The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 19


Meng Shengnan always remembered.

In the years of high school, Lao Shi said that when you were in middle school, you longed to graduate and grow up early. When you are in college, you will definitely wish to turn back the time so that you can go back to the high school classroom and sit in that position to listen carefully. a lesson.

Now that I think about it, it's really good words.

Today, she shuttles between several teaching buildings with a few books every day, and then goes to and from class. She doesn't have a fixed deskmate. After graduation, she may not even be able to call the teacher's name. Many times I go to the library alone to borrow books to read, and sit in a place where I can get the sun for the whole afternoon.

That day, she was turning on the computer to write something in the dormitory, and her roommate Li Tao rushed in to call her.

"Meng Shengnan."

She raised her head from the book and looked over, the girl was gasping for breath and her cheeks were flushed.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" She couldn't help laughing.

Li Tao patted his chest, "Someone is looking for you."

Meng Shengnan frowned, "Who is it?"

The girl slowly came over, sat on the chair by the table, looked at her and smiled: "Guess first."

She couldn't figure it out.

Li Tao winked: "A boy."

Meng Shengnan had already closed the computer and stood up, sighing helplessly.

"I really can't guess. I don't have any acquaintances in this school. Who the hell is looking for me?"

Li Tao sized her up a few times, and then asked, "Is there no high school classmate? Or from another class?"

Meng Shengnan shook his head, "Say it directly."

"You sit first." Li Tao pointed to the chair behind her, and said calmly, "Boy, it's right to make him wait."

She couldn't help twitching the corner of her mouth.

Li Tao hesitated, and asked her, "Does the school grass of the Department of Economics and Management know?"

she does not know.

"At the orientation ceremony a few weeks ago, do you still remember the boy who spoke on stage?"

She didn't see it at all.

Li Tao was slumped on the chair like a deflated ball, looking at Meng Shengnan with hatred, his appearance was perfect. The girl took a deep breath, paused, and said, "Do you know who stopped me at the door of the dormitory building just now, just him."

Meng Shengnan thought for a while and asked, "What's his name?"

Li Tao covered his mouth, squeezed out a few unclear words between his teeth: "I can't say."

She was speechless.

"Then how do I know who it is when I go out, and I don't know it?"

Li Tao said, "He knows you."

Knowing what was going on, she went out the door and walked along the corridor. The door of the building faces the sun, and the light falls on the ground, warm and soft. At that time, it was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and there were hardly any students walking outside, so she stood at the intersection and looked around.

Someone behind her patted her lightly.


She turned around slowly, stunned for a moment. The boy laughed like the sun at eight or nine o'clock, and his voice was so gentle that it was ridiculous. It seems that it was still at the door of Chen Si's house that day, one inside and one outside. He looked down at her intently, serious and gentle.

"Meng Shengnan from the Department of Journalism." He said it again.

Meng Shengnan was in a daze for a while, hesitating and speechless.

"you you-"

He smiled kindly, "Don't remember?"

Meng Shengnan frowned vigorously.

"Aunt Chen's family, I asked you where you took the exam, and you said Zhongnan." He helped her recall each sentence, and then asked, "Do you remember now?"

She smiled embarrassedly.

"Lu Sibei." He held out his hand.

Meng Shengnan raised his eyes, smiled, and held his warm palm.

Letting go, Lu Sibei asked, "Go to the playground?"

She couldn't refuse, so she agreed. Later, Li Taoyou explained that the boy refused to let her tell her his name, and that was the first time he and her formally met. That day, Meng Shengnan asked him how he found her, the boy smiled and said that Meng Shengnan from the Department of Journalism was the only one with no other branches.

In the first six months, the two of them didn't meet too much.

I heard from Li Tao that he was a leader in the student union, and he was simply too busy. Occasionally meet in the library, just chat a few words, he will be called away by a phone call, and we have no choice but to break up. At that time, each of them was too busy. On the contrary, every festival, I would always receive his blessing text messages, and Meng Shengnan replied politely. Everything is peaceful.

In the past November, she was preparing for the competition draft of the new concept, and was devastated every day, holding the computer and surfing the Internet in the library.

When Qi Qiao called, she counted and only typed eleven words. She took the mobile phone and ran to the corridor to pick up the phone. The girl's voice was limp, as if she had been wronged a lot. After asking a few words, Qi Qiao said that she missed Song Jiashu.

"How are you at school?" Qi Qiao asked her bitterly after complaining.

Meng Shengnan said, "It's okay."

After she finished speaking, she paused and asked, "Are you coming back for the New Year?"

Qi Qiao was quiet for a while, "I still don't know, Xinjiang has been snowing heavily for the past few days, but where is Changsha?"

"Looking at the weather yesterday, it said there will be next week, but I'm not sure."

Qi Qiao sighed again.

"Isn't it still possible to visit relatives?" Meng Shengnan thought of something and asked.

Qi Qiao said: "It seems that the Spring Festival is fine, but I checked on the Internet and said that it is best not to go, it will not affect him well."

Meng Shengnan let out an 'ah'.

"Why are you sighing?" Qi Qiao asked listlessly.

"He has to go for three years, wait slowly, and call me if you miss him." She could only comfort in this way.

Qi Qiao seemed to smile slowly, "It's been a long time, what if I empathize with someone else?"

"That's fine."

Qi Qiao said fuck off.

The two chatted a few more jokes and cut off the phone, and Meng Shengnan returned to his seat. Li Tao, who was studying in the library together, came up from the back seat at some point, and asked her in a low voice with a smile, "Lu Sibei?"

Meng Shengnan smiled helplessly, and said with his lips, "No."

Li Tao obviously questioned: "Didn't he chase you?"

"When did he chase me?"

Li Tao smiled maliciously. The library is too quiet, it is inconvenient for the two of them to talk more. This topic was brought up again by Li Tao when she left the library, but Meng Shengnan couldn't avoid it, "Okay, what do you want to ask, you can ask it all at once."

Li Tao cleared his throat, displaying his inquisitive nature as a quasi-reporter.

"Do you like him?"

She shook her head.

"How do you feel?"

She shook her head.

"Not at all?"

She shook her head.

Li Tao was dizzy, "Then what's the matter now?"

"What do you think?"

"It's not just ordinary friends, is it?"

Meng Shengnan smiled: "What do you think?"

"It's over, it's over."

The two were walking on the road, and girls in twos and threes passed by from time to time. The poplar trees on the side had already turned yellow and their leaves fell to the ground. When the cold wind hit, Meng Shengnan shrank his neck. Li Tao couldn't help but sneezed. Before he stopped his gossip like Xue Lin, he rubbed his nose and pointed at the girl passing by.

"Did you know that among them, I bet more than half of them have a dislike for Lu Sibei."

What Li Tao said was categorical.

"And then?" she asked.

The wind slipped into the neck.

"You can't be someone you like?" The girl asked the important point.

Meng Shengnan was stunned for a moment.

"No," she said.

God knows how against her will she said that word. I never saw him again after graduating from high school, and I didn't bother to inquire about him, let alone where he went. It seems that all the news about him has disappeared with the parting in the third year of high school, and it has been years since I recalled it.

Li Taoshan watched his words and expressions, stopped the chatterbox and did not delve into it further.

"Will it snow in Changsha next week?" she asked suddenly.

Li Tao looked up at the sky, "Yes."

The sky is vast and vast, and I don't know if he is okay.

Time passed silently, just after the winter solstice of that year, Christmas came. Meng Shengnan received a call from Lu Sibei on Christmas Eve. He asked her out for dinner. At that time, she seemed to realize the boy's intentions, and it was not easy to refuse, so she called Li Tao together.

"This is too high an honor." The girl sighed.

Meng Shengnan laughed.

"I said, do you really mean anything?"

"can not say it clearly."

Li Tao patted her on the head, "Such a boy, you will be accepted by him sooner or later."

Meng Shengnan was noncommittal.

When they arrived at the entrance of the library, Lu Sibei was already waiting there. The boy froze for a moment, then approached with a smile. Li Tao secretly touched her with his arm, gritted his teeth and whispered, "I regret coming here."

Meng Shengnan suppressed a smile, looked at the boy and blushed again.

Lu Sibei asked, "What do you want to eat?"

She turned her gaze around Li Tao.

"And you?"

Li Tao didn't evade at all, he was more generous than before.

"You two decide."

Lu Sibei smiled.

Meng Shengnan: "..."

They went to a local restaurant later, during which Li Tao mostly asked Lu Sibei to answer, and occasionally they were silent and just smiled. Meng Shengnan kept eating, but when asked suddenly, he simply responded and then buried himself in eating. She was nervous and didn't dare to look him in the face.

Several people were eating, and the restaurant suddenly became lively.

A boy came in from the door and went directly to the couple in the second row. He didn't even give the guy next to him a straight look, and called the girl by name when he came up.

"How about being my girlfriend?" She spoke domineeringly.

Meng Shengnan looked up.

"I'll count to three, and if you don't answer, I'll take it as if you agreed."

There was singing.

Everyone turned their attention away, only to see that the boy counted to three directly, and the people around were overjoyed, applauding and booing immediately. The girl opposite seemed to be a little distracted, blushing and unable to speak during the whole process, the atmosphere at that time was a bit embarrassing. Before everyone could react, the boy had already smirked, pulled the girl and ran outside. Li Tao stretched his neck and saw no shadow all the way, and couldn't help but sigh.

"The boy just now can, it's a simple confession."

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, the embarrassed boy slowly got up and went out. The singing voice became a bit euphemistic and gentle, spreading in this deep Christmas Eve. Meng Shengnan closed his eyes, but inadvertently met Shang Lu Sibei's gaze, smiled dryly and bowed his head.

"That's enough." Li Tao shook his head, and said, "What do you think?"

Mix it? It seems that he did not mix.

"It's fine," she said.

Lu Sibei pondered for a while and smiled, "I have a young boy who is even worse than him."

Li Tao pouted: "You two are amazing."

Later that day, a few people chatted and walked back after eating. Lu Sibei left for a few minutes on the way, and bought two apples for them as gifts. They were packed in a tall box and looked dazzling. The street outside the school was very lively, and laughter rang out on this special night.

Just as he reached the school gate, Lu Sibei's phone rang.

Meng Shengnan was looking for an opportunity.

"Let's talk later, you are busy first."

Lu Sibei understood the meaning of these words.

"Okay, happy Christmas Eve then."

"The same to you."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Li Tao, who was wandering beside her, to walk back, and she relaxed after a few meters away. Li Taole whispered in her ear about being happy, but Meng Shengnan fell silent, feeling very complicated for a moment. If she turned around, she would definitely see the boy behind him standing there, quiet and gentle.

Lu Sibei looked far away, and did not answer the persistent call until the figure was no longer clear.

"Why are you calling now?"

The boy over there let out a 'Yo', "Dude bothering you to pick up girls?"

Lu Sibei smiled faintly, "It's good to know."


The boy took a deep breath on his cigarette and asked again: "Who can make you fascinated?"

"You'll find out later."

The boy laughed and snorted, "Yes, you."

Lu Sibei smiled, and then glanced at the already blurred figure. The surrounding wind blew over and raged around him. There seemed to be a vision of the Bund in Shanghai in front of his eyes, the girl was playing the guitar and smiling like a flower. He asked the person on the phone.

"A Zheng, do you believe in love at first sight?"