The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 123


After filming the variety show at the Xiazhou Palace Museum, Ye Sui went home to rest for a morning, and immediately went to the location where the commercial was filmed.

Fortunately, Ye Sui took a nap while recording a variety show, and she was quite energetic.

Ye Sui quickly put himself into the shooting of the advertisement, and the shooting went smoothly.

After the filming was over, Ye Sui and the staff present said their hard work, and then went downstairs to leave. Before she even walked out of the building, she realized that there were quite a few fans gathered outside.

These fans were all familiar faces, and they seemed to have been waiting here for a long time. When they saw Ye Sui come out, they immediately raised the support banner in their hands, with Ye Sui's name written on it.

Ye Sui didn't rush to leave this time, but walked towards the fans.

Seeing Ye Sui approaching, the fans became excited: "Sui Sui, Sui Sui!"

Ye Sui glanced at a cake shop not far away, and then looked at the fans: "Would you like to have a cake together? That cake shop tastes very good."

As soon as Ye Sui made this proposal, the fans were silent for a moment, but they didn't react.

Because Ye Sui offered to invite fans to eat cakes, which was as natural as taking a walk in front of her own house, fans were stunned.

Ye Sui was amused by the fans' reaction, pretended to be sad and supported her head, and sighed a long way: "Oh, if you don't want to, I won't force it."

"If you don't agree, then I'll leave." Ye Sui said she wanted to leave, but her steps were extremely small, moving sideways little by little.

Fans watched so many dramas of their idols, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, their idols are not ordinary people, different from other stars.

Ye Sui said so, can fans not agree? They quickly stopped Ye Sui: "Don't go, don't go, let's eat together."

Ye Sui's mood suddenly recovered, and her smile was particularly bright: "Okay." It seemed that she wasn't the one who almost wiped tears just now.

Fans: "…"

These fans just followed Ye Sui and set off to the cake shop in a mighty way.

The fans suddenly thought that Ye Sui had just recorded the show yesterday, and now after filming the commercial, there is no time to rest.

"Sui Sui, you haven't slept since yesterday, can your body handle it?"

Fans are afraid that Ye Sui eating cake with them will affect Ye Sui's rest time.

Facing the worried eyes of fans, Ye Sui smiled embarrassedly: "Did you forget that I fell asleep during the filming?"

"I'm too tired this time, I'll definitely pay attention next time."

The fans suddenly realized, how could they forget this matter? Ye Sui's words unexpectedly calmed the fans' emotions, and they finally settled down to eat cakes with their idols.

It was obviously a tiring thing, but it turned into a relaxing and fun thing when Ye Sui said it.

The more fans talk to Ye Sui, the more they can feel the infectious appeal of Ye Sui's optimism, which makes them feel that there is no big deal in this world.

"Okay, here we are."

Fortunately, there were not many people in the cake shop at this time. As soon as Ye Sui and fans came in, the whole cake shop was full.

The guests who were about to leave almost thought they were dazzled, but they saw Ye Sui. Some guests simply ordered another cake and sat down to eat together.

"What do you want to eat?" Ye Sui didn't have any celebrity airs at all, she lay down among the fans, picking cakes with them.

While waiting for the cake to be served, some fans began to bravely ask Ye Sui questions.

"Sui Sui, can I take a picture with you later?"

Ye Sui nodded without thinking, "It's fine now."

The fans saw Ye Sui being so talkative, so they all squeezed behind Ye Sui, took a group photo and posted it on the Internet.

When Ye Sui's other fans saw this photo, they immediately thumped their chests. Why didn't they go downstairs to Ye Sui's filming site and wait downstairs, and then rushed to the cake shop immediately.

"Sui Sui, are you really psychic?"

This is what fans are most curious about, Ye Sui smiled mysteriously: "It won't work if you tell me about it, I still won't tell you guys."

The fans looked at Ye Sui with admiration, everything the idol said was right, but did the idol answer them just now? In the end can or can not ah.

"Sui Sui, do you have any secrets to maintaining your figure?"

Ye Sui shook her head: "How can there be a secret? Of course, how much you eat will make you fat. I'm not a fairy, and those who should be fat will still get fat. If you eat too much, exercise."

Fans: Their Sui Sui is really a sincere idol, he speaks unambiguously and tells them that there are no shortcuts in life.

After that, Ye Sui will seriously answer every question raised by fans, and get along with fans, just like friends, without any estrangement or strangeness.

After eating the cake, it was almost time. Ye Sui hurriedly signed autographs for every fan and took a group photo.

Ye Sui still has a schedule later, and after talking to fans, she was ready to leave. The fans reluctantly waved goodbye to Ye Sui.

When the fans who heard the news arrived at the cake shop, Ye Sui had already left. They stood in the shop with regretful faces, annoyed that they couldn't come earlier.

At this time, the clerk suddenly came over and said to them with a smile: "Ye Sui saved a piece of cake for each of you, and each of you also has an autograph."

The fans immediately cheered, and cherished the autograph left by Ye Sui, it's great to have a favorite idol.

After this episode of the show ended, netizens who didn't watch the live broadcast also clicked on the edited show, wanting to know what the Xia Zhou Palace looks like at night.

Video screenshots, comparison between night and day, and the unopened old East Palace, plus historical materials searched by netizens... All of a sudden, Xiazhou Palace has become a hot topic.

[Have you watched the Xiazhou Palace on the show?]

"After reading it, I feel that those supernatural events in Xiazhou Palace are not groundless. The atmosphere in the palace at night is gloomy, especially the part where King Kong almost touches an antique, it's really scary."

"The cultural relics can't be touched casually. Who knows if there is anything contaminated on them. If the cultural relics are touched without permission, what should I do if they are damaged?"

"I'm quite interested in the prince who died before he ascended the throne. Although there is no portrait of him, I have found some poems from that time, saying that the prince is unparalleled in style."

"The prince is both civil and military. He fought on the battlefield and was favored by the emperor the most. It's a pity that he died young, otherwise he would be the next emperor."

"I heard that he is still very infatuated. There is only one princess and he has never married another woman."

Some netizens searched in the browser, some flipped through history books, and some found information from unofficial histories, and they listed the life of the prince according to each other.

Ye Sui was in the dressing room, and when the makeup artist was applying makeup to her, Xiao Liu was sitting next to her, drinking coffee and watching gossip.

Xiao Liu said to himself, "The prince of the Xia and Zhou dynasties seems quite charming."

When the eye shadow was applied, Ye Sui was closing her eyes. When she heard the words Xia Zhouchao, she opened them suddenly: "What did you say?"

"Sui Sui, don't move." The make-up artist stopped immediately, stopped her hand, and the eye shadow brush barely stopped one centimeter in front of Ye Sui's eyes.

I don't know why Ye Sui is so nervous, her makeup is almost ruined.

"I'll put on makeup later." Ye Sui turned around and asked Xiao Liu, "Can you lend me what you just read?"

Xiao Liu handed over his mobile phone: "After you participated in that episode, the popularity of Xiazhou Palace became popular again. The prince who was not paid much attention before also became more discussed."

Ye Sui took the phone and swipe the screen with her fingers. Xiao Liu happened to read that post by Prince Xia Zhou, and there were a lot of replies, and it was already a popular thread on the forum.

When the prince was born, there was a vision in the sky, which revealed auspiciousness, but the queen was lingering on the sick bed, and died half a month later. The other princes didn't like the prince when he was young, but he was deeply loved by the emperor, and he was established as the prince at the age of five...

Ye Sui was so engrossed that she forgot the time without knowing it. She stared blankly at the phone, her eyes drifting away.

In the end, it was the makeup artist who interrupted Ye Sui's thoughts, and she said helplessly: "Sui Sui, don't look, the event is about to start, let's finish the makeup first."

Ye Sui was taken aback for a moment, put down the phone, and realized that she had to make an announcement.

She quickly adjusted her state and drove all the things out of her mind just now to ensure that there would be no mistakes in her work.

After work, the first thing Ye Sui did when he came home was to check the information of Xia Zhouchao on the Internet.

From day to dusk, the flowers in the garden outside the window are blooming just right, and the sunset is breezy and peaceful. The setting sun fell into the window, and the room was dimly lit, stained with a layer of mystery.

Lines of words on the computer screen fell into Ye Sui's eyes. The Xia and Zhou Dynasty started from the establishment and slowly developed to prosperity...

The mouse hovered over the name of the Prince Ren, Ye Sui paused, and clicked.

There is no portrait of the prince in it, and all records are based on words. It is written in the history of Xia Zhou that the prince was young and promising, but died in battle.

It's the same as what was said in the forum post.

However, there is such a record in the unofficial history.

On the night when the news of the prince's death came, for some reason, the palace suddenly flooded that night, and the fire burned down the East Palace. It was rumored that the princess also went with him.

Overnight, all the traces related to the prince disappeared, leaving only a few sentences in the official history and various speculations from the people.

The strange thing is that none of the portraits of the prince and princess remained.

The old East Palace they see now was refurbished later. There are no more new people living in the old East Palace. Some people say it is to commemorate the prince, and some people say it is because of ghosts.

Hundreds of years later, the dynasties changed, and the disturbing rumors were gradually buried with the collapse of a dynasty...

A glorious historical picture scroll slowly unfolded before Ye Sui's eyes.

Ye Sui tried her best to restrain her emotions, but she couldn't stop the chaotic thoughts in her mind. There are too many questions and doubts.

The palace of the Xia and Zhou Dynasty, the prince who died before becoming the throne, the old east palace, even the imperial garden... What is the connection with her

Ye Sui couldn't figure it out, the more she thought about it, the more her head hurt. She always felt as if she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember it.

An old voice suddenly sounded, as if it came from a distant memory.

He killed too much in his previous life... In this life, he died... You had a bad relationship in your previous life... Life for life...

These few words were fragmented and intermittent, those words that had been forgotten, resurfaced in Ye Sui's mind again.

Ye Sui remembered that when she was traveling that day, she met a sorceress. What the sorcerer said to her happened to allow her to help Shen Shu survive his death at the age of thirty.

Now that I think about it, those words may have verified the existence of the previous life

Time passed minute by minute, night fell, Shen Shu had already gone home, but Ye Sui hadn't figured it out yet.

Before going to bed at night, Ye Sui lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

His thoughts have become a mess of unreasonable threads, and it seems that he can straighten out all the threads, but he can't find a breakthrough.

Shen Shu shook his hand in front of Ye Sui's eyes, his voice was very gentle: "Why are you in a daze?"

Ye Sui muttered to herself: "Do you think people have past lives?"

Shen Shu was stunned, Shen Shu who didn't even believe in ghosts and gods, of course he wouldn't believe in the theory of past and present lives.

But since getting to know Ye Sui, Shen Shu's original cognition of this world has been broken little by little. Ye Sui can see and communicate with ghosts.

"Whether you have a previous life or not is not important." Shen Shu thought for a while, "The most important thing is the person who can accompany you through this life."

Shen Shu's simple sentence immediately resolved Ye Sui's doubts.

Ye Sui still has a lot of things to do, she shouldn't be entangled in these illusory things.

"You're right." Ye Sui lowered her eyes and thought for a while, even if she thinks that Xia Zhouchao has something to do with them, the past is the past, and the present is the present.

If she insists on knowing the truth and seeking a fact that has no end, it will actually affect her current life.

Shen Shu saw that Ye Sui's mood was wrong, he asked: "Are you unhappy?"

Ye Sui shook her head: "No."

Shen Shu stared at Ye Sui's face for a while, then quickly moved closer, closing the distance between them. His eyes moved to her lips, and a low voice sounded: "Then let me make you happy."

Ye Sui was startled, and in the next second, Shen Shu touched her lips and tapped on her lips carefully, once and again.

Gently and slowly, finely and densely.

He didn't go deep, but just touched lightly very seriously, with a soft tone: "You must be happy."

Every time Shen Shu said a word, he would repeat his kiss, as if Ye Sui would do what he said as long as he said it a lot.

Ye Sui burst out laughing, why is this person so persistent.

Before he knew it, the things that bothered Ye Sui had disappeared from his mind. She is so lucky to have such a partner.

Ye Sui stretched out her hand to support the back of Shen Shu's head, she looked for his eyes, and their eyes met in the air. He stopped and stopped kissing her.

Ye Sui's eyes are clear, without the previous confusion, but when she looks at Shen Shu, it seems to gently brush his heart.

"Okay, okay, I'm already happy."

As if afraid of Shen Shu's unbelief, Ye Sui hooked him over and kissed him proactively, as if to comfort an older child.

Ye Sui bent her lips and smiled: "Do you believe me now?"

Shen Shu lowered his head slowly, and buried it on Ye Sui's collarbone, she could feel him shaking his head, the short black hair brushed against her skin, with an itchy and numb feeling.

His lips slid down, passing over her collarbone like a breeze, and then floating over the skin of her chest. In the night, her fair body flashed in the eyes.

The tiny tingling sensation climbed all the way down the collarbone.

keep going down—

After the kiss was over, Shen Shu poked his head out of the quilt, leaned against Ye Sui's collarbone, and said softly, "We have to work tomorrow, let's go to bed early."

Ye Sui: "..."

He lit the fire himself, and he closed it as soon as he said it, without giving her any chance to speak.

Shen Shu moved back and lay down next to Ye Sui. He reached out and squeezed her hand under the quilt: "Go to sleep."

Ye Sui glanced sideways at Shen Shu, she turned her head back and continued to stare at the ceiling. A white spot of light appeared in front of his eyes, and his consciousness gradually sank.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the sky is already dark.

After some tossing, Ye Sui soon fell asleep. When she was very tired, she never dreamed much, but this time, she unexpectedly had a dream.

In the dream, Ye Sui was in a sea of flames.

The temperature around her was extremely hot, as if being ignited by the hot sun.

This room was on fire, and only the whole area of the fire could be seen in the house. Other furnishings could not be seen clearly, and it was not known where it was.

It can only be seen that this place is antique, not like modern.

The voices of many people came from outside, screams, shouts, and the sound of flames engulfing the curtains, all intertwined and seemed to form a dense net.

The net makes people have nowhere to hide and can't breathe.

Suddenly, the things in front of him were spinning, Ye Sui's mind was dizzy, and the air was sucked away from him little by little...

She snapped her eyes open.

Ye Sui struggled to wake up from the dream, she breathed desperately, as if the feeling of suffocation just now was still haunting her.

The fresh morning air poured into Ye Sui's nostrils, and it was already bright.

Ye Sui turned her head to look to her side, the side was already empty. The clock on the wall showed that it was half past nine, and Shen Shu had gone to work.

She frowned and stroked her heart. The nightgown had been scratched and wrinkled by herself, and she still remembered the heart-wrenching feeling in the dream.

Why is she having this dream? And the scene in that dream was also horribly real.

Is it because she has been reading Xia Zhouchao's materials recently that she thinks about it every day and dreams at night

There is a thread in the dark that is pulling Ye Sui, making her continue to investigate. There is something waiting for her to accomplish.

Everything in the dream seemed to have really appeared, but now it disappeared without a trace.

The truth seemed to be within reach, but it was far away from her, submerged in a dense mist, vague and unclear.