The Flowers are Blooming in Colour

Chapter 64: The prince spoils me, he spoils me


When Hua Laoyue returned to Dongyuan, she was so tired that she crawled into the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, Hua Laoyue slept until three poles in the sun before getting up.

Forsythia and Lily of the valley came over to wash her up with a basin.

"Is there a guard at the gate of Beiyuan today?" Hua Laoyue asked casually thinking of what happened last night.

"Miss, you mean Dong Shiwei and Shi Wei!" Forsythia combed Hua Laoyue's hair while saying: "Dong Shiwei and Shi Shiwei have been transferred back to Mo Ying Xuan, they are no longer here to guard the door."

Hua Laoyue was a little excited, and she was transferred back to Mo Ying Xuan: "So let's be free."

Forsythia and Lily of the valley looked at each other and murmured: "In fact, the slaves have always been quite free."

And if it wasn't for the young lady who did a stupid thing before, the prince wouldn't keep her in custody.

Hua Laoyue has a black line, well, all are free, and she is the only one who is not free when co-authoring.

Anyway? There is no guard in Leng Yuan, which is a great thing. It will be much more convenient for her to run even if she wants to.

The most important thing for her now is to remember all the roads of the palace, so that she really has to run away in the future and will not dig wrong dog holes again.

She was free immediately, and Hua Laoyue immediately went out to stroll around the garden, looking for opportunities to run away by the way.

In the garden, Concubine Mei was drinking tea with Madam Lan. Seeing Hua Laoyue came over, Madam Lan quickly got up: "See the princess."

Concubine Mei side reluctantly got up to Hua Lao Yue and blessed her body.

Hua Laoyue had a headache when she saw Concubine Mei. She originally didn't want to care about them, but everyone took the initiative to say hello. She ignored people and couldn't make it clear, so she went into the pavilion: "What are the two sisters doing!"

"The spring plum blossoms in the garden are well, and my concubine is enjoying the flowers with sister Mei." Madam Lan replied with a bow.

Hua Laoyue raised her eyebrows and looked at the plum blossoms: "The plum blossoms are beautiful, but they are not as beautiful as the two sisters."

Hearing the words, Concubine Mei suddenly sneered: "What about Jiaoyan? This someone is occupying the prince every day, and the beautiful flowers in our backyard are afraid that they can only wither by themselves."

Hua Laoyue was not angry at all, and she waved her kerchief and stroked her temples and said: "The side concubine is really wronging the princess. This princess also knows that since the princess entered the mansion, she has only been favored by the prince, and there are so many younger sisters in the backyard. , The prince only favored the princess, this is not the princess also persuaded the prince many times, let him remember the sisters in the backyard, let him

Lu Junzhan, but the prince doesn't listen. Lord, he spoils me, he spoils me. Why do you think this is called the princess love? "

Hua Laoyue's words instantly angered Concubine Mei and almost made her pigtails.

Madam Lan was worried that Concubine Mei had said the wrong thing and offended Hua Laoyue, but her face turned green when she heard such words.

Looking at the two angrily noses and mouths, Hua Laoyue felt very funny, and continued to pretend to touch her waist and said: "It's not that the prince also summoned the princess last night, the princess stayed with the princess all night, the princess has a small waist Ah, I'm about to toss and break, I'm really tired!"

The sense of the picture that came from the floor instantly impacted all the sanity of Concubine Mei: "Hua Laoyue, what do you mean?"

Seeing the turbulent appearance of Concubine Mei, she knew she was angry. Hua Laoyue raised her eyes lightly: "What is the meaning of this princess? This is not the concubine side sister who said it by herself. Justify yourself."

"Hua Lao Yue, you..." Mei Fang was so angry that she wanted to scratch Hua Hua Lao Yue's fox face.

Hearing her calling her by name again, Hua Laoyue's lips were smiling, but her eyes were a little bit cold. She slammed forward and squeezed Concubine Mei’s face hard: "What a beautiful face. It’s a pity that our prince doesn’t like it. You say you are a concubine, but you are fighting with a cock every day. Who do you want to fight? The princess sees that you haven’t figured out your identity until now. The princess doesn’t mind reminding you again. Once again, you are just a concubine, a concubine that the princess can sell at any time."

"Dare you!" When she heard that she was about to be sold, Concubine Mei suddenly looked anxious.

She was the daughter of the Guogong Mansion anyway, so she didn't believe she dared to sell her at will.

The strength in Hua Lao Yue's hand increased steadily, and the concubine Mei could not say a word in pain.

"Do you dare to see this princess dare?" Hua Laoyue looked at Concubine Mei with a gloomy look. "If you dare to make small moves behind the princess, the princess promises to sell you to the west to change the horse."

Hua Laoyue said, violently throwing away the concubine Mei.

As soon as Concubine Mei fell to sit on the ground, she looked at Hua Laoyue numbly, her face full of astonishment.

What does she mean? How did she know that she was making small moves behind her? What did she know

Madam Lan didn’t expect Hua Laoyue to be so powerful. Her emotions changed from just now.

The jealousy, the panic until now, are all written on the face.

Hua Laoyue glanced at Mrs. Lan lightly: "Since Sister Lan has a good relationship with Sister Concubine, Sister Lan also persuaded her not to do this.

Mrs. Lan shook her head in fear, trying to say that she was not familiar with Concubine Mei, but all the words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

"Okay, let the two younger sisters enjoy the flowers here, the princess will continue to visit the garden." Hua Laoyue is not interested in ****ing them here, besides, these are not her opponents at all.

Hua Laoyue patted her butt and left, leaving Madam Lan and Concubine Mei still immersed in her prestige, unable to extricate themselves.

After molesting the two women, Hua Laoyue continued to go to the garden, but she didn't know that someone was following her all the way.

In the evening, after dinner, Hua Laoyue was thinking about changing the dressing of Jun Mo Dye. She stayed up until midnight before sneaking out of Leng Yuan and going to Mo Ying Xuan in a familiar way.

This time, Hua Laoyue brought a small flower shovel specially to dig a dog hole.

When the shovel went away, Hua Laoyue was stunned.

Hey, the soil seems to be loosened a lot today. She is really smart, but fortunately she didn't deliberately press it down when she buried the soil, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy.

Working hard to squeeze her fat ass into the dog hole, Hua Laoyue went to Jun Moran's room with her toes on her toes.

Secretly closing the door, Hua Laoyue walked to the bed lightly, but she was instantly dumbfounded.

In the moonlight, someone's bronze skin seemed to be brushed with honey, and it was crystal clear, almost blinding Hua Lao Yue's eyes.

There are also those chest muscles and eight-pack abdominal muscles that rise and fall with someone's breathing, making Hua Laoyue subconsciously block her nose.

Damn it, this guy turned out to be fucked today!

And isn't this guy crippled? The muscles are so good for the hair.

Hua Laoyue couldn't help but poked his full chest muscles.

Good Q, this feels great too.

Fingers crossed his dogwood, Jun Moran suffocated his breath, and his body trembled uncontrollably, almost exposed.

The hand feels so good that Hua Laoyue immediately stretched out the wolf's claws and touched someone from top to bottom.

Jun Moran held his breath, clutching the bed sheet tightly.

Damn woman, she must be on purpose!

Finally, Jun Mo Ran couldn't help it anymore, and he suddenly turned over.

(End of this chapter)