The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 6


Outside the window, the wind rolled down the corridor.

Startled and dizzy, Meng Shengnan slowly raised his head from his arm socket.

"Can you please?"

He raised his chin towards the table, and said again, "I'll take something."

The afterglow of the setting sun in the classroom made him tall and straight.

Meng Shengnan was still a little dazed when she recognized the visitor, and she thought that the drawer had been cleaned up by herself long ago. She blindfolded, endured the beating heartbeat and pain, and said, "Sorry, I tidied everything up and put it on the podium, you go there Find it."

After the boy listened, he glanced at her, turned around and walked to the podium without saying anything.

Meng Shengnan looked at his tall and thin back for a second, and then fell down on the table again, feeling a little heaving in his heart and not daring to look up. I only heard the faint sound of rummaging through things from there, and then I heard someone outside shouting here: "Chi Zheng, have you found your ID card?"

The boy didn't reply, Meng Shengnan thought he was gone.

A vague conversation came from outside—

"Did you find it?"


"Then hurry up and make an appointment with them to fight World of Warcraft."


The voice was too far away to be heard clearly, so Meng Shengnan raised his head and looked out. Her stomach was so painful that she couldn't even stand up. After a while, Qi Qiao came and was surprised to see her like this: "What's wrong?"

Meng Shengnan frowned, and said with pain, "Maybe something is wrong, my stomach hurts all of a sudden."

Qi Qiao: "What did you have for lunch?"

"Sweet and sour pork, and chili sauce—"

"What to do, I want to eat too."

Meng Shengnan: "...."

The two sat in the classroom for another ten minutes, and Meng Shengnan finally recovered. The pain gradually dissipated, and I was a little more energetic than before. At that time, not long after the exam was over, it was still bright.

Qi Qiao chatted with her to distract her: "Student Meng Shengnan."


"You have kept this short hair for several years, so it's time to save it."

Meng Shengnan reached out and tugged at Qi Qiao's long hair, saying, "It's so troublesome."

"You're just lazy. Girls look good with long hair. Many boys have a long hair complex, do you understand?"

"Song Jiashu too?"

"of course."

Li Yan's appearance suddenly flashed in Meng Shengnan's mind, with long hair and shawls, delicate features, and a particularly lively smile, not to mention his sweet and soft voice, which can be coquettish, no wonder boys like it.

"What are you thinking?"

Meng Shengnan shook his head.

Qi Qiao suddenly smiled: "By the way, guess who I just met?"


"The bastards and hooligans of our No. 9 High School."

Meng Shengnan didn't understand.

Qi Qiao: "I know you don't understand. You, a good girl who behaves all day long, must have never heard of it."

"Who is it?"

"Chi Zheng."

Meng Shengnan was taken aback.

Qi Qiao: "I just came to see you and saw that he seemed to be going back to the classroom, but he left after I came in. Isn't he just in this class, a group of boys hang out in Internet cafes all day long, and the smell makes me feel sick when I think about it."

Meng Shengnan looked out the window, but said nothing.

That night, Qi Qiao drove her back by bike. Sheng Dian called the two of them to have dinner together, Qi Qiao took a piece of cake and left, Meng Shengnan didn't eat much, and was so sleepy that he went back to sleep before it was dark.

Sheng Dian and Meng Jin were watching TV in the living room. Sheng Dian glanced at the second floor and couldn't help but ask Meng Jin, "What's wrong with this kid, he went to bed so early?"

Meng Jin: "Go up and have a look."

As a result, Sheng Ceremony was taken aback.

Meng Shengnan was very hot all over, Sheng Dian called her softly: "Nan Nan?"

Meng Shengnan was in a daze, turned over and fell asleep again. Sheng Dian finally woke her up, but Meng Shengnan was still in a daze, so Meng Jin went to the nearest clinic on the street with her on his back. It was late at night at that time, and after a long time of tossing, Meng Shengnan didn't feel relieved until he hung up the water couple.

After a night of intravenous drip, Meng Shengnan's fever subsided at four o'clock in the morning.

Sheng Dian turned on the flashlight, and Meng Jin carried the sleeping three of them back home until dawn. The couple had to change Meng Shengnan's dressing all night and didn't sleep, so they were very sleepy. Sheng Dian urged Meng Jin to go to bed quickly, because he had to go to work tomorrow. She accompanied her daughter to sleep in Meng Shengnan's room.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning when Meng Shengnan woke up.

Sheng Dian had already prepared dinner and came to call her, while Meng Shengnan was in a hurry to get dressed.

"Put on slowly, I called Qiao Qiao and asked her to ask for leave for you."

Meng Shengnan let out an 'ah'.

Sheng Dian: "Ah what, the high fever in the middle of the night almost didn't scare me and your dad to death."

Meng Shengnan pursed her lips: "But I have an exam today—"

"Isn't it just a simulation, it's a big deal, that's all, let's wash up and eat."

After dinner, Shengdian accompanied Meng Shengnan to hang water for a long time.

In the clinic, Sheng Dian just changed his medicine.

Meng Shengnan raised his head and asked, "Mom, do you have no class today?"

Sheng Dian sat by the bed: "There is a festival in the afternoon, just enough to serve you."

Meng Shengnan stuck out her tongue and smiled slyly: "You have worked hard."

"Poor mouth."

Meng Shengnan laughed.

Sheng Dian asked again: "How is the manuscript?"

Meng Shengnan curled her lips: "I wrote something, then deleted it."

"You're just thinking too much."



"Why did you support my writing at the beginning, and didn't worry that I would waste my studies?"

Sheng Dian smiled and glanced at her: "That's enough to say."

Meng Shengnan: "What did you say?"

"At first I disagreed, thanks to your dad. He said that it is very rare for you to have this ideal at this age, and parents must support it to the end. As for your studies, it seems that you have not Wasteful. Of course, if you can pass the Peking University exam like Kang Ti—”

Meng Shengnan: "..."

When the topic came up again, Meng Shengnan could only pretend to be asleep. After returning from the clinic that day, she sat in her yard basking in the sun all afternoon, and her life was really good. The sky is blue, the clouds are white, everything is fine.

Getting sick makes people lazy.

Go to school the next day and read early. Fu Song didn't go out to study, so he stayed in the classroom doing questions. Meng Shengnan was afraid of the cold, so he shrank in his seat. There were not many people in the classroom. After a while, Fu Song poked her back lightly with a pen.

Meng Shengnan turned his head, and Fu Song looked at her.

"What happened if you didn't come to the exam?"

"Oh, I've been on the water for a whole day with a fever."

"Is it important?"

"I've been sitting here, what do you think?"

"So thorough?"

"Did the god of philosophy descend to the mortal world to care about the common people?"

"It can be understood in this way."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Fu Song is recognized as the number one talented person in the class, but this person's English is really average. In Lao Shi's English class, the school committee handed out the corrected test papers. Nie Jing stared at the paper in front of Meng Shengnan, her expression was simple, "Meng Shengnan, I finally know why the head teacher asked you to be the representative of the English class. Your grades are simply against the sky."

Meng Shengnan smiled embarrassingly, and the whole class counted down after missing two exams—

Xue Lin approached from the back row: "Damn, 139 points! Your score is the first in English in our class, and it is possible to be the first in the school."

As it turns out, the guesswork was correct some of the time. In the English class, Lao Shi especially praised Meng Shengnan's English score, not only the first in the class, but also the first in the school. But besides her proficiency in English, mathematics can only be explained in general terms.

After class, Nie Jing asked for advice.

"How did you learn English? What class did you enroll in?"

"No, just read the books and do the questions by yourself."

"Then why is it so good?"

"Uh—maybe it has something to do with reciting."

That was the summer vacation of the third year of junior high school. Meng Shengnan and Qi Qiao went to the Children's Palace to learn calligraphy, and met a master who had participated in the National English Recitation Competition. Qi Qiao asked the master how to learn English well. The Great God smiled: "Go back and memorize Chapter 20 and read it, you can find the content at will."

So, the two of them really went back to read and memorize.

After a summer vacation, my English has really improved by leaps and bounds. Since then, at the end of each exam, the two of them will choose the better readings in the English test papers to memorize, and then talk to each other and ask questions to recite the dictation, and they have developed a habit over time.

After hearing this, Nie Jing was surprised: "Is it true?"

"It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words."

"Then who is that great god?"

Meng Shengnan smiled: "I still don't know his name, I just met him once."

"Sounds like enlightenment for epilepsy."

"He's much more handsome than Ji Dian."

"Better handsome than Chi Zheng?" Xue Lin interjected.


The girl smiled without answering, and asked instead, "Have you ever thought about having a boyfriend?"


"Isn't it?" Nie Jing asked.


At that time, Meng Shengnan was too innocent.

Later, before the evening self-study, she came back from memorizing outside, and Fu Song handed her his math test paper.

Meng Shengnan asked, "What are you doing for me?"

"I don't need this, you can review it."

"you do not need?"


"Then I'll copy the questions and return them to you."


Meng Shengnan smiled and started flipping through the test papers, just as Nie Jing also came in from the outside and approached her.

"Fu Song's math paper?"

Meng Shengnan made a 'hmm' sound.

Nie Jing said cautiously, "Can I have a look?"


At that time, she didn't expect that Nie Jing could use the test questions for nearly a night of self-study, and when it came back to her, it was almost after school. Meng Shengnan sighed a few times in his heart, and Nie Jing turned around and asked, "What's wrong with you, you look listless."

Meng Shengnan coughed and smiled, "It's okay."

Because she just recovered from a serious illness, Qi Qiao volunteered to be a driver for free for the past few days. So she obediently waited for Qi Qiao in the classroom. When the girl came, Nie Jing and her were the only ones left among them.

"Are you still leaving?" Nie Jing asked.

Meng Shengnan said 'Oh', "I'll go with my friends."

While talking, Qi Qiao came.

As soon as the girl approached, she put her arms around her and said with a smile, "How does it feel to be a new person?"

Meng Shengnan secretly poked her waist with his hand, Qi Qiao was afraid of itching, and immediately dodged away.

"It's so hard, be careful that I don't want you tonight."

Meng Shengnan rolled his eyes: "Rare."

The two were laughing and laughing, Nie Jing looked aside for a few seconds, and taking advantage of the time to stop talking, said: "Then I will go to Meng Shengnan first." The called person looked over and gave a soft 'um', "Goodbye."

The girl walked away, Qi Qiao carried Meng Shengnan's schoolbag, and the two went out.

"That girl just now—" Qi Qiao stopped in the middle of speaking.


"I can't say it, it just feels weird."

"well enough."

In the late autumn night, the two walked side by side on the sidewalk, and students in twos and threes around passed by from time to time. The lights on the side of the road shone brightly on the outer eaves of the entire teaching building, reflecting the science building at the front like a golden mountain.

When Meng Shengnan passed the building, he subconsciously glanced at the classroom.

Back for no reason.

Three days later, the results of all subjects have come down. Meng Shengnan missed four exams and fell to the bottom four in the class. Because of this, she didn't have test questions, so she could only copy the difficult points. That section was history. Nie Jing placed the test questions between the two of them, and while listening to them, pulled her to correct them. Meng Shengnan struggled to read them. After class, I was annoyed for some reason, so I got up and went to find Qi Qiao.

The science building is much more active than the liberal arts building.

During the break, students in twos and threes lying on the railing were chatting in high spirits. Meng Shengnan subconsciously stopped after Li (1○), glanced inside and then slowly went upstairs. Qi Qiao's shift was on the third floor, the girl was flirting with Song Jiashu, Meng Shengnan didn't dare to bother her, so she went downstairs and walked back.

Students pass by in the hallway.

As soon as Meng Shengnan went down to the first floor and turned around, he saw a figure. When she went upstairs, there was no one there, but now a group of boys had already gathered at the end of the corridor, laughing and joking. From a distance, I saw him standing in the middle with a cigarette in his hand. Meng Shengnan took a deep breath, he was really brave, and he wasn't afraid of being caught by the dean. She looked at it for a while, and the boy bit the cigarette in his mouth and smiled sullenly.

Besides him, there was also the boy who played lol with him in the Internet cafe that day.

Several people hooked their shoulders together, and someone snorted and laughed: "Shi Jin, with your expression, tsk tsk, tell me how much money you lost?"

Shi Jin was leaning on his shoulders, shaking his head and sighing: "I'll go home tonight without being beaten."

A boy said "Go, go, go": "You still have a 50 in the math test."

A group of people laughed.

Shi Jin patted him on the shoulder: "I said Chi Zheng, you worked hard this time, the math is close to 140, it's English, tsk tsk, brother, I'm really embarrassed to say that."

"How much did you take?" the boy next to him joked.

The boy who was asked was biting his cigarette and smiled casually: "Twenty-seven."

A group of students simply laughed.

"Okay bro."

Shi Jin: "Li Yan's English is not very good, I'll make it up for you."

The boy took down the pod a few times, smiled and said nothing.

Shi Jin: "Brother, I don't have the beauty you have, hey."

It was laughing again.

Meng Shengnan's voice was sour, she turned and left after taking a few glances. As she walked, she searched for Li Yan's ranking on the report card she saw this afternoon. It seemed to be 17 in the whole class. English

In the classroom, she asked Fu Song.

"How many?"

Fu Song frowned, "Should I know?"

Meng Shengnan pouted: "..."

After a while, Fu Song called her, and Meng Shengnan turned around.

"What's wrong?"

Fu Song said: "79."

For a moment, Meng Shengnan thought of the meaningful smile on the corner of the boy's mouth.