The Foolish Gong was Reborn

Chapter 71: It's best to be a couple and sing as you go


Qin Zhongyue began to reflect on himself, first of all he must agree that Shi Yanyu's face is really good.

Was he making too much of a fuss because of this anger? In this way, Xingxing will feel that he is a narrow-minded man.

No... No, it's not because he is jealous of Shi Yanyu's handsome looks, he is because... It's because—

Because Xie Chongxing said that Shi Yanyu is more handsome than him! more attractive!

It was this that made him angry, and he was particularly intolerable at the remark.

As long as he thought of Xie Chongxing saying these words, he felt uncomfortable.

He couldn't tolerate Xie Chongxing seeing a man more handsome and attractive than him!

Qin Zhongyue began to shake his legs again, he thought for a long time, then he dared to send a message to Xie Chongxing, and said, "You? Why don't you ask me why I didn't go back to the dormitory, you? Do you know that if you don't go home at night, you will be deducted points? Punished? You? Don't care about me at all."

This time, Xie Chongxing responded quickly, "I think? You? You are such a big person, and you should have your own ideas. I'm just your friend and can't care about you? Too much."

Qin Zhongyue took a look and felt uncomfortable again. How could Xie Chongxing ignore him! He doesn't care about him at all!

Qin Zhongyue was suddenly stunned, eh? When did he think? Xie Chongxing was taking care of him, did he care about him

Qin Zhongyue sent a message to Xie Chongxing again, but his tone became much weaker, with some very low-key hints, "You can take care of me, I don't care about that."

Xie Chongxing did not return this time.

Qin Zhongyue couldn't hold back and continued typing, "How many points was deducted for not going back to sleep? Ah?"

Xie Chongxing replied slowly: "I asked your head teacher to ask for leave, you? No points were deducted."

Qin Zhongyue: "..."

He asked weakly: "You? Did you know I would? Wouldn't you go back to the dormitory?"

Xie Chongxing said: "Be prepared, I don't want you to be penalized."

Qin Zhongyue became active in his heart, he found a step for himself and jumped down, "I don't want to be deducted points, I'll go back tomorrow."

Xie Chongxing: "Oh."

Qin Zhongyue lay on the bed and looked at the dialogue with Xie Chongxing, with an indescribable sweet joy in his heart.

Qin Zhongyue couldn't help but send Xie Chongxing something that looked like a complaint, but it was actually more like a coquettish, "I'm angry, you? Have nothing to say?"

Xie Chongxing replied in seconds, "What? You? Are you angry?"

Qin Zhongyue: "??"

Xie Chongxing asked, "Why are you angry?"

Qin Zhongyue sent a string of "...", and after a while, he said awkwardly, "I'm angry because you said he was more attractive than me."

Xie Chongxing asked, "Just because of this? You? No? Are you so small?"

Qin Zhongyue said angrily, "It's not about the small stomach, I never thought that there would be someone better looking than you!!"

The more Qin Zhong thought about it, the more angry he became. He typed a long sentence angrily and sent it out, "In my heart, you are the best looking! With you? Even in front of me, I wouldn't even look at others!! Don't you think that others are prettier and more attractive than you!! No one can compare to you?!!"

Xie Chongxing watched, a thin layer of red slowly swelled up his cheeks, which gradually deepened and turned into a rich red.

Red to the base of the ears, red to the neck, red enough to let the roommate look at him, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Xie Chongxing, you? Is this a fever?"

Xie Chongxing pretended to be calm and said, "No, it's just too hot." When he spoke, he realized that his voice was hoarse.

The roommate scratched his head, "Then I turn down the air conditioner?"

Xie Chongxing responded, but turned around and walked to the bathroom.

At this moment, his fingers are all hot, sweaty and sticky.

Xie Chongxing washed his hands, splashed water on his hot cheeks, and waited until the heat on his face subsided a little before returning a message to Qin Zhongyue, "How many people have you told this to?"

Of course what he said was intentional. He was very sure that Qin Zhongyue should not have said it to anyone else.

Qin Zhongyue angrily replied: "Of course it's only for you? Ah!! I don't even look at others, okay!"

Xie Chongxing looked at this sentence and thought that Qin Zhongyue was very good at telling love words.

It is undeniable that he was coaxed by Qin Zhongyue's words? He was very happy, his whole heart was as soft and light as if it were about to bloom.

Xie Chongxing suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth and tried to calmly say, "Well, so do I."

Qin Zhongyue: "... what are you? Same thing?"

Xie Chongxing said: "Me too, you are the most attractive in my heart."

Qin Zhongyue said sadly, "You? Is it too late to change your mind now?"

Xie Chongxing said: "It's not a change, it's the truth, but you know that reason and emotion are two different things. From the perspective of public psychology, Shi Yanyu's indifference and nobleman's style is indeed more popular with girls because of the sense of mystery. But from me Personally, you are the most attractive."

Qin Zhongyue: "...Really? You? No? Are you lying to me?"

Xie Chongxing: "Well, don't lie to you?"

Qin Zhongyue was very good at coaxing him, and he immediately cheered up, "Then in your heart, am I the most handsome?"

Xie Chongxing said, "Yeah, you are the most handsome."

Then he pretended to say: "Who will be with you in the future, I am afraid that you will always worry that you will be seduced by others."

Qin Zhongyue said, "Then you underestimate me too much, I'm not that kind of person! As long as I get married, even if others are naked and lying on my bed, I can't be hard!"

Proudly sent a sentence: "I only want to be hard on my wife!"

Xie Chongxing accurately captured the key points: "... When someone else strips down and lays on your bed before marriage, can you be hard?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "I can't be sure about this. I haven't tried it, but I'm not a casual person. If I don't get married, I won't have sex with others. Otherwise, I'll be sorry for my future wife."

Xie Chongxing: "Oh."

Xie Chongxing made another precise capture: "... It's like you have the experience of someone else stripping down and laying on your bed after marriage, but you can't stand up."

Qin Zhongyue just wanted to say that he had this experience, but suddenly he reacted to it, and then quietly deleted it, racking his brains to think about how to perfunctory it.

Xie Chongxing looked at "the other party is typing..." on the top of his head for about half a minute, his brows subconsciously wrinkled.

Half a minute later, Qin Zhongyue sent a message: "Hahahaha, I'm just giving an example."

Xie Chongxing tapped the smooth mobile phone screen, slowly exited the chat page, and went to the web to search - "How to verify that a man is a virgin"

Not waiting for the page to come out, he closed the page with a blushing face. He was completely misled by Qin Zhongyue.

But he couldn't understand the faint sense of disobedience Qin Zhongyue gave him.

It might not be possible to say that Qin Zhongyue lied to him, but there might be something to hide from him.

As for what happened, Xie Chongxing didn't understand for a while.

Qin Zhongyue was coaxed by Xie Chongxing, but quickly calmed down.

As soon as he went back, Xie Chongxing said to him, "If Shi Yanyu appears in front of you again, you should ignore him."

Qin Zhongyue said, "I didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but he was always dangling in front of me."

Xie Chongxing said: I mean, if he provokes you, you should not hear it, if he does not exist, ignore him completely, as long as you keep it up, I will grant you a request. "

Qin Zhongyue became excited when he heard that he could make a request, "Is it possible to ask for anything?"

Xie Chongxing nodded, "As long as you want, you can."

Qin Zhong Yue said shyly, "Is it alright?"

Xie Chongxing's eyelids jumped, "What color?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "It's all men, you know?"

He blinked at Xie Chongxing and laughed.

Xie Chongxing: "…"

His Adam's apple slid a few times, looked away, and said, "Anyway, you can say anything, as long as you keep it."

Qin Zhongyue stood at attention and saluted him, "Yes sir, promise to complete the task!!"

Do you want to make Qin Zhongyue angry? Also, pimp Qin Zhongyue, right? Xie Chongxing smiled slightly.

After the exam, Xie Chongxing's pressure was a little lighter, and he could go to the library less frequently for the time being.

He still believes in the combination of work and rest in learning, so after extremely hard work, he decided to take a few days off.

Qin Zhongyue was distracted by other things. The exam was not ideal, but it was acceptable.

So I'm not very worried that I will fail.

Shi Yanyu seemed to know that they were going to take the exam these days, so he didn't look for him, but the money was still paid.

I really call 10,000 every day, and I am really willing to pay for it.

However? Xie Chongxing didn't plan to do this deal with him from the beginning, if it wasn't for his calculation of Qin Zhongyue, he couldn't bear it.

He has to calculate even friendship, this way of thinking is already very wrong.

If he communicated with Qin Zhongyue generously, he would still give him a high look.

He said he was very vengeful.

After the exam, Shi Yanyu came to him frequently.

He talked to Qin Zhongyue as if nothing had happened, and both of them ignored Shi Yanyu.

Shi Yanyu looked at Xie Chongxing, then looked at Qin Zhongyue, called Xie Chongxing, and showed him his new sports car, "Would you like to try it? I'd like to let you sit in my passenger seat."

Xie Chongxing looked at his car and said to Qin Zhongyue, "Don't you have a lot of sports cars at home?"

Qin Zhongyue replied, "Yes, a garage can't fit in, so a super-large garage was specially built for storage."

Afraid that Xie Chongxing would think that he was extravagant and wasteful, he quickly dumped the blame: "But? My dad bought it all. He loves cars and watches, and there are only so many cars at home."

Xie Chongxing said, "It's no wonder that you switch cars every day."

Qin Zhongyue said, "I change a car every day not because of my vanity, but because I need to maintain the car."

Xie Chongxing asked, "Who will be in your passenger seat?"

Qin Zhongyue said: "The front passenger seat is not a human being. The driver sits in the front row. Our super rich second generation can't drive by ourselves."

Shi Yanyu: "..."

Shi Yanyu looked indifferent and blank, "That..."

Qin Zhongyue said, "I just learned a cold point."

Xie Chongxing asked, "What?"

Qin Zhongyue said, "When the whales excrete, the steel door will be wide open, and it will be very painful."

Xie Chongxing: "It's really pitiful, but almost no one knows about this."

Qin Zhongyue said: "Also? There is a cold knowledge. Our national treasure panda has exceeded 1,000, and it has changed from an endangered species to a vulnerable species!"

Xie Chongxing said: "This is a good thing, it shows that the country attaches great importance to the living environment of national treasures, and the number of pandas will increase in the future."

Shi Yanyu: "..."