The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 3


That math class went by very slowly.

Finally, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Meng Shengnan lay down on the table and wanted to sleep. Out of curiosity, she still wanted to turn her head to look at the girl named Li Yan in the back row. I don't know if this Li Yan is that Li Yan. It has been more than a week since she was divided into classes, and she doesn't know many people.

However, after looking around, he still couldn't find the unknown face.

"Who are you looking for?" Fu Song asked her suddenly.

Meng Shengnan raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "Beauty."

Fu Song also turned to look at the back row. After a while, a girl in the penultimate row of the third group suddenly stood up and walked out the door. A girl in the seat shouted, "Li Yan, why are you going?"

The girl who was called turned her head and smiled: "Guess."

Fu Song turned around and asked Meng Shengnan, "Does she count?"

Meng Shengnan watched the girl walk out of the classroom with a smile, and then replied to Fu Song: "Forget it." Not only is she beautiful, her voice is also sweet, and she looks so good in school uniform.

Fu Song: "You're not bad either."

Meng Shengnan gave him a sideways look.

Fu Song said: "Your thinking and consciousness are a little confused now. From the point of view of materialism, it takes a stage for things to rise to consciousness. You are just stuck in the very center of this stage, which indirectly leads to idealism. You must make adjustments to ensure Concentrate on the next class."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

If the two of them hadn't gone to the toilet together at the same table, they would probably have laughed by now.

Meng Shengnan stared at him vigorously: "Fu Song."


"Are you sure you are from Earth?"

Fu Song glanced at her with a serious expression.

Meng Shengnan couldn't help but said, "You know, I have admired philosophers all my life. What they say is more truthful than the truth. The point is, you still don't understand."

Fu Song waited for her to finish speaking.

Meng Shengnan grinned, "I'll call you the Philosophy Rat from now on."

Fu Song frowned slightly: "Why is it a mouse?"

Meng Shengnan: "Squirrel, your name. Besides, the rat is the first in the zodiac. Isn't this a good name?"

"Squirrels are not the same as mice."

Meng Shengnan said that of course I knew the difference, and then smiled: "It's almost like a philosophy mouse."

Fu Song didn't respond, it should be regarded as acquiescing.

After the third class in the afternoon, there is a one-hour break. Nie Jing was discussing the issue of English imperative sentences with her, and when she was talking about adding modal verbs to their original forms, Qi Qiao came to find her for dinner.

The two chatted while walking to the cafeteria.

"Song Jiashu doesn't have time?" Meng Shengnan asked.

Qi Qiao said 'hmm', "So I can only harm you during this time."

Meng Shengnan rolled his eyes: "I value sex over friends."

Qi Qiao giggled, took Meng Shengnan's arm and said that he was treating guests tonight.

"That's about the same."

The cafeteria was overcrowded, and the two of them managed to find a vacant seat to sit down after finishing their meal. Qi Qiao was sweating, and kept using her hand as a fan, muttering and complaining: "There are too many people here."

Meng Shengnan took a bite of the grilled sausage, looked around, and said to Qi Qiao: "From now on, either come earlier or later."

Qi Qiao nodded.

After eating for a few minutes, Qi Qiao asked Meng Shengnan what happened to the manuscript.

Meng Shengnan shook his head: "I wrote a thousand words and then deleted them. I have no inspiration."

Qi Qiao reached out to touch Meng Shengnan: "Hey, pet your head."

Meng Shengnan dodged sideways before touching her, let out a disgusted 'Huh', and patted her wrist, "Great hands."

Qi Qiao: "Cut."

Meng Shengnan lowered his head to drink millet porridge, raised his eyes casually, and saw a few students suddenly approaching from the diagonally opposite position across the aisle from her. Each of them held food in their hands, and the only girl among them was Li Yan.

Next to Li Yan, walked a boy with his school uniform with the zipper open.

Among the few people, he was the only one with his hands in his pockets, and he didn't hold anything in his hands. Meng Shengnan slowly looked away and drank the porridge without making a sound. I didn't expect it to be him, and he was also a student of No. 9 Middle School. I had never seen him in a liberal arts class. He was theoretical? Those boys spoke a little loudly and laughed uncontrollably, so that Meng Shengnan couldn't help but hear them. Looking back at Qi Qiao, the girl seemed to be extremely hungry, she just ate without responding to anything.

Over there still laughing and cursing gag nonsense.

A male voice said: "Hey, Li Yan, you have to tie him up, this kid is wild."

"Li Yan, this matter is on my brother's shoulders. I'll definitely show him to you. Will there be a beautiful girl to introduce to my brother in the future?"

A group of boys laughed.

"Do you still want to eat?" It was him.

That voice was exactly the same as the lazy tone of the Internet cafe saying 'try it next time'.

A group of boys collectively 'cut' and started talking nonsense again.

Meng Shengnan quickly finished his meal, got up and left with Qi Qiao. When passing by that table, I could vaguely hear his low smile, and Li Yan's sweet and soft voice, it's really a crispy person.

She shook her head lightly to stop her random thoughts.

During evening self-study, Lao Shi came over for a stroll. He told me some things about his studies before leaving. As soon as the front foot left, the classroom opened up with a bang. But the bustle hadn't lasted a minute, when Lao Shi broke into the door suddenly with a serious expression on his face.

"Why are you arguing, do you want to study?"

Old Wet held an English textbook under his arm, and walked back and forth in the classroom aisle, and his classmates didn't dare to speak out. She turned around a few times before slowly opening her mouth: "There will be a school mock exam in November, and the seats will be arranged according to the results, and those who have fallen too far will be called parents."

There was a sharp gasp.

After Lao Shi's training, everyone felt that she was gone completely and would not attack suddenly again, so they gradually relaxed. Xue Lin patted her chest, "I'm scared to death, why is she like this, the other classes just sit at random."

Meng Shengnan was taking notes in English, and he also sighed.

Nie Jing slowly turned to look at Fu Song, and whispered, "Fu Song, tell me about this question."

Fu Song looked up at her: "Be careful that she is watching from the back door."

Nie Jing pursed her lips and turned around.

Xue Lin glanced at Nie Jing, then at Fu Song, and couldn't help complaining.

The days at that time always passed without knowing it, as if the National Day holiday came suddenly. That afternoon, Lao Shi emphasized safety issues in the class, and everyone tried their best to conceal their excitement before leaving school and listened to her.

Meng Shengnan turned his head to look out the window at the blue sky and white clouds.

After finally getting out of school, the people next to her were packing their schoolbags. Seeing that she hadn't moved, Nie Jing couldn't help but ask, "Why aren't you moving?"

Meng Shengnan was too lazy to squeeze through the school crowd before the holiday: "There are too many people, I will leave later."

After a while, the classroom was clean. Only then did Meng Shengnan tidy up the desk slowly, humming a little tune. Qi Qiao hasn't left with her since the day before yesterday, and returned to Song Jiashu's side. She is still a little bit sad-he values sex and despises friends.

She walked downstairs slowly with her schoolbag on her back.

The teaching building was quiet, there were not many students left, and there seemed to be a school security guy downstairs shouting 'close the door'. Meng Shengnan quickened his pace and went downstairs. When he passed the science building, he couldn't help but look up. However, before walking a few steps, I heard a few boys walking by from one side not far away, laughing and talking nonsense.

"Too lazy to go home, where to play?"

"I didn't think about it, how about Hall K?"

"The surname is Chi, how about you?"

"Internet cafe." Casually.

The voice was low and hoarse, and indescribably lazy. She looked over, and those figures had already disappeared outside the building. Uncle Security was still shouting, Meng Shengnan regained consciousness, then turned around and walked out from the small playground.

When I got home, I turned on my computer and went online.

Many message boxes popped up, which startled Meng Shengnan.

Jiang Lang's talents are exhausted: Xiaomeng, how much have you written

Zhang Yiyan: What subject are you thinking about this time

Every night rain in the house: I’m stuck—

Gui Huafu: Brother, I bought it from May to September in one go, and sent one entry form for each registration form. I still don’t believe that I won’t be able to enter the semi-finals this time! ! !

Zhou Ningzhi: How is the writing

These people are all strange and have different personalities. They are all friends she met at the New Concept last year. At the beginning, they were all chatted in the group, but later on, apart from her, Zhang Yiyan and Zhou Ningzhi made it to the semi-finals. In the rematch in December, they met again at the hotel arranged by the organizing committee, played cards, drank drinks, and chatted about the world. It felt like imperial examination candidates who came from all over the world to Beijing to rush for the exam, and they came all the way for literature.

However, only Zhang Yiyan and Zhou Ningzhi won the prize later.

Now, everyone is back again.

Meng Shengnan went back one by one, only Zhou Ningzhi was online.

He came back immediately: no idea

Meng Shengnan: Well, after thinking about several topics, I didn't like it.

Zhou Ningzhi: Don't think about it yet, you can consider going out to have fun this National Day, maybe the inspiration will come.

Meng Shengnan: You think I'm you, my god—

Zhou Ningzhi: Not a great god.

Meng Shengnan: Just be humble, I can't compare to your suspense writers when I write novels.

Zhou Ningzhi returned after a while: Why don't you come to Nanjing during the holidays, and I will be the host.

Meng Shengnan stuck out her tongue: No way - I have to go to class.

Zhou Ningzhi: In class

Meng Shengnan: Mom signed up for a guitar class—

Zhou Ningzhi smiled: Well, see you on December 675 this year.

Meng Shengnan: Try to be a master.

After turning off QQ, Meng Shengnan thought quietly for a while, then opened Word, put his hands on the keyboard, but couldn't write a single word. Zhou Ningzhi once said that as long as he still has a belief, he will keep writing. Jiang Lang only commented on Zhou Ningzhi, saying that he will definitely be the leading figure in the All of the world suspense circle in the next ten years.

I don't know when it was dark outside.

In the evening, I chatted with Shengdian Meng Jin about a bunch of unnutritious geniuses and went back to bed to sleep. Meng Shengnan turned on the small lamp on the bedside table, and the warm light of awn color fell down. She lay on the bed and watched the Count of Monte Cristo.

I fell asleep after watching it, and it was already half past seven when I woke up the next day.

Meng Shengnan simply dealt with it and went out with the guitar on his back.

Sheng Dian shouted from behind: "Let your father take you there."

"no thanks."

It was a small bungalow with a single courtyard, which looked quite old. But the owner is attentive and the house is spotless. This is the third time Meng Shengnan has come here. Every time the class time is notified until the end of the last class, it is very casual. It took her half an hour to get there by bus from home.

The one who taught the guitar was a woman in her forties, she was very well maintained, she didn't look like that.

The living room is very large, surrounded by a dozen people.

"Let's review what we learned last time first." The woman was dressed casually, sitting on a chair with a guitar, her feet tipped back and leaning lightly on the corner of the chair, with a literary atmosphere.

"Teacher Chen—I forgot." A boy joked.

The woman smiled: "Then I'll play it again."

Her name is Chen Si, she has a very gentle and kind smile, Meng Shengnan thought, she lives up to her name.

Two hours passed quickly. Meng Shengnan had no background and was struggling to learn. The other students were all gone, and she was still thinking about the old one who played the wrong tune. Chen Si came over with a gentle voice: "That's four beats, try again."

After trying a few more times and being satisfied, Meng Shengnan got up to pack the guitar.

"Why do you learn guitar?" Chen Si asked.

Meng Shengnan paused, then looked up at her: "It's pretty cool."

Chen Si smiled, "It's pretty cool."

Meng Shengnan smiled.

"You're in high school, aren't you?"

Meng Shengnan said 'hmm', "I'm a sophomore in the Ninth Middle School."

"Ninth High School?"


Chen Si smiled and said, "My son is also in that school, he studies theory."

"It's a coincidence, but I learned Wen."

"The text is also very good, as long as you like it."

Meng Shengnan nodded with a smile, chatted for a while before getting up and leaving. The wind outside is still blowing, it's just early autumn, and the coolness is always just right. She lowered her eyes and moved the position of the guitar, just walking to the fountain at the gate of the community. Then he raised his eyes and paused.


A tall boy in a gray shirt and jeans walked up ahead, with a cigarette in his mouth. As if he hadn't woken up, he was a little slumped, with his head drooping. As he walked, he raked his hair indiscriminately, took down the cigarette and held it in his hand, and still put his other hand in his trouser pocket, and then took a long breath of the cigarette.

She stood on the left side of the fountain, and he turned in from the right.

blue sky.

The wind blows for eight thousand miles.