The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 22


From the age of eighteen to twenty-two, scribbled calculations, 1460 days. It's been such a long time, but it's gone in a flash. Many times, Meng Shengnan closed his eyes and then opened them again. It seemed to go back to the afternoon of September 17, 2006. She was standing at the entrance of Zhongnan with her suitcase and schoolbag on her back, facing the sun above her head, and then walked in.

In the six months before graduation, I was so busy that my feet never touched the ground.

During that time, she followed the seniors of the newspaper office every day on location. When I come back at night, it is basically curfew time, and then I have to stay up until two or three in the morning to prepare the manuscript for the next day. Li Tao had a harder life than her, and the interns had to look at his face every day, worrying that they would not be able to get a job in Changsha.

In mid-May, Meng Shengnan's internship ended.

"How's the writing going?"

Li Tao had just rushed back from the outside and sat down on the chair exhausted. At that time, she was typing on the keyboard, and her hands were crackling.

"It's still far from being qualified," she said.

Li Tao sighed, "It's not called a graduation thesis if it's done more than ten or twenty times."

Meng Shengnan smiled, staring at Microsoft word, thinking about how to state the next sentence. Except for her and Li Tao, everyone in the dormitory joined the postgraduate entrance examination group, and at this time, they must be writing hard and burying their heads in the self-study room of the library.

"By the way, what is the subject of your writing?" Li Tao asked.

"The Rise and Fall of Print Media."

Li Tao said 'ah' again, "I said, you really don't want to stay in Changsha after graduation?"


Meng Shengnan stopped after typing a line, turned his head and said, "Go back to our Jiangcheng."

"You didn't get hit because Lu Sibei went abroad, did you?"

Li Tao actually felt a little regretful after asking, Meng Shengnan glanced at her and slowly shook his head. Since Lu Sibei left at the beginning of the year, she actually had very little time to think about it. It's a good thing for boys to study abroad as exchange students, but as a girlfriend, you can't hold back. After careful calculation, the two of them have been together for a year and a half. Now the two places are separated, the work and rest time are very different, and they rarely contact each other. Occasionally, there will be text messages, which are also very common greetings.

"I just want to go back to our place, nothing else."

Li Tao said 'Oh', "Then you two—"

"have no idea."

He didn't mention breaking up, and neither did she.

Li Tao didn't ask any more questions, and Meng Shengnan continued to write his thesis. Just now I was still thinking like a spring, but now I can't write a single word. She looked at the computer in a daze, remembering that it snowed last Christmas. That night the boy said to her: "I want to hear your opinion on studying abroad."

She smiled at the time and said, "Of course I support it."

Thinking about it now, it seemed that they were slowly separating from each other at that time. Meng Shengnan sighed and closed the file, and found an interesting dress-up game to relieve the restlessness in his heart. After playing for a while, she couldn't get interested, so she looked up at the girl on the upper bunk.

"Li Tao, what do you think about going abroad?"

The girl lay flat and looked at the ceiling: "There is a future, go out for a walk and get a diploma and then come back, you will have face inside."

"If there is a chance, would you go?"

One year after Zhou Ningzhi left, Zhang Yiyan followed suit. They all ran off to stroke the wool of capitalism and never came back for a long time. Later, Lu Sibei also went, and many people around her went the other way. Only she remained where she was.

"I don't care. I have no money, no family background, no backer. I can live in Changsha." Li Tao suddenly laughed, "My first goal in life now is to get a big money."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

"However, after listening to a postgraduate entrance examination lecture last year, the teacher said that the chance of sugar daddy is even smaller than that of the postgraduate entrance examination."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Li Tao seemed to be talking to himself: "Who are you scaring, I have to try one in my lifetime."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

She chatted with Li Tao for a while, and her heart opened up a lot. It was dark outside, so she turned her head to look. A few years ago, Qi Qiao asked her what her dream was. At that time, her eyes were all about studies, and she remembers answering Qi Qiao at that time: "Double degrees, best-selling books, free traveler, enough money to spend and things you like to do."

The Penguin suddenly beeped.

She regained her senses and clicked on it, and the chat group in the senior Chinese (4) class was in full swing.

Meng Shengnan was not in the habit of flipping through the pages, and was about to turn them off when her eyes froze suddenly. How long has it been since she heard or seen the name 'Fu Song'? There was no news of the parting in high school. His Penguin seems to be just a decoration, and he has never seen it flash by. She calmly scrolled down the record, and someone popped up at the bottom and said two or three sentences about boys. The general idea is that he went to a junior college and was promoted last year.

"Do you know that Nie Jing is married?" someone asked.


No one clarified the specific situation, so Meng Shengnan stopped browsing and quit the group. In just a few years, they have all changed, and you hardly know them. Some are good and some are not. In the past four years, she has rarely attended class reunions, and only went to people she didn't know well, and then she smirked from the hair to the end.

That night, she suffered from insomnia.

For the next month, she has been revising the paper.

On the day Jiang Jin called, Meng Shengnan had just gone to the teaching office to hand in his graduation draft and headed to the dormitory. It was hot at that time, and there were basically no people on the campus road. She walked very slowly, and just after passing the football field, the phone rang in her pocket.

"What are you busy with?"

Jiang Jin has also changed, it seems that since Zhang Yiyan left, he is no longer as cheerful as before. Year after year of wandering in the outside world, the school diploma is not a big problem to him. He is now a complete wanderer at the end of the world, walking far away from thousands of mountains.

Meng Shengnan said, "Bask in the sun."

"It sounds good," he said.

"Where are you?"

"Back to school, just arrived." Jiang Jin said, "I bought a magazine at the post office outside the door, and saw your new work again."

Meng Shengnan laughed silently.

"I've made a lot of progress, mentally too."

"I'm already twenty-two, brother."

Jiang Jin laughed, "Well, the big girl is the younger sister."

"No, I graduated."


Jiang Jin finished this sentence slowly, without further chatting, Meng Shengnan hung up the phone. She still walked along that road, the sun shining on her body, dispelling all the darkness. In the afternoon of 2010 in Beijing, boys also walked back along Xueyuan Road.

In a way, the two of them are kind of people.

When Jiang Jin returned to the dormitory, Lu Huai was there, talking industry jargon with Chi Zheng. As soon as he opened the door, the two of them froze for a moment. Chi Zheng stopped pressing the keyboard and looked up. Lu Huai had already stood up, stammering a word.

"You—you, shit, why didn't you say hello when you came back?"

Jiang Jin put down his backpack, opened his hands, "Hold one."

Lu Huai and Chi Zheng looked at each other, and they both looked at the boy who was raising his lips and opening his chest together, and smirked. Before he could react, he swarmed up and pressed the boy to the ground, which was a brutal beating. After the hustle and bustle, feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The three of them lay on the ground laughing.

"Where have you been for the past six months?" Lu Huai asked.

"Wandering everywhere."

Chi Zheng smiled slovenly: "Can you survive?"

Jiang Jin asked, "What?"

"Lonely." Lu Huai added.

Jiang Jin leaned on, and asked Lu Huai, "I said, are you still single?"

"Isn't Chi Zheng single too? Why don't you ask?"

The boy mentioned laughed and snorted.

Jiang Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled: "In the past few years, I can't count the girls he has dated with two hands. You are different, don't you have no first love?"

The dormitory was quiet for a while.

Lu Huai said slowly: "Do you know why I don't talk about it?"

Jiang Jin: "Why?"

Lu Huai let out an 'ah', and said solemnly: "You will score sooner or later, isn't that for others to raise a wife?"

Both of them were stunned for a second, then laughed. After a few words, Chi Zheng got addicted to cigarettes and got up to find a cigarette to light. He half leaned against the bed, biting a cigarette, pouted his chin at Lu Huai, and said to Jiang Jin, "Actually, he once chased one, just like your girl, who studied journalism.

Jiang Jin looked at Lu Huai instantly: "Really?"

Lu Huai was awkward and didn't speak.

Chi Zheng sneered, took a puff of cigarette and said, "One day, he was looking for an opportunity to accompany a girl to the hospital. When the doctor registered the name and asked the girl what her name was, guess what Lu Huai said?"


Chi Zheng licked his front teeth: "He said his name is Yang Si, Yi, Si, no, Hanging Si."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

Lu Huai's face darkened a long time ago, "How do you know?"

"Last week when we had dinner together, you said that because you were too drunk." Chi Zheng suppressed a smile, "Forgot?"

Lu Huai had already petrified.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

Jiang Jin was still laughing when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"What sound?" Jiang Jin stopped laughing and asked.

Chi Zheng coughed and said, "I guess—"

Halfway through his speech, he glanced at the ground and the bed, which was a mess. Jiang Jin understood in an instant, "Do you check the sanitation?"

The knocking came again.

The few people couldn't care less about talking nonsense, and started to tidy up in a hurry. Boys' dormitories are generally horrible. The building manager gave a final criticism and warned that he would come back at night, and if he didn't clean it up, the electricity would be cut off for three days. For the senior computer department students who are about to graduate and live in the days of game codes and papers every day, this is simply fatal.

That day, it was almost dark after they cleaned up.

Lu Huai did not escape and went back to his own school, but was forced by the two of them to be a guardian of civilization for a long time. He swept out a pile of rubbish from under the bed, suddenly his eyes sharpened, he picked up the only magazine from it, and asked Chi Zheng, "Your?"

The boy was resting and smoking, when he heard the sound, he took it over and looked at it: "What?"

"It was swept out from under your bed."

Chi Zheng frowned.

Lu Huai said: "This is the new concept semi-finalist's bound book, why, do you want to read it too?"

Chi Zheng turned a few pages: "It's not mine."


Chi Zheng thought about it. In the dormitory, Jiang Jin Wuwen Nongmo was the youngest. He couldn't think of anyone else who would read magazines. At that time, Jiang Jin answered the phone and went out, but he ignored him, threw the book on the table, and cleaned up the last bit of rubbish with Lu Huai.

Later, I was so tired that I lay down on the bed early.

Jiang Jin and Lu Huai were talking about something, Chi Zheng was not deeply sleepy, he reached out to the table to touch the cigarette, and then picked up the magazine inexplicably for some reason. He bit his cigarette and turned the pages, browsing through a few pages at random, all of which were youth stories. He laughed and was about to throw the book away when he was stunned.

I was really stunned.

On the upper left corner of the thirty-ninth page of the twenty-eighth issue of the magazine, a person wrote an article.

'A story is a story. '

Author Shu Yuan.

The smoke rose slowly, obscuring the name. Chi Zheng couldn't figure out how he could remember this name so deeply since it appeared in the meditative book after the college entrance examination and until now. When he was very young, he once asked Chen Si, did your father send you Shen Silu as a token of love because of your mother's name

Chen Si smiled and said: "If someone gives you this book in the future, you will know."

That night, Chi Zheng suffered from insomnia.

Later, many, many things happened, many of which he didn't want to think about. There are many people in this world who always think that if you pay, you will get something, and if you work hard, you will be rewarded. This outlook on life was completely refreshed by Chi Zheng, and after being unruly, only Luotuo remained.

At that time, Meng Shengnan had just finished her graduation defense.

She carried her schoolbag and walked out of the teaching building step by step, when Lu Sibei called. It should be in the middle of the night in the United States at this time, and the boy's voice is a little hard to tell whether he is tired or awake. Lu Sibei asked her, "Are you done with your defense?"


"How about it?"


After the simple conversation, both of them were a little speechless. It may be that the signal in the teaching building is not good, and the call is automatically disconnected after a while. Lu Sibei couldn't make a call, so he had to send a text message. He said congratulations to her, happy graduation. She replied thank you. Then one said take care and one said goodbye.

After sending the last message, she went downstairs and left.

(Secret Love·End of Part 1)