The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 122


Ye Sui found it strange, logically speaking, there should be many ghosts in a place like Xiazhou Palace. Are they all hiding

Dean Xia broke the calm: "Before you come, I think you have a general understanding of the Xia and Zhou Dynasty."

His voice came from the front, accompanied by flickering lights, swaying like a thick bell, beating on everyone's hearts one after another.

"The successive emperors of Xia and Zhou were good at fighting and expanding their territory..." During Dean Xia's explanation, they seemed to pass by a dream of gold and iron horses.

The guests were very quiet, and did not ask questions until they had finished listening to Dean Xia's introduction.

They turned a corner and passed a door sign with three words written on it. Looking up, Ye Sui has never seen that kind of writing.

Cen Yu: "What is this?"

A question sounded, and in the next second, something appeared in Ye Sui's mind, which seemed to be the meaning of words. She was startled, and murmured: "The imperial garden?"

A gust of wind blew across the palace road, and there was a moment of silence.

"Did you see the writing that understands Xia Zhou Dynasty?" Dean Xia was stunned, "This kind of writing is not easy to understand."

Ye Sui smiled: "I just guessed it." She couldn't explain why she understood the meaning of these words, so she turned the page over.

Of course they believed Ye Sui's words and continued walking forward.

After strolling around the Xiazhou Palace for a while, Ye Sui's eyes flickered, and her heart was inexplicably picked up, that familiar feeling suddenly came back.

The paint on the door plate of this palace has fallen off, and the words on it are not clear.

The door was hidden there, and someone opened it at some point. Under the yellow glazed tiles, the exquisitely constructed palace is looming.

Ye Sui stopped subconsciously: "Where is this?"

Hearing Ye Sui's voice, everyone stopped and did not move forward. Dean Xia picked up the lantern and took a photo: "The former East Palace."

There are countless courtyards in Xiazhou Palace, and two of them were once the prince's residence.

"I remember, it seems to be written in the book I brought." Zhao Hui rummaged in the bag for a long time, and took out the "Ancient Strange Records".

Zhao Hui turned to that page and handed the book to Cen Yu. He had dubbed the sound for horror movies, and he read it with more feeling.

Cen Yu's voice sounded faintly, and in the silent night, it looked more and more eerie and ghostly.

"Since the establishment of the Xia and Zhou Dynasties, this place has always been the prince's east palace, but after the death of one of the princes, it was rumored that he killed too much and became haunted."

"The subsequent princes never stayed here again, and the furnishings inside were still used by the prince..."

Ye Sui's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak. The wind of the spring night blew slowly, and the chill spread everywhere. For some reason, her fingers trembled.

It seems that there are thousands of words, but nothing can be said.

Cen Yu's voice stopped, and the story ended. Standing at the scene of the supernatural event, the rumors were hundreds of years ago, and the guests couldn't help panicking.

King Kong's face turned pale: "Dean Xia, is it true that the East Palace is haunted?"

Dean Xia smiled lightly, and did not answer the question directly: "If you believe it, there will be, if you don't believe it, there will be no."

As soon as the words finished, all the guests felt a chill all over their bodies. Dean Xia picked up the lantern and said, "Do you want to visit the Eastern Palace?"

Only part of the palaces of the Xia and Zhou dynasties were opened to the outside world, and this East Palace is a place that has never been opened to the public.

The program team communicated with Dean Xia and opened several palaces to the audience, and this is one of them. The staff has cleaned up and the lighting of the front hall has been prepared.

Dean Xia pushed the door open, and with a creak, the door swung open. They went up the stairs and entered the East Palace.

The lights were on in the front hall, and staff were already waiting inside. The cultural relics here are exquisite, it seems that the prince has good taste.

Under Dean Xia's explanation, each cultural relic seems to have its own story.

The other guests were listening attentively, but Ye Sui's attention was shifted outside. She saw a figure flash past the window.

The ghost was wearing a purple court dress, which seemed to be above the third rank. He only glanced into the front hall, then slipped away.

When they came out from the front hall, Ye Sui looked around again, the minister ghost was gone. Ye Sui soon spotted him.

The ghost of the minister hid in the east ear room, where the study is located. It was pitch black over there, with no lights on, only the purple court dress on his body was old and worn out.

While everyone was still staying, Ye Sui glanced at the prince's study, and she stared straight at the minister ghost.

The minister ghost didn't come this way, as if he was worried about something. While looking here, he hesitated.

He got up suddenly and took a step, every step was so heavy.

The minister ghost walked outside the study, his court clothes fluttered with the wind, looking solemn and deep at night.

He knelt down, cupped his hands to the ground, and bowed far away in this direction.

"The East Palace is almost like this, let's go." Dean Xia led them away.

But Ye Sui's steps were nailed to the ground, and she couldn't move no matter what.

Shen Shu realized that Ye Sui's state was not right, he lowered his hat, walked past Ye Sui, and pretended to bump her arm inadvertently.

Ye Sui came back to her senses, looked at Shen Shu for a second, and left with everyone.

The gate of the East Palace was closed, and nothing could be seen, but the minister inside, who was wearing a purple court uniform, still maintained his original posture.

He knelt there and never got up for a long time.

Ye Sui and his party came to another side hall, the antiques in this side hall looked more special than other palaces.

"Wow, this antique is so beautiful." King Kong's eyes fell on an antique vase beside him, and he couldn't help being stunned.

King Kong is a rough guy, always doing things frizzy, he subconsciously wants to reach out and touch him lightly.

Before Director Xia could stop him, King Kong stretched out his hand.

At this time, the window facing King Kong's direction suddenly moved, and with a creak, the window slowly opened to the outside without anyone opening it.

Since the windows were made of wood, when the wooden window brushed against the window sill, there was a blunt frictional sound, which was dull, and it was especially clear in the quiet and empty palace.

In the next second, a bitter night wind blew through the long corridor, and even the air could not help but feel a little cold.

It seems to be warning, and it seems to be warning.

King Kong's hand just stopped in mid-air in a daze, without even touching the edge of the antique vase, he immediately withdrew his hand.

At this moment, King Kong really wanted to slap his hand a few times to make him owe, would he die if he didn't reach out and touch it

The startled King Kong quickly walked a few steps towards Ye Sui.

Ye Sui's eyes kept falling on the window that was opened just now, she didn't see any dark shadows by the window, nor did she see anything wrong in this side hall.

Ye Sui had an intuition in her heart that even if there were ghosts here, those ghosts would definitely not harm people. Because of King Kong's unintentional mistake, they would issue a warning.

Ye Sui glanced at Shen Shu subconsciously, she remembered the scene she saw in the East Palace just now.

Ye Sui frowned slightly, and couldn't help but wander away for a moment, who is that minister ghost worshiping

Dean Xia smiled, and was used to such situations: "This is the first time we have opened the East Palace, so it is inevitable that some places will not be noticed, so I will close the windows."

When Dean Xia went to close the window, the barrage on the Internet was all talking about the incident just now.

"I shouldn't be dazzled. I opened the window just now. The windows seem to be fastened. It doesn't seem to be because of the age."

"This is the Xiazhou Palace Museum. It has a history of many years, and people are not allowed to be a bit ghostly."

"I just noticed that King Kong's face turned pale. He seemed to be frightened. I got goosebumps watching through the screen. Follow Ye Daxian closely. Don't miss out."

Not to mention King Kong, Song Bai, and Zhao Hui were also frightened. Song Bai put his hand on Ye Sui's shoulder, and Zhao Hui put his hand on Song Bai's shoulder again.

King Kong looked envious of the girls, and immediately said hello to Zhao Hui: "Sister, let me go with you, I can protect you in the end."

Zhao Hui, who sees through and doesn't tell the truth, understands King Kong's meaning. Anyway, she doesn't think of King Kong as a man, and King Kong doesn't think of her as a woman at all. Zhao Hui nodded generously.

King Kong grinned all of a sudden, and put his hands on Zhao Hui's shoulders. He was relieved, and he would not run around anymore, and followed Ye Sui.

King Kong turned his head to look at Cen Yu behind him caringly: "Would you like to put my shoulders on my shoulders?"

Cen Yu looked at the few guests in front of him who seemed to be playing a small game of driving a train, with a complicated expression on his face. He just wanted to say that he was okay, but the three female guests in front looked back at him at the same time.

Except for Ye Sui's calm face, the eyes of the other two were sincerely persuasive, and Zhao Hui spoke immediately.

"Film Emperor Cen, this place is so scary, how nice it is for everyone to hold hands, so we won't get lost."

Cen Yu couldn't say no to these fiery eyes, so he had to follow their example and put his hand on King Kong's shoulder.

Director Sun was also defeated by the guest's set of show operations, the guests were all strung together, what about the image? What about their idol baggage

The key is that Ye Sui and the others thought it was no big deal, and they were surprisingly calm.

Because of the sudden opening of the window just now, the guests were all frightened, so the team was very quiet. Ye Sui wanted to liven up the atmosphere, so she opened her mouth.

"Now everyone is in the adventurous team. We have no way to confirm whether the teammates are still in the team, so we report the number to check whether the number is right."

Song Bai is young, so he is naturally very interested in these games: "Captain Ye, why don't you report the number first."

Zhao Hui also found it novel: "Everything is under the command of Captain Ye, and the teammates behind must not report wrong numbers."

King Kong entered the scene in an instant, his tone still stammering: "Come on, I'm ready."

Cen Yu couldn't do it as shamelessly as they did, so he tilted his head and hummed in a low voice.

Ye Sui coughed lightly: "Okay, now I'll start counting, one."

Song Bai: "Two."

Zhao Hui: "Three."

Suddenly it was his turn, King Kong became nervous all of a sudden, his voice became a little unsteady: "Four... five..."

The nervous King Kong did not know that he was so frightened that he reported all of Cen Yu's numbers, and after reporting the numbers, he was greatly relieved.

Cen Yu glanced at King Kong, and struggled to utter a word: "Six."

The air was quiet for a moment.

"Why is there an extra person?" Ye Sui stopped, Song Bai also stopped, and Zhao Hui also turned to look at King Kong.

Cen Yu looked at King Kong with extremely complicated eyes.

King Kong, who was stared at by so many people all of a sudden, became more nervous: "I... I... I overreported."

Zhao Hui hated iron but steel: "I can't report the number, I was so scared that my legs almost went weak just now."

The originally tense atmosphere at the scene was disturbed by Ye Sui and King Kong, and it became a lot easier, and everyone began to walk back to the main hall.

As usual, all the guests had to spend the night in the palace. On the premise of not damaging the cultural relics, they made beds in the empty part of the palace, and everyone got together.

Two male guests slept on one side, and a group of female guests slept in the other corner.

Director Sun, who originally thought that there would be a small program in the future, guessed wrong. Starting from Song Bai, she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.

Song Bai usually still goes to school, at this point, she should have fallen asleep long ago.

And the next person to fall asleep was Ye Sui. Ye Sui was very busy with work and hadn't had a good rest recently. When she saw Song Bai sleeping next to her, she couldn't help but close her eyelids and fell asleep unconsciously.

And all the guests present had an intensive itinerary for the past few days. The funny thing was, one after another, all the guests fell asleep, and even Cen Yu quietly closed his eyes.

All the staff present looked at each other, and the palace fell into silence.

This program has a high degree of freedom, and the program group only provides general directions, but does not restrict the behavior of the guests. They didn't dictate what the guests were supposed to do, so sleeping was actually allowed.

But these staff really didn't expect that these guests are really big-hearted. Although the palace is not dangerous now, it is also a place where supernatural troubles once occurred.

They dared to sleep peacefully in such a haunted place,

Netizens also found out about the guests, but the bullet screens were full of distress.

"Sui Sui must be too tired, that's why she fell asleep so quickly."

"And my actor Cen, he actually fell asleep without caring about his image. It seems that the schedule is too full, and my heart aches."

"My point of attention should be different from other people's. King Kong is quite delicate when he is asleep."

"The program group woke them up, so let them sleep. It's very happy to see them asleep."

The program group followed the opinions of netizens and did not wake up the sleeping guests. Anyway, it would be dawn after a few hours.

Ye Sui was the first to wake up. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the beams and carvings above her head.

Ye Sui's consciousness is still not clear, and she still hasn't remembered where she is. She turned her head slightly, just in time to see Shen Shu not far away.

Ye Sui slept for a few hours, Shen Shu stayed with her for a few hours, and he stood not far away to guard her.

Ye Sui subconsciously smiled at Shen Shu, and the next second, she suddenly realized that she was still recording a show, and immediately sat up from the bed.

Fortunately, Xiao Liu happened to be standing near Shen Shu, otherwise she would not know how to explain.

Ye Sui rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up.

Cen Yu on the far left also woke up, and he was also surprised that he was so tired that he fell asleep here. His first reaction was to look at Ye Sui.

Compared with netizens, he can see more clearly, so he naturally noticed Ye Sui's smile. When he saw Xiao Liu standing there, he didn't think much about it.

As Ye Sui and Cen Yu got up, other guests also sat up one after another.

Zhao Hui yawned: "It seems that sleeping in a supernatural place makes me sleep more soundly."

King Kong also echoed: "After a nap, I am really refreshed."

Director Sun: "..."

It was dawn, the recording of the show was over, and the guests were getting ready to go home. Ye Sui naturally left after Shen Shu.

The place where Ye Sui's nanny parked was relatively far away from the other guests, but it was quite close to Cen Yu.

Ye Sui just woke up, still a little dazed, but she still knows to pay attention to the people around her. Ye Sui first glanced around, then quietly stretched out her hand.

Shen Shu was walking beside Ye Sui, he suddenly felt something hooked his fingers, and the warm touch stayed on his fingertips.

Shen Shu looked sideways at Ye Sui, Ye Sui smiled at him, and shook Shen Shu's hand in a good mood: "What's for breakfast?"

Ye Sui just woke up, didn't eat any supper last night, and was so hungry that she couldn't stand it.

Shen Shu let Ye Sui shake his hand, and when he heard Ye Sui's words, he immediately took out his mobile phone and started to check nearby restaurants, Ye Sui moved his head slightly, and the two of them stared at the mobile phone screen together.

"You should like this restaurant."

"Choose what you like, I don't care."

"This one is also good, we can take it home and eat next time."

Ye Sui and Shen Shu leaned their heads together, discussing their breakfast seriously, but they didn't know that a person walked out of the corner behind them.

It's Cen Yu.

It happened that Cen Yu's assistant helped him get his things, so he stayed in the parking lot alone and waited for the assistant to come back.

Cen Yu's first reaction when he encountered this scene was to immediately turn his head and scan the entire parking lot. Because it was too early, there was no one else in the parking lot except him.

Only then did Cen Yu heave a sigh of relief, and he turned his attention back to Ye Sui and Shen Shu, and they got into the car together.

It is not difficult to see that Ye Sui and Shen Shu have a very close relationship. Cen Yu remembered that Ye Sui said that she has someone she likes, and it should be this man.

Thinking about it, Ye Sui's smile in the morning was also aimed at him.

Fortunately, the person who bumped into this scene was Cen Yu, he was not a talkative person, he would keep Ye Sui and Shen Shu's secrets secret.