The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 23


In May and June of 2012, this was Meng Shengnan's second year of teaching at Huakou No. 1 Elementary School in Jiangcheng.

She represents the English of the first (8) class of junior high school, four classes a week. The school apartment has a dormitory, one bedroom and one living room. The time from school to home is 40 minutes by bus. Meng Shengnan went back to stay for two days every weekend, teasing Meng Hang and then returning to school.

She lived a peaceful and ordinary life like this.

That summer Friday evening, as soon as she got home, she saw Meng Hang playing with building blocks by himself, while Sheng Dian and Meng Jin were sitting on the sofa talking while looking at photos.

"Whose picture is it?"

She hung her bag on the hook in the entrance, changed her shoes and went into the house, asking.

Sheng Dian picked up one and handed it to her: "What do you think?"

"Who is this?" She didn't know it.

"Aunt Kang introduced you."

Meng Shengnan' Huh? ' said, "Give it to me?"

Sheng Dian gave her an angry look: "If you don't give it to anyone, even 24 people don't have a date."

"I think this kid is good. He works in the government and is the same age as Kang Chi, so he is quite suitable for you." Meng Jin said.

"Don't, it's definitely not suitable." Meng Shengnan's forehead hurt.

"I haven't seen you yet, why isn't it suitable?"

Sheng Dian glared at her, and said again: "Look at Qiao Qiao, she got married just after graduation, how wonderful it is now. And Kang Yi, who is currently in Beijing, I heard from your Aunt Kang that she made friends with a student from Beijing Normal University." Girlfriend, it seems to be engaged next year. Look at you again—"

Meng Hang suddenly raised his head from the building blocks and asked, "What's wrong with my sister?"

"Your mother is going to drive me away." Meng Shengnan gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

Meng Hang stood up and walked towards her with small steps.

"where to?"

Meng Shengnan hugged him and sat on his lap, scratching his little nose: "Guess?"


Meng Shengnan: "..."

"You know all this?" She was surprised.

Meng Hang hummed, raised his head, and said in a serious manner: "I'm almost six years old. I didn't know that Zhang Jiahe would laugh at me."

"Who is Zhang Jiahe?"

Meng Jin and Sheng Dian laughed.

Meng Hang became impatient and jumped out of her arms: "You usually don't care about me too much."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

He said: "Many boys in our class like her, but she only plays with me."

"so smart?"

"That is."

The little boy spoke sonorously and forcefully, and Meng Shengnan naturally turned the topic to him. During the meal, Sheng Dian proposed to meet the man in the photo again. Meng Shengnan really had a terrible headache, so he turned around and went upstairs in a hasty perfunctory manner.

It was only seven or eight o'clock at that time, and she lay down on the bed to read a book after washing.

The curtains are half-closed, and the room is filled with warm awns. She looked at it for a while and lost interest, then turned on the computer to write something, thinking wildly. Before typing a few words, Qi Qiao's call came.

"What are you busy with?"

"No, idle."

Qi Qiao let out an 'ah', "It's boring, isn't it?"


"Don't tease you, just pretend and you will."

Meng Shengnan smiled helplessly.

"What are you doing?"

"Song Jiashu's comrade-in-arms party is outside."


"I can't bear to hear your listless voice."

Meng Shengnan sighed again.

"Then you are busy, I will hang up first."

"No, I still have something to say."

"What?" she asked.

Qi Qiao cleared her throat and said, "He has a comrade-in-arms, he is really nice, let me introduce you?"

Meng Shengnan frowned: "Why are you like my mother?"

"Who told you to be single at 24, can I not be in a hurry?"

"What happened to 24?"

Qi Qiao paused for a while and asked, "You still want to land in Sibei Lu, don't you?"


"That's fine, I've already agreed with him, I'll call you tomorrow to meet."

Meng Shengnan' Huh? ' After a while, "Hey, I said you—"

In the middle of her speech, Qi Qiao hung up. Calling again couldn't get through, Meng Shengnan wished he could tear up the married woman's body. She closed the computer hard, buried her face in the quilt and wanted to yell, but finally held back.

Downstairs Shengdian told Meng Hang to sleep, and then fell silent.

She slowly got up from the quilt, and turned on the computer to write the unfinished story from yesterday. Perhaps because of growing up, she wrote from the age of sixteen to the age of twenty-four, and many of her outlook on life have changed. All the previous expectations and dreams were put on hold by reality, and I always said to wait, wait, and then it is now.

That day, she slept very late.

It was rare to sleep late on weekends, but was woken up by Qi Qiao's phone call before nine o'clock. Meng Shengnan was really shocked. She didn't expect that this woman had already arranged for her a time and place to meet the man at ten o'clock. She was very angry: "I won't go."

"Really not going?" The woman was quite calm.

"Yeah." She was sound asleep.

Qi Qiao smiled slightly: "Okay, then I will come to your house in the afternoon."

Meng Shengnan was deeply disturbed.

Qi Qiao said, "I'll have an interview with Aunt Shengdian."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

"Then let's talk about you and Lu Sibei—"

"I go!"

"Dress nicely."

Qi Qiao smiled and hung up the phone.

Meng Shengnan suddenly felt that one head and two big. When I was with Lu Sibei at that time, I kept it from Sheng Dian. If Sheng Dian found out that she let go of the best prospective son-in-law who fits all the requirements of a mother, according to Sheng Dian's current menopausal status, she would be nagged Sooner or later into a mental hospital.


Meng Hang went upstairs to ask her to eat, she was annoyed when suddenly she had a flash of inspiration.

"Xiaohang, I have to go to the door later, will I take you for a stroll?"

Children are easy to deceive.

So, after dinner, Meng Shengnan took Meng Hang out.

"Where are you going?" In the taxi, the boy asked her.

Meng Shengnan said, "Meet someone."


Meng Shengnan: "..."

"No, an ordinary friend." She quickly corrected, "Have you remembered everything I taught you?"

Meng Hang nodded.

It was already twenty minutes after arriving at the cafe Qi Qiao mentioned. She took Meng Hang's hand and went in to find seat 007, and saw a man from a distance. With his back facing, he was sitting upright as if he was going to meet the leader of the country.

Meng Shengnan was a little nervous, looked at Meng Hang and whispered, "I'll buy you Mengbius if you behave well."

The little boy pursed his lips and nodded seriously.

She took a deep breath, and then walked over with Meng Hang. When I saw the man's face, I slowly calmed down. To be honest, he looks really good. After all, he is a soldier with a sense of responsibility. He is two years older than her. No wonder Qi Qiao thinks it is suitable.

Of course the man was also taken aback.

"Hello, Meng Shengnan."

Meng Hang suddenly raised his head and called her: "Mom."

The man seemed to be frozen, Meng Shengnan smiled gently and explained.

"I'm sorry, Qi Qiao may not have made it clear to you, I am alone with the child now—"

The man's face was indescribable.

After barely staying for ten minutes, Meng Shengnan ran out with Meng Hang. The two of them stood under the sun and breathed heavily, while the cars on the street were driving on the Jiangcheng highway one after another. What was coming was the 5○2 that she had sat countless times when she was young, and Meng Shengnan seemed to have some kind of illusion suddenly.


Meng Hang shook her hand, reminding: "Mebius."

She slowly came back to her senses: "Got it."

The two went to the nearest shopping mall, and Meng Hang was so excited that he almost flew up as soon as he entered. He ran fast in front, and Meng Shengnan followed behind. That store specializes in children's toys, mainly the Ultraman series. Meng Hang fixed his eyes on the half-meter-long Mengbius.

"I want that."

He pointed to the Ultraman hanging on the wall and said to her.

Meng Shengnan half bent down: "That?"


She handed 100 yuan to the teller and asked Meng Hang, "How much do you want to find?"

Meng Hang was excited when he got Altman, and when he heard her question, he pouted and glanced at her.



"You're annoying."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

She is really a little boy's world. Later, she took Meng Hang for a stroll in the mall. Children have a fast metabolism and have to go to the toilet in a short while. Meng Shengnan wanted to take him to the women's restroom, but the little boy was not happy. She had no choice but to wait outside the men's toilet.

Meng Hangfei wanted to go in with Mengbius in his arms, and it was inconvenient to carry a toy in one hand while holding his trousers in one hand.

He was depressed and didn't know what to do.

"I'll help you."

Xiao Menghang turned his head and stared at this big brother who was much taller than him as if seeing a great savior.

The man threw away half of his cigarette and smiled faintly, "Do you like Mebius?"

The little boy nodded, "My sister bought it for me."

The man raised his eyebrows.

"She's beautiful."

The man smiled, "Yeah."

Meng Hang went out with the man after going to the toilet. At that time, Meng Shengnan just received a roaring call from Qi Qiao, and he had a terrible headache, listening to her training on the phone. He was standing in front of the railing on the second floor with his back to them.

Meng Hang pointed at Meng Shengnan's back and looked up at the man.

"She is my sister."

The man smiled lightly, didn't speak, just rubbed his hair, then turned and left. Meng Hang curled his lips in disappointment, walked to Meng Shengnan with drooping shoulders, and tugged at her clothes. She quickly ended the painful phone call.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his wrinkled face, Meng Shengnan lowered his head and asked.

Meng Hang sighed: "I just met a very handsome big brother, what a pity."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Later, they didn't play any more, and the two went back. Meng Shengnan spent the weekend at home and went back to school on Sunday afternoon. Then it was the same day after day of class registration and registration. At that time, Shengdian had already retired early and went home to be a housewife.

Although the life is relatively monotonous, it has the kind of fun that the ceremony said.

That Wednesday, she returned to the office after class. There were a few female teachers chatting, as if they were talking about the puppy love of the students in the class. She listened to a few words and lowered her head to prepare for the lesson, when she suddenly heard a female teacher call her name and ask her what she thought.

Meng Shengnan thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't affect your studies."

The female teacher's surname is Lin, and she is twenty-five or six years old.

"Have you ever been in love before?"

She shook her head.

The female teacher is happy.

"I understand. There is no puppy love, but a secret love, right?"

Meng Shengnan smiled. The phone alerted that there was a text message. She took it out of her pocket and saw that it was a mess of promotional advertisements, so she deleted it and put the phone on the desk. It's just that I didn't expect that in a daze, my arm accidentally touched the water glass on the table, and the phone was directly flooded.

Female teachers: "..."

She hurriedly rescued it, and it was still working at first, but after a while, the screen went black and could no longer be turned on. It was a smartphone given to her by Qi Qiao and Song Jiashu when they returned from their honeymoon abroad, and it has always been used well. Now I can only stare blankly, and then I took the time to go to several repair shops near the school, and they all said that there were no parts and it couldn't be repaired.

A teacher suggested: "Go to the urban area to have a look, you may not be sure."

Meng Shengnan felt that such a special model of imported product would not be available in a general-level repair shop in China. So there was a plan to buy it again, and it happened that she had no class on Friday, so she took the bus to the city to wander around.

At that time, the grass grew and the warbler flew.

She went to several mobile phone stores but couldn't find what she wanted, so she continued shopping while it was still early. Just turned to a relatively remote street intersection, traffic lights. She stood there waiting, her eyes casually glanced around, and she saw a small dilapidated street less than 100 meters long that was somewhat neglected.

There is a two-meter-high sign at the door of the house that repairs mobile phones and computers.

She touched the broken mobile phone in her pocket. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to try her luck. So she turned around and walked along the street. Looking closer, the facade is very dilapidated, just like the feeling of the street, unremarkable.

The name of the store is also the same, ordinary tongue-smacking.

'Mobile phone repair shop'.

The inside is not very big, about 50 square meters, and there is no one there. The innermost part is separated from the outside by half a door panel, which should be a resting place. There is a sink and a small cabinet on the side. A long glass cabinet one meter high separates the inner room. There is a table next to the wall, with a computer on it, full of parts. Surrounded by a wooden cabinet, it was filled with keyboards, mice, and several computers.

This room is messy and tight.

She stood inside and circled around, planning to wait for the shopkeeper. A person stood in the middle of the store like that, staring blankly. I don't know how long it took, maybe just a few minutes, she vaguely heard footsteps behind her, and just about to turn around, she heard a calm and deep male voice behind her.

"Fix the phone?"