The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 50


Lu Sibei never thought that he would meet her again.

In his meager memories, they first met in the summer of 2006. One door, one door. It seems to be the same now, the difference is that there are more past events in the eyes.

"I'm here to see Aunt Chen."

Lu Sibei finished speaking without haste, and stared at her.

Meng Shengnan just nodded his head and turned to let him in. Chen Siwen came out of the kitchen, unable to hide the surprise on his face. Lu Sibei apologized for studying abroad and never visited, Chen Si smiled and shook his head, "It's not too late."

While talking, Chen Si introduced her.

Lu Sibei smiled, "You forgot, I came to meet you as a guest after the college entrance examination."

Meng Shengnan was pouring water and glanced at him. The man faced Chen Si without moving his gaze.

"Really, look at my memory." Chen Si smiled and said, "By the way, I'll call Ah Zheng and ask him to come back."

"Forget it, Aunt Chen, I'll be leaving soon."

"In such a hurry?"

Lu Sibei glanced at his watch: "The flight back to Shanghai is scheduled for three o'clock, don't worry about it, I met Ah Zheng two days ago."

Meng Shengnan frowned.

"I'll go to the kitchen and have a look."

She escaped with an excuse. In the living room, she didn't know what Lu Sibei said again. Chen Si smiled very happily. Meng Shengnan put all his thoughts into the boiling soup, didn't notice the footsteps behind him, and said in a voice, "It's hot."

Meng Shengnan leaned over to adjust the button, and then slowly turned his head.


Lu Sibei smiled lightly, "Don't force yourself if you can't find something to say."

She moved her lips, her eyes were sour, and the corners of her mouth curved.

"Is that kid nice to you?" the man asked.

Meng Shengnan nodded, "Yes."

Lu Sibei sighed and smiled, "That's good."

There was only the sound of boiling soup bubbling around, and both of them were quiet for a moment. Lu Sibei said he should go, and Meng Shengnan was going to find Chen Si, but he stopped him and said no. She sent him to the door, and the man stood still and looked down at her: "You are still the same as before, and you are different."

Meng Shengnan was silent for a few seconds: "Isn't everyone like this?"

Lu Sibei smiled slightly, "That's right."

"Take care." She found herself really at a loss for words.

Lu Sibei: "Go in, don't give it away."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and walked away, Meng Shengnan couldn't recover for a long time. They know a lot of things without asking or speaking, and it doesn't make much sense to say them. Maybe it will only increase the annoyance, and it is best to go with the wind.

When Chen Si came back from the neighbor's house and learned that Lu Sibei had left, he couldn't help sighing. Holding a borrowed pancake in her hand, the woman said, "This kid likes to eat the one I made the most."

Meng Shengnan asked, "Chi Zheng also likes it?"

Chen Sixiao, teach her how to do it.

At that time, the London Olympics was in a frenzy, and Sheng Dian and Meng Jin stayed up until midnight every day to watch the live broadcast. As soon as China won the gold medal, the ceremony clapped excitedly. The patriotic enthusiasm exploded every minute, and no one could match it. Meng Shengnan had a manuscript to catch up, so he moved back to the school apartment.

Once the night was dark.

Qi Qiao called to chat with her to relieve her loneliness, but Meng Shengnan inadvertently let the matter between her and Chi Zheng slip through the mouth. Qi Qiao asked all the questions like a neighborhood committee aunt, Meng Shengnan thought for a while and said, "I saw Lu Sibei two days ago."

"He didn't come to Jiangcheng specifically to find you to get back together?"

Meng Shengnan marveled at the woman's imagination, "I saw it at Chi Zheng's house."


Meng Shengnan: "It's embarrassing."


Meng Shengnan: "Why don't you talk anymore?"

A ghostly voice floated out of the receiver: "That's quite embarrassing."

Meng Shengnan couldn't continue talking.

Qi Qiao laughed, "But you don't need to think about it at all. A man like Chi Zheng will never tolerate his meat being eaten by others."

"Who is meat?"

Meng Shengnan rolled his eyes, Qi Qiaole said, "You two, what's wrong?"


Qi Qiao coughed a few times, "He can really bear it."

Meng Shengnan hung up the phone decisively.

She lay on the bed and turned her head to look out the window, her mind wandering. Qi Qiao gave herself to Song Jiashu the year she graduated from high school, and because of this, seventeen-year-old Meng Shengnan didn't have the courage. Perhaps it was because he was too nervous and bored in this matter, and Chi Zheng was too busy to touch the ground. When he touches her when he is interested, he will also stick to the bottom line.

The situation is changing, and the moon is full.

The three men on the seventeenth floor were all in the same posture, staring at the computer's hands. Shi Jin leaned over and glanced at the two people around him, and quietly turned off Dota2 on his screen. Then he stretched pretendingly and shook his head.

"Will hold the eagle bow like a full moon, look northwest and shoot Sirius."

Lu Huai gave the guy a sideways look, "Brother August Seventh today."

Shi Jin smiled hippie, "My heart is like a full moon."

The man who had been silent all this time snorted, and Lu Huai suddenly turned his head and whistled at him.

Chi Zheng raised his eyes.

Lu Huai: "You haven't seen Xiao Meng these days, right? Men should take the initiative to know?"

"They didn't come to see you, could they be angry?" Shi Jin added fuel.

Lu Huai: "That won't—"

Shi Jin: "..."

Chi Zheng laughed lightly.

Lu Huaiyao thought back then, "Xiao Meng is the most obedient girl I've ever seen. If she wants to have you in her heart, she is absolutely determined not to make noise or cling to others. If she doesn't have that kind of heart, she will retreat ten steps if you chase her one step. Thinking back then, Zhou Ningzhi was interested in her, and when he confessed his love, his words became just a classic adage."

"What?" Shi Jin was excited.

Lu Huai cleared his throat: "Take it as a joke on April 1st."

Shi Jin sprayed.

"What happened that week, it was very adaptable."

"He is a great talent, tall and handsome. Among the six of us, there is a girl who likes him so much that she went directly to the United States." Lu Huai sighed, "So that boy Jiang Jin can only be unrequited love so far. .”

Shi Jin digested it for a long time, "Be good."

Chi Zheng curled the corner of his mouth quietly.

After Lu Huai finished speaking, he looked at Chi Zheng, "I've said so much, do you really understand?"

Shi Jin concluded his statement: "It's just that you can't find a good girl like Meng Shengnan with a lantern. You need to pay more attention."

The two of them high-fived themselves.

Shi Jin: "I'll give you half a day off tomorrow."

Chi Zheng glanced at the two psychopaths, and knocked louder with his hands. So, the next afternoon, when he left behind a lot of mess and got up to go out, the two guys turned their eyes to see the series of actions he made when he walked to the door, and said in unison: "What are you doing?"

Chi Zheng smiled slovenly, "Looking for a wife."

Two goods: "..."

On an August day, going out is a heat wave. Chi Zheng was on the phone while walking out, when Meng Shengnan was cooking fish soup in the kitchen. Chi Zheng asked her where she wanted to go to play, Meng Shengnan said no, and said, "I'm at school by myself, why don't you come over here."

"Success." Chi Zheng said leisurely.

When Chi Zheng came, she kept the door open. This was the first time he came to her bachelor apartment, and it smelled like a woman. Meng Shengnan leaned against the glass wall of the kitchen, typing on the computer while looking at the soup. Hearing the sound of opening and closing the door, she glanced back. He conveniently placed the computer on the chopping board, and accidentally bumped into the vinegar bottle when he turned around.

Spilled a computer.

Meng Shengnan watched dumbfounded as the screen turned black, and the man approached with gloating expression on his face.

"dare you laugh?"

Chi Zheng shook his shoulders: "I didn't expect you to be so excited to see me."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Seeing her sour face, Chi Zheng smiled and took the computer with a paper towel to wipe off the stains on it. Then I sat on the sofa to check the hardware, turned the computer back and forth, and tapped the keyboard again. Meng Shengnan looked beside him, "Can it be fixed?"

He looked up, his voice teasing.

"You don't know if my job is good or not?"

Meng Shengnan's face burned, and Chi Zheng laughed hard.

"I don't know." She bit her lip.

Chi Zheng raised his eyebrows, "Then try?"

Meng Shengnan: "..."

It was a difficult task for her, but the man in front of her could easily handle it in two or three strokes. Chi Zheng stuffed the computer into her lap, stretched his waist and leaned against the back of the sofa, and nodded his chin: "Where are you still using it?"

Meng Shengnan tried a few times.

"How did you do it? It runs so fast."

Chi Zheng laughed.

"It's over." Meng Shengnan suddenly called out.

Chi Zheng: "What?"

"My soup."

Meng Shengnan had already got up and ran to the kitchen, with Chi Zheng laughing behind him. After all, the fire was small, and the soup was boiled dry without burning. Meng Shengnan made a false alarm and turned off the fire, and when she turned around, she saw Chi Zheng leisurely following. Meng Shengnan took a breath and glared at him: "Now you can only drink water."

Chi Zheng hooked his lips, put his arms around her neck and kissed her.

Meng Shengnan's legs were softened by his kiss, and his arms were on his shoulders. Chi Zheng held her waist, groping up and down with his hands. Meng Shengnan was itchy and twisted, and was tightened by his grip. She sensitively felt his hand lingering around her waist, and then reached in.

Chi Zheng kissed so passionately that he touched the edge of his underwear.

Through a layer of soft thickness, he froze for a moment, then frowned. Meng Shengnan buried herself in his chest, her voice was small and soft: "I just came here two days ago."

Chi Zheng: "..."

He gritted his teeth and looked at the woman in his arms, no wonder she didn't dodge much, it turned out that she came prepared. The sun at four or five o'clock slipped in through the small window, and men and women stood snuggled together. Chi Zheng took a deep breath, his mouth fell on the tip of her ear, the rough breath he exhaled was hot enough to burn her skin, his voice was deep and hoarse.

"Don't run in front of me in the future."

She raised her eyes and lightly said 'Huh? ' With a cry, his eyes were wet.

Chi Zheng inhaled: "I can't hear you panting."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Later, the two nestled on the sofa looking for a movie to watch. Chi Zheng's face was still dark, Meng Shengnan tilted his head and smiled and asked, "The teacher said you like pancakes, how about I make them for you tomorrow?"

Chi Zheng raised his eyes lightly: "Don't eat."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

Chi Zheng: "What do you think?"

His eyes were dark and naked, Meng Shengnan gasped and stopped asking, and turned to watch the movie. She pointed at the picture above and smiled.

"It's pretty pretty, isn't it?"

Chi Zheng ended up smoking a cigarette and stayed in her room until after ten o'clock before returning to Jinding. Meng Shengnan tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, and got up to drink water. After taking a sip, she choked for a long time, and she patted her chest silly.

Time is busy again.

On the closing day of the Olympic Games, Chen Si called and asked her to come and sit. When Meng Shengnan left school, the sky in Jiangcheng was still sunny and sunny, and then it began to rain heavily. On the way, Meng Shengnan's right eyelid kept twitching. She called Chen Si, but no one answered.

The wind and rain blocked the road.

Meng Shengnan ran in as soon as he got out of the car, the closer he got, the more uneasy he felt. It can be seen from a distance that the rain is beating on the glass windows of Chen Si's house. Meng Shengnan took a few steps to the door and slammed it open. The woman lay silently on the cold floor.

There was thunder outside.