The Foolish Gong was Reborn

Chapter 4: Itchy


After hearing Qin Zhongyue say this, Xie Chongxing calmly said "thank you".

Li Jun tugged at Qin Zhongyue, "Let's go, the ten o'clock flight, you can still sleep in the car for a while."

Qin Zhongyue looked at Xie Chongxing, and his eyes revealed reluctance that he hadn't even noticed it himself. He didn't even look at Li Jun, touched the back of his neck, and asked, "Are you a student of Nanyang?"

Xie Chongxing raised his eyes slightly, and made a soft "um".

Qin Zhongyue asked again, "Senior year?"

Xie Chongxing looked at him and nodded lightly.

Qin Zhongyue looked at his well-behaved appearance, his heart trembled again, his Adam's apple slid a few times, and he took out his mobile phone in a panic, "Can you save my phone number? If you have anything, you can call me."

Xie Chongxing clearly showed a trace of doubt in his eyes. To him, Qin Zhongyue was just a stranger, but it was very intriguing for a stranger to behave like this to him.

Xie Chongxing paused and said, "I don't have a cell phone."

Li Jun next to him burst out laughing. In his opinion, this is almost a rejection in disguise. Who would not have a mobile phone at this time

Qin Zhongyue glared at Li Jun, immediately retracted the phone, and turned to look at the hotel manager, "Please bring me a pen and paper, thank you."

The manager responded immediately, and soon brought Qin Zhongyue paper and a pen.

Qin Zhongyue quickly wrote down his phone number and handed it to Xie Chongxing, his eyes flickering slightly, "This is my call, I will answer it whenever you call."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xie Chongxing paused for a while, and reached out to take the piece of paper.

Qin Zhongyue breathed a sigh of relief, his expression changed, staring at the two servants, and said harshly: "You better be honest with me, if I know that you are bullying him, I will let you hang out in city a. Go down!"

Li Jun kept laughing beside him, Qin Zhongyue couldn't be caught by his smiling face, he raised his foot and stepped on Li Jun, Li Jun screamed: "Qin Zhongyue, you ****! This shoe is a limited edition worldwide! There are only 20 pairs in the world. You stomped on me with one foot!"

Qin Zhongyue turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Li Jun kicked his knee angrily, Qin Zhongyue stopped, turned his head and said to Xie Chongxing, "I'll call when I have something.

Xie Chongxing nodded.

Qin Zhongyue glanced across his fair and handsome face, his heart seemed to be filled with bubbles, fluttering, slightly itchy, he coughed, turned his head and said quickly, "Goodbye."

He almost fled to the front of the luxury car, opened the door and sat in.

The two boys next to Xie Chongxing whispered, "Can you tell what this car is?"

"There's a car logo on the front of the car, just look it up and you'll know what car it is."

Saying that, he actually took out his mobile phone to check, "Damn, it's a Lamborghini! Let me see the price of this one—more than nine million?!"

"Isn't it... More than nine million per car?"

"Only five cars of this model have been released worldwide, and it is also a limited edition..."

The two boys stopped their mouths and looked at Xie Chongxing in unison, their tone still cautious, "Brother Xie, you are so stylish, you actually know that kind of rich man!"

Xie Chongxing watched the car go away without saying a word.

A boy scratched his face and whispered, "We just listen to Brother Fu's words. We don't really have any opinion on you. If Brother Fu has any small actions in the future, we can tell you."

Another boy nodded as if smashing garlic, and stretched out his finger to swear, "I am loyal to Brother Xie now!"

Xie Chongxing didn't respond to this, he squeezed the piece of paper with Qin Zhongyue's phone number written on it, and stuffed it into the school uniform pocket.

Qin Zhongyue sat in the car over there, and reluctantly clawed at the car window to see Xie Chongxing.

When he saw Xie Chongxing put his phone number in his pocket, the corners of his lips couldn't help curling up.

Li Jun sat next to him, looked at his appearance, and asked, "Do you really know him?"

Qin Zhongyue said impatiently, "I know."

Li Jun looked at his face carefully and said, "You're blushing—hey, something is wrong with you."

Qin Zhongyue retracted his gaze from Xie Chongxing, and said slightly annoyed, "What's wrong with me?"

Li Jun shook his head, "Anyway, something is wrong with you."

Qin Zhongyue sat up straight and said, "Don't think too much, I just can't stand him being bullied."

This sentence is also said to himself, even if he doesn't want to have that intersection with Xie Chongxing, but Xie Chongxing has been his wife, he has to take care of him to some extent - how can his wife be bullied by outsiders at will.

Li Jun fastened his seat belt and leaned back, "I don't think much about it, I want to catch up on sleep, don't disturb me."

Qin Zhongyue responded casually, and his thoughts began to diverge. Will Xie Chongxing call him, when will he be called, and what tone should he use to speak to him

At that time, he still has to be indifferent to Xie Chongxing. If Xie Chongxing is too gentle, Xie Chongxing is moved and likes him, what should he do if he wants to marry him

Qin Zhongyue thinks that he is quite attractive. If he accidentally steals Xie Chongxing's young heart, it will be bad.

Therefore, he made up his mind to treat Xie Chongxing casually and indifferently. However, Xie Chongxing did not call him for the next few days.

Qin Zhongyue, who looked at his mobile phone in a daze from time to time: "..."

Why didn't he call him? ?

Naturally, Xie Chongxing didn't pay too much attention to what Qin Zhongyue said, and even the sticky note with Qin Zhongyue's phone number disappeared into which book he clipped it.

Since returning from Fu Donglin's birthday party, Xie Chongxing's life has not been very smooth.

Probably because the plan was in vain, Fu Donglin saw him more and more disliked, and his behavior became more and more excessive.

Just like at this moment, Xie Chongxing reached out and touched his quilt, which was really wet.

Zhong Yiming walked into the door and saw him standing motionless beside the bed. When he came over, he saw a dark stain on the blue sheet. He was stunned and asked, "How did it get wet?"

Xie Chongxing did not speak.

Zhong Yiming had some guesses, and turned his head to ask Fu Donglin, who was playing games on the bed, "Fu Donglin, are you the one who did it?"

Fu Donglin denied it, "Which eye did you see it was me? Don't frame others without evidence."

Zhong Yiming was a little angry, "Apart from you, who would target Xie Chongxing in this dormitory?"

Fu Donglin said, "Why don't you say Zhao Zhao is a sissy? Just think it's me?"

Zhong Yiming wanted to say something, but Xie Chongxing reached out to stop him and shook his head at him.

Zhong Yiming blushed slightly and said, "Change the dormitory, I'll go tell the dormitory."

Fu Donglin was a little proud, "If I don't change it, I love this dorm."

He was very happy to be disgusting to Xie Chongxing.

Zhong Yiming looked at his smug face, couldn't help grinding his teeth, gave Xie Chongxing a soothing look, and said in a low voice, "I'll go to the dormitory."

After saying that, he walked out the door.

Fu Donglin got out of bed and said slowly, "I'll also go and tell the dorm manager that I won't change beds."

After he finished speaking, he also followed Zhong Yiming out.

The boy in the next bedroom stuck his head out and said cautiously to Xie Chongxing, "Brother Xie, I have something to tell you."

The boy was one of the attendants who was going to send Xie Chongxing back to school a few days ago, called Qiu Yi.

Xie Chongxing only paused, then followed Qiu Yi out.

Qiu Yi found a remote stairwell, beckoned to Xie Chongxing, and let him go there. At the end, he stuck his head out and looked around to make sure no one was coming, so he said to Xie Chongxing mysteriously with his voice down, "Brother Xie. , In fact, I've long been uncomfortable with Fu Donglin, so don't worry, I'm on your side!"

Xie Chongxing said calmly: "What do you want to say to me?"

Qiu Yi said: "It's like this, Brother Fu has come up with a new trick to deal with you."

Saying that, he took out his phone and handed it to Xie Chongxing.

Xie Chongxing reached out and took it, his eyes fell on the phone, which happened to be a group chat interface.

Xie Chongxing's eyes narrowed, and the hand holding the phone squeezed slightly.

He swiped up slowly, perusing all of their chats.

In the group, someone said, "Brother Fu hates Xie Chongxing so much, or let him sleep? Your uncle is at school, shouldn't it be difficult?"

Fu Donglin replied, "You know the shit, I'm going to disgust him in front of him."

"They are academic bullies with high vision, so maybe they didn't take you in their eyes."

Fu Donglin sent a string of "...".

Someone else said: "I see that Zhong Yiming always speaks for Xie Chongxing. Xie Chongxing doesn't kiss anyone, so he has a good relationship with Zhong Yiming. Maybe it's a bit tricky."

Fu Donglin asked, "What's the trick?"

"That's it, py trade."

"What do you mean, tell me clearly."

"That's it, gay."

This word obviously shocked Fu Donglin's three views, "What the hell!"

The man said, "Brother Fu, don't you know, the world is in chaos now. Some men like men and like to engage with men. Maybe they have this kind of relationship."

Fu Donglin made a vomit expression, "Disgusting! Does anyone really do this?"

The man said, "Isn't it? In my previous school, there were gays who wrote confession letters to male classmates, and they were posted on the bulletin board. It caused a lot of trouble, and the reputation was bad, so I dropped out of school."

"Brother Fu really hates him, it's not easy to let him drop out of school?"

Fu Donglin was obviously moved, "But that guy Zhong Yiming is also very rich, so it's not easy to mess with."

"What's so difficult about this, the law doesn't blame the public. You take a few intimate photos of the two of them, stir it up on the forum, and spread a few more black materials. Isn't his reputation stinky?"

Fu Donglin said: "It's a good idea. When the time comes, all of you will send me a post to stir up the water, and don't make up too much of it. The poor guy doesn't have a mobile phone, so he can't find it. When the trouble gets bigger, he will explain everything he wants. No one will believe him."

Xie Chongxing returned the phone to Qiu Yi, his chest heaving slightly.

Qiu Yi peeped at his face and whispered, "I really can't stand his insidious tricks. You learn so well, and you don't get into the river with him, and I don't know why you keep targeting you."

Xie Chongxing said calmly: "Thank you for telling me, but there is one thing I have to explain, I don't know that person."

Qiu Yi laughed, "It's not because of Lamborghini that I became a spy. I can't stand Fu Donglin's use of such disgusting tricks. Although I can't study well, I still admire university bullies like you."

He continued: "Brother Fu wet your bed, just to force you to sleep with Zhong Yiming. I will definitely take an intimate photo of the two of you, and then put it on the forum to tell the truth. Be careful."

Xie Chongxing nodded and said, "I know, thank you."

Back in the dormitory, Zhong Yiming and Fu Donglin both came back. Zhong Yiming's expression was gloomy, but Fu Donglin's expression was smug. Looking at this picture, Xie Chongxing knew the result.

Sure enough, Zhong Yiming said apologetically to Xie Chongxing, "I'm sorry, the dormitory does not allow me to change dorms."

Xie Chongxing nodded and said, "It's okay."

His eyes fell on Fu Donglin, and he said to Zhong Yiming, "Close the door."

Zhong Yiming hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and closed the bedroom door.

Xie Chongxing clenched his fists, his knuckles rattled, and with such a voice, he looked at Fu Donglin and asked, "Do you want to hit me?"

The smug smile on Fu Donglin's face subsided slightly, "What do you mean?"

Xie Chongxing nodded, "I understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Chongxing did something shocking, and he started to deal with Donglin.