depend on."

That section tests Chinese.

Meng Shengnan almost answered the entire set of papers with a smile. The invigilator went out after a while, and the classroom was chaotic. Although I didn't dare to be too presumptuous, the phenomenon of whispering was too serious.

Shi Jin whispered: "What is the fourth choice?"

"See for yourself."

"Am I clairvoyant?"

Chi Zheng turned the paper to the first page, then shook it while holding it, and Shi Jin could see clearly at once.

"Damn, you did it pretty fast."

Chi Zheng glanced at him lightly.

Shi Jin: "As for filling in the poem, what did Wangdi Chunxin ask Du Juan for?"

"have no idea."

Shi Jin frowned, looking left and right.

Meng Shengnan was writing an essay when he felt someone poke him in the back.

she turned back.

Shi Jin looked at her with a smile, "Student, can I copy yours?"

This was the first time Meng Shengnan encountered this, and he was so blatant. She glanced at his paper, hey, in the ten spaces in the verse, she wrote "feather fan and scarf, while talking and laughing, the mast and scull are wiped out in ashes"—there was another word that was wrong.

She blinked, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the boy diagonally behind him writing with a pen, without even raising his head.

Meng Shengnan asked Shi Jin, "Which sentence?"

Shi Jin chuckled, "No way."

She glanced at him, turned around and handed him the paper of her poems. Shi Jin thanked him excitedly, and when he finished copying, he still didn't forget to call Chi Zheng: "Brother, hey, look here."

Chi Zheng looked over lazily and sneered.

Shi Jin: "If you want to, call me brother."


Meng Shengnan slowly laughed when he heard his swear words.

As soon as the language test bell rang, the classroom went crazy.

Meng Shengnan was packing her pencil case.

Shi Jin called her to stop, "Thank you, classmate, which class are you in?"

"Wen (4)."

"Yo, do you study literature?"

Meng Shengnan nodded.

The boy from diagonally behind walked over slowly, just as Meng Shengnan finished packing, he turned around and left.

Shi Jin gave a 'tsk' sound and looked at the person in front of him.

"You scared people away when you came."

Chi Zheng raised his eyes.

"This girl is pretty with short hair, and she can write well."

Chi Zheng was too lazy to answer.

The two walked out while chatting.

Shi Jin asked: "By the way, how did you answer the last question after reading?"

"Since when did you love studying so much?"

"That's an interesting question, so I'll ask you."

Chi Zheng lit a cigarette while walking: "Which one?"

"Just that sentence about willow tree and peach blossom reflects the author's mood?"

Chi Zheng laughed.


Chi Zheng took a puff of cigarette, "How the hell do I know what his mood is?"


There was only two hours between lunch breaks, and Meng Shengnan ate a bowl of noodles at an off-campus restaurant before returning to school. The examination room was quiet and there was no one there, so she sat in her original position, and it was already one o'clock at that time.

When the English test started in the afternoon, she was in a daze except for memorizing words.

It wasn't very cold that day, and with the heating in the classroom, Meng Shengnan looked a little stuffy in his down jacket. When Chi Zheng and Shi Jin came, she raised her eyes and saw that both of them were wearing very thin clothes. What's more, Chi Zheng still had the zipper of his jacket open, and inside was a thin gray shirt.

The two are chatting.

Shi Jin said, "It's over."

Chi Zheng: "Are you not sick?"

Shi Jin: "My head gets dizzy when I see English. Hey, let me tell you, how many points are you going to score this time?"

Chi Zheng touched his nose and chuckled.

Shi Jin raised his lips: "Yes, don't get another 27 points."

Chi Zheng didn't say a word, and went straight to his feet: "Get lost, Lao Tzu."

"Come on, how can you play with Li Yan when you're so angry?"

Chi Zheng laughed badly, "You have to ask her about that."

"Depend on!"

They were so playful and open-mouthed, Meng Shengnan was blushing and troubled. After the English test started, she gradually calmed down. She did it to the end in one breath. She checked the previous questions and wrote them on the answer sheet one by one, and then began to write the composition.

Shi Jin behind him grinned as he worked: "What a problem!"

After Meng Shengnan finished writing the composition, she slightly turned her head and glanced at the back - he was sleeping on the table! It seems that the 27 points are indeed worthy of the name. Meng Shengnan turned his head back again, answered all the questions carefully and waited for the bell to ring. For some reason, she felt that something was wrong, and she wiped her hand down her nose.

Oh, it's all blood.

It was another rush to find toilet paper to stop the bleeding.

"That classmate, are you okay?" The invigilator had already walked over.

The nosebleed seemed to be unstoppable. Meng Shengnan wiped the blood with one hand and tore the toilet paper with the other. It is also necessary to prevent the blood from dripping on the test paper and splashing on the clothes. The movement is awkward. Someone in the classroom had already looked over, and she almost wanted to find a hole to slip in.

"Why don't you wash it?" said the teacher.

Meng Shengnan thought for a while, nodded, stood up in a panic, covered his nose, and walked out. She flushed the toilet under the faucet many times in a row, and stood there quietly by herself. The exam was not over yet, and the surroundings were too quiet. Meng Shengnan closed his eyes fiercely, wanted to shout but held back, it was really embarrassing just now, I don't know if he woke up and saw it.

For a while, I didn't have the courage to go back to the classroom.

It was also at that moment that Shi Jin was looking at Meng Shengnan's answer sheet, copying it with great enjoyment. As soon as the last stroke was made, the girl came in. Shi Jin recovered as if nothing had happened, and even asked in a low voice, "Are you all right, classmate?"

Meng Shengnan smiled a little flattered, shook his head, glanced at the boy who was still sleeping on his stomach from the corner of his eye, and then looked away. The next few exams in those two days were still as calm as water, and the exam room was unguarded. The invigilator held up a chair to bask in the sun at the door, and glanced in from time to time. Almost everyone quickly changed from whispering to sitting serious. Sit upright.

She still didn't dare to look at him directly, her heart would beat.

Arts and sciences only have the same test questions in Chinese and foreign languages. There are only seven liberal arts students in their examination room, and the teacher distributes the papers separately. So on the second day of the political and historical exam, Shi Jin couldn't copy a single word, so he could only watch helplessly as Meng Shengnan's answers were full and he was powerless.

The final exam was over, and the school went crazy.

When the bell rang, Meng Shengnan deliberately dawdled for a while. In the end, they still didn't bother, and came out of the examination room ahead of time after handing in the papers, and took a peek back, the boy turned his back to her and was chatting hotly with others. She took a slow breath and walked away.

Waiting for Qi Qiao at the school gate.

The girl ran over with a smile, put her arms around her neck and asked, "Shall we go wandering?"

"You don't want to accompany Song Jiashu anymore?"

"He wants to play rock and roll with some classmates, so I won't go."

Meng Shengnan glanced at her several times: "You're a little weird today."


"Usually Song Jiashu is longer and Song Jiashu is shorter, but now it's—is there a fight?"

Qi Qiao pursed her lips, and took her hand from her neck, dejectedly: "It's so boring to be noticed by you so soon."

Meng Shengnan laughed.

"dare you laugh?"

"Is it crying?"

"Is it a friend?"

"Yeah, what does that have to do with me laughing?"

Qi Qiao: "..."

Meng Shengnan patted her on the back: "Don't worry, I guarantee that he will find you tonight."



"What if it's not?"

"Then let's divide."

Qi Qiao: "..."

That day, after going shopping with Qi Qiao for a while, Meng Shengnan went home early. Shengdian prepared a table of dishes and waited for her, while Meng Jin was sitting on the sofa watching the news. There is a smell of fried chicken wafting out.

Meng Shengnan walked towards the dining table without putting her schoolbag away, and was caught by Sheng Dian just as she was about to touch her hand.

"Eat without washing your hands?"

She giggled.

As a result, the chicken leg was half eaten, and the landline at home rang.

She wiped her hands and ran over to pick it up: "Hello?"

The smile blossomed over there.

Meng Shengnan was speechless: "Aren't you afraid of being stupid at night?"

"With him here, I'm not afraid."

"Yo, are you ready?"

Qi Qiao laughed again: "He will take me out to play tomorrow."

In the atmosphere of the upcoming Chinese New Year, Meng Shengnan finally realized what it's like to have a girlfriend with a boyfriend by her side who sprinkles dog food every day. She looked back at Sheng Dian and Meng Jin at the dinner table, smiled, and didn't know what she was talking about.

"Are you okay tomorrow?" Qi Qiao asked.

"What's wrong?"

"go together?"

"Qi Xiaoqiao, is your invitation sincere or false?"

"I'm just thinking about it."


Qi Qiao laughed.

The two chatted a few more words, Meng Shengnan hung up the phone and returned to the dinner table. Sheng Dian stopped talking, put a piece of fried chicken in her bowl, and asked, "Is it Qiao Qiao?"


"You will receive the notice next week, right?"

Meng Shengnan nodded: "Next Friday."

"When the time comes, discuss with Jojo where the two of you are going to have fun."

Meng Shengnan thought for a while: "Let's talk about it later."

That week, Meng Shengnan stayed at home. She has to read all the books borrowed from the library, and occasionally turns on the computer to write stories when she feels inspired. Sunlight pours in from the windows, inside and outside the house.

Penguin beeps, and someone is online.

Qunli Jianglang's talents and ghosts are discussed from Haizi's poems to Fourier's fantasy, from Schrödinger's cat to Einstein's parallel universe. This IQ made Meng Shengnan feel ashamed. Thinking back to the first time they met at the hotel arranged by the Shanghai New Concept Organizing Committee, the two of them fell apart. Jiang Lang's talent ranges from gender, male and female, to the goddess Audrey Hepburn. The ghost painting character Lu Huai directly abducts the hit TV series Xiao Li Feidao because Li Xiang looks sextantly like Jiao Enjun.

One by one, it's really fun.

Downstairs, Shengdian was talking to Aunt Kang through the wall, and there were children in the alley playing tricks and firing cannons.


open sea and sky.

The mountains are high and the water is long.