The Foolish Gong was Reborn

Chapter 38: You are the only master of mythological atmosphere (two more)


Zhao Yi screamed: "Crazy, you are all crazy, your father is also a pervert, your father and son are in the same group, I was deceived by you! If I knew this, I should strangle you as soon as you were born!"

Her face was so hideous that people around her backed away a few steps, for fear that she would go crazy and beat them.

At this time, the dean of education arrived late, and everyone gave way to him, and he said solemnly: "This parent, there is something you can go back and say, there are still twenty days before the college entrance examination, the child's Mentality and emotions are the most important, you can't comfort them, and don't add tension to your child."

After finishing speaking, two female teachers came over and held her, "It's almost time for class, tell us if you have anything to say."

Zhao Yi saw these two beautiful female teachers approaching, and her eyes subconsciously showed a bit of hostility and panic. She quickly arranged her messy hair with her fingers, turned her head and said to Zhong Yiming: "You come home with me! Go, if you have such a problem, you are too embarrassed to go out, you are not ashamed! Hurry up and follow me!"

Zhong Yiming was very disappointed with her, and felt very chilled. There was less than a month before the college entrance examination. Even if she knew his secret, she couldn't wait for more than 12 days before questioning him? They also have to make trouble at the school, and everyone knows the trouble.

Zhong Yiming took a deep breath, held back his sourness, and said to Zhao Yi, "I see, I will go to my father's place."

When Father Zhong cheated, Zhong Yiming felt that his mother was greatly hurt. Even if Father Zhong wanted him to follow him, he did not agree, but insisted on following his mother.

This is understandable, but since the divorce, all the mother's attention has been diverted from the father to him, so that he can bear it too, he felt that she was sick and pitiful, so he let himself endure all the discomfort, forcibly docile in front of mother.

Eat what she doesn't like to eat, wear clothes she doesn't like to wear, and even the color matching of the room should be completely according to her preferences.

He felt that as long as he followed her mind, she would be fine, but now it seemed that he thought too much.

If it goes on like this, he will collapse sooner or later, just like just now, desperate and jumping down from the upstairs.

Zhong Yiming paused for a moment, and his tone became firmer, "Since you think I'm disgusting and shameful, then you should not have given birth to my son."

Zhao Yi screamed: "You dare! You were born to me, you should listen to me! Come back with me!!"

She began to struggle, and the two female teachers could hardly hold him down, so they couldn't help but cast a cry for help at the dean. The dean gave a man in a security uniform behind him a look. Holding Zhao Yi down, he said gruffly, "It's almost time for class, the school is closing, please go out."

Zhao Yi screamed: "Let go! Can you touch me! Let go!!"

The security guard was indifferent, the two female teachers comforted him, and she raised her hand and scratched a few long holes.

Just at this time, the preparation bell rang, and the teacher from the school turned to look at the students who were still crowded in the corridor, and said loudly, "Class is over, go back to the classroom quickly, don't watch the fun here."

The next class happened to be from the teacher's class, and the students walked into the classroom in an orderly manner.

And the teacher from the school was still following other teachers to appease Zhao Yi and send her out of school, and the class did not go to class so quickly for a while.

Qin Zhongyue said to Zhong Yiming, "let's go, come back to class."

Zhong Yiming looked at Qin Zhongyue. Although his voice was still a little unstable, he said to him firmly, "Thank you."

Qin Zhongyue said, "No thanks, your mother is too much. Just don't be affected."

Zhong Yiming looked at him deeply and said in a low voice, "Just now, you knew that I would..."

He paused for a while before spitting out the words, "You know I can't think about it?"

Qin Zhongyue patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: "It's really nothing, I'll tell you a secret."

He said, whispering in Zhong Yiming's ear: "In three or four years, we men and men will be able to get married."

Zhong Yiming was a little surprised, "Are you kidding me?"

Qin Zhongyue said deeply: "the background of my family, you know?"

Zhong Yiming shook his head, Qin Zhongyue said, "My father is Qin Xiangqian, you must have heard this name before, right?"

Zhong Yiming: "..."

Zhong Yiming asked suspiciously, "Should I have heard of it?"

Qin Zhongyue was in disbelief and said, "No, you don't know my dad?"

Zhong Yiming said softly, "I don't know."

The lenses on his glasses were still a little misty. He took them off gently, wiped them with his sleeves, and a smile curved the corners of his mouth, and continued: "But your dad should be very good."

Even if he didn't know Qin Zhongyue's family situation, he could guess that Qin Zhongyue could grow into such a magnanimous and gentle appearance, and his parents contributed a lot, at least they were excellent parents.

Qin Zhongyue was a little depressed at first, but after hearing what he said, he immediately recovered, "That's right, my dad is super powerful. You will all be scrambling to recognize him as your dad in the future."

He looked mysterious, "So what I said was inside information, inside information, you know?"

Zhong Yiming didn't know whether to believe it or not, but just nodded and said, "I see, thank you very much."

Xie Chongxing stood at the door of the classroom looking at them and asked, "Aren't you guys coming in yet?"

Qin Zhongyue's voice was full of energy, "Come here."

He didn't take the matter just now at all, so open and natural that Zhong Yiming also felt in a trance that liking a man was really nothing.

Zhong Yiming's heart completely calmed down, he sat back in his seat, his tablemate, a boy, didn't ask him anything, but comforted him and said, "If you can't do it, just follow your father, don't affect the college entrance examination. If your grades are so good, if you get admitted to a good university, you will be free to fly freely."

Tears flashed in Zhong Yiming's eyes, and his voice was calm: "Well, I will, let's work together."

As he said this, his eyes passed through the figures of others and fell on Xie Chongxing.

It happened that Xie Chongxing also turned his head to look at him, and when he saw him looking at him, he gave him an encouraging smile.

No contempt, no prejudice, no doubt, nothing.

Zhong Yiming's eyes were sour, and he thought to himself, this is the person he likes, and he didn't like it wrong.

After school in the evening, Qin Zhongyue and Xie Chongxing were leaving. Zhong Yiming walked up to them and said solemnly, "Thank you very much."

Qin Zhongyue waved his hand and said, "You have already said it, there is no need to say it again."

Zhong Yiming said, "I told Xie Chongxing this time."

He looked at Xie Chongxing and said seriously, "Thank you."

Xie Chongxing said: "No thanks, it's nothing, I hope you won't be influenced by your mother in the college entrance examination."

Zhong Yiming was silent for a while and said, "I'll call my dad."

Xie Chongxing: "Yes, come on for the college entrance examination."

Zhong Yiming paused and said seriously, "I want to tell you something after the college entrance examination."

Xie Chongxing's eyes flickered slightly, and his tone was still calm: "Okay, tell me when the time comes."

Zhong Yiming looked at him deeply, Xie Chongxing was so smart, he should know what he wanted to say.

But he didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to tell him the secret love of the past three years, without asking him to agree, to put a terminator on this young and secret secret love for him.

This kind of secret love was his own business from the beginning. He had been doing it for almost three years without disturbing Xie Chongxing. If his mother hadn't exposed him, he would never have disclosed this feeling.

But now, he wants to speak up.

There were tears in Zhong Yiming's eyes, but he held it back and said to Xie Chongxing with a slight smile, "Then it's settled. At that time, give me some time."

Xie Chongxing agreed.

After walking out of the school gate with Qin Zhongyue, Qin Zhongyue asked, "What are you playing dumb just now?"

Xie Chongxing said, "You guessed it."

Qin Zhongyue said, "I don't guess!"

He said sourly: "I shouldn't have been in front of you at that time, I should have been under the car."

Xie Chongxing: "?"

Xie Chongxing said, "I can't understand what you're talking about now."

Qin Zhongyue's sourness soon disappeared. He said, "You don't know. At that time, when I watched Zhong Yiming keep looking at the balcony, I was afraid that he would jump off."

Xie Chongxing said: "You are also very sharp sometimes."

Qin Zhongyue had a mature and steady expression at this time, he said, "Because this kind of thing is not uncommon, I always see children who committed suicide because their parents scolded me when I read the news, so when I see Zhong Yiming, I feel like he will faint. Head down."

Xie Chongxing looked at him and said seriously, "You are really handsome today."

Qin Zhongyue was stunned for a moment, then blushed, he coughed a few times, "Then I'm not usually handsome?"

Xie Chongxing said: "I'm usually handsome too."

Qin Zhongyue wanted to laugh, but he held it back again, and made a serious expression, "If you can talk, talk more, I don't need this time."

Xie Chongxing curled his lips and laughed, "If it wasn't for you, it might not be able to stop Zhong Yiming's thoughts of suicide, you saved him."

Qin Zhongyue's eyes glowed brightly, but he said modestly, "Fortunately, even without me, you can stop him."

Xie Chongxing lowered his eyes and whispered: "Today, you are like light..."

Qin Zhongyue listened and suddenly couldn't help singing, "You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth, I only love you, youaremysuperstar..."

Xie Chongxing: "…"

Qin Zhongyue: "does it sound good?"

Xie Chongxing: "…"