The Flower of Youth Blooms when He Smiles

Chapter 8


During that time, it was rainy in late autumn.

It's already November, and it's less than twenty days before the deadline for the new concept preliminary contest. Meng Shengnan wrote a 2000-word short story and drew a 200-word outline, but from the beginning to the end, she was not satisfied no matter what.

So, write and delete.

In short, she was annoyed at everything, her manuscripts were not new, she couldn't put much effort into her studies, and she always lost track of things in class, she didn't know what to think, and her nerves were always tense. On Saturday, she locked herself in the room again to change the outline of a new theme. Her hair fell out badly. If she didn't have any remaining willpower to not give up and not achieve her goal, she would probably have died young by now.

When I was a child, I liked to read books of all kinds. Later, she had an idea, and Sheng Dian encouraged her to write it herself.

Meng Jin asked literary friends to recommend dozens of juvenile books for this purpose, and then it got out of hand. Later, when I read O. Henry Maupassant, I fell in love with satire, so I practiced imitation by myself, but the truth is naive no matter how you look at it.

At fifteen, she started writing stories.

Sheng Dian said that in order to write about the ordinary world, Lu Yao lived in the countryside of Yan'an for three years. The thatched hut was accompanied by rain at night, and he lit the lamp and fought without sleep. Hence the book that starts at noon in the morning. So, Meng Shengnan began to contribute realistically. Selected a few articles, almost all of which disappeared. The grand ceremony also said that literature was booming in the 1930s and 1940s. Shen Congwen in a ten-square-meter house was full of steamed buns, pickles, and hunger every day. He lived on the charity of his friends for three years before anyone appreciated him. You are only fifteen years old, and you have nothing to worry about. .

At the age of seventeen, she participated in the second year of New Concept.

The first time I didn't get any titles, but fortunately I made a few like-minded friends, so I didn't lose. In the middle of the night, there was crackling outside the window, and Meng Shengnan's thoughts were interrupted. When he opened the window, it was raining. A few drops splashed on the cheeks, more than half awake. The penguin beeps in the lower right corner of the computer.

Someone is online.

Wufeng Lianyeyu and Ghost Painting Talisman chattered in the group of six of them.

Jiang Lang just came out: What about the middle of the night

Guihuafu: I miss you.

Every night rain in the house: brother too.

Zhang Yiyan: What's the situation with the three of you

Ghost painting talisman: Beauty, come out without saying hello, call brother to listen

It rains all night in the house: Same as above.

Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted: Same as above.

Zhang Yiyan: Bring your faces closer.

These three children: Huh

Zhang Yiyan slapped right away—absolutely.

Meng Shengnan couldn't help laughing at the screen. The smile didn't last for a second, and the group burst into laughter.

Guihuafu: Meng Shengnan, you don't talk online again, right

Meng Shengnan's nerves tensed.

Wufeng Lianyeyu: Nanmeier, the only well-educated and sensible girl in our group of six, can you tell me something for my brother

Zhang Yiyan: Who doesn't know how to speak well, why don't you try saying something again

Meng Shengnan laughed.

Gui Huafu: Damn, this guy Zhou Ningzhi is not online either.

Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted: Xiaomeng is not here, he must retreat.

Meng Shengnan took a deep breath, and quickly showed up when the joke was too big: Good evening, all heroes and beauties.

These three heroes directly sent a sentence: Damn it!

Jiang Lang just laughed out loud: Public opinion is still powerful.

Meng Shengnan: "..."

The five people started chatting all over the place again, and then they even talked about Zhou Ningzhi helping the editor to review the manuscript.

At that time, Zhang Yiyan went for a stroll in No. 675, and saw the manuscripts sent from all over the country in the corridor spread all over the floor, and he was dizzy when he saw this situation for the first time. I happened to meet Zhou Ningzhi that day, and Zhang Yiyan said that he was seriously reviewing the manuscript without even looking up at her, and wanted to beat him up at that time, and several people in the group unanimously sent a laughing emoji.

Then ask her and then what

Zhang Yiyan said that there were several other male editors who were also reviewing the manuscript at that time, and they chatted casually. At that time, many manuscripts were handwritten, and personal life photos were posted on the registration form. When you see a beautiful woman, the male editor's eyes are all blooming and they take turns to look at it. Only Zhou Ningzhi lowered his head, which is so simple.

Everyone laughed again.

Zhang Yiyan: If I expose his personal affairs, will he beat me up

Guihuafu: Out of affection for you, I won't sit idly by.

It rains all night in the house: Same as above.

Jiang Lang's talents are exhausted: brother is timid, you can't beat brother, so I can pass you a stick.

Meng Shengnan's stomach ached from laughing.

These people sprayed him unanimously: Get lost.

At the end of the chat, we will return to the topic: the progress of the manuscript. It turned out that apart from her, those goods had been sent out eight hundred years ago. Except for Zhang Yiyan, everyone has an average of five servings. So, under their prodding, Meng Shengnan went to the city library to borrow books to find inspiration the next day.

Later, the inspiration was not found, but I met Fu Song.

He and she stood by a row of bookshelves, one to the left and the other to the right. This person is really serious in doing things, the distance between his head and every page of the book is equidistant, and the time for turning pages is still equal.

Meng Shengnan didn't dare to bother her, so she borrowed a few books and left the library. After a few steps, she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Why are you walking so fast?" Fu Song said and had already moved to her side.

Meng Shengnan coughed, "Why did you come out?"

"Why didn't you call me just now?"

"You look so seriously, do you still have a life if I tell you?"

Fu Song glanced at her leisurely: "From a psychological point of view, your thinking is obviously too nervous. As far as I know, we have known each other for 52 days. Although we don't talk about everything, it can be regarded as helping each other. You Generally speaking, his personality is not bad, and the above conclusion, if you just said hello, I will not let you die, and maybe I can give you some pertinent advice on borrowing books."


"What advice?" she asked.

Fu Song looked down at the book in her arms: "One Hundred Years of Solitude, Paradise Lost, Red and Black, Decameron, Border Town?"

"Well, is there a problem?"

"Four plus one?"

Meng Shengnan: "What's wrong?"

"You are sixteen years old, not suitable for watching Paradise Lost."


Fu Song looked at her for a while before saying, "You're still a little young."

Meng Shengnan glanced at him up and down: "Aren't you also seventeen, big?"

"bigger than you."

Meng Shengnan took out Paradise Lost and shook it in front of his eyes.

"you saw it?"


"What are you talking about?"

He paused for a second.


Meng Shengnan's mouth opened into a ○ shape: "Philosophy Mouse, you are really not an ordinary person."

Because it was a famous book, and she had borrowed it out at that time, she couldn't return it as soon as it left the library. So, Meng Shengnan used this as an excuse. Fu Song said solemnly: "Then you can lend me this book."


"Let me know when you return the book, and I will return the book to you."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

That's okay too

"Aren't you good at mathematics and have a few types of questions? I have time to talk to you tomorrow Monday."

Meng Shengnan: "..."

Threats, threats.

After a long time, Meng Shengnan went to university. I accidentally saw this book borrowed from the school library. That night I lay on the bedside and read it by the lamp, but I blushed and my heart beat before I read a few pages. At that time, she had to thank Fu Songduo for giving her several years of innocence.

When they arrived at school on Monday, neither of them mentioned what happened yesterday.

Fu Song still gave her lectures, with a meticulous and serious expression.

Nie Jing also came over: "I don't know how to do this question either, Fu Song, please speak slowly."

The boy paused, and his speech slowed down slightly.

When Meng Shengnan heard that he understood half of it, he turned around to verify it. Nie Jing was still listening to Fu Song, and after a few minutes, she turned around and whispered to Meng Shengnan, "He still speaks a little fast, do you understand, please tell me again."

So, I talked about a topic for nearly ten minutes.

The third quarter in the afternoon was physical education class, and Meng Shengnan's mouth was already parched. During the courseware break, everyone went to the small playground, and she went to the pool to get hot water to drink. I met an old classmate from the first year of high school and chatted for a while. Seeing that class was about to start, I hurried back to the classroom to put a water glass.

The classroom was too quiet, only Li Yan and the monitor were left, not knowing what to say.

As soon as she entered the classroom, the conversation stopped. Li Yan had an awkward and disgusted expression on his face. The monitor glanced at Li Yan and left the classroom sideways. Meng Shengnan couldn't describe that look. She stood on the seat and dawdled.

"Hey, you don't have physical education class?" The girl called to stop her who was at the table.

Meng Shengnan was stunned for a moment, as if this was the first conversation between the two since the beginning of school. The girl started with '呀', obviously didn't know her name, but she had a sweet smile on her face.

"Aren't you in gym class?" the girl asked again.

Meng Shengnan let out an 'oh', and hurriedly replied, "Let's go now."

"The preparation bell is ringing, hurry up."

Meng Shengnan was a little surprised by the girl's sudden eagerness: "—what about you?"

"Wait for someone to go."

Meng Shengnan was a little strange, but still nodded with a smile, and then left the classroom. But until she walked out of the teaching building, she looked back, the girl didn't come out at all, did she skip class? Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for

In the physical education class, the teacher said a few words casually and moved freely.

Meng Shengnan was called by Xue Lin to play badminton. In the afterglow of the setting sun, there were lively running figures everywhere on the small playground. Nie Jing was counting the balls and saw that Meng Shengnan was absent-minded, so she asked her, "What are you thinking about, there is one ball left."


After fighting for several rounds in a row, Meng Shengnan never won at all, and was always finished as soon as he played.

Nie Jing: "You used to play pretty well, are you okay?"

Xue Lin: "That's right, what's wrong?"

Meng Shengnan shook his head, thought for a while and said, "Go ahead and fight. I'll come back to the classroom to drink some water and rest."

I don't know if it's because of the bewilderment or something else, maybe in Fu Song's words, it's really a psychological problem. Ever since she heard Li Yan say 'wait for someone', Meng Shengnan couldn't concentrate.

In the teaching building, there are the sounds of teachers lecturing and the noise of students.

Meng Shengnan felt very quiet, she approached the classroom she had just left little by little, stepping up the stairs step by step. With every step your heart beats faster.

The last step, the back door of the classroom.

Before he got close, he heard low breathing from inside. The flirting between men and women, the girl's soft and coquettish voice, and the sound of breathing that seemed to grow prickly, spread to Meng Shengnan's ears bit by bit.

"Miss me?" The boy's voice was low and hoarse.

"In no mood."

"Really don't want to?" After the boy asked, the girl moaned, and the boy smiled softly.

"Move your hands." The girl protested, her voice still sweet and delicate.

"Where did I move, here, here, or—?" The boy lowered his voice.

"Yeah, Chi Zheng."


"People are shy."

The boy lowered his head slightly, and said two words in the girl's ear.

The girl blushed, and rubbed against his chest to bury her face even tighter.

At that time, it seemed that the surrounding breathing slowed down. Meng Shengnan didn't hear what he said at the end, just hearing what he said already made her blush and her heart beat. For a moment, she felt that she was sick, why did she come here like a fool just because of that girl's words. He is the person who I occasionally think of whether I really want to verify and wait, and it is also him who I want to meet every time I look forward to guitar lessons.

Almost immediately turned around and fled.