The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 117


Not to mention Ye Sui, even the other guests and staff present were taken aback by Chang Ying's reaction.

Ye Sui has been tied to Chang Ying since her debut. No matter what activities they attend or what they endorse, they will always be compared. The disagreement between the two is no longer a secret.

Although the relationship between Ye Sui and Chang Ying seems to be harmonious today, it is not enough for Chang Ying to make such a move.

Chang Ying dashed over from the bed and rushed to Ye Sui's side. She pushed Zhao Hui aside and held Ye Sui's arm herself.

"There is a ghost." Chang Ying tremblingly pointed at the opposite bed, her face turned pale with fright.

Zhao Hui, who was pushed into the corner, laughed angrily, why didn't she see that Chang Ying liked Ye Sui so much. Ye Sui was also stunned, and didn't respond for a moment.

Netizens burst out laughing when they saw Chang Ying's actions.

"What's the matter with Chang Ying's look like a chick looking for her mother? It seems that she really encountered something scary."

"Now even Chang Ying has taken the initiative to verify Ye Daxian's name? This is Chang Ying, isn't she and Ye Sui always at odds?"

"Hahaha, I somehow feel that Ye Sui and Chang Ying have a lot of love, what should I do, come and wake me up!"

"Upstairs you are not alone, I suspect we have seen the classic scene, Ye Sui and Chang Ying's reconciliation of the century."

What could be more exciting than the reconciliation of two people who are at odds with each other? At this moment, the number of viewers of the webcast broke the record.

Seeing that Ye Sui didn't respond, Chang Ying quickly tugged her a few times: "Ye Sui, go and have a look, there is really a ghost there." At this moment, Chang Ying considered Ye Sui to be her little aunt, and it was right for her to help her. It's only right and proper.

Ye Sui was almost amused by Chang Ying, she first glanced at Shen Shu, collected herself, then stood up, ready to go over to see what was going on.

Just as Ye Sui was about to move forward, she found that she couldn't walk anymore, because her arm was held tightly by Chang Ying, and she couldn't move at all.

Ye Sui looked at Chang Ying helplessly: "You are pulling me, how can I get out?"

Chang Ying reluctantly let go of her arms, and while Ye Sui walked over, Shen Shu also cooperatively walked a few steps towards Ye Sui.

This time, Shen Shu disguised himself as a photographer, and he came to take a close-up of Ye Sui.

Shen Shu guessed that Ye Sui was afraid, and with Shen Shu, Ye Sui became more courageous, and she knew that the fan ghost was not bad, so she didn't have any psychological pressure.

On the contrary, when the fan ghost saw Shen Shu approaching, he immediately stuck to the wall firmly, not daring to move at all, so scared that she almost jumped out of the window.

Chang Ying's attention was all attracted by the photos on the bed, and she didn't notice Shen Shu here.

Ye Sui picked up the photo that fell on the bed, no wonder Chang Ying was scared, it turned out that the photo above was a photo of Chang Ying's activities a few years ago, and it was taken from a fan's perspective.

Seeing Ye Sui take away his photo, the fan ghost wanted to get it back, but he didn't have the courage, so he could only watch Ye Sui leave helplessly.

When Ye Sui walked towards Chang Ying with the photo, Chang Ying took a few steps back as fast as she could and stuck to the bed.

"Why did you bring the photo here?" Chang Ying clutched her chest, her heart was about to jump out.

Ye Sui ignored Chang Ying and handed over the photo so that Song Bai and the others could see the photo clearly.

King Kong lay on the edge of the upper bunk, looking curiously: "Isn't this Changying? Why did it appear here?"

Even Song Bai was more courageous than Chang Ying, and she had the courage to take the photo to see clearly: "It is indeed Sister Chang Ying, it seems to be a few years ago."

Zhao Hui also poked her head over, and several people gathered together to appreciate the photo without any hesitation.

Chang Ying looked at these people in shock. She couldn't keep up with the brain circuits of these people at all. I dare to say that none of these guests were normal except her.

It seems that it is not an ordinary person who can be friends with Ye Sui. Fortunately, she and Ye Sui admitted their mistake before, otherwise Ye Sui doesn't know what she would do.

Director Sun also had a difficult time. He didn't know why he found Chang Ying's photo, and Zhu Tianshi was not here this time, so he also subconsciously asked the legendary Ye Daxian.

"Ye Sui, what do you think about this photo?"

Ye Sui glanced at the fan ghost on the bed: "The owner of that bed must be a loyal fan of Chang Ying, this event photo was taken before Chang Ying debuted, so she should have liked Chang Ying very early. "

The fan ghost almost burst into tears when Ye Sui said this in front of her idol. If she hadn't died early, she would still be a fan of Chang Ying for several years.

When Chang Ying heard this, she felt that something was wrong. Even if she wanted fans, she didn't want a fan who turned into a ghost.

Ye Sui saw Chang Ying's thoughts at a glance, and she handed the photo to Chang Ying.

"How about you sign someone's name?"

In front of the camera, Chang Ying couldn't embarrass the fans, so she reluctantly moved to Ye Sui's side, and said coyly, "Then hold it for me."

Ye Sui had no objection, and Chang Ying signed the photo while holding Ye Sui.

When Ye Sui put the photo back under the pillow, the fan ghost's eyes looking at Ye Sui almost turned into star eyes.

Who is this young lady? So beautiful, so domineering! She thinks she can follow another idol.

The fan ghost has been away from society for too long. He doesn't know Ye Sui's name, but he remembers Ye Sui's appearance.

Ye Sui didn't know that she had gained another little fan, but she was not human.

Chang Ying didn't want to stay in this dormitory any longer, so she made a suggestion: "Director Sun, everyone can't sleep, why don't we go shopping around the school again."

This variety show was originally free to act, and the other guests didn't care, and the group was about to leave the dormitory.

Originally, Song Bai and Zhao Hui would stand on both sides of Ye Sui, and King Kong would stand behind them. Unexpectedly, Chang Ying suddenly strode forward and clung to Ye Sui's side.

Zhao Hui and King Kong looked at each other in blank dismay. They had never gotten along with Chang Ying before, so they didn't know that she could do so many tricks.

Chang Ying suddenly separated the distance between Ye Sui and the others, she lowered her voice and whispered in Ye Sui's ear, "Ye Sui, you have to protect me."

Although Chang Ying lowered her voice, it was still recorded live, but luckily Chang Ying said the last three words with her mouth.

Others didn't see it, but Ye Sui could see it clearly, it was my little aunt. In order to avoid ghosts, Chang Ying is really flexible.

After Chang Ying finished speaking, she raised her head and her gaze met Shen Shu who was not far away.

Chang Ying was startled, why is Shen Xiu's little uncle here? Chang Ying's mind was quite bright at this time, and she quickly figured out the reason.

Chang Ying looked at Ye Sui in surprise, Ye Sui noticed Chang Ying's gaze, and looked at each other openly, ignoring the disbelief in Chang Ying's eyes.

Ye Sui didn't feel anything, but Chang Ying's mood was extremely complicated. Ye Sui's heart was so big, she dared to put Shen Shu beside her.

That's the boss of Huarui, he can't be seen casually, he has just passed his thirty-year-old death calamity, so aren't you afraid that something will happen to him

Shen Shu's exposure will not only put Ye Sui under the pressure of public opinion, but will also be detrimental to her and Shen Xiu, what else can be done, she can only help cover it up.

Ye Sui called Zhao Hui and Song Bai over: "Let's go."

They walked around the classroom, and Ye Sui thought about taking the opportunity to add a gimmick to the show, so she suggested going to the laboratory.

Everyone else had no objections, and Chang Ying didn't answer.

Ye Sui looked at Chang Ying: "Can you go to the laboratory?"

Chang Ying was always worried about whether Shen Shu would be discovered, so she didn't hear what Ye Sui said, so she responded directly.

Ye Sui raised her eyebrows, Chang Ying became more courageous after seeing Shen Shu.

The laboratory is on the other side of the school, and guests need to go through long stairs and corridors, and the filming staff can just walk beside them.

In order to create a terrifying atmosphere in the entire teaching building, the lights were dimmed, and the lights on the top were flickering from time to time. Ye Sui pretended to be unintentionally leaning towards Shen Shu.

When Ye Sui moved, Chang Ying felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, she immediately took the opportunity to pull Ye Sui back with a look of fear, and opened the distance between her and Shen Shu.

Shen Shu managed to get close to Ye Sui, but was interrupted by Chang Ying, his eyes darkened, and he glanced at Chang Ying lightly.

Chang Ying immediately showed an apologetic smile, but her hands pulled Ye Sui even tighter.

Ye Sui's head was made big by Chang Ying, and she wanted to pull her arm out, but she couldn't pull it out at all.

"Why are you pulling me so tight? What's there to be afraid of?" Ye Sui pretended to ask, but of course she was asking about Shen Shu's matter.

Chang Ying also understood, she pulled Ye Sui to her side: "I'm scared, can I walk next to you?"

The back and forth interactions between Ye Sui and Chang Ying confuse the director and the staff. Didn't they say that the good relationship is not good

There was also a lot of discussion on the barrage.

"Why do Ye Sui and Chang Ying have such a good relationship? Are you able to visit ghost schools hand in hand?"

"Didn't you see that it was Chang Ying who kept pulling Ye Sui? It was Chang Ying who was afraid and stuck to Ye Sui. It seems that in front of unnatural things, all other grievances and grievances can be avoided."

"I didn't see them tearing each other up. It's also interesting to see the scene where the two love each other."

When she walked outside the laboratory, Ye Sui was pulled tightly by Chang Ying. Chang Ying only paid attention to Ye Sui and Shen Shu, without raising her head, she even forgot that she was in a ghost school, and pushed open the door.

Ye Sui and the others walked in the front, and the other guests followed behind them, and they hadn't come in yet.

The lights in the laboratory were all dimmed, and the curtains were closed tightly. Chang Ying squinted her eyes for a while: "Where are we?"

As she said that, Chang Ying turned on the light, and a mannequin stood in front of her.

The program team had already made preparations, but the guests didn't come here, thinking it would be a waste, but they just happened to use it on Chang Ying.

Chang Ying was so frightened that she didn't care that the person next to her was Ye Sui, she immediately hugged her neck and screamed.

Ye Sui almost thought that her ears were going to be deaf, and looked in Shen Shu's direction begging for help.

Shen Shumiao understood Ye Sui's meaning, pretended to walk casually to the switch, leaned back slightly, and the light dimmed again.

Shen Shu used the instrument to cover his hand, stretched out his hand and pulled Ye Sui back, saving him from Chang Ying's clutches.

Shen Shu's series of actions were done so quietly that no one noticed. As soon as Ye Sui was rescued, she immediately covered Chang Ying's mouth with her hand.

"Okay, no ghosts again."

Before the program team could even enter, Chang Ying couldn't stay any longer, so she just backed out.

Chang Ying refused to go back to the dormitory, and refused to stay in the teaching building. She insisted on staying in an open place, so she had to choose to stay in the empty playground.

All the guests walked around the playground several times. Fortunately, it is not winter, otherwise they would have been frozen to death without being frightened to death.

Ye Sui really wanted to tell Chang Ying, didn't she know that the bigger the place, the more places ghosts can stay

When Chang Ying was walking, several ghosts walked beside her curiously, wanting to see who the person who was going to walk on the playground in the middle of the night was.

As soon as the evening was over, Chang Ying got into her nanny car and left, with no intention of participating in the next episode of the show.

Ye Sui also got into the car, thinking of Chang Ying's dog-legged appearance, Ye Sui couldn't help laughing out loud in the car.

After working less busy, Shen Shu and Ye Sui decided to move.

They have lived in this community for a long time, after Shen Shu confessed his identity to Ye Sui, he had the idea of moving.

The paparazzi also know that Ye Sui lives here, because Ye Sui's career is booming, those people often follow outside the community to guard, of course nothing is photographed.

Although the paparazzi can't get in, it's hard to guarantee that they won't find ways to photograph them in the future.

Shen Shu changed to a black car, still very low-key. In order to ensure that they will not be discovered by the media in the future, they may change cars every once in a while.

Shen Shu bought a house in a famous villa area, many celebrities live there, the security measures are very good, and the environment is quiet.

After the house was decorated, the moving company had delivered everything to the villa. They chose a day when Ye Sui had no schedule, and went to their new home.

The car drove to the villa area. The road leading to the villa area is very secluded. If there is a car following behind, it can be clearly seen in the rearview mirror.

Crossing a long main road, the car turned a corner and stopped in front of a house. Exquisite and beautiful detached villa with a big garden outside.

It was early spring, and the garden was full of flowers and plants, surrounded by low bushes.

Ye Sui's itinerary was very full, and Shen Shu took the time to choose a house. To surprise Ye Sui, this is the first time she sees the new home.

"Shen Shu, your aesthetics are very good." Ye Sui pushed open the door and walked in, not stingy with her praise.

Ye Sui forgot about the crayon Xiaoxinmei that Shen Shu transformed into herself, and the suffocating death Barbie powder that she gave her.

Shen Shu turned his head to look at Ye Sui, carefully scrutinized her facial features, and pondered over what she said just now. Ye Sui is right, his aesthetics is indeed very good, as can be seen from his wife alone.

Walking into the house, the living room is spacious and bright, and the lighting in the house is excellent. The only thing that doesn't seem to fit here is that there is a huge poster of Ye Sui displayed at the entrance.

Her long hair is in a big curly shape, with fluffy roots, raised chin, and a few strands of hair can barely pass across her cheeks, highlighting a messy beauty.

Ye Sui: "..."

Putting her photo in the most prominent position, Ye Sui felt a little ashamed when she saw that Shen Shu was indeed her same Shen Shu.

The poster was facing the kitchen and dining room, and she felt that she might not be able to eat in front of her face every day.

There are only them in this home, so there are bedrooms for two on each floor. Three bedrooms, three completely different styles for them to choose from.

The rest of the rooms are used as guest rooms.

There was a black gift box on the bedroom table on the first floor. Ye Sui walked into the room, opened the gift box, and found a skirt inside.

"Shall I help you wear it?" Shen Shu asked, this was a gift he carefully selected.

Ye Sui pointed at the door: "Turn around."

Shen Shu groaned in disappointment, turned his back to Ye Sui, and listened to the movement behind him. There was a rustling of clothes, and after a while, the sound stopped.

Shen Shu turned around slowly, and saw that Ye Sui's zipper was halfway stuck. He stretched out his hand and pulled the zipper up with light force.

He lowered his head and gently rolled over her lips, his restless fingers were still playing with her zipper.

Soon, there was a ripping sound, and there was the sound of the skirt being torn.

Their bodies froze for a while, and a kiss stopped there, and they slowly moved their lips away, looking down. A piece of tulle from a long dress fell softly to the ground.

The two looked up and met their gazes.

Shen Shu's eyes were innocent, he closed his lips tightly and said nothing.

The murder scene where a skirt was torn was obviously caused by the two people in front of him.

Shen Shu lowered his head seriously, staring at Ye Sui's facial features, he came to a conclusion: "Because you are so good-looking."

This reason is very reasonable, his praise is very useful to Ye Sui, and she can't refute it.

Ye Sui bit her lips helplessly: "Okay, if it breaks, it will break."

Her skin was as white as pearls, and it became more transparent. The lips were illuminated by the sun, and a thin layer of light covered them, like a temptation, but also like an unconscious invitation.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, his eyes were scorching, but his tone was cautiously probing: "Then you don't mind doing it again?"

Seeing that Ye Sui didn't speak, Shen Shu bent his lips and smiled, he bent down slightly, his movement was one step faster than her.

Ye Sui was taken aback for a moment, and she turned her head for a few seconds before realizing the meaning of this sentence: "Shen Shu, you..." You've failed your studies.

Before Ye Sui could say anything, Shen Shu sealed her lips, and the remaining few words slipped away from her mouth without a sound, and finally turned into a soft and tender whisper.

Shen Shu gently opened the zipper, and the long skirt on her body gradually slipped down...