The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 51


Chen Si had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Half an hour after the woman was pushed into the emergency room, Chi Zheng arrived. Meng Shengnan looked at his face that was icy cold from the rain, without the slightest trace of blood. At that time, Chen Si fell to the ground and she was at a loss what to do. After dialing 120, she immediately called him.

The man's voice is restrained and calm.

"Listen, Sheng Nan. Help my mother lie down first, put her head on the side, and then apply a cold towel to her head. When the ambulance comes, tell the doctor that my mother has a cerebral hemorrhage, and they know what to do."

But now, she looked at Chi Zheng with a stiff expression, as if she was going to be unable to hold on.

Meng Shengnan walked beside him and went to hold his hand.

"Don't worry, the teacher will be fine."

The soft temperature moved Chi Zheng's heart, he slowly looked sideways at Meng Shengnan, and nodded slowly. She felt that his whole body was tense, his neck was straight, and his body was frighteningly cold. He stood for too long, Meng Shengnan pulled him to sit down. Chi Zheng propped his arms on his legs, with his palms resting on his forehead, and he remained in that position.

She could feel him trembling.

After nearly two hours, the red light went out. Almost instantly, Chi Zheng stood up. The door of the emergency room opened from the inside, and the doctor came out and took the mask, and said to the two of them, "Don't worry, the patient has been rescued, and he can be discharged after a few days of rest and observation."

Meng Shengnan's heart dropped.

In the ward, she tucked the blanket for Chen Si, and looked up at the silent man.

"I'll just take care of it. You can go back and change." His shirt and trousers were soaked.

Chi Zheng raised his eyes, "It's okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Lu Huai hurried in. Chi Zheng looked over coldly, and Lu Huai dragged him outside panting. Meng Shengnan didn't know what was going on and didn't ask specifically, so he waited in the ward.

But after a long time, they were still nowhere to be seen.

Meng Shengnan went out to watch, while Lu Huai was alone leaning against the wall outside.

"Where's Chi Zheng?"

Lu Huai turned to look at her, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth, his eyes flickering.

"There's something wrong with the company, he's going to deal with it."

Meng Shengnan said 'Oh' and felt relieved.

"Go back and rest, I'll look after Auntie."

Meng Shengnan shook his head, "Go do your work, I can do it by myself."

After a long time, Lu Huai smiled.

"That kid didn't know what high incense he burned in his previous life."

Meng Shengnan lowered her head and bent her lips.

Lu Huai sighed, "It was the same two years ago, my aunt was seriously ill. He stayed outside the emergency room all night, his hair turned gray, and he was useless."

Meng Shengnan raised his head suddenly, with indescribable surprise in his eyes.

"Xiao Meng, do you know that he had a bright future at that time."

Lu Huai laughed miserably, "It's because I delayed it."

In the corridor, the smell of disinfectant is very strong. It was late at night, and the surrounding area was very quiet, with occasional doctors and nurses passing by on duty. Lu Huai really seemed to hold back for too long, Meng Shengnan had never seen him smile so bitterly before.

"Chi Zheng and I were introduced to each other by Jiang Lang, and we got to know each other and worked on a project together. He said that this project would definitely be famous if it was completed, and I believed him. This guy is so crazy about code that he turns it upside down day and night. Kneel down, no one I know can compare to him."

Meng Shengnan listened quietly.

"At the time of graduation, time was very tight. What he did was the core part of the project, and I ran the financing."

When Lu Huai said this, he paused for a while, and it became difficult to speak again.

"I found the financing, I found it."

Meng Shengnan couldn't bear to look at him.

"At that time, the price offered by the other party was very high. I was young and energetic and just wanted to sign the contract quickly. Chi Zheng didn't care about this kind of thing. How much he trusts me." Lu Huai smiled wryly, "They made an appointment on the day of the signing. In the hotel, I was poured a lot, so I signed the contract in a daze, only to realize that I was fooled when I woke up."

"What happened next?" Meng Shengnan asked.

Lu Huai looked straight ahead, his eyes were a little red.

"Later he went to look for us. After all, we were students, and our arms couldn't twist our thighs. What's more, the projects were all signed for nothing, and we had to pay a lot of money." Lu Huai sighed, "At that time, things were a bit big, and the school directly fired him. gone."

Meng Shengnan asked, "Does the school not care?"

Lu Huai laughed at himself.

"That company's foundation is not shallow, and there are many backgrounds. If you want to calm things down, you have to sacrifice the most useless ones."

Meng Shengnan was silent.

"He is not the kind of person who gives up easily, but none of us thought that something happened to Auntie."

Meng Shengnan's palms were sweating.

Lu Huai said: "He rushed back overnight. When we saw him again later, he seemed to be a different person. He smashed all the computer hardware in the rental house."

"Is it over?"

Lu Huai: "It's over."

Meng Shengnan couldn't imagine what Chi Zheng was like at that time.

"That company—"

Lu Huai: "The person in charge at the time ran away, and no one acknowledged it."

The sound of the rain outside gradually became quieter, and Meng Shengnan's stomach was indescribably bloated. She stared at the ground, colorful footprints.

"Lu Huai."

Meng Shengnan called him suddenly, and the man was taken aback.

"He didn't go back to the company, did he?"

Lu Huai was stunned for a long time and did not speak.

"What happened?"

When she called, he should have already left for the hospital. Thinking about it now, it wouldn't take that long, and Lu Huai's hesitation further confirmed her guess. Meng Shengnan raised his voice and asked again, and Lu Huaicai slowly told the truth.

"He was taken away by the police."

Meng Shengnan's head hummed, and he shook violently.

Lu Huai said again: "But don't worry, Shi Jin's event is over, and nothing will happen."

Meng Shengnan spoke incoherently.

"What happened? No, I have to go and see where you said, he—"

Lu Huai smiled without a smile.

"He said he wouldn't let me tell you, just because he was afraid of you."

Meng Shengnan bit her lower lip and fell silent.

"It's nothing serious. The car drove too fast and ran a red light and hit a rich second generation. He rushed to the hospital first, but the lunatic insisted on looking for the police. Shi Jin and I stopped behind for a long time to no avail. We were just taken away by the police. .”

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Is this no big deal

"Don't worry, I'll come out tomorrow after squatting overnight." He said easily.

But Meng Shengnan's chest was so congested that he couldn't speak a word. She stayed outside for too long, she should go in to take care of Chen Sihe and digest Lu Huai's words. Just as he opened the door, he was stopped by Lu Huai, and Meng Shengnan turned around.

"He started all over again this time, mostly because of you."

The night in the hospital is as quiet as an ancient temple in a deep mountain, and the wind and grass are very clear. Meng Shengnan stood in front of the window, looking out, the rain splashed on the glass, tick-tock. She stood for a while and then sat back on the side of the hospital bed, Chen Si's face was as sick as white paper. That night two years ago should have been many times more thrilling than tonight, but Chi Zheng turned his head gray.

Cerebral hemorrhage occurs suddenly, and you can't stop the summoning order.

That night, Meng Shengnan didn't sleep until dawn. She lay beside Chen Si and felt the woman rubbing her hair. Meng Shengnan squinted her eyes and raised her head. The woman smiled, "Are you tired last night?"

Meng Shengnan shook his head.

"Are you still suffering?"

Chen Si: "It's not uncomfortable."

Later, the doctor came and checked and left, and Meng Shengnan came back from a meal. She was afraid that Chen Si would ask Chi Zheng that she didn't know how to answer, so she kept thinking about what to say. Chen Si didn't have much energy, so Meng Shengnan fed him one bite at a time.

The woman looked at her: "Your clothes are all damp, go home and rest later."

"I am not tired."

Chen Si smiled, "I can't see it."

Meng Shengnan couldn't pull the corners of his mouth even if he smiled.

"Ah Zheng is really lucky."

Meng Shengnan: "Before you woke up, he just returned to the shop, and came here in a while."

Chen Si nodded slowly.

"He was scared last night, wasn't he?" the woman asked her softly.

Meng Shengnan was silent for a while, "It's not like him."

Chen Si smiled, "This kid is very thoughtful, I know. Two years ago I suddenly fell ill and he was terrified. I woke up after sleeping for several days, and his temples were all gray. He just didn't say anything. How can a mother not feel it."

Meng Shengnan's nose was a little sore.

"He's just too thoughtful." Chen Si sighed.

Meng Shengnan glanced at the quiet door, then moved his gaze back silently.

"It's all better now."

Chen Si: "That's right."

Meng Shengnan cleaned up the dishes and poured a cup of hot water to dry. Chen Si asked her to go home, but Meng Shengnan refused, saying that she would wait for Chi Zheng to come over before leaving. Chen Si was tired and fell asleep again. Meng Shengnan wanted to call to ask questions, but Chi Zheng couldn't get through, and she didn't have Lu Huai's phone number, so she could only wait.

She can't sit still.

It was already noon when Chen Si woke up again, and Meng Shengnan bought fruit downstairs to peel oranges for her.

"Go back to sleep."

Meng Shengnan: "It's okay."

"He doesn't have time when he's busy, I know."

Meng Shengnan was afraid that Chen would think too much, and was about to speak when the door of the ward was pushed open. She immediately turned her head to see that Chi Zheng walked in with an unshaven beard, still wearing the shirt and black pants from last night. At that moment, Meng Shengnan wanted to cry.

Chi Zheng's smile made everyone angry.

"Why are you both looking at me like that?"

Chen Si gave him an angry look, and Meng Shengnan turned his head away.

"Sheng Nan took care of me and still hasn't left me. Where did you go?" Chen Si asked.

Chi Zheng laughed 'Hi'.

"Something happened and I couldn't leave. I left last night only after seeing your safety. The world can prove it."

Chen Si: "You brat."

Chi Zheng glanced at Meng Shengnan.

"Sheng Nan can also prove it, right?"

From last night to now, this is the second time he called her Sheng Nan.

Meng Shengnan avoided his gaze, Chen Si saw it and said, "Okay, you two go talk and let me sleep for a while."

"You have nothing to say to me?"

Chen Si snorted, "No."


Meng Shengnan felt very bored, and stood up, "Then I'll go back to the teacher first, and I'll come to see you at night."

"You two go back together, I'm fine here."

Meng Shengnan smiled, "No, let him stay with you for a while."

After she finished speaking, she went to see Chi Zheng. The man's eyes were bright, and his brows were slightly furrowed. Meng Shengnan turned his eyes sideways, walked past him and left. The weather was cool and the temperature was low, so Meng Shengnan went to school by car. As soon as she got back to the house, she went to take a shower, her heart was blocked and uncomfortable.

The shower sprinkled on the body, and the water ran down the cheeks.

She didn't know how long it was before she came out of the bathroom, put on a long white T-shirt, and sat on the balcony to dry off. The wind blows, and people wake up. In the living room, the radio was still on. The male and female anchors are talking about youth, and the background music is SHE, you were a teenager.

"Many years ago, you had a pair of clear eyes. You ran like a spring lightning."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.