The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 31


The instant dry and rough warmth made her tremble all over.

"Are you all right?"

In a soft voice, Chi Zheng removed the hand covering her waist. The faint smell of smoke spread, and his breathing was too close and heavy. Meng Shengnan pursed her lips, shifted her gaze to one side and slowly stood up. Her hanging hand tightly clutched the hem of the skirt, revealing her thoughts. He glanced down, then looked up again.

"Meng Shengnan?"

She was slightly stunned, and looked at him with clear eyes.

"That—" he stammered.

He quietly watched the changes.

"I-I'm going back first, you remember to warm up Teacher Chen, I just took it out of the refrigerator." She pointed to the soup can in his hand, turned around and left after speaking. He didn't make a sound, his eyes were heavy. She took a step and turned back, "Well, you, be careful on the road."

Chi Zheng hooked the corner of his mouth and let her go away.

The sun fell on the alley, on the back of the woman. He looked at her for a while, then rode away. Meng Shengnan had just opened the door when he heard the sound of the engine. She slowly breathed a sigh of relief, poked her head out to see the empty alleyway, feeling uneasy for a moment.

Sheng Dian was sitting in the yard knitting a sweater, and looked over at the sound.

"What's wrong?"

She closed the door and walked in.

"Nothing, what about Xiao Hang?"

"Your dad took it out to play."

Sheng Dian lowered his head and hooked a thread of stitches, then asked, "How are you, Teacher Chen?"


She approached and took a small bench and sat beside her, her chin resting on her knees facing the sun. The wind blows over, and the broken hair on the side of the ear lightens. She sighed, feeling confused in her head. The sun shines on the face, warm and soft.

"Are you busy at school recently?"

Sheng Li stopped knitting and stroked her hair.

She let out a muffled 'hmm'.

"When does vacation start?"

"It's the end of the month."

Sheng Dian sighed, "It's summer vacation and go out with Xiao Hang for a walk."



Meng Shengnan looked at the ground and focused seriously. Sheng Dian gently stroked her thin back, once and for all. It seems that when she returned to Jiangcheng after not doing news, tears filled her eyes at the first sight of the grand ceremony. In the courtyard, the same is true for the woman, rubbing her hair with an unbelievable peace of mind.

"Tell mom when you're tired, ah."


The grand ceremony smiled.

"A girl can't help herself."

Meng Shengnan took a deep breath and smiled. That evening, she went to bed early. The lights in the room were dimmed, and the white moonlight outside the window covered the bed. The wind blows in the alley, and the radio broadcasts it. Chen Xiaochun sang exclusive memories, she slept with a pillow.

In the middle of the night in Jiangcheng, the lights are feasting and feasting.

In the repair shop, a small desk lamp was on by the table. Chi Zheng leaned on the chair with his bare upper body, smoking one cigarette after another. It was two or three o'clock in the morning, surrounded by smoke. He lowered his eyes and took another look at the lump on his lower body, remembering the spring dream that was awakened just now.

"Meng Shengnan."

He murmured softly, and brushed his hair irritably. Squinting his eyes, he took a puff of the cigarette and let out a halo. The desk lamp was dim yellow, reflecting his hard, bare waist. He didn't know that the dream would be so real, so real that all her moaning and panting that he felt seemed to be close to the pinna.


He cursed secretly and put out the cigarette.

The phone screen on the desktop suddenly lit up, and he glanced over impatiently, it was a series of seven-digit unknown numbers. The bell rang four or five times before Chi Zheng picked it up lazily.

"Guess where buddy is now?"

It was very noisy at the other end, and Jiang Jin's voice was very loud.

"Do you fucking know what time it is?" Chi Zheng gritted his teeth.

Jiang Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Dude, I deeply remember the glorious days when you were typing on the keyboard all night."

Chi Zheng laughed.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, I have something to ask you."

Jiang Jin stopped his spiel advocating Little Havana, and his voice became more serious.

"What's the matter?"

Chi Zheng took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, stuffed it into his mouth, lit it with a lighter, and threw it back on the table. He pondered for a while before asking.

"I remember you participated in the new concept back then?"

"Yeah, why?"

Chi Zheng bit his cigarette, his voice muffled.

"Did you have a girl named Shu Yuan in those years?"

Jiang Jin was dull for a few seconds.

"Why ask this?"

"I don't know it's hung up."

He made a gesture to withdraw the line, but Jiang Jin yelled, "Don't!".

"Say." He said lightly.

Jiang Jin smiled, "Now that you mention it, I really miss me as a girl."

Chi Zheng frowned.

"I'm going to tell you, my daughter is also from Jiangcheng."

The man's cheeks were sucked into two deep pits.

"My surname is Chi, you won't be interested in me being a girl, will I tell you?"

"You fucking—"

Chi Zheng suddenly came back to his senses and stopped talking.

"What did you say?"

It's just that there is no sound from the other end. He hurriedly looked down at his phone, which showed disconnection. When he called again, he was not in the service area. With a cold face, Chi Zheng threw the phone away. Recalling the times when Jiang Jin called, how could he have imagined that the so-called 'sister' would be inextricably linked to him. He guessed that the detective was making side attacks, and although he had already noticed it, he was still very upset.

"Meng Shengnan."

He murmured again, frowning and turned on the computer. I searched for 'Shu Yuan' again, and found several stories that were published in the last one or two years, but nothing else was found. Thinking about those manuscripts written in 2000, many of them are out of print now, and Chi Zheng's brain went numb for a moment.

The situation outside the window is changing, and gradually the sky is full of morning glow.

That day, Meng Shengnan went to school after lunch. She got on the bus alone and watched the busy traffic outside the window. From time to time, students on bicycles passed by, as if in the blink of an eye, it was only yesterday that she was in high school.

She took a deep breath slowly.

He took out his cell phone from his bag and wanted to call Qi Qiao. The workaholic seems to be busy and speaks very quietly. She didn't bother to hang up in a hurry, looking out. Suddenly, a slightly fat woman holding a little girl appeared on the side of the street. The hair is a little disheveled, bow your head and walk quickly.

It was obvious that she had been crying.

When she looked over again, the bus had already turned the corner and walked away. Meng Shengnan couldn't help but feel a little sad, thinking of seeing Nie Jing for the first time back then. The girl curled her ponytail, read a book seriously, and was clean. Looking back now, I can only sigh. The most difficult thing is that the world can't keep it. Remembering the last unexpected encounter, she went home and chatted with Sheng Dian.

Sheng Dian sighed, "The roads are all made by myself, so I can't blame anyone."

It looked like it was going to rain.

It was around three o'clock when she arrived at school, and she ran into Xiao Lin at the door of the apartment. A twenty-five or six-year-old woman is nourished by love, with a short skirt and high heels, and a pretty face. She approached, looked into her eyes, and asked with a smile, "Is your boyfriend gone?"

"Just left." Xiao Lin pursed his lips, "Why did you come so early this afternoon?"

She nodded, "I'll come when I'm free."

"Aren't you going out this afternoon?" Xiao Lin asked again.

"No, what's the matter?"

Xiao Lin smiled and shook several large clothing bags in his hand.

"Go to my room."

Suddenly, she smiled and said yes.

The layout of the teachers' apartments is the same, and Xiaolin lives on the fourth floor. The house is full of dolls, and the girl's heart is bursting, it's simple. She sat on the sofa and waited. The woman changed into a dress and came out to give her advice.

"How about this one?"

She glanced at the skirt, it was white and blue with embellishments, simple and elegant.

"very nice."

Kobayashi laughed, went in and changed another one out.

"What about this one?"

Meng Shengnan gave a pertinent suggestion, "I think the first one is better."



Xiao Lin packed up and sat on the sofa to chat with her.

"He bought it for you?" Meng Shengnan asked.

"Yeah." Xiao Lin nodded, "He plans to take me to meet his parents next weekend, do you think I should dress conservatively or be more fashionable?"

Hearing this, Meng Shengnan laughed.

"You'll have to ask him that, but I'm sure he'll think you can wear either."

Kobayashi smiled.

"How can he choose? I bought this skirt because of my fancy."

The two of them didn't talk for a while, when the rain suddenly poured down outside. Meng Shengnan looked up and saw that the rain seemed to be pouring down. She remembered that there were still a few clothes confiscated from the balcony, so she said goodbye to Xiao Lin and went back to the seventh floor. After that, I just stayed in the house alone, reading a book and listening to the rain.

At half past six, the pouring still showed no signs of stopping.

She was tired from watching, so she went to the kitchen to cook porridge. I fell asleep and woke up at night, turned on the computer to write the latest column. The rain stopped and started to fall again. She looked for the background materials needed in the story, and found half of the Red Chamber. When I was a child, I always thought that Cao Xueqin was a woman, but I found out later that she was not. Zhang Ailing said many years ago that there are three hates in life.

I hate that the crabapple has no fragrance,

Two hate shad spiny,

The Three Hate Dreams of the Red Chamber are not over yet.

Not knowing why she was so emotional, she flipped through the book and then fell asleep. On Monday morning, sign in for class. In those few days, it was as calm as water. Teaching classroom simulation as usual, chatting with a few familiar teachers in the office. Perhaps because she and Xiao Lin were the only ones who were young and unmarried, they became the topic of chatting. An old teacher even offered her a blind date, but she had no choice but to decline.

I was preparing for class that day, and several teachers chatted about her.

"Xiaomeng will be 25 years old, so hurry up."

She smiled, "Hey."

"Is there anything you like?"

She was about to speak when an old teacher and a boy entered the door. The teachers stopped talking and looked over. The student was thirteen or fourteen years old, and followed the old teacher with his head down. I probably heard a few sounds, which seemed to be fighting between students. The old teacher taught him a few words to let him go back to the classroom, and shook his head hating iron for being weak.

"Parents don't care, just tell me that a child can still succeed if he fights every day."

A teacher sighs.

"Isn't it? This child is very difficult to manage now."

She lowered her head to write notes, and heard the words again.

"Several children in our class are single parents, sorry, you can't control it."


She stopped the pen in her hand and thought of that man again. All the throbbing and cautiousness when I was young, now there are waves again. The hasty kiss on that Saturday afternoon made her toss and turn, and Meng Shengnan was helpless, not knowing where to go. The phone in her pocket rang briefly, and she took it out to see the text message.

Jiang Jin wrote, brother will tell you about marriage.

She smiled back, no need.

At that time, it was mid-June, and the third-year students graduated on Friday. They were waiting for the senior high school entrance examination on June 21, so the whole school had a holiday at noon. She had arranged all the things at school before heading back. As soon as she got in the car, she received a call from Xiaohang. When she got to the intersection of Fengshuitai, she got out of the car and saw Meng Jin holding Xiaohang in his arms and waiting at the place agreed on the phone.


Xiao Hang broke free from Meng Jin's arms and ran over, and she hugged her with both hands.

"Miss my sister?"

Xiao Hang frowned, "You didn't take me out to play last week."

She scratches his nose.

"Shall we go now?"

He reluctantly pursed his mouth: "It will be done."

The two greeted Meng Jin and took a car to the city. Meng Hang dragged her around in the shopping mall. Tired from playing, the little boy lay on her lap to rest for a while. At four o'clock, she took Meng Hang's hand and walked out of the mall.

The little boy suddenly said, "Sister, I want to sing."

"Sing?" She didn't respond.

“Hamburger hamburger…”

He had already started singing, and Meng Shengnan held back a smile and touched his belly.

"You want to eat it?"

Meng Hang pursed her lips shyly, and she smiled.

There are snack bars along the street, and she took him to Dexter on the opposite side. At a glance, it was full of parents and children. Meng Hang quickly found an empty seat and called her over. She ordered a hamburger and ice cream, and watched him enjoy it. Mickey Mouse was playing on the TV on the wall.

Meng Hang looked at it seriously, and his mouth was full of food.

She took a tissue to wipe his hands again, and the little boy pointed to the TV and said, "Sister, I want to play with that too."

She turned to look behind her, and the screen switched to a new type of game, Battle for Hegemony.

"How do you play when you are so young?" She turned around and asked.

Meng Hang pouted: "It's fine if you teach me."

"Me neither." She hasn't played yet.

Meng Hang sighed, "Sister."


"Why are you so OUT now?"

Meng Shengnan: "..."

She opened her eyes wide and stared at the boy who was as big as a kid in front of her, dumbfounded. It was funny again for a while, and I didn't know how to speak. These words were more or less learned from Qi Qiao, she reached out and rubbed his hair to make a face. A low laugh suddenly came from above her head, and her cheeks burned instantly.

"Brother will teach you."

said the man.