The Flowers are Blooming in Colour

Chapter 49: When I ate this king tofu, I didn't see you being reserved


Hua Laoyue stared at his chest muscles blankly, blushing after a long while.

This guy deserves to be a martial artist, even if he has a crippled figure, he is still so good.

"Ahem..." Hua Laoyue deliberately ignored his chest muscles and began to help him change his clothes. It's just that he is inconvenient to move, she still took a lot of effort to help him change his clothes.

Hua Laoyue stared at his pants and blushed uncomfortably.

This guy will never ask her to help change his pants.

Seeing her blushing, Jun Moran sneered: "Last night you hugged and hugged this king. When you ate this king's tofu, you didn't see you so reserved!"

If this picture is full of emotion, Ren Hua Laoyue instantly thought of the first picture she saw when she opened her eyes.

Looking at someone's place uncontrollably, Hua Laoyue's face flushed again suddenly: "I, didn't I fall asleep? I didn't mean it."

Hua Laoyue put on pants for him before her face was red, knowing that his hip had just been sprained, Hua Laoyue was careful and careful, and her movements were gentle and gentle.

Jun Moran looked at Hua Laoyue's serious and pure face, and his deep eyes shook.

After finally putting on his pants, Hua Laoyue helped him up: "Does the prince's leg still hurt today?"

"I was pressed by someone all night, how could it not hurt!" Jun Moran said Liangliang.

Hua Laoyue had a black line in an instant. This vengeful and poisonous guy, his legs would definitely not hurt anymore, but she was very confident in her acupuncture and moxibustion!

"Tonight is New Year's Eve. Prepare for a reunion dinner tonight." Jun Moran looked at Hua Laoyue and said.

Hua Lao Yue raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Today is New Year's Eve!"

She has traveled for so long without paying attention to time.

Jun Moran gave her a glance: "Tomorrow is the first day of the new year, and of course today is New Year's Eve."

"So it's the Chinese New Year!" Hua Laoyue suddenly became a little excited.

"You like Chinese New Year very much?" Jun Moran slanted her, not understanding her excitement.

Hua Laoyue raised her small eyebrows: "Of course, the New Year will be so lively, we can hang more beautiful lights in the house, and it will be festive to look at!"

Jun Moran's eyes warmed and warmed: "Then leave it to you. You can arrange it as you want."

"The prince can rest assured, the concubines must arrange them carefully." Hua Laoyue was too happy, and didn't want to stay here.

Lord, rest and rest, and the concubines will go to prepare the things for the dinner. "

Hua Laoyue went out without waiting for Jun Mo Ran to speak.

"Wang Concubine." At the door, Li Qing Liluo hurriedly saluted.

"Go and invite the housekeeper." Hua Laoyue looked at Li Luo and ordered.

"Yes." Li Luo replied, and immediately invited the butler over.

"See the princess!" The butler did not dare to disrespect Hua Laoyue, the first woman to enter the ink shadow hall.

Hua Laoyue sipped the tea that Liqing had given, and set the princess's style in full, before she said: "The prince asked the princess to arrange the reunion banquet tonight. How is the usual reunion banquet in the palace arranged and what are the specifications?"

The housekeeper was stunned, and the prince actually handed the reunion banquet to the princess. Is the princess wanting the princess to take charge of the house

Thinking about this, the butler did not dare to neglect Hua Laoyue, and hurriedly replied respectfully: "The reunion banquet was previously arranged by the concubine, and the previous records are still there. The old slave will go to the concubine Mei to get the account book."

Hua Laoyue waved, the housekeeper bowed and stepped back.

Appreciating Plum Garden.

When Concubine Mei heard the butler's request, her face instantly sank: "The prince wants to hand over the evening reunion banquet to Hua Lao Yue, but the concubine on this side has almost arranged it."

He understood that Concubine Mei called Hua Laoyue's name directly. The housekeeper frowned and bowed again: "This is what the prince meant. Please don't embarrass the old slave."

"The prince, what does he mean? My concubine has managed the palace conscientiously for so many years and has never made a mistake. How can he..."

"Niangniang..." Before she could finish her words of frustration, Concubine Mei side was torn at her clothes by Dong'er.

Dong'er blinked at Concubine Mei, motioning her not to panic.

Concubine Mei took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and looked at Dong'er and said, "Hurry up and find out the account book."

"Yes." Dong'er replied and went to look for the account book.

Soon, Dong'er took the account book and handed it to the housekeeper.

"Thank you for the concubine." The butler took the account book, thanked him, and retired.

As soon as the housekeeper left, Concubine Mei was so angry that she threw the tea cup: "Damn Hua Lao Yue!"

Dong'er shook her eyes and sighed deliberately: "I heard that the prince asked the princess to sleep again yesterday. This princess must have blown the ears of the prince to the prince, so the prince will

Let her buy the reunion banquet. "

Upon hearing this, Concubine Mei froze her hair again in an instant: "You said that the prince asked Hua Lao Yue to go to bed last night."

Dong'er lowered his head with trepidation: "Yesterday the prince asked the princess to go to Mo Ying Xuan. The servants were also afraid that you would be angry, so they didn't say anything!"

"Damn it!" Concubine Mei was so angry that she pushed all the things on the table to the ground, and she was in a mess, "This damn Hua Lao Yue will seduce the prince!"

Concubine Mei is mad with jealousy, but the prince has never allowed women to enter Mo Ying Xuan. Not to mention these women in the backyard, not a single maid can enter, but Hua Laoyue, a bitch, keeps coming in again and again. Three places entered Mo Ying Xuan. But he wanted to go in and eat with the prince yesterday, but the prince refused.

The more she thought about it, the more jealous she became, and she dropped a few vases.

Seeing this, Dong'er took the opportunity to step forward: "Mother, we can't let that woman seduce the prince anymore, otherwise the housekeeper will ask for an account book today, and the whole account book will come tomorrow."

Concubine Mei's eyes shone sharply, and she squeezed her fists: "You are right, you must not just let her win the prince's favor."

The corner of Dong'er's lips conjured up a triumphant smile, and stepped forward again: "The slave servant has an idea that will definitely make the prince abandon Hua Lao Yue."

Concubine Mei was immediately excited: "You said."

Dong'er immediately leaned in to Concubine Mei’s ear and whispered. The more she listened to Concubine Mei’s eyes, the brighter her eyes became. After hearing it, she became proud as if she had already seen the results. ."

Concubine Mei glanced at Dong'er with admiration: "I'll leave this to you to take care of it. I'll clean up the matter for my concubine. No handle is allowed."

"The servant girl understands." Dong'er immediately responded.

In the middle of the night, Dong'er walked into the Mozhu Forest in the backyard in the dark, where there was already a man in a cloak waiting for her.

"Master, Concubine Mei has already taken the bait, and the subordinates gave her an idea according to your instructions. She asked the slave and maid to do it at the reunion dinner tomorrow." Dong'er saluted the man before reporting.

The man nodded: "You did a good job, just do what she said. Hua Laoyue has been proud of it for too long."

"Subordinates understand." Dong'er replied, and quietly exited Mo Zhu Lin.

The man raised his eyes and looked at the night sky, with a smug and weird smile on the corner of his lips.

(End of this chapter)