The Former Wife of Invisible Wealthy Man

Chapter 133


Ye Sui was shocked, she looked at Minister Gui, her voice trembling slightly: "What did you just say?"

Minister Gui didn't raise his head, and in the next second, his body fell even lower, and his head hit the ground heavily. His tone was firm and decisive: "Greetings to the prince, and the princess!"

In the empty and silent East Palace, the voice of the minister's ghost sounded again. A sound clearly reached Ye Sui's ear.

Ye Sui could hardly maintain her calm. Even though she had predicted the identities of the two in their previous lives, when she actually heard it, her mood was still violently turbulent.

When Ye Sui calmed down, she turned her head and stared at Shen Shu steadfastly, her expression extremely complicated. She said slowly: "Shen Shu, we guessed right."

Ye Sui's voice fell into the air: "You are the prince of Xia and Zhou Dynasty, and I am your princess."

After the words fell, Shen Shu's pupils dilated slightly, and his dark and deep eyes were filled with turbulent emotions. Shen Shu's usually calm face finally showed some waves.

That turbulent dynasty with iron horses and golden arms, that pair of lovers who fell in love but couldn't stay together, turned out to be their previous lives.

Shen Shu and Ye Sui looked at each other with complicated emotions, neither of them spoke.

Ye Sui took a deep breath, and let the minister and the general wake up first. Minister Ghost shook his head, his voice was full of remorse and guilt.

The minister ghost was unwilling to stand up, he said: "I deserve death for my crimes, I dare not extravagantly ask for forgiveness from the crown prince and princess, I have no face to face you."

Ye Sui felt strange, because Shen Shu couldn't see ghosts, and Ye Sui was about to convey the minister's ghost's meaning to Shen Shu, when Shen Shu's voice sounded: "I can't see him, but I can hear his words."

Ye Sui was very surprised, maybe the minister ghost was related to their previous life, that's why Shen Shu could hear his voice.

At such a moment, it seems no surprise that something astonishing happens.

Ye Sui looked at Minister Gui: "Why do you say that?"

The minister ghost glanced at Shen Shu, then lowered his head: "I and General Gu are His Highness' confidantes. The moment His Highness came to the battlefield, the Emperor once explained to us."

"In any case, we must save the prince's life."

Shen Shu's expression fluctuated, he froze and did not speak. The voice of the minister's ghost continued to sound: "At that time, we accidentally fell into the trap of the enemy army. In order to protect us, His Highness encountered a conspiracy."

Ye Sui's heart suddenly lifted, she remembered the tragic war in the history books, and the prince died because of it. She asked nervously, "And then?"

The minister's ghost voice was very low: "The sword pierced through the heart and stabbed His Highness in the chest. There is no way to recover."

Ye Sui could only feel the pain rising from the bottom of her heart, and it turned out that this was the reason for the death of the prince. In order to protect his subordinates, the sword pierced through his heart and completely cut off his life.

He fulfilled his duty to his subordinates, at the cost of his life, in such a painful way.

Ye Sui shook Shen Shu's hand, then let go, she looked at the general ghost, "Why can't the general speak?"

The general ghost glanced at the minister ghost, his vocal cords were damaged, and the minister ghost could only speak for him. Minister Gui: "The crown prince died in battle, and General Gu fought desperately."

"But there are too many enemy troops. General Gu's throat was cut by the enemy, and he has been unable to speak since then."

Ye Sui sighed, this sword was once given to General Gu by the crown prince, and General Gu loyally protected the Lord. She could imagine the tragic and powerless scene at that time.

At this moment, Shen Shu suddenly asked: "Why have you stayed in Xiazhou Palace?"

The minister ghost: "I have failed the emperor's entrustment, failed to protect the prince, and the prince died to protect us. The minister really deserves death."

"Chen and General Gu want to apologize to His Highness."

"I am incompetent. I haven't found the prince's soul for a long time. We didn't know until you came to Xiazhou Palace that the prince has been reincarnated in this era."

Also from then on, Ye Sui began to dream frequently. Somewhere, guiding them to Xiazhou Palace.

Ye Sui: "It is because of this apology that you have stayed here." Both the minister ghost and the general ghost nodded.

Although it is just an apology, it is very important to them. The prince died protecting them, and they felt guilty.

No wonder the souls of ministers and ghosts have not entered reincarnation for a long time, no wonder this general sword is immortal, because their obsessions are too deep in their hearts, they are trapped in this reincarnation, and cannot be freed for a hundred years.

The minister ghost looked at Shen Shu, with tears in his eyes: "Your Highness, I'm sorry." He lowered his head, bent his body, and lay on the ground.

The general looked guilty, he opened his mouth, and said a silent apology: "Your Highness, I'm sorry."

This sentence of apology has been hidden in their hearts for too long, and it has condensed all their emotions. The more guilty they are, the deeper their obsession, and the more they cannot be freed.

Life after life, I fell into this endless guilt. Dynasties have changed, but the obsession in my heart has not dissipated. Always guarding this lonely Xiazhou Palace, always waiting for the person they want to wait for.

Shen Shu closed his eyes.

After a while, Shen Shu sighed, and said slowly: "You all get up, I never blamed you."

Shen Shu's voice fell, the obsession that had trapped the ministers and ghosts for a hundred years finally dissipated, and they were finally free.

Their obsession has been resolved, Ye Sui has been thinking about one thing, she asked: "After the crown prince died in battle, what will be the outcome of the crown princess?"

The minister ghost glanced at Ye Sui, with sympathy and pity in his eyes. In the still air, he opened his mouth: "On the day the prince died in battle, there happened to be a big fire in the East Palace..."

"The crown princess was in the East Palace, and she also lost her life. On this day, both the crown prince and the crown princess passed away, and the whole court was in grief..."

Minister Gui's narration brought them back to that lonely and desolate time, and the memories of Shen Shu and Ye Sui also recovered a little bit.

Acquaintance, love, big marriage, separation... Fragments emerged intertwined and flashed through their minds, and those unforgettable memories came back to their hearts little by little.

As time passed, they had already remembered everything from their previous lives, and their thoughts were turbulent, no matter how difficult it was to calm down.

Ye Sui remembered that when Shen Shu was fighting on the battlefield, she prayed for him in the East Palace. How many days and nights, she fell asleep with her heart in her arms, and woke up with her heart in her arms, and he was the only one she was thinking of.

She was looking forward to his safety, to his well-being, to his return date. However, instead of waiting for his return, she waited for the news of his death.

Ye Sui still remembered that day, the sky was covered with goose feather snow, and the capital was covered with ice and snow. Especially the East Palace, it was freezing to the bone.

As usual, she stood in front of the hall with a palace lantern and waited. Across the many palace walls, I miss him on the distant battlefield.

The servants came to report that the prince died in battle. At that moment, her heart ached to the extreme, and the palace lantern in her hand fell to the ground and landed in the snow.

Donggong was buried in the heavy snow, and her heart was also buried in dead silence.

The prince was fighting abroad, and she missed him in the palace, which was considered a thought. But this time, she was really the only one left.

Then, there was a big fire. She was trapped in the East Palace and lost her life because of it. In one night, the East Palace was destroyed instantly.

This unexpected fire seemed to be a sad omen, doomed to the rough fate of the two. Live together and die together.

Shen Shu looked at Ye Sui, his eyes were extremely black, like the endless night, but deeper than the night. He was fighting on the battlefield, his hands were stained with blood, and he kept thinking about her who was purer than Chuxue.

He kept telling himself that he must come back, he must come back, because she was still waiting for him in the East Palace.

Shen Shu pursed his lips tightly, and a deep sadness flashed in his eyes.

How could he leave her on the wedding night? How could he die in battle and never come back after making a promise

How could he... let her down

As the crown prince, he has fulfilled the responsibilities of a royal family for the dynasty, and he is not ashamed of his heart. But as a husband, he failed her.

Shen Shu took a deep look at Ye Sui, then he suddenly reached out and pulled Ye Sui into his arms. He put his arms around Ye Sui, and his warm breath surrounded her.

Shen Shu's deep and clear voice fell, revealing deep emotions: "I'm sorry..."

"sorry Sorry… "

He hugged her tightly, burying his head on her neck. He read it over and over again, and apologized over and over again.

Every word, inch by inch, is full of deep affection, penetrating into the bone marrow, life and death are inseparable.

Shen Shu folded his hands and wrapped them around Ye Sui's body. He hugged her so hard, as if only in this way could he weaken the fear and fear in his heart.

It seemed that only in this way would the sense of unreality in his heart dissipate. He was so afraid that she would become a phantom as soon as he opened his eyes. He didn't want to experience this kind of fear again.

Fortunately, in this life, she returned to her side.

Ye Sui knew Shen Shu's feelings, and she hugged Shen Shu back vigorously, with wet eyes, she choked up and said, "You're not wrong, it's because we were destined for each other at that time."

Perhaps it was God who took pity on their lovers and gave them a chance to renew their relationship in this life.

Ye Sui knew that in her previous life, she admired his talent and character when she was still a boudoir. After she married him, she respected his awe-inspiring iron blood even more.

In the current situation, the dynasty is the most important. He was the prince of Xia Zhou Dynasty first, and then her husband. He knew it well, and so did she.

Ye Sui knew that even if the time was repeated, he and she would make the same decision.

Destiny knows their tempers, and has already planned their trajectory in the dark. Fortunately, this life is still so long, and they still have a lifetime to spend.

Shen Shu let go of his hand slightly, he took a few steps back, staring at Ye Sui with dark eyes. Ye Sui raised her head and looked into his eyes.

Ye Sui's eyes are complicated and various, with thousands of emotions intertwined and emerging. Concerned, regretted, worried...

Only no accusations.

Shen Shu's eyes moved slightly, this is his wife, the one he will protect and love all his life, he will never leave her again.

The two looked at each other without speaking. They always know each other in this way, needless to say, they can already guess what the other is thinking.

We were unfortunately separated in the last life, but in this life we will definitely walk through the journey hand in hand.

On the other end, two people also entered the Xiazhou Palace Museum. Director Xia contacted Zhu Tianshi that day and told her that the general sword had disappeared from the museum, but arrived at Xia Zhou Palace.

Zhu Tianshi told her master about this matter, and the old Tianshi felt weird when he heard it, and immediately promised to come to Xiazhou Palace to see what happened.

The old Tianshi has a lot of qualifications, he is well-known in the industry, and he has solved many supernatural events. Therefore, as soon as Director Xia heard that the old heavenly master would come, he knew that the supernatural incident would definitely be resolved.

The old Tianshi and Zhu Tianshi arrived at the gate of Xia Zhou Palace, and curator Xia was waiting for them at the gate. Director Xia greeted them as soon as he saw them: "Master Tian, what a strange thing."

The old master's face was calm: "What happened?"

Curator Xia pointed to the door, and said anxiously: "I had locked the door before, but when I got here, I found the door was open."

The old heavenly master glanced at the deep black lock on the ground, and sneered: "It's okay, it's just that there are ghosts at work."

The old heavenly master looked at Director Xia: "You go back first, my apprentice and I will solve this matter." If there are really ghosts inside, it will be more troublesome if Director Xia is there.

Director Xia left, and Lao Tianshi and Zhu Tianshi opened the door and walked in. On a quiet spring night, there are no stars or moon, the clouds are dark and dim, and at a glance, there are only layers of black.

As Zhu Tianshi walked, he paid attention to the movement around him. Along the way, many ghosts saw them, with fear on their faces, they ran away one after another.

The temperature dropped all of a sudden, and the already gloomy weather became even colder. Zhu Tianshi frowned: "Master, when I came here before, I didn't realize that there are so many ghosts here."

The old Tianshi walked without looking sideways, without even looking at the ghosts, he said meaningfully: "Maybe it's because the ghost in the East Palace is so powerful."

The old heavenly master came here for that evil ghost in the East Palace, even if he saw other ghosts, he didn't stay there, only went to the East Palace.

They were almost at the East Palace, and the more they walked in, the colder they felt on their skin.

An eunuch ghost stood under a tree outside the East Palace. He saw the old heavenly master and knew that the old heavenly master would be bad for the general ghost.

The eunuch ghost is going to report the letter, telling the general ghost and the others to leave quickly. Before the eunuch ghost moved, the old heavenly master had already seen him. The old heavenly master raised his hand, and a spell flew towards the eunuch ghost lightly.

The moment the talisman touched the eunuch ghost, there was a fierce flame, and the eunuch ghost looked extremely painful. In just a short moment, the eunuch ghost disappeared without a sound.

Zhu Tianshi hesitated and said: "Master, these ghosts don't seem to have harmed anyone, and they don't have evil spirits on them, so there seems to be no need to kill him."

The old heavenly master said casually: "You forgot what I told you, as long as it is a ghost, it will harm people's hearts. Besides, he has to go to inform you."

"It's better to kill by mistake than to let one go."

Zhu Tianshi somewhat disagreed, but did not speak. There are still a few steps to go into the East Palace, the old Tianshi suddenly frowned: "It's not right."

"There is more than one ghost in the temple, it seems... there are people."

Zhu Tianshi was surprised, how could there be people at this time? She didn't continue to think, the old heavenly master had already walked in.

Shen Shu and Ye Sui didn't know that an uninvited guest had come here. At this moment, Ye Sui noticed that there seemed to be something strange about Gu Jian.

The sword was originally stationary, but now it was trembling slightly. The sword body shakes, as if it will fly in the next second.

The General Ghost sensed something was wrong, he looked out of the hall, his eyes were sharp and clear, extremely cold. General Ghost looked at Ye Sui and Shen Shu worriedly, and told them with his lips.

"Be careful, there are people outside the hall."

Ye Sui wondered, who would come to Xiazhou Palace in the middle of the night? Could it be Director Xia

At this time, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the empty hall, full of air, and came slowly: "It turns out that there are not only ghosts in the East Palace, but also two people."

Ye Sui and Shen Shu looked in the direction of the voice, they were both stunned. How could it be Zhu Tianshi

Ye Sui asked: "Master Zhu, why are you here?" She had a bad premonition in her heart, Master Zhu's job is to catch ghosts, what else could she come here late at night for

Zhu Tianshi didn't expect that she would see Ye Sui and Shen Shu here tonight. Isn't curator Xia closed? Zhu Tianshi introduced: "This is my master."

Zhu Tianshi approached the old Tianshi's ear and told the identities of Ye Sui and Shen Shu.

The old heavenly master looked at Ye Sui: "Miss Ye Sui really understands about ghosts and gods, even your husband knows a thing or two, your husband and wife are really unexpected."

Ye Sui's expression was very calm: "I don't dare to take your words, please be careful."

The old master looked at the two shadows behind Ye Sui. These two ghosts have been around for hundreds of years and they are very hostile. The old master looked at the sword in General Ghost's hand again.

This is the general sword Director Xia mentioned. It is really very hostile, and before you get close to it, you can feel the smell of blood condensed over the years.

With a cold face, the old heavenly master suddenly picked up his sword and pointed at the general ghost and the minister ghost: "Little ghost, don't die yet!"

Almost at the same second, Ye Sui and Shen Shu stepped forward at the same time, blocking the old master: "Stop!"

Ye Sui shook Shen Shu's hand, motioning for her to speak, Ye Sui looked at the old master: "Be merciful, they are not ghosts, they are just..."

Ye Sui's voice froze, what should she say? This old celestial master seems to be a bad person, and the past of Xia Zhou Dynasty cannot be revealed to the outside world.

Ye Sui thought for a few seconds and said seriously: "They have never hurt anyone. They stayed in this world because they have unfinished business. I will help you save them."

The old master stared at the general ghost: "How do I know, are you lying to me?"

Ye Sui: "If you don't believe me, you can look at me, I promise they will go to reincarnation later." The minister ghost and the general ghost have already apologized to Shen Shu, and they have fulfilled their wish and obsession.

The old Tianshi didn't speak, but his expression was very disdainful, obviously he didn't take Ye Sui seriously.

Ye Sui's attitude is already very good, but the old master is stubborn.

Shen Shu's eyes sank slightly, and his voice was very low and cold: "My wife said that she will save them, don't you even have the patience for this?"

Shen Shu's voice became colder: "As long as a person dies, he will become a ghost. Ghosts are divided into good and evil. Even though evil ghosts should be killed, good ghosts should be saved."

In the next second, Shen Shu changed the subject: "I would like to ask, if you want to kill all the ghosts in the world, is it because of your prejudice that you insist on doing something you shouldn't do?"

The old Tianshi was so rebutted that he had nothing to say. He glanced at Zhu Tianshi and said in a sarcastic tone, "You didn't tell me that your two friends are very harsh."

Zhu Tianshi knew that her master was stubborn, so she sighed.

The old Tianshi has a compass on his body, and when the compass is close to the ancient sword, it will "buzz". The old heavenly master stared at the ancient sword, it turned out to be a bloodthirsty thing.

The old heavenly master sneered: "How many people's blood has this sword drank? How many people's heads have been beheaded?"

He looked at the general ghost again, and said sarcastically: "I guess this person was not a good person in his lifetime. I see that your Adam's apple is damaged. Is it because the killing was too heavy and you suffered backlash?"

The general ghost's hands trembled a little. He asked himself that he had never done anything wrong in his life, and his only regret was that he didn't protect the prince well.

But the general ghost looked numb and didn't move.

The old Tianshi's words were extremely unpleasant, Ye Sui and Shen Shu were very angry, Ye Sui said two words coldly: "Shut up!"

The old celestial master was taken aback, Ye Sui's voice was colder than ice and snow, and she said word by word: "This pretentious celestial master, have you heard the name of General Gu?"

"General Gu was a well-known general in the Xia and Zhou Dynasties. He was upright, brave and upright all his life. He only killed those who deserved to be killed, and only killed the guilty. He never hurt the innocent."

Ye Sui let out a miserable laugh: "In your mouth, he actually became a ghost? A bad guy who got backlash? What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?"

How ironic that General Gu was regarded as a ghost by ignorant people after his death.

The general ghost looked at Ye Sui with unconcealed gratitude, bent down, and bowed deeply to Ye Sui.

Zhu Tianshi also felt that the general ghost should not be killed, she persuaded: "Master, they are good ghosts, let them go."

The old heavenly master never listened to anyone's persuasion, he angrily said: "They are blinded by ghosts, are you the same as them? This ghost is so deadly, I will never let it go!"

"Let's not talk about General Gu, even if the prince's soul is here, I can still kill him!"

Hearing the old Tianshi insult Shen Shu, the minister ghost and the general ghost were extremely angry, the minister ghost was trembling with anger, he said sharply: "Presumptuous!"

"What a character the prince is, how can you slander him at will!"

The general ghost couldn't make a sound, but he clenched the ancient sword in his hand and pressed his lips tightly. When the old heavenly master satirized him just now, he didn't react much.

But when he heard the old heavenly master slander Shen Shu, his emotions surged. The crown prince is strong, he is the person he respects the most, how can he let such people slander him!

The sword also sensed the hostility of others, and the sword body shook slightly. The sword was given to General Gu by Shen Shu, Shen Shu is the owner of the sword, and the sword is of course the guardian.

The old heavenly master snorted, and the sword in his hand pierced straight through with lightning speed. His voice was full of disdain: "As long as they are ghosts, they should all die!"

The old celestial master moved too fast. If the sword hit the ghosts, they would be wiped out on the spot, without even a chance to reincarnate.

Ye Sui was the closest to the general ghost, she leaned over without thinking about it, raised her hand, and stood in front of him.

Shen Shu saw Ye Sui's movement, and he had no time to stop him, so he shouted anxiously: "Ye Sui!"

Seeing a figure flashing past, the old heavenly master was about to retract the sword, but the sword had already been drawn and could not be retracted. He could only try to move the sword aside.

Even so, the sword still pierced Ye Sui's hand and cut through her palm. The sword is very sharp, and it is used to cure ghosts. Even if a person is stabbed, it will be affected.

Ye Sui's wound was not small, and the blood flowed down the wound, as if a cold and beautiful flower had bloomed in the palm, with piercing pain.

Enduring the pain, Ye Sui raised her head slowly and stared at the old Tianshi coldly. Her eyes were colder than ice and snow, and her voice fell into the silence.

"Don't kill them."