The Foolish Gong was Reborn

Chapter 37: He is light (one more)


At this time, a woman suddenly appeared at the door. She had red eyes, an ugly face, and her hair was disheveled like a ghost. She said loudly: "Zhong Yiming! Come out for me!!"

Her voice was so hysterical that the classroom, which had been lively just now, was instantly quiet.

Everyone looked at Zhong Yiming in unison.

Zhong Yiming stood up slowly, as if he had a premonition, and his face turned pale first.

Zhong Yiming went out, called the woman "Mom", and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Yi sneered, "What? I can't come to your school yet? I worked so hard to feed you, feed you, clothe you, and study. That's how you treat me? If I hadn't asked the person who repaired the computer to check your computer, I didn't know you were a pervert!!"

Zhong Yiming's face was finally pale to the point of no blood, and his voice trembled, "Have you seen my computer?"

Zhao Yi slapped him violently and cried, "I really raised you in vain, how could you treat me like this, how could you and your father treat me like this!"

Her cries have attracted the attention of many classmates. These curious and inquiring eyes made Zhong Yiming's face even more ugly, and his eyes turned red. He softened his tone and said anxiously to Zhao Yi: "Mom, yes Let's go back and talk, okay?"

Zhao Yi screamed: "Why, you are afraid of losing face now! You are afraid of losing face if you dare to do it?? My dad and I are both normal people, how did you give birth to a pervert!!"

After being punctured by the word "perverted" again and again, Zhong Yiming's pale face suddenly flushed red again, and his volume increased a bit, "Mom!" Then his tone dropped suddenly, in a pleading tone. Said: "Mom, if you have anything to say, go back and talk, I will listen to you, don't make trouble at school, okay?"

"You told me not to make trouble? Do you think I'm making trouble? You want me to go back, but I won't go back!" After speaking, he beat his chest and cried, "I really did something wrong in my last life, my son actually likes it. Man!! I like men! What's the point of my life, I'll just die!"

The blood in Zhong Yiming's whole body seems to be rushing towards his brain. His face is extremely blood red, his eyes are desperate, his ears are roaring, and he can no longer hear other people's voices, "Mom..."

With trembling lips, he called out Zhao Yi's name.

Zhao Yi shouted: "Don't call my mother, I think you are disgusting!"

"You're so disgusting, what's wrong with you? You like men!? You're really shameless when you look at those things! You've lost all my face!"

You dare to do it and you are afraid of losing face? You won't let me say I'm partial, I can't say that my son is gay? How can I have a son like you? If your dad finds out, he will blame me for not giving birth! You pervert! It's all your fault that I divorced your father! Your dad must have found out that you are a pervert, no wonder he doesn't want you! "

Zhao Yi cried like a shrew in the market, no more ladylike manners.

In Zhao Yi's non-stop insulting sound, Zhong Yiming only felt his heart beat fast and his whole body became weak. The whispers of his classmates poured into his ears, some surprise and disbelief, as well as ridicule novelty, etc. The last and biggest secret was that the last protective cover was ruthlessly stripped off by the person closest to him, exposing him to everyone and becoming a laughing stock for everyone.

His brain was dizzy, and waves of despair came to him, which made him think that death is liberation, his eyes fell on the balcony, they were on the fifth floor, as long as they jumped, they could get rid of Zhao Yina Vicious insults, those sharp-edged eyes, can maintain his last dignity, just jump down...

His hurried gaze finally passed through the crowd, but he saw Xie Chongxing's beautiful and calm face. He didn't see contempt on his face, no, he was still as calm as ever.

This calm slightly infected Zhong Yiming, and it also made his dazed brain a little sober.

At this moment, a tall figure squeezed out of the crowd, and the sun shone on him, coating his handsome face with a faint golden light. His appearance was so outstanding that he could easily attract everyone's attention. Looking at him, he interrupted Zhao Yi's insults loudly, "Auntie, what you said is wrong! What's wrong with homosexuality, homosexuality is abnormal, isn't it? Is this what you define as abnormal?"

Everyone was watching the excitement, but no one expected to jump out, and everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Zhongyue.

Zhao Yi also stopped insulting, her face was full of tears, and she couldn't see Qin Zhongyue's face, but what he said irritated her, "You don't have back pain when you stand and talk! If your son is gay, you can still say it. Such a thing? This kind of person is a pervert!"

Qin Zhongyue said angrily, "Why is it perverted? Where is it perverted? Sexuality is a choice. If someone else can choose the opposite sex, he can't choose the same sex? Hello, it makes no sense, and even if you think you are perverted, you can't. Go home and say? The college entrance examination is coming in a few days, so you attacked and insulted your son in front of so many people? Is he really your own son? You won't be a stepmother, right?"

As he spoke, he showed an expression of sudden realization, "You are the stepmother, right? No wonder, the stepmother can make sense. If he can't think of it and jumps off the fifth floor, you will be happy, you will definitely be happy, after all, it is the stepmother. what."

Zhao Yi was angry, "What are you talking about? He is my son!! My son!"

Qin Zhongyue said, "If you kiss your son, then kiss your son. What are you doing so nervously? People who don't know really think you are a stepmother, and deliberately try to make a son's mentality at such a time."

Zhao Yi was almost led astray by him, "... Who are you! I teach my son what's your business!"

Qin Zhongyue raised his chest and said loudly, "I'm a good classmate of your son! His business is mine, auntie, your idea of liking men is perverted is too narrow and extreme, what's wrong with liking men! Let me tell you this! I like men too!"

Saying such words, he still has a clear-eyed, frank, and even a little bit of pride

Zhao Yi: "..."

Zhong Yiming: "..."

He looked at Qin Zhongyue in disbelief, tears flashing in his eyes.

Xie Chongxing also stood up at this time, cleared his throat, and said, "I like men too."

As soon as he opened his mouth, some boys stood up one after another, initially with a playful attitude, but the more people there were, the inexplicably assembled a force.

"I like men too!"

"Yes! Me too!"

"What's wrong with homosexuality! It's okay for people to be happy, and it doesn't hinder you."

"I think I like men too!"

"What a good boy, you don't have to buy a lipstick bag, save more money."

"Fart, boys spend more money, and then they have to buy cars for others to make them happy."

"Hahahaha you are right."

Zhao Yi looked at these people and screamed: "You are all crazy, do you think it is an honorable thing to like a man? This kind of person is a pervert and a scum of society!"

Qin Zhongyue said, "Auntie, you have this kind of thought. After a few years, the same sex can get married. Wouldn't you be even more crazy?"

Zhao Yi said: "Impossible! Stop dreaming, how can a man and a man get married! You're laughing to death when you have such a whimsical dream!"

Qin Zhongyue gave a "tsk" and said, "Wait first."

He took out his mobile phone and began to search for questions skillfully, because he was fast enough, so when Zhao Yi hadn't spoken yet, he stared at the phone and read aloud: "In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association officially announced that homosexuality would be banned. Homosexuality is no longer listed as a mental disorder by removing the disease classification. In 1990, the World Health Organization classification of diseases removed homosexuality from the list of diseases and designated May 17 every year as "International Day Against Homophobia". Even in our country, It was removed from the Chinese standard in 2001."

He put down his phone, looked around, and finally set his eyes on Zhao Yi, and said loudly: "Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a natural choice, it is a freedom of choice, if you don't understand, auntie, you should read more, and if you read more, you will not be able to There is a narrow idea of 'homosexuality is a pervert'. You will not make your son heterosexual, but will expose your ignorance and prejudice. I think uncle will divorce you, not because of Zhong Yiming, his excellent people For all to see, my uncle would be proud of him instead of forcing him to die like you did."

Zhao Yi screamed: "You are talking nonsense! How did your parents teach you? Who told you to talk to your elders like this! Are you polite!"

Qin Zhongyue said sincerely, "my parents taught me not to be polite to crazy people."

Zhao Yi was so angry that Qin Zhongyue looked at Zhong Yiming again, "If you want, you can ask your father what he thinks of you."

Zhong Yiming paused and did not move for a while.

Qin Zhongyue said: "this is really not a big problem. Now that everyone knows it, you can ask your father frankly, do you want to bet on this?"

Zhong Yiming asked, "Does it make sense?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "It doesn't make any sense. If your father can see it, then you can be angry with your mother. If your father can't see it..."

He pondered for a moment, "The two are angry together?"

There were still tears in Zhong Yiming's eyes, but a smile appeared on his face. He looked deeply at Qin Zhongyue and said, "Okay."

He took out his cell phone and called Father Zhong.

Father Zhong picked it up quickly, still caring about his son's tone, he asked, "Yiming, is there something wrong?"

Zhong Yiming's voice was a little choked, "Dad, what would you do if I like men?"

Father Zhong: "Like men? What do you mean?"

Zhong Yiming said: "I am gay."

Father Zhong was silent for a long time before he said, "Forget it, just be happy yourself, I don't care about that, and there is no throne for you to inherit in the family, but family harmony is the most important thing, don't lie to girls to marry you and have children in the future. "

Zhong Yiming's heart was beating violently, and he asked incredulously, "Dad, don't you scold me?"

Father Zhong said: "I don't want to scold you, but if you have a problem, I have more problems than you, but one thing, don't let your mother know, protect yourself, and don't doubt yourself because of the denial from the outside, just be happy. "

He added: "If your mother finds out and she can't accept it, don't worry about it. You have another home in this world. If you can't make it through, come to my side."

Zhong Yiming's tears couldn't stop, but there was a smile in his eyes, "Thank you Dad."

He hung up the phone and looked at Zhao Yi.

The speaker was turned on just now, and everyone heard it.

Zhao Yi's chest rose and fell violently, her face was pale, and she stopped screaming.

Qin Zhongyue said, "You hear it, your dad is still very open-minded, don't think about it."

Zhong Yiming was startled, then looked at Qin Zhongyue again.

It turns out that he has noticed the idea of killing himself just now

His eyes fell on Xie Chongxing again, did he see it too

Zhong Yiming was very ashamed, he actually wanted to jump off the building for this kind of thing.

If Qin Zhongyue hadn't stood up, would he have really jumped

He still has a great life. He hasn't taken the college entrance examination yet, and he hasn't seen the wider world yet. How could he fall at this time

Zhong Yiming finally achieved peace of mind. He finally looked at Zhao Yi and said calmly, "Mom, I like men. If you can't accept it, I will tell Dad and I will go to him."

"I will never show up in front of you."

He has infinite courage, which is the courage given to him by his classmates behind him and his father. He asked word by word, "Mom, what is your choice?"